- The Cheerful Smugglers (1908) Nine related stories. Illustrations by May Wilson Preston. New York: The Century Company. [EPBLIB]
- The Confessions of a Daddy (May, 1907) SEE CONTENTS.
A novella in three chapters. Nine illustrations by Fanny Y. Cory (F. Y. Cory). New York: The Century Company. Also, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1907 [EPBLIB]
Other Material
- BOOK: Carter's Legacy (August 3, 1928) "Published by the Citizens Trust Company of Utica NY on the occasion of its twenty-fifth anniversary, August 3, 1928." Utica: Citizen's Trust Company. 45 pages. [NYPL]
- Iowa City Citizen (April 13, 1903) "The Charge of the Second Iowa Cavalry" Epic poem about the charge of the 2nd Iowa Cavalry at Farmington, Mississippi on May 9, 1862. Also, the poem was read at the 12th reunion of the Second Iowa Cavalry on September 6 and 7, 1905. See WEB. [NPA, WEB]
- MOTION PICTURE: The Chicken (1916) Serial. Based on "Philo Gubb and the Chicken." Director: Pierce Kingsley. Performers: Edwin Stevens, May Trado. [HARPER]
- Betzville Tales (March 11, 1910) "Clorilla Minch and Her Lovers" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. Printed March 4, 1910 in the Stevens Point (Wisconsin) Daily Journal. [NPA]
- _____ (February 17, 1910) "Col Randolph Phipps and the Ostrich" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. [NPA]
- _____ (October 29, 1909) "Col. Gabe Dunder and the Shredded Codfish" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. [NPA]
- In the Best of Humor (June 23, 1929) "Collecting Old Postage Stamps" Series published in the Dallas Morning News from December 30, 1928 to August 11, 1929. [DALLAS]
- Betzville Tales (December 3, 1909) "Cousin Orone and Cleopatra" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. [NPA]
- _____ (July 10, 1909) "Cousin Orone McDooble -- His Reptile" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. [NPA]
- Chillicothe Constitution (February 11, 1907) "The Crime of Amalgamated Pork" The Chillicothe Constitution (Chillicothe, Missouri). [NPA]
- ADAPTATION: I Step From a Famous Story (1965) "Perkins of Portland" An adaptation of the Perkins of Portland story, "The Crimson Cord" intended to be presented as a dramatic reading. By Clay Franklin. New York: Samuel French. p 106-111. [HARPER]
- OTHER: Crossed Wires: A Comedy in One Act (1902) A play. By Ellis Parker Butler and Lawrence Butler. Copyrighted but unpublished(?). [HARPER]
- Boston Sunday Globe Magazine (December 25, 1938) "Crowbait's Christmas Gift" A story. [LOCKE]
- Caricature (1911) "Caricature: The Wit and Humor of a Nation in Picture, Song and Story, Illustrated by America's greatest artists." Short stories by Ellis Parker Butler: "Mr. Sonderby Hurries", "John Smith". 8th edition. Leslie-Judge Company. [EPBLIB]
- Caricature (1911) "Caricature: The Wit and Humor of a Nation in Picture, Song and Story, Illustrated by America's greatest artists." Short stories by Ellis Parker Butler: "The Enthusiastic Motorist" and "Uncle Ashdod and the B. B. S. Club." 13th edition. Leslie-Judge Company. OCLC 22973870. [HARPER]
- Fireside Book of Canadian Christmas (1986) "Christmas Grouch"
Edited by Patrick Crean. Markham, Ontario: Fitzhenry and Whiteside. p 162-170. ISBN: 0889029903. pp 219. [EPBLIB]
- Designed For Reading (1934) "Civilization Smashes Up" A story. "An anthology drawn from The Saturday Review of Literature, 1924-1934." The Macmillan Company. New York. [EPBLIB]
- These Our Moderns (1933) "Consider Mr. Barsh" Edited by Robert Earle Galbraith. p 373-377. New York City: Thomas Nelson & Sons. [GOOGLE BOOKS]
- Wit And Humor Of America (1907) "The Crimson Cord" A Perkins of Portland story. Edited by Marshall P. Wilder. Funk and Wagnalls Company, New York and London. Volume III, page 82. [EPBLIB]
- Dialects for Oral Interpretations (1922) "The Cut Finger" "Selections and Discussion" Edited by Gertrude Elizabeth Johnson. New York: The Century Company. p 158. [ROTH]
Periodicals (Prose)
- Munsey's Magazine (October, 1927) "The Camel's Straw" [HARPER, PULP]
- Woman's Home Companion (July, 1924) "The Canary" A story. Illustrated by W. B. King. "I told Carter this was the queerest call a woman ever made." [RGTPL]
- Delineator (December, 1907) "The Canned Plum Pudding"
A story. Published in the "Short Lengths" section. Two illustrations by J. L. S. Williams. p 969-71. [HANNIGAN]
- Argosy (November, 1903) "Car No. 1297"
A short story. "The extraordinary trip of a New York trolley car and its important bearing on a love affair." Not indexed in PULP. p 754-761. [ARGOSY]
- Rotarian (December, 1923) "Carden - The Conqueror" A story. Illustrated by A. H. Winkler. p 7-10, 54-56. [HARPER]
- Blue Book (August, 1917) "The Cardinal's Signet Ring"
- Green Book (August, 1919) "A Career of Crime" A Jane Sprood story. p 68-71+. [HARPER]
- Red Book (January, 1916) "The Carnival of Crime" A Philo Gubb story. p 589-98. [HARPER]
- Atlantic Monthly (March, 1931) "The Case of Henry Beemis"
A story. A tongue-in-cheek commentary on the book publishing business. Uncredited. p 403-04. [HARPER]
- Cosmopolitan (March, 1910) "The Case of Horace Bliffington" A story. Illustrated in color by G. F. Kerr. p 455-463. [RGTPL]
- Smart Set (May, 1906) "The Case of Jorgens Against Stubbs" A story. p 50-58. [HARPER]
- Milestones (February, 1918) "Casey Goes Through"
A story. Illustrated by Norman Rockwell. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. "Published monthly by The Milestones Publishing Company, Akron, Ohio. Walter Kellogg Towers, Editor." Volume 1. Number 9. p 1-3, 14. [EPBLIB]
- Success Magazine (August, 1906) "The Casey-Murphy Handicap"
A story. Illustrated by Gerrit A. Beneker (b. 1882, d. 1934). Volume 9. Number 147. p 550-551,576. [HARPER]
- Radio News (July, 1923) "Casey's High-Voltage Cat" A story. [EPBLIB]
- Milestones (May, 1918) "Casey Puts One Over"
A story. Illustrated by Norman Rockwell. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. "Published monthly by The Milestones Publishing Company, Akron, Ohio. Walter Kellogg Towers, Editor." Volume 1. Number 12. p 1-3. [EPBLIB]
- Sunset Magazine (November, 1922) "The Cave Men" A story. Illustrated by Louis Rogers. p 13-15, 76-81. [RGTPL]
- American Agriculturist (August 16, 1924) "The Cave Men" [MISC]
- _____ (August 23, 1924) "The Cave Men" A story (concluded from the previous week). [EPBLIB]
- Famous Story Magazine (January, 1927) "The Cave Men"
A story. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. [EPBLIB]
- Radio News (October, 1923) "The Celebrated Pilkey Radio Case" A story. [EPBLIB]
- Judge (August 18, 1906) "The Certified Novel" [HARPER]
- Short Stories (December, 1906) "A Change of Spirit" [HARPER]
- Up to Date (October 17, 1896) "A Chapter from the History of the War of the Female Rebellion" Full title: "A Chapter from the History of the War of the Female Rebellion: The Engagement of Sutter's Point." [HARPER]
- Saturday Evening Post (December 23, 1933) "Charles Darwin"
Humor. p 24. [HARPER]
- Country Life in America (April, 1910) "Chesterfield Whiting" "The Adventures of a Suburbanite." Part six of seven. [RGTPL]
- New York Times (September 22, 1918) "The Chewing Gum Issue" A letter to the editor. "Ellis Parker Butler Replies to Gertrude Atherton." p III-2. [NYTIMES]
- Detective Story (April 2, 1918) "Chicken Bait" [COOK+MILLER]
- Best Detective Magazine (December, 1929) "Chicken Bait"
A Bryson Brace story. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. Not illustrated. p 38-45. [COOK+MILLER]
- Holland's Magazine (April, 1928) "The Chipplewhait Highboy" "Holland's: The Magazine of the South." [HARPER]
- Liberty (October 5, 1929) "Chips"
A story. "The story of a Professor in Love." Pictures by A. D. Fuller. The name "Butler" appears on the cover. p 70-79. [HARPER]
- America's Humor (Summer, 1926) "Chris Marie Meeker" A profile of one of the magazine's artists written by Butler. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 31. [HARPER]
- Fruit Garden and Home (December, 1923) "The Christmas Complex"
An essay. The author ponders gift-giving at Christmas time. p 9-10. [HARPER]
- Up to Date (December 18, 1897) "The Christmas Dog" [HARPER]
- Maclean's (December 15, 1934) "Christmas Grouch" A story of a farmer who doesn't want to help out a poor neighbor. [HARPER]
- Liberty (December 26, 1925) "A Christmas Present for Grandpa"
A story. Pictures by F. D. Strothmann. Also printed two years later in a British pulp called "20-Story Magazine." p 5-8. [HARPER]
- Monthly Story Magazine (February, 1906) "A Christmas Stop-Over"
A story. HARPER calls this publication "The Monthly Magazine." Monthly Story was founded in MAY-1905 and became the Blue Book Magazine in MAY-1907. p 641-647. [FICTIONMAGS, PULP]
- Judge (January 27, 1912) "Christopher Columbus" p 5-6. [HARPER]
- Woman's Home Companion (May, 1907) "The Chromatic Ghosts of Thomas"
A story. Illustrations by Frank Ver Beck. "If every cat were allowed to send nine distinct ghosts into the ghost realm the population there would soon be too catty." [EPBLIB]
- St. George's Sword and Shield (Whitsuntide, 1926) "Church Influence: An Outsider's Point of View" [HARPER]
- Independent (April 15, 1922) "Civic Virtue" A Judge Hooper story. One illustration by Tony Sarg. p 365. [EPBLIB]
- Saturday Review (June 11, 1932) "Civilization Smashes Up" Humor. CHAPIN lists this as the 16-Aug-1932 issue. p 780-81. [CHAPIN, RGTPL]
- Judicious Advertising (August, 1904) "Clean Grit" The full title of the magazine is "Judicious Advertising and Advertising Experience." [HARPER]
- Architectural Record (November, 1911) "The Client" A story. Illustrations by J. M. Rose. p 441-49. [RGTPL]
- Every Week (March 17, 1935) "Cloudburst" A story. "Very sorry plight indeed of Ed Chambers, who was marooned in a flood on his wedding day." Illustrated by Joe King. Found in the Lima (Ohio) News. [NPA]
- Blue Book (March, 1923) "The Clue Sense" Not listed in HARPER. [PULPGEN]
- Rotarian (August, 1922) "Collar-Button Casey" A story. "Casey believed in Service and thereby hangs this tale of the celebrated Pony Collar-Button Express." Illustrations by Worth D. Griffin. p 65-67, 112. [HARPER]
- American Legion Magazine (September 11, 1925) "The Collecting Mania"
Illustrated by Paul H. Carruth. "Consider this mania folks have for collecting things." p 6-7, 14-17. [HARPER]
- Judge (April 1, 1911) "The Complete Letter Writer" [HARPER]
- Association Men (February, 1920) "Comrades in Bibberville" [HARPER]
- Judge (September 30, 1922) "Confessions of a Bank Burglar"
Humor. Illustrated. p 4-5. [HARPER]
- New Yorker (October 10, 1931) "Consider Mr. Barsh"
A story. p 50-53. [HARPER]
- Authors' League Bulletin (May, 1919) "A Constructive Program for the League" [HARPER]
- Munsey's Magazine (August, 1928) "The Coral Snake" [HARPER]
- Short Stories (October, 1900) "The Corner in T. R. R." A story. [HARPER]
- Washington Post (October 28, 1917) "The Correspondence School Deteckative" A Philo Gubb story. Illustrated by Thornton Fisher. p 3+. [WASHPOST]
- Leslie's Monthly (January, 1904) "The Correspondence School of Poetry" Humor with poetry. As Jim K. Hanna (James K. Hanna, unconfirmed). Illustrated. p 348-350. [EPBLIB]
- Good Housekeeping (July, 1909) "The Cough Drop" Chapter 3. "A Farce-Comedy." Illustrated by Hamilton Wiiliams. This is Butler's part of a serial story that ran in June, July, August and September 1909. p 19-25. [RGTPL]
- Red Book (February, 1922) "Cousin May"
As James K. Hanna. Illustrated by Ray Rohn. One of a series called "The Great Graft Syndicate." p 71-74. [HARPER]
- Complete Western Book (August, 1935) "Cowpuncher's Paradise"
A story. "In which a couple of punchers find a Utopian range -- no dudes -- no woman -- no cattle." One illustration. Same as "Bruce of the Bar-None". The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 89-94. [PULPGEN]
- Young Men (June, 1931) "Creating a Freedom Fund" [HARPER]
- Every Week (February 20, 1932) "Crime and a Can of Corn" A story. Illustrated by Art Krenz. Found in the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune. [NPA]
- Illustrated Detective Magazine (June, 1931) "The Crime at Crossways" An Oliver Spotts story. "Oliver Spotts, Near-Detective, Who Stole the Twelve Bricks of Limburger, Oliver Succumbs to Flattery and Solves a Mystery." Illustrations by Rodney M. de Sarro. [COOK+MILLER]
- Up to Date (July 25, 1896) "The Crime of Chappyboy" [HARPER]
- Each Week (June 2, 1938) "The Crime Wave at Beemer's" Appeared in The Waverly Sun, Waverly NY; Thursday June 2 1938. [EPBLIB]
- Pictorial Review (March, 1920) "Criminals Three" A story. "Professor Blossom's Search for Knowledge Gets Him into a Tight Corner" Illustrations by Rodney Thomson. p 16, 119-122. [HARPER]
- Leslie's Monthly (February, 1904) "The Crimson Cord" A Perkins of Portland story. Illustrated by F. R. Gruger. Later published in Perkins of Portland. p 389-397. [HANNIGAN]
- Ladies' Home Journal (March, 1926) "The Crisis"
A story. Illustrated by F. Sands Brunner. p 40, 100, 103. [RGTPL]
- Ladies' World (March, 1915) "A Cross-stitch Penance"
A story. "A capital story to read aloud." Illustrations by Frank Strothmann. p 6-7, 34. [EPBLIB]
- Texas Rangers (January, 1938) "Crowbait's Christmas Gift"
A story. Vol. 5 No. 2. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. [HARPER, PULP]
- Blue Book (May, 1935) "The Cruise of the Nancy Bell"
A story. "Lying done in a large way may be amusing indeed." Illustrated by Bert Salg. Volume 61. Number 1. [EPBLIB, PULP]
- American Boy (November, 1927) "Crusoe Treasure" A Jibby Jones story. Illustrated by R. M. Brinkerhoff. [EPBLIB]
- Green Book (May, 1915) "Cupid" Illustrated by Rea Irvin. [HARPER]
- Target (May 15, 1926) "Cured" [HARPER]
- Putnam's Magazine (May, 1909) "Curing Mr. Dobson" [RGTPL]
- Judge (October 7, 1911) "The Curse of Wealth" [HARPER]
- New Yorker (November 8, 1930) "Cut That Waste!"
Humor. p 67-68. [HARPER]
- Popular Magazine (May, 1937) "Cut-rate Kings" [PULPGEN]
Periodicals (Poetry)
- Truth (February 16, 1898) "The Candy Pull" A poem. p 16. [HARPER]
- New England Magazine (August, 1897) "Circumstantial Evidence" A poem in 20 verses. Page 768. [MOA]
- Truth (February, 1900) "Contented" [HARPER]
- Washington Post (February 11, 1900) "Contented" A poem. Reprinted from Turth. p 20. [WASHPOST]
- Truth (March, 1900) "A Culinary Puzzle"
A poem. p 77. [HARPER]
- Washington Post (March 4, 1900) "A Culinary Puzzle" A poem. Reprinted from Truth. p 22. [WASHPOST]
- Munsey's Magazine (February, 1898) "Cupid Caught Napping" A poem in 24 verses. Volume 18. Page 658. [EPBLIB]
- Truth (September 9, 1896) "Cupid's Follower" [HARPER]
- Midland Monthly (May, 1895) "Cupid's Witchcraft" A poem in four verses. [HARPER]
- Century Magazine (December, 1909) "The Cut Finger" A poem. p 318. Also, on page 275 is a full-color reproduction of a painting of Ellis Parker Butler and his wife (Ida) and first child (Elsie). The portrait was made by Ernest L. Blumenschein. [RGTPL]