- Ghosts What Ain't (1923)
An essay. One of the author's best-received self-improvement essays. The Riverside Press, Cambridge. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. Hardback. 43 pages. [EPBLIB]
- Goat-Feathers (1919)
An essay. This book is a critical self-assessment of Butler's own perceived failure to achieve more fame and fortune. Butler had hoped that personal insights into his own life would inspire readers to seek their own successes more aggressively. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. [EPBLIB]
- The Great American Pie Company (1907)
A short story about the daydreams of Ephraim Deacon and his friend Phineas Doolittle who plan to corner the pie market. Three illustrations by Frederic Dorr Steele. This story originally appeared in the Century Magazine, September 1904. New York: McClure, Phillips and Company. 44 pages. [EPBLIB]
Other Material
- Kansas City Star (September 16, 1937) "A Gentle and Wise Philosophy in Ellis Parker Butler's Humor" Obituary. [HARPER]
- Betzville Tales (January 27, 1910) "Glaphyra Quat and Bedilla" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. [NPA]
- Washington Post (May 11, 1930) "The Gnat" A story. Illustrated. Washington Post; May 11, 1930; p SM10+. [WASHPOST]
- Betzville Tales (December 11, 1909) "Grandma Pillbeck and the Tin Clock" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. [NPA]
- MOTION PICTURE: The Great American Pie Company (1935) MGM. Director: Nick Grinde. Performers: Chic Sale, Spencer Charters. [HARPER]
- MOTION PICTURE: Guinea Pigs is Pigs (1979) A short film. The "Pigs is Pigs" story told in a 16-minute color film distributed to schools. Completely true to the original story, this film stars Patrick Cranshaw as Mike Flannery and Harry Basch as John C. Morehouse. Directed by Tom Carr and Bill Fiege. Barr Films. [HARPER]
- Betzville Tales (September 28, 1909) "Gustapher Plogs and the Honk-Honk" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. [NPA]
- BOOK: Ballyhoo (1930) "Gustapher Plogs and the Spotted Cow"
A reprint of a Betzville Tale. p 2-3. New York Magazine, Hammerstein's Theater program featuring the production "Ballyhoo" (1930). This musical comedy show opened on December 22, 1930 and closed February 1931, with 68 total performances. The cast included W. C. Fields. [EBAY, WEB]
- Famous Dog Stories (1948) "Getting Rid of Fluff"
Edited by Page Cooper. Illustrated by Diana Thorne. 336 pages. Doubleday and Company. Garden City, New York. "Reprinted by permission of Mrs. Ida A. Butler; originally published in Harper's Magazine, 1908." There's a June 1964 paperback edition as well (Berkley Highland Book C933), probably without the Thorne illustrations. [EBAY]
- Mutts, Mongrels, Mischief (September, 1960) "Getting Rid of Fluff" Edited by William B. Coates. Paperback. Pyramid Books. Almat Publishing Company. p 90-106. [EPBLIB]
- Roger Caras' Treasury of Great Dog Stories (1987) "Getting Rid of Fluff" A story. Truman Talley Books. Also reprinted in 1990. New York: E. P. Dutton. [EPBLIB]
- World's Best Short Stories of 1930 (1930) "The Gnat" "Sixteen Stories Selected By the Editors of Leading American Magazines Under the Auspices of the New York World" "The town drunk tricks the town miser into becoming the town benefactor, not just once, but time and time again. And when the old drunk dies, only the miser knows to what extent the town ought to be in the deceased's debt." Minton, Balch and Company. New York. Pages 95-109. Harmon, IUPUI [WEB]
- Bagology (1937) "Goat-Feathers" Includes a photo of the author. 24 pages. Chase Bag Company, New York City. [EBAY]
- Spoofs (August, 1933) "Graft Elimination" Edited by Richard Butler Glaenzer. New York: Robert M. McBride & Company. p 94-98. This item is credited as a reprint from New Yorker, which seems to be in error. [HARPER]
- Humor By Vote (1933) "The Great American Pie Company" "The voters being George Ade, Ellis Parker Butler, Irvin S. Cobb ... and others." H. H. Howland, editor. Butler's story was selected by Chic Sale who starred in the 1935 movie version of the story. Also, Butler selected a poem by Robert J. Burdette ("The Romance of the Carpet"). New York: The Laugh Club. p 222-238. [EPBLIB]
- A Treasury of Modern Humor (1940) "The Great American Pie Company" Edited by Allen Churchill (b. 1911). First published, 1940, under the title All in Fun; an Omnibus of Humor. New York: Tudor Publishing Company. [HARPER, MISC]
Periodicals (Prose)
- Cosmopolitan (September, 1909) "Geoffrey's Panklaggephone" A story. Illustrated in color by Horace Taylor. [RGTPL]
- American Magazine (August, 1922) "Get Into the Right Rut -- Then Stay in It" An essay. p 49, 128-30. [RGTPL]
- Better Homes and Gardens (September, 1924) "Get Your Family Roots Into Your Own Soil" An essay. Vol 3. No. 1. p 11-12, 41. Also, editor's comments on page 50. This article "epitomizes the whole creed of the ownership of your own home." [HARPER]
- Bookman (July, 1919) "Getting Material" Humor. Printed in the "Complaint Department." HARPER incorrectly lists this in the JUN-1919 issue, but does show the correct page numbers. Volume XLIX. Number 5. p 581-582. [HARPER, RGTPL]
- Harper's Monthly Magazine (August, 1908) "Getting Rid of Fluff" A story. Ten illustrations by F. Strothmann. Later printed in That Pup. Midsummer Number. p 418-429. [RGTPL]
- American Boy (July, 1929) "Getting the Business Freshman Started Right" An essay. Illustrated by Ernest Fuhr. [EPBLIB]
- Red Book (May, 1916) "The Ghatghee" A Philo Gubb story. [HARPER]
- Detective Story (July 15, 1922) "The Ghost Detective: The Haunted Policeman" [COOK+MILLER]
- _____ (July 22, 1922) "The Ghost Detective: The Second Mr. Rawdonbury" [COOK+MILLER]
- _____ (July 29, 1922) "The Ghost Detective: Who Killed Dikkory?" [COOK+MILLER]
- Short Stories (June, 1911) "The Ghost Plumber's Courtship" As Sage O. Vesey. [HARPER]
- American Magazine (May, 1922) "Ghosts What Ain't" An essay. "It is a ten-to-one shot that you are nursing one of these ghosts what ain't, right now, letting it make you hesitate, and side-step, and put off going after the things that you want and ought to have." Also published as a small book. [RGTPL]
- McClure's Magazine (November, 1918) "The Ginger Jar"
A signed "advertorial" for Woolson's Economy Expense Book. There may be appearances of this ad elsewhere. [HARPER]
- Brown Book of Boston (June, 1903) "The Girl With the Gilded Nose"
A story. Drawings by Frank T. Merrill. p 44-45. [EPBLIB]
- American Magazine (February, 1929) "The Gnat"
A story. Illustrated by Victor C. Anderson. "The story of a strange conflict between a town's richest man and its poorest." The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. Also appears in The Des Moines Sunday Register 27-JUL-1930. [RGTPL]
- Blue Book (April, 1916) "The Gold Brick" A Jabez Bunker story. [HARPER]
- Radio News (April, 1924) "The Golden Rabbit" A story. [EPBLIB]
- Judge (January 12, 1907) "Golden Thoughts for the Young" [HARPER]
- American Girl (September, 1936) "The Goldfish Mystery"
A Betty Bliss story. "Betty Bliss's Detective Club is called upon to solve a new mystery with a curious quirk in it." Illustrated by Leslie Turner. p 21-22, 45-46. [HARPER]
- Red Book (January, 1912) "Goliath" A story. One of the "Built-by-Speculator" series. p 522-26. [HARPER]
- Criterion (October 21, 1899) "A Good fer Nawthin'"
Character study, dialect and the Mississippi River -- all typical Butler elements in this early and distinctively atypical Butler story. There's no humor and there's no happy ending. [EPBLIB]
- Cosmopolitan (July, 1929) "Good Graft" A story. Illustrations by J. Conacher. p 102-08. [HARPER]
- Good Housekeeping (October, 1910) "The Head of the Department"
A story. Reprinted from the September 1904 issue. p 381-386. [EPBLIB]
- Saturday Evening Post (November 22, 1924) "A Good Sport" Illustrated by Tony Sarg. [BEST, EPBLIB]
- _____ (February 7, 1931) "Graft Elimination"
Humor. The author suggests that the United States get rid of political graft by adopting the election system of the Republic of Yump. p 92. [RGTPL]
- Smart Set (July, 1905) "The Grafters" [HARPER]
- Blue Book (March, 1917) "Granite Foam" A Jabez Bunker story. [HARPER]
- Everybody's Magazine (November, 1915) "The Gray-Green Platypus" A story. Illustrations by Will Crawford. "If you don't know what a Platypus is (we didn't) you are ignorant of the latest thing in furs -- in fiction." p 579-89. [RGTPL]
- Century Magazine (September, 1904) "The Great American Pie Company" A story. Later published as the book The Great American Pie Company. [RGTPL]
- Golden Book Magazine (August, 1933) "The Great American Pie Company" A story. "The Rise and Fall of Two Back-Porch Magnates." One original illustration by Dorothy McKay. [EPBLIB]
- American Magazine (September, 1931) "The Great Deception" A story. Illustrated by Roy F. Spreter. "Demonstrates a paradox in the very human story of a man whose weakness was his strength." Volume 112. Number 3. Sumner Blossom, editor. [RGTPL]
- Black Cat (August, 1920) "The Great Detective" [HARPER, PULP]
- Good Stories (July, 1923) "The Great Detective" A story. "Old Mabry was not old, but he was called old and he looked old." [EPBLIB]
- Judge (October 8, 1921) "Great Discoveries"
Humor. p 5, 30. [HARPER]
- Red Book (October, 1921) "I. Insomnia" As James K. Hanna. First of a series called "The Great Graft Syndicate." [HARPER]
- Brown Book of Boston (November, 1901) "The Great Hartsock Boom"
A story. Illustrated by W. Herbert Dunton. p 14, 15, 31. [HARPER]
- American Boy (December, 1927) "The Great Lazy Mush" A Jibby Jones story. Illustrated by W. W. Clarke. [EPBLIB]
- Leslie's Monthly (October, 1903) "The Great Park Strike" A story. With pictures by Fanny (F. Y.) Cory. p 603-609. [HANNIGAN]
- Judicious Advertising (February, 1905) "The Great Perkins Trio" A Perkins of Portland story. [HARPER]
- Radio News (November, 1923) "The Great Radio Message from Mars" A story. [EPBLIB]
- Appleton's Magazine (March, 1909) "The Great Timascheff-Servadac Duel" Satire. "An Unwritten Chapter from Jules Vernes's 'Hector Servadac.'" Illustrated by Horace Taylor. p 330-36. [EPBLIB]
- Snappy Stories (November 4, 1917) "The Great Unkissed"
A story. Volume 30. Number 3. [PULP]
- College Humor (February, 1925) "The Great Yarvard Mystery"
A story. "Romance of Youth and Love." Illustrated by Russell Patterson. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. This issue is labeled both "The Winter Number" and February 1925. Volume 4. Number 1. p7-8, 114-17. [EPBLIB]
- Detective Story (April 23, 1918) "Green Eyes" [COOK+MILLER]
- Best Detective Magazine (April, 1932) "Green Eyes"
A story. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 85-92. [COOK+MILLER]
- Saturday Evening Post (July 19, 1924) "Green Paint"
A story. Illustrated by Walter De Maris. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 14, 52, 54. [RGTPL]
- London Magazine (May, 1916) "The Grey-Green Fur" Illustrated by Leonard Shields. [EBAY]
- Argosy (September, 1905) "The Guide to Book-Agenting"
An Eliph' Hewlitt story. Not indexed in PULP. "How a harking back to the past provided a boomerang for the present." p 238-242. [ARGOSY]
- American Girl (August, 1928) "Gull Ledge"
A story. Three illustrations by Walter Stewart. This is an American Girl "Made-to-Order" story, custom-written to the suggestions of one of the readers. p 7-9, 31, 34. [HARPER]
- Illustrated Sunday Magazine (May 5, 1912) "Gummy Squires and the Curse of Wealth" A story. [HARPER]
- Association Men (September, 1927) "The Gym or the 'Jimmies'" [HARPER]
- Leslie's Monthly (June, 1903) "The Gymkhana at Milkville"
A story. The author spells the word as "gymkhana" (which is the dictionary spelling) while the illustrator and HARPER use "gymkana." Illustrated by Fanny Y. Cory (F. Y. Cory). Includes the author's submission letter. p 127-133. [HARPER, FICTIONMAGS]
- Royal Magazine (November, 1903) "The Gymkhana at Milkville" A story. [FICTIONMAGS]
Periodicals (Poetry)
- Munsey's Magazine (November, 1897) "Golden Silence" p 316. [EPBLIB]
- Leslie's Monthly (November, 1902) "The Golf Walk" A poem. With a drawing by B. Cory Kilvert. p 94-5. [HARPER]
- Idler (August, 1903) "The Golf Walk" A poem. [HARPER]
- New England Magazine (May, 1895) "Good - Better - Best" A poem in 12 verses. p 384. [MOA]
Related Materials
- Little Known Stories of Muscatine (1980) "Glamorous As Kashmir"
By William D. Randall. Edited by members of the Friends of the Musser Public Library. Written from scripts of a radio program on local radio stations KWPC and KFMH. The initial series was broadcast on Sunday afternoons June 5 through August 28, 1949. Muscatine Iowa: Friends of the Musser Public Library. Volume 1. p 21-25. Copies are available for purchase at the Musser Public Library; 304 Iowa Avenue; Muscatine, Iowa 52761-3875. telephone: (563) 263-3472. [EPBLIB]