- American Boy (January, 1932) "Jibby Jones, Detective"
Illustrated by R. M. Brinkerhoff. [EPBLIB]
- American Girl (January, 1932) "Jo Ann's Christmas Mystery"
A story. Part Two of Two. Illustrated by Garrett Price. "A new adventure of the inimitable Jo Ann comes to an end in this second part of a two-part story." p 22-4, 34-5. [HARPER]
- Farmer's Wife (January, 1932) "No Woman Wanted" A story. Illustrated by Harry T. Fisk. [EPBLIB]
- Motor (January, 1932) "Mr. Jesty and the Auto-Top"
A story. Annual show number. Illustrated by Herb Roth. p 80-81, 144. [HARPER]
- Argosy (January 16, 1932) "Ullamully!"
A story. "What Orion Clancy meant by his drunken battle-cry when he hit the town banker puzzled all Riverbank -- and especially Orion Clancy." p 107-116. [ARGOSY, PULP]
- Clues (February, 1932) "The Killing of Nick Cattolo" [COOK+MILLER]
- Western Home Monthly (February, 1932)
The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. [EBAY]
- Every Week (February 20, 1932) "Crime and a Can of Corn" A story. Illustrated by Art Krenz. Found in the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune. [NPA]
- Chicago Sunday Tribune (February 21, 1932) "Miss Mimms of New York" [HARPER]
- Pictorial Review (March, 1932) "Room and Board" A story. "Newly married and out of a job -- it took great courage to face a thing like that." Illustration by Robert K. Ryland. [RGTPL]
- Writer's Digest (March, 1932) "How I Sell My Stories"
An essay. Text and images contributed by John Locke. [HARPER, LOCKE]
- Every Week (March 5, 1932) "A Big Deal for Betty" A story. Illustrated by Dorothy Urfer. Found in the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune. [NPA]
- Argosy (March 19, 1932) "Mr. Klinsky's Even Mind"
A story. Volume 228. Number 3. One illustration. "A quick temper is a risky asset." p 105-112. [ARGOSY, PULP]
- ANTHOLOGY: 20 Best Short Stories in Ray Long's 20 Years as an Editor (1932) "Philo Gubb, The Correspondence School Detective" Printed in Philo Gubb as "The Hard-Boiled Egg." Crown Publishers. New York. Ray Long was the editor of several magazines including Red Book, Cosmopolitan and The Ladies' Home Journal. [EPBLIB]
- 20 Best Short Stories in Ray Long's 20 Years as an Editor (April, 1932) "Some Amazing Figures" This book includes a two-page discourse by editor Ray Long on the way Philo Gubb developed from the first story in the May 1913 edition of Red Book magazine. [EPBLIB]
- American Girl (April, 1932) "Jo Ann Cleans House"
A story. Illustrated by Garrett Price. "It was Easter vacation and as the taxicab came to a stop before Jo Ann's house she threw her arms around Julia Wickham and gave her a big hug." The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 18-20, 31-32. [HARPER]
- _____ (April, 1932) "Who's Who In This Issue" A short biography of the author, with a photograph. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 54. [EPBLIB]
- Best Detective Magazine (April, 1932) "Green Eyes"
A story. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 85-92. [COOK+MILLER]
- Bookman (April, 1932) "An Author Glares at Editors" Uncredited and unconfirmed. p 26-31. [HARPER]
- American Magazine (May, 1932) "Never Again!" Illustrated by Edw. L. Chase. "Mr. Muzzy jumped up, and Miss Marjorie turned and saw a police officer. The cop strode to Jimmy and grasped his arm." Volume 113. Number 5. Sumner Blossom, editor. [RGTPL]
- Every Week (May 6, 1932) "Right Straight Through" A story. Illustrated by George Scarbo. Found in the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune. [NPA]
- _____ (May 21, 1932) "Keep It Quiet" A Fenderton Roper story. Illustrated by Etherl Hays. Found in the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune. [NPA]
- Pictorial Review (June, 1932) "Innocents in Gomorrah" A story. "Aunt Emma lost her way, father lost his wits, but Parbury lost everything, including his heart." Illustrated by Harry Beckhoff. [RGTPL]
- Saturday Review (June 11, 1932) "Civilization Smashes Up" Humor. CHAPIN lists this as the 16-Aug-1932 issue. p 780-81. [CHAPIN, RGTPL]
- Bookman (June and July, 1932) "Method In Their Madness" By Edward Weeks. "Sidelights on the Writing Habits of Authors -- Part Two." There's a brief reference to Ellis Parker Butler on page 228. p 225-232. [EPBLIB]
- Short Stories (June 25, 1932) "Mike Flannery, Detective"
A Mike Flannery story. Flannery foils a robbery at the Interurban Express office. Not listed in HARPER. [EPBLIB]
- Every Week (July 2, 1932) "Three Go for the Bride" A story. Illustrated by Ethel Hays. Found in the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune. [NPA]
- American Girl (August, 1932) "Jo Ann's Musketeers"
A story. Illustrated by Garrett Price. "Jo Ann faced Benny Little and threw the ball." p 16-18, 38. [HARPER]
- Every Week (August 6, 1932) "A Bird in the Hand" A Fenderton Roper story. "Good old Fenderton Roper could spot a crook when he saw one, all right... Well, anyway, he thought he could." Illustrated by Ethel Hays. Found in the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune. [NPA]
- American Magazine (September, 1932) "The Hat of Destiny" Illustrated by Harland Frazer. "It takes a small thing to change a man's mind." Volume 114. Number 3. Sumner Blossom, editor. [RGTPL]
- National Magazine (September - October, 1932) "Tom Watched - with the Watch Missing" A story. A reprint of "What Tom Said about It." p 189+. [HARPER]
- Argosy (September 17, 1932) "Pollywog Pearls"
A story. "River treasure sets a thief trap." One illustration. "Fate had delivered Jim the Dip to the river, but the river was to make the most startling delivery of all." Volume 232. Number 5. p 81-87. [ARGOSY, PULP]
- Printer's Ink (September 22, 1932) "If You Don't Show Any Petals You Grow No Apples" [HARPER]
- Seven Love Stories (Fall, 1932) "Orphans Preferred" Volume 1, Number 1. [LOCKE]
- Every Week (October 8, 1932) "Fenderton Flies" A Fenderton Roper story. Illustrated by Ethel Hays. Found in Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune. [NPA]
- American Girl (November, 1932) "Jo Ann's Bandit"
A story. Illustrated by Garrett Price. "For a moment Jo Ann was petrified by fear. Her first thought was that she would run upstairs and hide." p 16-18, 34-36. [HARPER]
- Holland's Magazine (November, 1932) "He Saw Washington"
A story. Illustrations by John A. Haelen. p 5-7, 24. [HARPER]
- Writer's Digest (November, 1932) "Selling 'Second Rights'"
An essay. The phrase "Ellis Parker Butler tells how to sell a story again and again" appears on the cover. p 41-3. [HARPER]
- Argosy (November 5, 1932) "Dum-Fool"
A short story. "Dum-fool sat staring at his stranded steamboat." "Fat old Cass Allen looked like easy pickings to the sharpers of that Mississippi river town." Illustrated. Volume 233. Number 6. [ARGOSY, PULP]
- Every Week (November 19, 1932) "Wreck and Ruin" A story. Illustrated by Ethel Hays. Found in the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune. [NPA]
- Writer's Markets and Methods (December, 1932) "Humor in Writing"
An essay. [LOCKE]
- Maclean's (December 15, 1932) "The White Feather" [HARPER]