The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 113
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- Vermilion Sands (var. 1) by J. G. Ballard (Jonathan Cape, November 1973, co)
- Vermintide by Bruno Lee (Black Library, January 2006, n.)
- Verses Dedicatory by Lord Dunsany (Charnel House, 1985, co)
- Verses in Ebony by Robert E. Howard (George Hamilton, 1975, oc)
- The Very Best of Barry N. Malzberg by Barry N. Malzberg (NonStop Press, July 2013, co)
- The Very Best of Fantasy and Science Fiction ed. Gordon Van Gelder (Tachyon Publications, September 2009, an)
- The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Volume 2 ed. Gordon Van Gelder (Tachyon Publications, July 2014, an)
- The Very Best of Kate Elliott by Kate Elliott (Tachyon Publications, February 2015, co)
- The Very Best of Tad Williams by Tad Williams (Tachyon Publications, May 2014, co)
- The Very Best of the Best of New Horror ed. Stephen Jones (Earthling Publications, 2011, an)
- A Very British History by Paul J. McAuley (PS Publishing, April 2013, co)
- Very Merry Mysteries (Mystery Guild, 2003, om)
- A Very Murderous Christmas ed. Cecily Gayford (Profile Books, November 2018, an)
- A Very Scalzi Christmas by John Scalzi (Subterranean Press, November 2019, co)
- Very Superstitious (Month9Books, October 2013, oa)
- Vettius and His Friends by David A. Drake (Baen, February 1989, co)
- Vibrations ed. Millard H. Black (Houghton Mifflin, 1971, an)
- Vic and Blood by Richard Corben (NBM, November 1989, gn)
- Vic and Blood (var. 1) by Richard Corben (ibooks, June 2003, co)
- Vic and Blood (var. 2) by Harlan Ellison (, August 2009, co)
- Viccy Rules, OK & The Icehouse Boy by Garry D. Kilworth (Wild Hare Books, April 2013, oc)
- The Vicious Circle ed. Otto Penzler (Pegasus Books, December 2007, an)
- Victorian and Edwardian Ghost Stories ed. Richard Dalby (Barnes & Noble, 1997, an)
- A Victorian Christmas (Signet, November 1992, oa)
- Victorian Crime Stories ed. Nigel Morland (Ian Henry, 1978, an)
- Victorian Erotic Tales (Michael O'Mara, October 1995, an)
- The Victorian Fairy Tale Book ed. Michael Patrick Hearn (Pantheon, September 1988, an)
- Victorian Fairy Tales ed. Jack Zipes (Methuen, February 1987, an)
- A Victorian Family Christmas (Harlequin, October 2021, oa)
- Victorian Ghost Stories ed. Michael Cox (Oxford University Press, October 1991, an)
- Victorian Ghost Stories ed. Montague Summers (Fortune Press, October 1933, an)
- Victorian Ghost Stories by Eminent Women Writers ed. Richard Dalby (Carroll & Graf, May 1989, an)
- Victorian Ghost Stories by Noted Women Writers ed. Richard Dalby (Barnes & Noble, September 1996, an)
- The Victorian Ghost Story ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer (Oldstyle Tales Press, September 2013, an)
- Victorian Nightmares ed. Hugh Lamb (W.H. Allen & Co., April 1977, an)
- Victorian Tales of Mystery & Detection ed. Michael Cox (Oxford University Press US, November 1992, an)
- Victorian Tales of Terror ed. Hugh Lamb (W.H. Allen & Co., November 1974, an)
- Victorian Villanies ed. Graham Greene (Viking, 1984, an)
- The Victoria Vanishes by Christopher Fowler (Doubleday UK, June 2008, n.)
- The Victoria Vanishes by Christopher Fowler (Bantam, November 2008, n.)
- The Victoria Vanishes by Christopher Fowler (Bantam UK, July 2009, n.)
- The Victoria Vanishes by Christopher Fowler (Bantam, November 2009, n.)
- Victories of the Space Marines ed. Christian Dunn (Black Library, April 2011, oa)
- La Vie en Noir ed. Jean-Marc Lofficier (Black Coat Press, November 2012, oa)
- Vietnam and Other Alien Worlds by Joe W. Haldeman (NESFA Press, February 1993, co)
- View from Another Shore ed. Franz Rottensteiner (Seabury Press, 1973, an)
- View from Endless Street by Rebecca Lloyd (WiD^o_ Publishing, April 2014, oc)
- The View from Hell by John Shirley (Subterranean Press, January 2001, n.)
- The View from Serendip by Arthur C. Clarke (Random House, October 1977, co)
- The View from the Edge ed. George Turner (Norstrilia, 1977, oa)
- The View from the Stars by Walter M. Miller, Jr. (Ballantine, January 1965, co)
- Viewpoint by Ben Bova (NESFA Press, 1977, co)
- Viewpoints Critical by L. E. Modesitt, Jr. (Tor, March 2008, co)
- Vignettes from the End of the World ed. Jacob Haddon (Apokrupha, April 2014, oa)
- Viking / WDL / Consul 1949-1966 by Stephen Holland (Dragonby Press, June 1987, nf)
- Vile Affections by Caitlín R. Kiernan (Subterranean Press, December 2021, co)
- The Villa Désirée and Other Uncanny Stories by May Sinclair (Ash-Tree Press, December 2008, co)
- The Village Killings & Other Novellas by Ramsey Campbell (PS Publishing, October 2021, co)
- Villains! ed. Mary R. Gentle (Roc UK, March 1992, oa)
- Villains Victorious ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, April 2001, oa)
- Vincent’s Revenge by Gordon Robert Marlow (Baillie Caymar Publishing, December 1996, oc)
- Vinegar—and Cream by H. T. W. Bousfield (John Murray, 1941, co)
- The Vintage Anthology of Science Fantasy ed. Christopher Cerf (Vintage, February 1966, an)
- The Vintage Book of Amnesia ed. Jonathan Lethem (Random House, October 2000, an)
- The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Short Stories ed. Tobias Wolff (Vintage Books, August 1994, an)
- The Vintage Book of Contemporary Irish Fiction ed. Dermot Bolger (Vintage Books, December 1995, an)
- Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction: An Anthology ed. Naomi Holoch (Vintage Books, June 1999, an)
- The Vintage Book of Latin American Stories ed. Carlos Fuentes (Vintage Books, December 2000, an)
- The Vintage Bradbury by Ray Bradbury (Vintage, 1965, co)
- Vintage Crime ed. Martin Edwards (Flame Tree Press, August 2020, an)
- Vintage Detective Stories ed. David Stuart Davies (Collector's Library, March 2013, an)
- Vintage Hammett by Dashiell Hammett (Vintage, January 2005, co)
- Vintage Mystery & Detective Stories ed. David Stuart Davies (Wordsworth Editions Ltd., March 2006, an)
- Vintage PKD by Philip K. Dick (Vintage Books, June 2006, co)
- Violent Legends ed. Joey Froehlich (Weird House, 1988, oa)
- The Viper (var. 1) by Hulbert Footner (Steeger Books, November 2020, co)
- The Virago Book of Erotic Myths and Legends by Shahrukh Husain (Virago, February 2002, oc)
- The Virago Book of Ghost Stories ed. Richard Dalby (Virago, November 1987, an)
- The Virago Book of Ghost Stories ed. Richard Dalby (Virago, October 2006, an)
- The Virago Book of Ghost Stories: The Twentieth Century: Volume Two ed. Richard Dalby (Virago, October 1991, an)
- The Virago Book of Victorian Ghost Stories ed. Richard Dalby (Virago, September 1988, an)
- The Virgin of the Seven Daggers by Vernon Lee (Corgi, 1962, co)
- Viriconium Nights by M. John Harrison (Ace, August 1984, co)
- Viriconium Nights (var. 1) by M. John Harrison (Gollancz, November 1985, co)
- The Viridian Book of Occult Fiction ed. Brendan Connell (Snuggly Books, April 2024, an)
- Virtual Girls by Evan Hollander (Circlet Press, August 1995, co)
- The Virtual Menagerie and Other Stories by Andrew Hook (Elastic Press, November 2002, co)
- Virtue Inverted by Piers Anthony (Dreaming Big Publications, July 2017, n.)
- Virtue Signaling and Other Heresies by John Scalzi (Subterranean Press, December 2018, nf)
- Virtuous Vampires ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz (Barnes & Noble, September 1996, an)
- Visceral: Collected Flesh by Patrick C. Harrison, III (Death's Head Press, July 2020, oc)
- Visible and Invisible by E. F. Benson (Hutchinson, 1923, co)
- Visible Light by C. J. Cherryh (Phantasia, January 1986, co)
- The Visible Man by Gardner R. Dozois (Berkley Medallion, December 1977, co)
- The Visionary: The Life Story of Flicker of the Serpentine/Wonders Hidden: Audubon’s Early Years by Ursula K. Le Guin (Capra Press, October 1984, an)
- The Visionary: The Life Story of Flicker of the Serpentine/Wonders Hidden: Audubon’s Early Years (Capra Press, October 1984, an)
- The Visionary: The Life Story of Flicker of the Serpentine/Wonders Hidden: Audubon’s Early Years (Capra Press, October 1984, an)
- Vision Quests ed. Dawn Albright (Angelus Press, December 1995, oa)
- Visions ed. Donald R. Gallo (Dell, November 1988, an)
- Visions Fading Fast ed. Gary McMahon (Pendragon Press UK, February 2012, oa)
- Visions from Brichester by Ramsey Campbell (PS Publishing, August 2015, co)
- Visions from the Edge ed. John Bell (Pottersfield Press, August 1981, an)
- Visions from the Edge ed. John Bell (Pottersfield Press, August 1981, an)
- Visions & Imaginings: Classic Fantasy Fiction ed. Robert H. Boyer (Academy Chicago, August 1992, an)
- Visions of Death by Alan Merrett (Black Library US, September 2006, pi)
- Visions of Fantasy ed. Isaac Asimov (Doubleday, October 1989, an)
- Visions of Fantasy ed. Isaac Asimov (Bantam Starfire, December 1991, an)
- Visions of Fear ed. David G. Hartwell (Tor, November 1994, an)
- Visions of Heresy by Alan Merrett (Black Library, March 2014, pi)
- Visions of the Future ed. J. Daniel Batt (Lifeboat Foundation, October 2015, an)
- Visions of the Vampire ed. Sorcha Ni Fhlainn (British Library Publishing, October 2020, an)
- Visions of Tomorrow ed. Thomas A. Easton (Skyhorse Publishing, July 2010, an)
- Visions of Tomorrow ed. Roger Elwood (Pocket, November 1976, an)
- Visions of War by Alan Merrett (Black Library US, May 2004, pi)
- Visions of Wonder ed. Robert H. Boyer (Avon, October 1981, an)
- Visions of Wonder ed. David G. Hartwell (Tor, November 1996, an)
- Visions Through a Shattered Lens by Gerard Daniel Houarner (Delirium Books, October 2002, co)
- Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities ed. Joey Eschrich (Center for Science and the Imagination, December 2017, oa)
- Visitants ed. Stephen Jones (Ulysses Press, November 2010, an)
- Visitations by Jack M. Dann (Gale Group/Five Star, April 2003, co)
- A Visitor from Outer Space (Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1961, oa)
- Visits to the Flea Circus by Nick Jackson (Elastic Press, February 2005, oc)
- Vistas (var. 2) by William Sharp (William Heinemann, 1912, co)
- The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash (Pan, 1977, nf)
- Vivia by Tanith Lee (Little, Brown UK, April 1995, n.)
- Vivisections ed. William P. Simmons (Catalyst Press, April 2003, oa)
- Vivisepulture ed. Andy Remic (Anarchy Books, December 2011, oa)
- A Voice in the Night by Jack McDevitt (Subterranean Press, August 2018, co)
- The Voice of the City by O. Henry (The McClure Company, May 1908, co)
- Voice of the Fire by Alan Moore (Subterranean Press, 2015, n.)
- Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss (Aqueduct Press, May 2008, an)
- Voices from Shadow ed. David A. Sutton (Shadow Publishing, September 1994, an)
- Voices from the Past ed. Lee Harris (H&H Books, May 2011, oa)
- Voices from the Sky by Arthur C. Clarke (Harper & Row, September 1965, co)
- Voices From the Vaults ed. Devendra P. Varma (Key Porter Books, October 1987, an)
- Voices in the Dark by Edmund Cooper (Digit, April 1960, co)
- Voices in the Night: Rare Stories by William Hope Hodgson (World Library Classics, November 2009, co)
- Voices of Doom by Basil Copper (Robert Hale, March 1980, co)
- Voices of Imagination ed. Daniel Howard (Daniel Howard, January 2014, oa)
- Voices of the Night and Other Poems by Robert E. Howard (Necronomicon Press, 1977, pm)
- The Voices of Time by J. G. Ballard (J.M. Dent & Sons, September 1984, co)
- The Voices of Time and Other Stories by J. G. Ballard (Berkley Medallion, February 1962, co)
- The Voice That Murmurs in the Darkness by James Tiptree, Jr. (Subterranean Press, October 2023, co)
- Void Stalker by Aaron Dembski-Bowden (Black Library, May 2012, n.)
- Volkhavaar by Tanith Lee (DAW, July 1977, n.)
- Voluntary Committal by Joe Hill (Subterranean Press, 2005, na)
- Voodoo by Alfred Metraux (Sphere, December 1974, nf)
- Voodoo! ed. Bill Pronzini (Arbor House, 1980, an)
- Vorax by Matthew Farrer (Black Library, December 2014, ss)
- Vortex ed. C. G. Bearne (MacGibbon & Kee, May 1970, an)
- The Vortex Blasters ed. Sam Moskowitz (MacFadden-Bartell, 1968, an)
- Vossoff and Nimmitz by Adam-Troy Castro (Wildside Press, July 2002, co)
- Voyage ed. Denys Val Baker (Sylvian Press, 1945, an)
- Voyage of the Basset: Islands in the Sky by Tanith Lee (Random House, October 1999, n.)
- The Voyage of the Proteus: An Eyewitness Account of the End of the World by Thomas M. Disch (Subterranean Press, December 2007, na)
- Voyage of the Sunspear by Ben Counter (Black Library, December 2012, ss)
- The Voyage of the Vigilance by Garry D. Kilworth (Armada, December 1988, n.)
- Voyager (Voyager, October 1995, an)
- Voyager 5: Collector’s Edition (Voyager, September 2000, oa)
- Voyagers in Time ed. Robert Silverberg (Meredith Press, September 1967, an)
- Voyages by Mike Resnick (Subterranean Press, March 2017, co)
- Voyages ed. Rob Sauer (Ballantine, April 1971, an)
- Voyages by Starlight by Ian R. MacLeod (Arkham House, July 1997, co)
- Voyages Into Darkness (Bump in the Night Books, 1993, an)
- A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay (Savoy Books, August 2002, n.)
- Voyageurs of the Midnight Sun and Other Stories by Dan Cushman (Capra Press, 1995, co)
- Vrouw Grobelaar’s Leading Cases by Perceval Gibbon (Blackwood, 1905, co)
- Vulkan He’stan: Forgefather by Nick Kyme (Black Library, December 2013, ss)
- Vulkan Lives by Nick Kyme (Black Library, August 2013, n.)
- The Vultures by Robert E. Howard (Fictioneer, 1973, co)
- Vultures of the Void: A History of British Science Fiction Publishing, 1946-1956 by Philip Harbottle (The Borgo Press, December 1992, nf)
- The Vultures of Whapeton by Robert E. Howard (Zebra, November 1975, co)
- Wagner/Artaud by Samuel R. Delany (Ansatz Press, April 1988, nf)
- Waifs and Strays by Charles de Lint (Viking, September 2002, co)
- Waifs and Strays by O. Henry (Doubleday, Page and Company, October 1917, co)
- Wait for the Thunder by Donald R. Burleson (Hippocampus Press, March 2010, co)
- Waiting ed. Stephen Jones (Pegasus Books, October 2017, oa)
- Waiting for Athena by John Scalzi (Subterranean Press, September 2008, nf)
- Waiting for the Machines to Fall Asleep ed. Peter Öberg (Affront Publishing, April 2015, oa)
- Wakemares by Tim Johnson (D-Press, December 2003, oc)
- Wake Up Screaming ed. Richard G. Sheehan (Bantam, February 1967, an)
- Waking Gods by Sylvain Neuvel (Subterranean Press, August 2019, n.)
- Waking Nightmares by Ramsey Campbell (Tor, November 1991, co)
- Waking Up Screaming by H. P. Lovecraft (Ballantine Del Rey, January 2003, co)
- Walcot by Brian W. Aldiss (Goldmark, November 2009, n.)
- Waldo and Magic, Inc. by Robert A. Heinlein (Doubleday, 1950, co)
- The Walker Book of Ghost Stories ed. Susan Hill (Walker, November 1990, an)
- Walkers in the Dark by Paul Finch (Ash-Tree Press, March 2010, co)
- The Walker-Through-Walls by Marcel Aymé (Berkley Medallion, 1962, co)
- Walk in Dread (Hutchinson, 1970, an)
- Walking in Eternity ed. Julian Eales (Factor Fiction, May 2001, oa)
- Walking in the Garden of the Mind by Sophie Masson (Altair Australia Books, May 2005, co)
- Walk on the Weird Side ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. (LASC Press, August 2017, oa)
- Walk on the Wild Side by Karl Edward Wagner (Centipede Press, April 2012, co)
- A Walk with the Beast ed. Charles M. Collins (Avon, June 1969, an)
- The Wall Around the World by Theodore R. Cogswell (Pyramid, February 1962, co)
- The Wall Around the World and Other Science Fiction Stories ed. Susan Morris (Cambridge University Press, 1979, an)
- The Wallet of Kai Lung by Ernest Bramah (Grant Richards, 1900, co)
- The Wall of America by Thomas M. Disch (Tachyon Publications, October 2008, co)
- The Wall of the Sky, The Wall of the Eye by Jonathan Lethem (Harcourt Brace, October 1996, co)
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