The FictionMags Index
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[]Delano, Jamie (1954- ) (chron.)
- * All the World’s a Stage [Night Raven], (ss) Mighty World of Marvel (comic) March 1984, Mighty World of Marvel (comic) April 1984 1984
- * The Bells of Hell [Night Raven], (ss) Mighty World of Marvel (comic) June 1984
- * The Haunting of Don Salvatore Visschetti [Night Raven], (ss) Mighty World of Marvel (comic) February 1984
- * Lucky Numbers [Night Raven], (ss) The Savage Sword of Conan (UK) (comic) January 1985
- * Midsummer Madness [Night Raven], (ss) Captain Britain (comic) October 1985, Captain Britain (comic) November 1985, Captain Britain (comic) December 1985 1985
- * Night & Day [Night Raven], (ss) Mighty World of Marvel (comic) October 1984
- * Night & Day [Night Raven], (ss) The Savage Sword of Conan (UK) (comic) November 1984
- * Night-Time in the City…, (ms)
- * Pathology [Night Raven], (ss) Mighty World of Marvel (comic) July 1984, Mighty World of Marvel (comic) August 1984, Mighty World of Marvel (comic) September 1984 1984
- * Quiet Town [Night Raven], (ss) The Daredevils (comic) November 1983
- * Quiet Town [Night Raven], (ss) Mighty World of Marvel (comic) December 1983 1983, Mighty World of Marvel (comic) January 1984 1984
- * The Ride [Night Raven], (ss) The Savage Sword of Conan (UK) (comic) May 1985
- * Time & Tide [Night Raven], (ss) The Savage Sword of Conan (UK) (comic) June 1985
- * Vendetta [Night Raven], (ss) The Savage Sword of Conan (UK) (comic) February 1985
- * The Visitor [Night Raven], (ss) The Savage Sword of Conan (UK) (comic) March 1985, The Savage Sword of Conan (UK) (comic) April 1985 1985
- * A Walk in the Park [Night Raven], (ss) The Savage Sword of Conan (UK) (comic) December 1984
- * When in Rome… [Night Raven], (ss) Mighty World of Marvel (comic) May 1984
_____, [ref.]
[]Delanoye, Percy Joseph (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Bullet Brand for the Lazy-Y, (nv) Western Tales December 1941
- * The Conspirators of Bitter Lakes, (nv) New Stirring Adventures January 1942
- * The Courage of Dan O’Dowd, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales March 1943
- * Death Flings a Gauntlet, (ss) The Master Thriller Series #28, 1939
- * Death Over the Islands, (ss) New Stirring Adventures November 1941
- * The Feud at Devil’s Ravine, (na) Fifteen Western Tales October 1942
- * For Whom the Guns Roar, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales September 1944
- * Hangtown Road, (nv) Fifteen Western Tales May 1943
- * Holster Justice, (nv) Fifteen Western Tales August 1942
- * Jailbird, (na) Fifteen Western Tales March 1946
[]de Lanux, Eyre; [born Elizabeth Eyre] (1894-1996) (about) (chron.)
- * Adlai, Adlai, What Was the Fifth Word?, (ss) The New Yorker September 25 1965
- * Cot No. 11, (ss) The New Yorker October 26 1968
- * Man in the Well, (ss) The Delineator May 1921
- * Montegufoni, (ss) The New Yorker September 10 1966
- * Putu, (ss) The New Yorker June 17 1972
- * The S.S. Libertad, (ss) Tomorrow August 1943
- * You Can’t Know Anything About It, (ss) Story #102, July/August 1943
[]Delany, Samuel R(ay, Jr.) (1942- ); used pseudonyms S. L. Kermit & K. Leslie Steiner (about) (books) (chron.)
- * 1984: Selected Letters, (nf) Voyant Publishing, June 2000
- * 2001: A Space Odyssey, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1968
- * A, B, C, Three Early Science Fiction Novels: A Foreword, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #318, February 2015
- * A, B, C, Three Early Science Fiction Novels: An Afterword, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #319, March 2015
- * A,B,C: Three Short Novels, (om) Random House/Vintage, July 2015
- * About Five Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Five Words, (ar) Extrapolation May 1969
- * About Writing: 7 Essays, 4 Letters & 5 Interviews, (nf) Wesleyan University Press, January 2006
- * Acknowledgements, (ms) Starboard Wine by Samuel R. Delany, Dragon Press, 1984
- * After Almost No Time at All the String on Which He Had Been Pulling and Pulling Came Apart Into Two Separate Pieces So Quickly He Hardly Realized It Had Snapped, or: Reflections on “The Beach Fire”, (ar) Empire for the SF Writer Summer 1980
- * Afterword, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #319, March 2015, as "A, B, C, Three Early Science Fiction Novels: An Afterword"
- * Afterword, (aw) The Fall of the Towers, Ace, 1970
- * Alyx, (in) Alyx by Joanna Russ, Gregg Press, 1976 [Ref. Joanna Russ], as "Introduction"
- * The American Shore, (nf) Dragon Press, August 1978
- * Among the Blobs, (ss) New Moon May 1987
- * And Janis Joplin, (ar) Crawdaddy #19, October 1968
- * Another Letter from New York, (lt) Starboard Wine by Samuel R. Delany, Dragon Press, 1984
- * Anthony Davis—A Conversation, (iv) Silent Interviews, Wesleyan University Press, 1994 [Ref. Anthony Davis]
- * An Antiphon, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #29, January 1991
- * Antonia Byatt’s Possession: A Romance, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #30, February 1991 [Ref. Antonia Byatt], as "Possession: A Romance"
- * Appendix: Nits, Nips, Tucks and Tips, (ar) About Writing: 7 Essays, 4 Letters & 5 Interviews, Wesleyan University Press, 2006
- * An Appreciation: Theodore Sturgeon, (bg) Night Cry Winter 1985 [Ref. Theodore Sturgeon]
- * Ars Longa Est, Vita Brevis, (ar) Crawdaddy #17, August 1968
- * Ashima Slade and the Harbin-Y Lectures: Some Informal Remarks Toward the Modular Calculus, Part Two, (fa) Triton, Bantam Books, 1976
- * Ash Wednesday, (mm) Boston Review (online) May 9 2017
- * The Atheist in the Attic, (na) The Atheist in the Attic Plus…, PM Press, 2018
- * The Atheist in the Attic Plus…, (oc) PM Press, April 2018
- * Atlantis: Model 1024, (na) Atlantis: Three Tales, Incunabula, 1995; in slightly different form, section b first appeared in The Kenyon Review, Fall 1993 and section d and part of section c first appeared in The Kenyan Review, Fall 1994.
- * Atlantis Rose…: Some Notes on Hart Crane, (ar) Longer Views, Wesleyan University Press, 1996 [Ref. Hart Crane]
- * Atlantis: Three Tales, (co) Incunabula, June 1995
- * Author’s Note on the Revision of This Edition, (ar) The Fall of the Towers, Ace, 1970
- * Aversion/Perversion/Diversion, (ar) Negotiating Lesbian and Gay Subjects ed. Monica Dorenkamp & Richard Henke, Routledge, 1995
- * Aye, and Gomorrah, (co) Vintage Books, April 2003
- * Aye, and Gomorrah…, (ss) Dangerous Visions ed. Harlan Ellison, Doubleday, 1967
- Nebula Award Stories 3 ed. Roger Zelazny, Gollancz, 1968
- Dangerous Visions #3 ed. Harlan Ellison, Berkley Medallion, 1969
- Driftglass, SFBC, 1971
- Modern Science Fiction ed. Norman Spinrad, Anchor, 1974
- The Road to Science Fiction #3 ed. James Gunn, Mentor, 1979
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume Four ed. Arthur C. Clarke, Gollancz, 1981
- The Complete Nebula Award-Winning Fiction, Bantam Spectra, 1986
- The World Treasury of Science Fiction ed. David G. Hartwell, Little Brown, 1989
- The Best of the Nebulas ed. Ben Bova, Tor, 1989
- Driftglass/Starshards, Grafton, 1993
- Off Limits ed. Ellen Datlow, St. Martin's, 1996
- Supermen ed. Gardner Dozois, St. Martin's Griffin, 2002
- Aye, and Gomorrah, Vintage Books, 2003
- Sci Fiction July 7 2004
- The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction ed. Arthur B. Evans, Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., Joan Gordon, et al., Wesleyan University Press, 2010
- Strange Horizons November 23 2015
- The Big Book of Science Fiction ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Vintage Books, 2016
- The Unquiet Dreamer ed. Preston Grassmann, PS Publishing, 2019
- * Babel-17, (n.) Ace, May 1966
- * Babel-17, (ex) Ace, 1966
- * Ballad of Beta-2, (n.) Ace, 1965
- * The Ballad of Beta-2, (n.) Ace Double, June 1965
- * A Bend in the Road, (ar) Yale Journal of Criticism Spring 1994
- * Books, (rc) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction; Jan 68.
- * Bread & Wine, (n.) Juno, March 1999
- * The Bridge of Lost Desire [Nevèrÿon], (co) Arbor House, November 1987
- * Buffon’s Needle (with Robert Wentworth), (ar) Return to Nevèrÿon, Grafton, 1989
- * Cage of Brass, (ss) If June 1968
- * Captives of the Flame [Fall of the Towers], (n.) Ace Double, May 1963
- * Characters, (ar) SFWA Forum June 1969, as "Two Points on Characterization"
- * Citre et Trans, (nv) Driftglass/Starshards, Grafton, 1993; sections I, III, IV, V, VI appeared in Pacific Review, Spring 1991 and section II in Fiction International, Autumn 1992.
- * Citre et Trans, (ex) Fiction International #22, 1992
- * City of a Thousand Suns [Fall of the Towers], (n.) Ace, 1965
- * Closures and Openings, (ar) Flight from Nevèrÿon, Bantam, 1985
- * Coming/Out, (ar) Boys Like Us ed. Patrick Merla, Avon, 1997
- * The Complete Nebula Award-Winning Fiction, (co) Bantam Spectra, February 1986
- * Corona, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1967
- The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Seventeenth Series ed. Edward L. Ferman, Doubleday, 1968
- Driftglass, SFBC, 1971
- Looking Ahead ed. Dick & Lori Allen, HBJ, 1975
- The Future of Being Human ed. Jackie & Dave Estrada, Canfield Press, 1977
- Distant Stars, Bantam, 1981
- Driftglass/Starshards, Grafton, 1993
- Stories ed. Eric S. Rabkin, Longman US, 1994
- Sci Fiction October 18 2000
- Aye, and Gomorrah, Vintage Books, 2003
- * Critical Methods: Speculative Fiction, (ar) Quark/1 ed. Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker, Paperback Library, 1970
- * Cyberpunk Forum/Symposium: Is Cyberpunk a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?, (ar) Mississippi Review #47/48, 1988
- * Dark Reflections, (n.) Carroll & Graf, May 2007
- * The Desert of Time, (vi) Omni May 1992
- * Dhalgren, (n.) Bantam, January 1975
- * Dhalgren, (ex) Bantam, 1975
- * Dichtung und Science Fiction, (ar) Starboard Wine by Samuel R. Delany, Dragon Press, 1984
- * Disch, I, (ar) Starboard Wine by Samuel R. Delany, Dragon Press, 1984 [Ref. Thomas M. Disch]
- * Disch, II, (ar) Starboard Wine by Samuel R. Delany, Dragon Press, 1984 [Ref. Thomas M. Disch]
- * The Discourse of Science Fiction, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #76, Spring 1981; guest-of-honor speech at Norwescon IV.
- * Distant Stars, (co) Bantam, August 1981
- * Dog in a Fisherman’s Net, (ss) Quark/3 ed. Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker, Paperback Library, 1971
- * Driftglass, (co) SFBC, July 1971
- * Driftglass, (ss) If June 1967
- The World’s Best Science Fiction: 1968 ed. Donald A. Wollheim & Terry Carr, Ace, 1968
- Driftglass, SFBC, 1971
- The New Tomorrows ed. Norman Spinrad, Belmont, 1971
- A Spectrum of Worlds ed. Thomas D. Clareson, Doubleday, 1972
- A Day in the Life ed. Gardner R. Dozois, Harper & Row, 1972
- Survival Printout ed. Total Effect, Vintage, 1973
- Mermaids! ed. Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois, Ace, 1986
- Worlds of If: A Retrospective Anthology ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Bluejay, 1986
- Science Fiction ed. Patricia S. Warrick, Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Harper & Row, 1988
- The Legend Book of Science Fiction ed. Gardner R. Dozois, Legend, 1991
- Driftglass/Starshards, Grafton, 1993
- The Prentice Hall Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy ed. Garyn G. Roberts, Prentice-Hall, 2001
- Aye, and Gomorrah, Vintage Books, 2003
- Mermaids and Other Mysteries of the Deep ed. Paula Guran, Prime Books, 2015
- * Driftglass/Starshards, (co) Grafton, March 1993
- * The Dying Castles: II, (vi) New Worlds #200, April 1970
- * The Early Delany, (ar) The Straits of Messina, Serconia, 1989
- * The Early Delany: A WisCon V Panel Discussion, (sy) New Moon Spring 1983
- * Editorial (with Marilyn Hacker), (ed) Quark/1 ed. Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker, Paperback Library, 1970
- * The Einstein Intersection, (n.) Ace, March 1967
- * Emblems of Talent, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #206, October 2005
- * Empire (with Howard V. Chaykin), (gn) Berkley Windhover, October 1978
- * Empire Star, (n.) Ace Double, February 1966
- * English, American, (pm) Riverside Quarterly March 1967
- * Equinox, (n.) Lancer, 1973, as Tides of Lust
- Masquerade/Rhinoceros, January 1994
- * Equinox, (ex) Lancer, 1973, as "The Tides of Lust"
- * Erik, Gwen, and D.H. Lawrence’s Esthetic of Unrectified Feeling, (ar) Driftglass/Starshards, Grafton, 1993; approximately half the article appeared in Callaloo Vol 14 #2, 1991.
- * Escaping Ethnocentricity?, (ar) Strange Horizons March 24 2014
- * An Exhortation to SF Scholars, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #145, September 2000; presented at the July 2000 SFRA Conference at Cleveland State University.
- * An Experimental Talk, (ar) Starboard Wine by Samuel R. Delany, Dragon Press, 1984
- * A Fabulous, Formless Darkness, (n.) Ace, 1967, as The Einstein Intersection
- * The Fall of the Towers [Fall of the Towers], (om) Ace, 1970
- * Faust and Archimedes, (ar) SFWA Forum June 1969 [Ref. Thomas M. Disch & Roger Zelazny]
- * A Fictional Architecture with 365 Supports That Manages Only with Great Effort Not to Mention Harlan Ellison, (ar) Lighthouse #15, August 1967
- * Film, (mr) Night Cry; Spr 87.
- * Films, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction; Jan, Feb, Aug 69.
- * Films, (mr) Night Cry Spring 1987
- * Fire in the Sky, (ss) Particulates ed. Nalo Hopkinson, Dia Art Foundation, 2018
- * Flight from Nevèrÿon [Nevèrÿon], (oc) Bantam, May 1985
- * Flight from Nevèrÿon (var. 1) [Nevèrÿon], (co) Grafton, April 1989
- * Flight from Nevèrÿon (var. 2) [Nevèrÿon], (n.) Wesleyan University Press, April 1994
- * Flow, My Tears…Theater and Science Fiction, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #1, September 1988 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Foreword, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #318, February 2015, as "A, B, C, Three Early Science Fiction Novels: A Foreword"
- * Foreword (with Marilyn Hacker), (fw) Quark/3 ed. Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker, Paperback Library, 1971
- * Forward to an Afterword, (fw) The Complete Nebula Award-Winning Fiction, Bantam Spectra, 1986
- * from Phallos, (na) Voyant Publishing, 2000
- * From the Triton Journal: Work Notes and Omitted Pages, (ar) Triton, Bantam Books, 1976
- * The Future in Books, (rc) Amazing Stories; Nov 68.
- * The Future in Books (with James Blish & Barry N. Malzberg), (rc) Amazing Stories November 1968, as by William Atheling, Jr., Samuel R. Delany & Barry N. Malzberg
- * The Future of the Body—and Science Fiction and Technology, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #51, November 1992
- * The Game of Time and Pain [Nevèrÿon], (na) The Bridge of Lost Desire, Arbor House, 1987
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