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- Success Magazine (December, 1905) "A Blue-label Saint"
A story. "How Kriss Kringle, St. Patrick, and the Labor Union Delegates Got Mixed." Illustrated by Horace Taylor. p 802-04. [EPBLIB]
- Success Magazine (May, 1906) "What Did Dugan Do To 'Em?" A story. Illustrated by Horace Taylor. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (August, 1906) "The Casey-Murphy Handicap"
A story. Illustrated by Gerrit A. Beneker (b. 1882, d. 1934). Volume 9. Number 147. p 550-551,576. [HARPER]
- _____ (August, 1906) "The Funniest Stories I've Heard" A collection of short humorous stories. Includes a photo of the author. p 562-3. [HARPER]
- _____ (September, 1906) "How to Write Humorous Verse"
Humor. "A Carefully Compiled Code for the Courageous." Illustrated by Clare V. Dwiggins. p 636-8. [HARPER]
- _____ (October, 1906) "Mrs. Casey's Dollar"
A story. Illustrated by J. R. Shaver. Mrs. Casey has her day in court while fighting the railroad company for payment of the sum of one dollar. p 662+. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (December, 1906) "For Skudsy"
A story. Illustrated by Clara D. Davidson. [EPBLIB]
- Success Magazine (April, 1910) "Our National Game"
Humor. Illustrations by Charles Sarka. p 241-242, 277-278. [HARPER]
- _____ (June, 1910) "On Jury Duty" Humor. Illustrations by B. Cory Kilvert. p 397-8, 427. [HARPER]
- Success Magazine (July, 1911) "The Automatic Baby"
Humor. "A New Generation of Infants Germless, Voiceless and Hopeless." Illustrated by Rodney Thomson. p 10, 43. [HARPER]
- Success Magazine (January, 1921) "Why Worry?" This publication's full title is "The New Success: Marden's Magazine." p 93-97+. [HARPER]
- Success Magazine (September, 1922) "How Many Men Are You?" p 27-29. [HARPER]
- Success Magazine (May, 1923) "The Pishylogical Momentum"
A story. Illustrated by Ralph Pallen Coleman. "The humorous tale of a country minister and a devastating press agent." p 22-25, 70-72. [HARPER]
- _____ (December, 1923) "Beloved Humans: It's Going to Be a Great Life"
An essay. Illustrated by Arthur G. Dove. "Ellis Parker Butler's Great Story for Success." p 24-27, 83, 90. [HARPER]
- Success Magazine (January, 1925) "The Kick-Off"
A story. "Humorous Story of the Rich Man and the Poet." Illustrated by H. J. Peck. "Success: The Human Magazine." p 26-30, 94-96. [HARPER]
- Success Magazine (March, 1926) "Fat Is Fat" A story. p 40-44+. [HARPER]
See all the Success Magazine cover art.