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- Leslie's Monthly (March, 1901) "Temporary Editor" A story. One illustration. p 514-515. [HANNIGAN]
- Leslie's Monthly (January, 1902) "A Study in Feeling" A poem. HARPER calls this "A Story in Feeling." p 384.Commentary. Four verses of this poem were reprinted in Dallas Morning News, February 2, 1902. [EPBLIB, HARPER]
- _____ (July, 1902) "A Question" A poem. With an illustration by B. Cory Kilvert. p 306. Reprinted: Oshkosh (Wisconsin) Daily Northwestern; July 5, 1902; p 6. [HARPER]
- _____ (October, 1902) "Womanly Qualms" A poem. With an illustration by B. Cory Kilvert. p 620. [HARPER]
- _____ (November, 1902) "The Golf Walk" A poem. With a drawing by B. Cory Kilvert. p 94-5. [HARPER]
- _____ (December, 1902) "The Poor Boy's Christmas" A poem. With decorations by B. Cory Kilvert. p 221. [HARPER]
- _____ (December, 1902) "The Rich Boy's Christmas" A poem. With decorations by B. Cory Kilvert. p 220. [HARPER]
- Leslie's Monthly (February, 1903) "The Hunter" A poem in twelve verses. Illustrated by B. Cory Kilvert. p 433. HARPER lists only one poem in this issue. [HARPER]
- _____ (February, 1903) "A St. Valentine's Day Tragedy" A poem in ten verses. Illustrated by B. Cory Kilvert. p 436. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (March, 1903) "The Literary Graveyard" A story with poetry. Illustrated by B. Cory Kilvert. p 538-40. [HARPER]
- _____ (May, 1903) "The Romance Trust" A humorous essay. p 100-102. [HARPER]
- _____ (May, 1903) "Why I Went to the Foot" A poem in 28 verses. With an illustration by B. Cory Kilvert. Volume 56. Number 1. p 100. [HARPER]
- _____ (June, 1903) "The Gymkhana at Milkville" A story. The author spells the word as "gymkhana" (which is the dictionary spelling) while the illustrator and HARPER use "gymkana." Illustrated by Fanny Y. Cory (F. Y. Cory). Includes the author's submission letter. p 127-133. [HARPER, FICTIONMAGS]
- _____ (June, 1903) "An Old-Fashioned Garden" A poem in 12 verses. With an illustration by Mills Thompson. p 204. [HARPER]
- _____ (August, 1903) "Alice and the Book Worm" Humor with poetry. Illustrated. Later reprinted in Booklover's Magazine (September 1903). p 414-415. Indexed in the bound volume LVI (p iii) as "Alice in Book Land." [HARPER]
- _____ (September, 1903) "The Heart of a Man" A story. With drawings by Emilie Benson Knipe. The phrase "The Heart of a Man -- Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 417-424. [HARPER]
- _____ (October, 1903) "The Great Park Strike" A story. With pictures by Fanny (F. Y.) Cory. p 603-609. [HANNIGAN]
- Leslie's Monthly (January, 1904) "The Adventure of the Lame and the Halt" A Perkins of Portland story. Illustrations by Florence Scovel Shinn. Later published in Perkins of Portland. p 282-289. [HANNIGAN]
- _____ (January, 1904) "The Ballade of the Automobile" A poem. p 352. [HARPER]
- _____ (January, 1904) "The Correspondence School of Poetry" Humor with poetry. As Jim K. Hanna (James K. Hanna, unconfirmed). Illustrated. p 348-350. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (February, 1904) "The Crimson Cord" A Perkins of Portland story. Illustrated by F. R. Gruger. Later published in Perkins of Portland. p 389-397. [HANNIGAN]
- _____ (February, 1904) "Valentine to the Girl in Black" A poem in six verses. Attributed to "E. P. B." With a drawing by H. Imbrie. Page 470. [HARPER]
- _____ (March, 1904) "Our Neighbor's Children" A story. As James K. Hanna (unconfirmed). Illustrated by Emilie Benson-Knipe. p 481-488. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (April, 1904) "The Adventure of the Fifth Street Church" A Perkins of Portland story. "How Perkins Boomed a Town." With drawings by F. R. Gruger. Later published in Perkins of Portland. [HANNIGAN]
- _____ (April, 1904) "To Phyllis and May" A poem in six verses. Attributed to "E. P. B." p 707. [HARPER]
- _____ (July, 1904) "A Fortune in Hot Air" A Perkins of Portland story. "An Adventure of Perkins the Great." With drawings by F. R. Gruger. Volume LVIII. Number 3. Whole Number 343. Pages 269-274. This story is not in Perkins of Portland. Also reprinted in Dallas Morning News, January 5, 1908. [HANNIGAN]
- _____ (August, 1904) "The Feet of the Detwilers" A story. "A Tale of Cousin Carrie and the Lousiana Exposition." With pictures by E. D. Stevens. Volume 58. Number 4. p 413-418. [HANNIGAN]
- _____ (September, 1904) "In the Next Cot" A story. With drawings by A. W. Brown. "A great beer wagon loomed just ahead." p 550-556. [HANNIGAN]
- Leslie's Monthly (May, 1905) "To May" A poem. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (May, 1905) "The Twenty Hoss-Power Shay" A poem about an automobile. A parody of Oliver Wendell Holmes's well-known "The Deacon's Masterpiece or, the Wonderful One-Hoss Shay" that can be found online here. [EPBLIB]
See all the Leslie's Monthly cover art.