Magazines Published in Canada

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Magazine Title Issues Indexed In Notes
Planet Stories (Canada) Fall 1948 - Mar-1951 SFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Polar Borealis Jan/Feb-2016 - present SFI Missing: any after #29, Mar-2024
Issue Checklist
Polar Starlight Mar-2021 - present SFI Missing: any after #13, Feb-2024
Issue Checklist
Police Detective (Canada) in 1940s    
Polygraff Jun-2009 - Jul-2010 SFI Issue Checklist
Popular Complete Stories (Canada) - see under Complete Stories (Canada)
Popular Detective (Canada) in 1940s CFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Popular Love (Canada) c. 1949 FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Popular Sports Magazine (Canada) in 1940s SPFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Popular Western (Canada) in 1940s WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Portico [197?] in 1970s - in 1990s FicMags sample issue only
Potboiler v1 #1, 1980 - v1 #11, 1985 SFI Issue Checklist
Pottersfield Portfolio 1979 - in 2000s    
Prairie Fire Spring 1979 - present FicMags sample issue only
Primrose Series 1890s DimeNvl  
» Prism International
1959 - 1963
1964 - present
Private Confessions (Canada) in 1940s    
Private Detective (Canada) Jun-1941 - Mar-1944 CFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Private Detective Cases (Canada) May-1944 - ?    
Pulp Literature Winter 2014 - present GFI Missing: any after #42, Spring 2024
Issue Checklist
Quarry Magazine Spring 1952 - 2000?    
Queen's Quarterly Jul-1893 - present FicMags partial issue only
RAF Aces (Canada) in 1940s AFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Railroad Stories (Canada) in 1930s GFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Rampike 1979 - present    
Ranch Romances (Canada) in 1940s WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Rangeland Love Stories [1950] (Canada) in 1950s WFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Rangeland Love Story Magazine (Canada) in 1930s WFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Rangeland Romances (Canada) in 1940s WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Range Riders Western (Canada) c. 1950 WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Rare Crime Cases in 1940s    
Rare Detective (Stories) in 1940s    
Real Crime Cases Mar-1943 - ?    
Real Detective Stories ?    
Real Police Cases ?    
Real Western (Canada)
» Western Magazine (Canada)
» Real Western (Canada)
? - Dec-1944
Jan-1945 - Feb-1945
c. 1948
sample issues only
Missing: all issues
Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Recent Detective Cases Jul-1946 - ?    
Rex Stout Mystery Magazine (Canada) in 1940s CFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
The Rio Kid Western (Canada) in 1940s WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Rocket (Canada) Apr-1941 - ?    
Rod and Gun in Canada Jun-1899 - 1974 FicMags partial issue only
Rodeo Romances (Canada) in 1940s WFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Romance (Canada) [1940s] in 1940s FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Romance Round-Up (Canada) c. 1936 WFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Romance Western (Canada) c. 1948 WFI Missing: all except Dec-1948 & Dec-1949
Issue Checklist
Romantic Love Stories (Canada) in 1940s FicMags sample issue only
Romantic Range (Canada) c. 1936 WFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Room of One's Own
» Room
1975 - 2006
2007 - present
sample issue only
Rose-Belford's Canadian Monthly and National Review - see under Canadian Monthly and National Review
Rothnium 1977 - 1978    
Roundup (Canada) Nov-1946 WFI Issue Checklist
Saturday Night [1887] 3-Dec-1887 - 22-Sep-2001 ShStIdx Missing: all before 1974 at least
Scicon Mar-1972 - Jan-1974?    
Science Fantasy (Canada) [1954] 1954? - 1964? SFI Missing: all except #44; #45; #49; #50; #52; #54; #55; #56; #58
Issue Checklist
Science Fiction (Canada) [1941] Oct-1941 - Jun-1942 SFI Issue Checklist
Science Fiction Adventures (Canada) 1960? - 1963? SFI Missing: all except #16, #17, #20, #21, #22, #25, #28, #29, #30, #31
Issue Checklist
Scoop Detective (Cases) (Canada) May-1942 - ?    
Secret Service Operator #5 (Canada) in 1930s AFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Seed Magazine ? - Summer 2004 FicMags Missing: #1, #2, #3, #8
Senary 1992    
Sensational Crime Confessions Jan-1946? - ?    
The Shadow Magazine (Canada)
» The Shadow Magazine (Canada)
1932 - 1936
Jul-1941 - Feb-1945?
sample issues only
sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Shambhala Sun
» Lion's Roar
1992 - Jan-2016
Feb/Mar-2016 - present
sample issue only
Shiver Fall 1996 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Shon'ai in 1980s FicMags sample issues only
Short Stories (Canada) in 1940s GFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Sky Birds (Canada) in 1930s AFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Sky Blazers Dec-1941 - Apr-1942? AFI Issue Checklist
Sky Fighters (Canada) in 1940s AFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Sleuth Magazine Summer 2015 - present CFI Issue Checklist
Smart Romance Stories in 1930s FicMags sample issue only
Smashing Western (Stories) (Canada) 1941 - 1942? WFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
SpaceWays [1996] 1996 - 2001    
Special Detective Cases (Canada) Aug-1941 - ?    
Speculative North May-2020 - present SFI Missing: any after #6, Dec-2021
Issue Checklist
The Spider (Canada) in 1930s AFI Missing: all except Aug-1935
Issue Checklist
Sports Novels Magazine (Canada) c. 1951 SPFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Sport Story Magazine (Canada) c. 1934 SPFI Missing: all except April 25, 1935
Issue Checklist
Spy Novels Magazine (Canada) Feb-1935 - Jun-1935 AFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Stag (Canada) in 1940s FicMags sample issue only
The Standing Stone in 1990s    
Stardock [1977]
» Stardock [1977]
#1, 1977 - #4, 1979
#5, 1984 - #6, 1986
Missing: #6, Winter 1986
Issue Checklist
Stardust [1970s] #1, 1975 - v3 #2, 1981 SFI Issue Checklist
Star Novels Magazine (Canada) in 1930s AFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Startling Crime Cases Jan-1943 - ?    
Startling Stories (Canada)
» Startling Stories (Canada)
» Startling Stories (Canada)
Summer 1945 - Fall 1946
May-1948 - Sep-1948
Mar-1949 - Jan-1951
Missing: all issues
Missing: all except May-1948
Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Star Weekly 1910 - 1969 FicMags sample issues only
Star Western (Canada) in 1940s WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Stirring Detective Cases May-1945 FicMags  
The Story-teller (Canada) 1910s - 1920s FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Storyteller [1994] Summer 1994 - in 2000s    
Strange Detective Mysteries (Canada) Aug-1941? - Nov-1945? CFI incomplete
Issue Checklist
Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine (Canada) Feb-1941? - Oct-1944? CFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Street & Smith's Love Story Magazine (Canada) in 1930s FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Street & Smith's Western Story Magazine (Canada) 1931? - 1944? WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Sub-Terrain Magazine 1993 - present    
Super-Detective (Canada) in 1940s CFI Missing: v1 #1 & v1 #2
Issue Checklist
Super Science Stories (Canada)
» Super Science and Fantastic Stories
» Super Science Stories (Canada)
Aug-1942 - Oct-1944
Dec-1944 - Dec-1945
Jan-1949 - Aug-1951
Missing: Sep-1949; May-1950; Jul-1950; Sep-1950; Jan-1951
Issue Checklist
Sure-Fire Detective (Canada) 1941 - 1942? CFI Missing: any before Aug-1941; Oct-1941; Apr-1942; any after Aug-1942
Issue Checklist
Sure-Shot Detective May-1945 - ?    
Sweetheart Stories (Canada) in 1930s   Issue Checklist
Tales of Moreauvia Spring 2008 - Jun-2012 SFI Missing: #4, Jun-2012
Issue Checklist
Ten Detective Aces (Canada) in 1940s CFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
10-Story Detective (Canada) in 1940s CFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Ten-Story Love Magazine (Canada) in 1940s FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
10 Story Mystery Magazine (Canada) c. 1943 CFI incomplete
Issue Checklist
10 Story Western Magazine (Canada) in 1940s WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Terence X. O'Leary's War Birds (Canada) - see under War Birds (Canada)
Texas Rangers (Canada) in 1950s WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Thirteen Stories Sep-2002 - Dec-2003 SFI Issue Checklist
Three Cent Pulp 15-Nov-1972 - 1980    
The Thriller (Canada) in 1930s CFI Issue Checklist
Thrilling Adventures (Canada) in 1940s AFI Issue Checklist
Thrilling Baseball (Canada) c. 1950 SPFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Thrilling Detective (Canada) in 1940s CFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Thrilling Love (Canada) in 1940s FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Thrilling Mystery (Canada)
» Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine (Canada)
in 1940s
c. 1946
sample issues only
Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Thrilling Ranch Stories (Canada) in 1940s WFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Thrilling Sports (Canada) in 1940s SPFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Thrilling Western (Canada) in 1940s WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Thrilling Wonder Stories (Canada)
» Thrilling Wonder Stories (Canada)
Summer 1945 - Dec-1946
Apr-1948 - Feb-1951
Missing: all except Summer 1945
Missing: all except Aug-1948 & Feb-1951
Issue Checklist
Timewarp #1, 1985 - #3, 1985 SFI Missing: #1, 1985
Issue Checklist
Top-Notch Magazine (Canada) in 1930s AFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Toronto Life 1966 - present FicMags sample issue only
The Toronto Star Weekly - see under Man About Town (UK)
TransVersions Autumn 1994 - 1999 SFI Issue Checklist
Triangle Quarterly in 1940s CFI; WFI Missing: all except Fall 1945
Issue Checklist
Triple Detective (Canada) in 1940s CFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Triple Western (Canada) in 1950s WFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
True Bootleg Crime Cases ?    
True Crime (Cases) (Canada) Aug-1942 - ?    
True Crime Detective Cases (Canada) in 1940s    
True Gangster Crime Cases ?    
True Police Cases (Canada) in 1940s    
Truth (Canada) 1880? - ?    
20th Century Crime Cases in 1940s FicMags sample issue only
Two-Book Detective Magazine (Canada)
» New Detective Magazine (Canada)
Dec-1933/Jan-1934 - Jan-1935
Mar-1935 - Dec-1935
Missing: all issues
Missing: all except Sep-1935
Issue Checklist
Uncanny Tales (Canada) Nov-1940 - Sep-1943 SFI Issue Checklist
Universal Western Dec-1946 WFI Issue Checklist
The University Magazine [1907] Feb-1907 - Feb-1920 FicMags sample issue only
Unusual Detective Cases ?    
Variety Love Stories (Canada) late 1940s   Issue Checklist
The Varsity Magazine 1880 - present    
Vox Dec-1927 - 1985 FicMags sample issue only
The Walrus Sep-2003 - present FicMags sample issues only
Walsh's Magazine Oct-1895 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Walt Coburn's Western Magazine (Canada) Nov-1949 - ? WFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
War Birds (Canada) in 1930s AFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Wascana Review 1966 - 2012    
Weird Tales (Canada)
» Weird Tales (Canada)
Jun-1935 - Jul-1936
May-1942 - Nov-1951
Missing: all except Feb-1936 & Jul-1936
only indexed to Mar-1948; thereafter issues are identical to the US versions
Issue Checklist

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