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The Sterling Web

Country: US
Total Issues: 15

Semi-professional magazine.

Issues & Index Sources

  Spring 1989 – Winter 1991: Science Fiction Index
  Fall/Winter 1991 – Jan-2002, as The Silver Web: Science Fiction Index


  Buzzcity Press, PO Box 38190, Tallahassee, FL 32315


  Ann Kennedy




  64pp (varies)


  intended as quarterly but became one or two a year
Issue Checklist


Country: US

A traditional fanzine. It was published and edited by Hugh McInnus of Moorhead, Minnesota. The one I have includes fiction and articles as well as part 2 of a serial.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1940s
Publishers:   Hugh McInnus, Moorhead, Minnesota
Editors:   Hugh McInnus


Country: US

Stim is a publication from Springfield, Missouri. Created in response to a growing number of local newspapers, magazines and tabloids but a declining mass of solid content, Stim is all about stimulating the local creative culture, and therefore will be presenting the best writing of all flavors, visual arts, design, photography, articles and anything else we think is interesting and worthwhile to the public.

Issues & Index Sources:  Oct-2006 – 2008: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   2and2is5 Design, Springfield, Missouri, 65806
Editors:   Colin Wright
Formats:   5" x 7"


Country: US

"A PG-13 Literary Magazine for readers of Young Adult Fiction".

Issues & Index Sources:  Summer 2013 – present
Publishers:   Handersen Publishing, PO Box 21843, Lincoln, NE 68524
Editors:   Tevin Hansen & Nichole Hansen

Stirling Penny Stories (New Series)

Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources:  1934 – ?
Publishers:   Drummond's Tract Depot, Stirling

Stirling Stories

Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources:  1891 – ?
Publishers:   Drummond's Tract Depot, Stirling

Stirling Twopenny Stories

Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources:  1937 – ?
Publishers:   Drummond's Tract Depot, Stirling
Pagecounts:   32pp / 24pp

Stirring Adventures

Country: US
Total Issues: 3?

Issues & Index Sources

  Jul-1941: Adventure Fiction Index
  Nov-1941 – Jan-1942, as New Stirring Adventures: Adventure Fiction Index


  National Features, Inc. (Albing Publications)


  standard pulp

Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps
Issue Checklist

Stirring Detective and Western Stories

Country: US
Total Issues: 5

An unusual hybrid pulp featuring undistinguished detective and western stories. The magazine never really found an audience and folded after 5 issues.

Issues & Index Sources:  Nov-1940 – Jun-1941: Crime Fiction Index
Western Fiction Index
Publishers:   Albing Publications
Editors:   Jerry Albert
Formats:   standard pulp
Frequency:   bimonthly
Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, The Pulp Western, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Stirring Detective Cases

Country: Canada
Total Issues: 1?

True crime magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1945: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   Duchess Printing & Publishing Co., Toronto

Stirring Detective Stories

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1

Despite the title this magazine reprinted stories from Detective Tales.

Issues & Index Sources:  1949: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   Atlas Publishing & Distributing
Formats:   standard pulp
Prices:   9d
Pagecounts:   64pp
Mentioned in:   Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Stirring Science Stories

Country: US
Total Issues: 4

Issues & Index Sources

  Feb-1941 – Mar-1942: Science Fiction Index


  Feb-1941 – Jun-1941: Albing Publications
  Mar-1942: Manhattan Fiction Publications (Albing Publications)


  Donald A. Wollheim


  Feb-1941 – Jun-1941: standard pulp
  Mar-1942: large pulp




  Feb-1941 – Jun-1941: 128pp
  Mar-1942: 68pp


  bimonthly (but 4th issue delayed)

Related Sites

  Science Fiction Encyclopedia

Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps
Issue Checklist

Stirring Stories

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1

Issues & Index Sources:  1939: Adventure Fiction Index

Issue Checklist

Stirring Western Stories

Country: UK

British reprint magazine, reprinting stories from Big-Book Western Magazine, and possibly other US western pulps.

The only known issue is listed as published by Morrison & Gibb who are the printers for Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co. Ltd.

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1949: Western Fiction Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Morrison & Gibb (printers for Atlas Publishing and Distributing Co. Ltd.)
Formats:   standard pulp
Issue Checklist

Stocking Parade [1930s]

Country: US
Total Issues: 47

Issues & Index Sources:  Jul-1937 – Jun-1943: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Arrow Publication
Mentioned in:   Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Uncovered: The Hidden Art of Girlie Pulps

Issue Checklist

Stocking Parade [1960s]

Country: US
Total Issues: 5?

Issues & Index Sources:  Jul-1965 – ?
Publishers:   Unique Publications, Ltd., 1733 Broadway, New York, NY 10019

Issue Checklist

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