One-shot magazine/anthology of original stories by South African authors.
1949 |
 v1 #1 Jan |
One of the many undated "one shot" magazines published in the UK in the
years after the Second World War. In a loose series with Crime
Detective, Homicide Reporter, Police Detective and
Crime Investigator.
1949 |
 Oct |
The rumor that a pulp magazine existed by this title has not been
confirmed by any positive evidence, and none have been found. It may be
confused with Racketeer Stories.
This title is rumoured to exist, but no positive evidence has been found
to substantiate it.
Published as a companion to Rapid-Fire Action Stories and Rapid-Fire Western Stories,
Rapid-Fire Detective Stories was an undistinguished detective pulp that ran for 8 issues.
1932 |
 v1 #1 Oct |
 v1 #2 Nov |
 v1 #3 Dec |
1933 |
 v2 #1 Jan |
 v2 #2 Feb |
 v2 #3 Mar |
 v3 #1 Apr |
 v3 #2 May |
Real Mystery was a short-lived, weird menace, pulp launched to reprint
stories from Uncanny Tales and Mystery Tales under new titles.
1940 |
 v1 #1 Apr |
 v1 #2 Jul |
There is rumoured to be a pulp magazine of this title, but no positive
evidence of it has been found.
Elusive small-press magazine that ran for 12 issues or so in the mid 1990s.
Other issues may exist.
1994 |
 v1 #1 Summer |
 v1 #2 Fall |
 v1 #3 Winter |
1995 |
v2 #1 Summer |
 v2 #2 Fall |
 v2 #3 Winter |
1996 |
 v3 #1 Summer |
v3 #2 Fall |
 v3 #3 Winter |
 v3 #3.5 |
1997 |
 v3 #4 Spring |
 v4 #1 Summer |
Short lived detective pulp featuring lead stories by Stanley Richards
about Perry Morgan, the Red Mask! Most of the stories were sluggish
trivialities by obscure writers. After two issues the magazine changed
its name to Red Hood Detective Stories but survived only a single
issue under that title before folding.
1941 |
 v1 #1 Mar |
 v1 #2 May |
 v1 #1 Jul |
A pulp magazine of this title is rumoured to have been published about
1940 by Periodical House, Inc., but no positive evidence of it has been
A pulp magazine of this title is rumoured to have been published about
1940 by Periodical House, Inc., but no positive evidence of it has been
One-off detective magazine, published as a companion to
Blue Star Adventure and Green Star Western.
1946 |
 #1 (Nov) |
A short-lived mystery pulp featuring the novel-length mystery adventures of
Don Diavolo, the Scarlet Wizard.
1940 |
 v1 #1 Jun |
 v1 #2 Aug |
 v1 #3 Oct |
 v1 #4 Dec |
Launched to cash in on the success of the paperback editions of three
Nero Wolfe novels, Rex Stout's Mystery Monthly (initially under
slightly different titles) was a digest-sized mystery magazine combining
classic reprints and some original material. Stout was listed as
editor-in-chief, and contributed an introduction to each issue, but
otherwise had little involvement.
1945 |
 #1 May |
 #2 Aug |
1946 |
 #3 Feb |
 #4 Mar |
 #5 Jun |
 #6 Oct |
 #7 Dec |
1947 |
 #8 May |
 #9 |
Canadian reprint edition of Rex Stout Mystery Magazine. Number of issues not known.
1946 |
 Jun |
2019 |
 #1, Summer/Fall |
2020 |
 #2, Winter/Spring |
 #3, Spring/Summer |
 #4, Fall/Winter |
2021 |
 #5, Winter/Spring |
 #6, Summer |
2022 |
 #7, Winter |
 #8, Summer |
2023 |
 #9, Winter |
 #10, Summer |
2024 |
 #11, Summer |
 #12, Fall |
Despite the title, Romantic Detective presented stories that were
more in the detective vein than romance. Each issue contained a full-length
novel supported by a handful of short stories.
1938 |
 v1 #1 Feb |
 v1 #2 Apr |
 v1 #3 Jun |
 v1 #4 Aug |
 v1 #5 Oct |
 v1 #6 Dec |
1939 |
 v2 #1 Feb |