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Tom Ball Magazine For Boys

Country: UK
Total Issues: 10

Issues & Index Sources:  Jun-1920 – Mar-1921
Publishers:   Commonwealth Pub.
Frequency:   monthly


Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  Aug-1969 – ?: FictionMags Index (Missing: any after Aug-1969)
Publishers:   Dominion Publishing Company, P.O. Box 3910, North Hollywood, Calif 91609
Editors:   Donald Pfeil
Frequency:   bi-monthly

Issue Checklist

The Tome

Country: US
Total Issues: 10

Fanzine. The magazine is produced by a group of US Navy personnel assigned to the U.S.S. Guadalcanal, which would seem to account for its sporadic issuance and the editors' reluctance to list an address in the early issues. The second and third issues are unpaginated.

Issues & Index Sources:  1989 – Winter 1992/1993: Science Fiction Index
Issue Checklist


Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  1962 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   International Publications, Inc., 4340 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood 69, CA

Issue Checklist

To-Morrow [1924]

Country: Ireland
Total Issues: 2

Issues & Index Sources:  Aug-1924 – Sep-1924: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   To-Morrow, Dublin
Editors:   Henry Francis Stuart & Cecil Salkeld
Formats:   45 cms by 28 cms
Prices:   6d
Pagecounts:   8pp
Frequency:   monthly

Tomorrow [1941]

Country: US

Mainly a journal of parapsychology, but also published fiction, including a debut story by Harvey Jacobs.

Issues & Index Sources

  Sep-1941 – Aug-1951: FictionMags Index
  Autumn 1952 – Autumn 1966


  in 1941: Creative Age Press
  Garrett Publications, New York


  Eileen Garrett


  monthly, quarterly in its second incarnation

Tomorrow Magazine [1970]

Country: US

SF Fanzine.

Issues & Index Sources:  Dec-1970 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   F.I.P. Publications, Bronx, NY
Editors:   Paul Engelberg
Formats:   quarto
Prices:   85c
Pagecounts:   40pp

Tomorrow: Speculative Fiction [1993]

Country: US
Total Issues: 24+?

Small-press magazine which later converted into a webzine.

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1993 – Feb-1997: Science Fiction Index
  Mar-1997 – Aug-1998?, as Tomorrow: (online)


  Jan-1993: Pulphouse Publishing
  Apr-1993 – Feb-1997: The Unifont Company, Evanston, IL


  Algis Budrys









Related Sites

  Science Fiction Encyclopedia
Issue Checklist

Tomorrow: A Journal for the World Citizen of the New Age

Country: UK

Published "Miss Winters and the Wind" by Christine N. Govan, May 1946.

Issues & Index Sources:  28-Oct-1939 – May-1949

Tomorrow And...

Country: US
Total Issues: 9

Fanzine that published some fiction, including three stories by Harlan Ellison.

Issues & Index Sources:  1968 – 1973
Editors:   Jerry Lapidus & Mike Bradley
Related Sites:   Fancyclopedia 3

Tom Watson's Magazine

see under Watson's Jeffersonian Magazine


Country: US

Renamed Night People in February 1970 but, just to confuse matters, unsold copies of earlier issues of Tonight (and other magazines) were rebound (as Tonight) with new dates and issue numbers from late 1971, overlapping Night People in both dates and issues numbers.

Issues & Index Sources

  1959 – Nov/Dec-1969/Jan-1970: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
  Feb/Mar/Apr-1970 – Feb/Mar/Apr-1972, as Night People: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
  Sep/Oct/Nov-1971 – Jun/Jul/Aug-1974, as Tonight


  in 1959: Beacon Publications Inc., 12969-1/2 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, CA
  1960 – 1969?: American Art Agency, Inc., 10335 Magnolia Blvd., North Hollywood, CA


  1959 – 1960: Dave Quimby
  1961 – 1965: Thomas Traherne
  1966 – 1969: Joe Mansure
Issue Checklist

Top Detective Annual

Country: US
Total Issues: 3

Annual pulp, reprinting mystery fiction by well-known writers from other Standard Magazines titles. While rumours exist of a 1950 issue it has never been located and was probably not published.

Issues & Index Sources

  1951 – 1953: Crime Fiction Index
Pulp Magazine Index 2


  Standard Magazines


  1952: David X. Manners
  1953: Everett Ortner


  standard pulp







Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Top Hole

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1

Issues & Index Sources:  1932
Publishers:   C. Arthur Pearson
Formats:   tabloid
Pagecounts:   12pp

Topical Times

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1071

A story-paper which concentrated on features about sport, mostly football, but which carried a serial plus one or two stories usually of a thriller nature.

Incorporated into: Radio Review

Issues & Index Sources:  18-Oct-1919 – 25-May-1940: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   D.C. Thompson, Dundee
Formats:   small tabloid
Prices:   2d (in 1936)
Pagecounts:   28pp
Frequency:   weekly

Top-Notch Detective

Country: US
Total Issues: 3

Little is known about this magazine which promised "12 Smashing Murder Stories" in each issue. It began with vol.2 no.5 and so presumably replaced an earlier title, but it is not known what.

Issues & Index Sources:  Sep-1938 – Mar-1939: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   Western Fiction (Martin Goodman)
Formats:   standard pulp
Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Top-Notch Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 602

Began as a magazine for teenagers and even as a pulp concentrated mostly on sports stories, switched to a men's adventure magazine in the 1930s; published Jack London, F. Britten Austin, William Wallace Cook, Bertram Atkey, Johnston McCulley in early days; later H. Bedford-Jones, Antony M. Rud.

Larry Estep comments:

"Volume 1 has 7 issues. These were the dime novels. The pulp began with v2 n1 (October, 1910).

From May, 1914 through December, 1914 there were three issues per month. In January, 1915 there was only one issue, dated January 15, 1915. Beginning with February, 1915 they went back to two issues per month.

A very strange thing happens in September, 1914. Instead of three issues, there are actually SIX issues. After publishing three issues dated September 10th, 20th, and 30th, Street & Smith published an additional three issues with the same dates! They effectively inserted an extra month into the year.

The strangeness from this time from was not over with. Volume 24 contained only 5 issues rather than the standard 6. The December 15, 1915 issue was v24 n5. My best guess here is that the missing issue in January threw off their volume numbering and someone at Street & Smith wanted to start the new year with a number 1 issue.

Street & Smith did another strange thing in 1920. There was only one issue each for February and March. They were dated "February 1st & 15th" and "March 1st & 15th", respectively. These were not double issues like we sometimes see today. They just had two dates on them. The AH guide shows two issues in February, 1920, but this is incorrect.

The magazine was mistakenly cancelled following the 2nd issue of September 1928. The mistake was quickly overturned by the owner of Street & Smith who maintained this was one of his favorite titles. The title resumed publication with the 1st November 1928 issue.

The last issue of Top-Notch is the September-October, 1937 issue. It is v101 n2. With an average of 6 issues per volume, this comes out to 602 issues."

However, Monte Herridge has determined that there were actually four issues in May 1914.

Issues & Index Sources

  1-Mar-1910 – 15-Dec-1910: Adventure Fiction Index
  1-Jan-1911 – 15-Sep-1912, as Top-Notch: Adventure Fiction Index
  1-Oct-1912 – 1-Apr-1931, as Top-Notch Magazine: Adventure Fiction Index
  15-Apr-1931 – 1-Aug-1932, as Street & Smith's Top-Notch Magazine: Adventure Fiction Index
  15-Aug-1932 – Mar-1933, as Street & Smith's Top-Notch: Adventure Fiction Index
  Apr-1933 – Sep/Oct-1937, as Top-Notch: Adventure Fiction Index


  Street & Smith Publications, Inc.


  Burt L. Standish (Gilbert Patten) (first 4 issues)
  Henry Wilton Thomas
  Apr-1930? J.I. Lawrence
  Nov-1931? – Feb-1933?: Ronald Oliphant
  Oct-1933 – Sep/Oct-1937: F. Orlin Tremaine


  1-Mar-1910 – Oct-1910: "nickel library" format
  Nov-1910 – Sep/Oct-1937: standard pulp


  1-Mar-1910 – Oct-1910: 5c
  Nov-1910 – ?: 10c
  1917 – 1934: 10c (briefly 20c in 1921)
  1936 – Sep/Oct-1937: 10c


  1-Mar-1910 – Oct-1910: 36pp
  Nov-1910 – Sep/Oct-1937: 192pp


  twice-monthly, shifted to thrice-monthly in 1913; monthly in 1930s

Related Sites

  The Pulp Magazines Project

Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps

Online Sources

  Online Books (10 issues)
Issue Checklist

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