- Leslie's Monthly (February, 1903) "The Hunter"
A poem in twelve verses. Illustrated by B. Cory Kilvert. p 433. HARPER lists only one poem in this issue. [HARPER]
- _____ (February, 1903) "A St. Valentine's Day Tragedy"
A poem in ten verses. Illustrated by B. Cory Kilvert. p 436. [EPBLIB]
- New York Times (February 15, 1903) "The Weather Prophet of Bad Leg" A story. p SM6. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (February 22, 1903) "The Tragedy of Toto" A story. p SM13. [NYTIMES]
- Leslie's Monthly (March, 1903) "The Literary Graveyard" A story with poetry. Illustrated by B. Cory Kilvert. p 538-40. [HARPER]
- Iowa City Citizen (April 13, 1903) "The Charge of the Second Iowa Cavalry" Epic poem about the charge of the 2nd Iowa Cavalry at Farmington, Mississippi on May 9, 1862. Also, the poem was read at the 12th reunion of the Second Iowa Cavalry on September 6 and 7, 1905. See WEB. [NPA, WEB]
- Leslie's Monthly (May, 1903) "The Romance Trust" A humorous essay. p 100-102. [HARPER]
- _____ (May, 1903) "Why I Went to the Foot" A poem in 28 verses. With an illustration by B. Cory Kilvert. Volume 56. Number 1. p 100. [HARPER]
- Brown Book of Boston (June, 1903) "The Girl With the Gilded Nose"
A story. Drawings by Frank T. Merrill. p 44-45. [EPBLIB]
- Leslie's Monthly (June, 1903) "The Gymkhana at Milkville"
A story. The author spells the word as "gymkhana" (which is the dictionary spelling) while the illustrator and HARPER use "gymkana." Illustrated by Fanny Y. Cory (F. Y. Cory). Includes the author's submission letter. p 127-133. [HARPER, FICTIONMAGS]
- _____ (June, 1903) "An Old-Fashioned Garden"
A poem in 12 verses. With an illustration by Mills Thompson. p 204. [HARPER]
- Brown Book of Boston (July, 1903) "The Windiest Corner in the World"
An article. With photographs. About the Flat Iron Building in New York. Volume 7; Number 3. p 86. [FICTIONMAGS]
- Idler (August, 1903) "The Golf Walk" A poem. [HARPER]
- Leslie's Monthly (August, 1903) "Alice and the Book Worm" Humor with poetry. Illustrated. Later reprinted in Booklover's Magazine (September 1903). p 414-415. Indexed in the bound volume LVI (p iii) as "Alice in Book Land." [HARPER]
- Booklover's Magazine (September, 1903) "Alice and the Book Worm"
Humor with poetry. Reprinted from Frank Leslie's Monthly (August 1903). p 320, 322. [HARPER]
- Leslie's Monthly (September, 1903) "The Heart of a Man" A story. With drawings by Emilie Benson Knipe. The phrase "The Heart of a Man -- Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 417-424. [HARPER]
- _____ (October, 1903) "The Great Park Strike" A story. With pictures by Fanny (F. Y.) Cory. p 603-609. [HANNIGAN]
- National Magazine (October, 1903) "Lonce Boggs, Runner" [HARPER]
- Argosy (November, 1903) "Car No. 1297"
A short story. "The extraordinary trip of a New York trolley car and its important bearing on a love affair." Not indexed in PULP. p 754-761. [ARGOSY]
- Royal Magazine (November, 1903) "The Gymkhana at Milkville" A story. [FICTIONMAGS]
- Saturday Evening Post (November 28, 1903) "International Skull and Cross Bones, Ltd."
A story. "A Practical Example of the Principles of 'High Finance.'" Drawn by Martin Justice. p 6-8, 26, 28. [HANNIGAN]
- Windsor Magazine (December, 1903) "The Heart of a Man" A story. Illustrated by Emilie Benson Knipe. p 131-137. [EPBLIB]