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- Ladies' Home Journal (April, 1905) "An Amateur in the Baby Business" A story. "A Father's Story of His First Baby." Drawings by Peter Newell. p 5, 64. [RGTPL]
- New Story Magazine (July, 1912) "Mrs. Tilmoot's Father" [HARPER]
- Harper's Bazar (December, 1913) "The Fifth Commandment" A story. The author "approaches the divorce problem from a new angle." Includes a full-page drawing by Walter Biggs. p 26-8. Numbering for the commandment in this title is likely from some source such as Westminster Shorter Catechism (or other) and is certainly "Honor Thy Mother and Father". [EPBLIB]
- American Magazine (June, 1915) "The Son and Father Movement"
A story. "Another Boy Story -- A Funny One." Illustrations by Leon M. Gordon. [RGTPL]
- _____ (July, 1915) "A Letter to Ellis Parker Butler" "From the real father in 'The Son and Father Movement.'" Volume 80. Number 1. [EPBLIB]
- American Magazine (March, 1916) "Mamie's Father" A Swatty story. "Get back to boyhood with Butler -- and smile reminiscently." Illustrations by W. B. King. [RGTPL]
- Detective Story (March 19, 1918) "Mrs. Tilmoot's Father" [COOK+MILLER]
- Modern Priscilla (August, 1919) "Jailing Father" A story. Illustrated by F. Strothmann. p22-23+. [EPBLIB]
- Munsey's Magazine (July, 1923) "Ancestors" An essay. "A brief discussion of the actual value of a pilgrim father to his proud descendant of today." [EPBLIB, PULP]
- Delineator (December, 1925) "Where Is My Father?" A story. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. "A story you will never forget." "Christmas brings the answer to a nameless child." Illustrations by Joseph M. Clement. p 6-7,81-82. [RGTPL]
- BOOK: The Strack Platform Readings (1925) SEE CONTENTS. A collection of twenty-four of Butler's stories. Arranged by Lilian Holmes Strack. Boston: Walter H. Baker Company. [EPBLIB]
- American Magazine (February, 1926) "How It Feels To Be The Father Of Twins" An essay. Includes a photograph of the author and his twin daughters, Jean and Marjorie. p 24-25,66,68. [RGTPL]
- Rotarian (February, 1927) "Father"
A story. Illustrated by R. M. Brinkerhoff. Also, there's a very brief bio of the author on page 64, including a photograph. p 16-17, 56-63. [HARPER]
- Pictorial Review (June, 1932) "Innocents in Gomorrah" A story. "Aunt Emma lost her way, father lost his wits, but Parbury lost everything, including his heart." Illustrated by Harry Beckhoff. [RGTPL]
- Rotarian (December, 1933) "A Man, a Boy, and a Dog"
A story. "Jimmy lost his temper -- but so did his father, for that matter." Illustrations by Raeburn Van Buren. p 16-17, 55-56. Also, a short bio of the author on page 64. [RGTPL]
- Dutch Treat Club Year Book (2004) "A Prolific Founding Father" By Bob Essman and Al Rosenfeld. A short biographical sketch. Ninety-Ninth Anniversary edition. Limited to 500 copies. p 43-44. [EPBLIB]