- St. Nicholas Magazine (January, 1937) "Pecktown Pirates" A serial. Part Two of Three. Illustrated by Enos B. Comstock. [RGTPL]
- MOTION PICTURE: Pigs is Pigs (January 30, 1937) Animated. Vitaphone (Merry Melodies). Director: Isadore 'Friz' Freleng (as I. Freleng). Release date 1/30/37. Animation: Bob McKimson, Paul Smith. Music: Carl W. Stalling. Voice talent: Billy Bletcher. MPAA 2939. Available on video "The Golden Age Of Looney Tunes, Vol. 3." See IMDB and BCDB. This is the same title as the Butler piece, but it's not an adaptation and it's not at all the same story. (It's listed here only because of the common title.) Synoposis: "A gluttonous little pig dreams he's force-fed by an evil scientist." [IMDB]
- Hardboiled (February, 1937) "A Friend in Need" [COOK+MILLER]
- Reader's Digest (February, 1937) "Pigs is Pigs" Abridged. [EPBLIB]
- St. Nicholas Magazine (February, 1937) "Pecktown Pirates"
A serial. Part Three of Three. Illustrated by Enos B. Comstock. [RGTPL]
- This Week (March 21, 1937) "You're Fired, Pilkey!" [HARPER]
- American Girl (April, 1937) "The Hurry-Up Mystery"
A Betty Bliss story. "The Detective Club once again relies on Betty Bliss's quick eye for a solution." Illustrated by Leslie Turner. p 17-19, 39, 41-3. [CHAPIN, HARPER]
- Popular Magazine (April, 1937) "The Nawaba" A story. [PULPGEN]
- American Girl (May, 1937) "The Red Avengers' Mystery"
A Betty Bliss story. "A missing dog and a ransom note keep Betty Bliss and the Detective Club busy trying to solve." Illustrated by Leslie Turner. p 18-9, 49-50. [CHAPIN, HARPER]
- Popular Magazine (May, 1937) "Cut-rate Kings" [PULPGEN]
- Mark Twain Quarterly 2 (1937) "Marietta Holley" Written as an introduction to Cyril Clemens' bibliography of Holley's works. [HARPER]
- Every Week (July 29, 1937) "Let Well Enough Alone" A story. Illustrated by Walter Scott. Found in the Indiana (PA) Weekly Messenger. p 2,3,4. Also found in the Lima (Ohio) News (May 2, 1937). [NPA]
- Chicago Blade and Ledger (August, 1937) "Lucky Lukes and the Mascot" [HARPER]
- Every Week (September 2, 1937) "Dear Little House" A story. Illustrated. Found in Indiana (PA) Weekly Messenger. p 3-4. [NPA]
- Muscatine Journal (September 13, 1937) "Ellis Parker Butler, Once Resident Here, Goes in Death at 67" Obituary. [HARPER]
- Long Island Daily Star (September 14, 1937) "Ellis P. Butler, Flushing Writer, Dead at Age of 68" Obituary. [HARPER]
- New York Herald Tribune (September 14, 1937) "The Author of 'Pigs is Pigs'" Obituary. Not found on microfilm reel. [HARPER]
- _____ (September 14, 1937) "Ellis P. Butler, of 'Pigs Is Pigs' Fame, Is Dead" Obituary. p 20. [HARPER]
- New York Sun (September 14, 1937) "Ellis P. Butler, Humorist, Is Dead" Obituary. [HARPER]
- New York Times (September 14, 1937) "E. P. Butler Dead; Noted Humorist" Obituary. "His 'Pigs is Pigs' Made Nation Laugh Thirty Years Ago -- Author of 32 Books. Wrote Poetry as Child. Had Served as Bank Executive in Flushing Where He Lived 30 Years -- Succumbs at 67." Includes a photo of the author. [CHAPIN, NYTIMES]
- Washington Post (September 14, 1937) "Butler, Author of "Pigs Is Pigs," Expires at 67" "Butler, Author Of 'Pigs Is Pigs,' Expires at 67; Convulsed Nation in 1906 With Funny Story of Freight Agent." Obituary. "Housatonic, Mass., Sept. 13. -- Ellis Parker Butler, who wrote 'Pigs Is Pigs,' the story of the prolific guinea pigs which has kept America laughing for 31 years, died today at his summer home." p 3. [WASHPOST]
- _____ (September 14, 1937) "Pigs Is Pigs" An article. "It is no reflection on the twenty-odd books written by Ellis Parker Butler to say that 'Pigs Is Pigs' is the one which will always come to mind when his name is mentioned. The fact that he added two dozen others to American book shelves after his famous story of the prolific qualities of guinea pigs is proof that it was no mere flash in ..." pg. 8, 1 pgs. [WASHPOST]
- Long Island Daily Star (September 15, 1937) "Death of Butler Brings Tribute to His Character" [HARPER]
- Kansas City Star (September 16, 1937) "A Gentle and Wise Philosophy in Ellis Parker Butler's Humor" Obituary. [HARPER]
- Muscatine Journal and News-Tribune (September 16, 1937) "He Scattered Sunshine Along Life's Trail" Obituary. [HARPER]
- New York Times (September 16, 1937) "Writers Among 200 at Butler Funeral" A notice of the funeral of Ellis Parker Butler. [NYTIMES]
- Time Magazine (September 20, 1937) "Milestones" An obituary. From Time.com WEB. [WEB]
- Authors' League Bulletin (October, 1937) "Ellis Parker Butler" Obituary. By Will Irwin. p 4-5. [HARPER]
- American Boy (November, 1937) "He Lives On"
Obituary. [EPBLIB]
- ANTHOLOGY: Bagology (1937) "Goat-Feathers" Includes a photo of the author. 24 pages. Chase Bag Company, New York City. [EBAY]
- Dutch Treat Club Year Book (1937) "Underneath the Rose"
A poem. About Clarence Budington Kelland, president of the club at this time. Accompanies a portrait of Kelland drawn by Leon Gordon. The pages in this issue are not numbered. [HARPER]
- ADAPTATION: Raising the Roof (1937) A play. "A Mystery Farce in Three Acts." Dramatized by Jeanne Mower. Presented on the stage of "The Crow Stock Company" (Hollywood?) on Easter weekend 1937. Based on the story "The Misses Meekins" in McCalls. Unpublished (?). [NYPL]