The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Where Do Street Arabs Sleep?, (ar) Chums September 7 1898
- * Where Do the Old Years Go?, (pm) Grit Story Section #1980, January 1 1933
- * Where do they go in Winter?, (ar) Look and Learn #36, September 22 1962
- * Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? Who Is This Writer?, (ar) Mystery Writers Annual #41, 1987
- * Where Do You Get Your Ideas From?, (ms) ed. John Davey, Jayde Design, 1999
- * Where Do You Want to Live?, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion August 1946
- * Where Dreyfus Is Imprisoned, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 9 1898
- * Where East Meets West, (cl) Romantic Western Novel Magazine September 1931
- * Where East Meets West, (il) Chums June 7 1932
- * Where England Found Her Vegetables, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1880
- * Where Every Prospect Pleases, (ar) The London Magazine October 1921
- * Where Folks Are Fire Hazards, (ms) The Popular Magazine 1st November 1928
- * Where Follies Found Them, (ts) True Story October 1923
- * Wherefore?, (pm) The Lady’s Realm December 1913
- * Where France Rules, Friendly Links Are Retained, (ar) Look and Learn #77, July 6 1963
- * Where General Lew Wallace Wrote His Master-work, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1908
- * Where Gods Are Manufactured, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1903
- * Where Goes the World?, (ed) Our World April 1923
- * Where Hearts Beat High, (ms) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #2, July 1924
- * Where Horses Are Cheap, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 20 1924
- * “Where Ignorance Is Bliss”, (pm) The Grand Magazine February 1909
- * Where Ignorance Is Not Bliss, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 4 1910
- * Where Is Dr. Satira? [Sexton Blake], (na) (by Robert Murray Graydon) The Union Jack #1211,
- * “Where Is It?” Pictures, (pz) The Strand Magazine January 1908
- * Where Is My Daughter?, (ts) Modern Story Magazine March 1927
- * Where Is the Child?, (ss) (by Zadel Barnes Buddington) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1873
- * Where Is the Ideal Resort? (New holiday competition), (cn) Hutchinson’s Magazine August 1928
- * Where Is “The Royal” Queen of Beauty?, (cn) The New Royal Magazine Nov, Dec 1931
- * Where Is the Spanish Death? [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #462, 1937
- * Where Is Thy Victory?, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 15 1885
- * Where It Did the Most Good, (ms) People’s June 1907
- * Where John Bull Leads, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1911
- * Where Lies Great Britain’s Peril?, (ar) The Scrap Book June 1909
- * Where Little Nell Died, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1909
- * Where Lord Kelvin’s Instruments Are Made, (ar) The Ludgate December 1898 [Ref. Lord Kelvin]
- * Where Love Is, (ss) Confession! June/July 1949
- * Where March Is Like a Lamb, (il) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly March 1922
- * Where Medicine Does Not Care, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 9 1930
- * Where Monday Is Tuesday, (ar) The Scrap Book January 1910
- * Where Nature Smiles, (pm) Sunset July 1904
- * Where New York Gets Its Cops, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 17 1926
- * Where North Meets West, (cl) North•West Stories Jul, Sep, May, Oct, Jun, Aug, Nov 1925 [Ref. Walter J. Coburn, Artemus Calloway, Lee Willenborg, Frank Richardson Pierce, Robert O. Foote, Lewis Nebel, U. Stanley Aultman & DeHerries Smith]
- * Where Old Locos Go, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * Where Once they Worshipped, (ar) The Bible Story #20, July 18 1964
- * Where Our Service Men Are Training, (ms) The American Magazine January 1942
- * Where Outlaws Ruled, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 8 1938
- * Where Paris Peels: Striptease, (pi) Escapade June 1963
- * Where Prices Are Low—and High, (ar) Good Housekeeping January 1910
- * Where Prison Life Is Pleasant, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 29 1922
- * Where Prohibition Is Obeyed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 13 1930
- * Where Railroads Are Needed, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1911
- * Where Rats Are Welcome Guests, (ar) Engineering Journal
- * Where Riches Lie Hidden, (ar) People’s Magazine September 1906
- * Where Romance Lives, (pm) The Argosy June 1902
- * Where Roses Used to Blow, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1921
- * Where Runaway Couples Were Wed, (ar) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #10, August 12 1899
- * Where Santa Claus Has His Workshop, (ms) The Scrap Book March 1906
- * Where Satan Is King, (ms) Spicy-Adventure Stories December 1942
- * Where School Comes to the Scholar, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 6 1928
- * Where’s Elmer?, (qz) Ballyhoo Magazine January 1934
- * Where Shall I Spend My Holidays?, (ar) The Argosy (UK) September 1883
- * “Where Shall We Get Our Christmas Dinner?”, (il) Wide Awake October 1876
- * “Where Shall We Get Our Christmas Dinner?”, (il) Wide Awake December 1878
- * Where Shall We Go?, (ss) The Happy Mag. September 1932
- * Where Should the Captain Play?, (ar) The Boys’ Realm of Sporting Stories #345 Nov 7, #350 Dec 12 1925
- * Where Skill Beats Strength, (vi) Action Stories September 1925
- * Where’s My Attitude?, (vi) Abyss & Apex #39, 3rd Quarter 2011
- * Where’s My Chums Prize?, (hu) Chums December 30 1922
- * Where’s My Star*Line, (ms) Star*Line v15 #7, 1992
- * Where Springtime Brings Tragedy, (pi) Cavalcade April 1960
- * Where’s Sam?, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1891
- * Where’s That Turkey?, (ms) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1934
- * Where’s the Body? Or Crime in a Nudist Colony, (ss) Jane’s Journal #3, 1946
- * Where’s the Clock?, (ms) Fight Stories Fall 1949
- * Where’s the Dope?, (ms) Triple Detective Fall 1951
- * Where the Action Is, (ms) Cavalier #139, January 1965
- * Where the Action Is, (pi) Argosy July 1976
- * Where the Axe-Blades Are Used as Money, (ar) Chums Annual 1937, 1936
- * Where the Beef Comes From, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science November 1879
- * Where the Bold Brigands Grow!, (ar) The Modern Boy February 24 1934
- * Where the Bootlegger Originated, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 9 1932
- * Where the Brook and the Willow Kiss, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1882
- * Where the Bus Starts, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * Where the Duel Was Fought, (ar) Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine January 1908 [Ref. Andrew Jackson & Charles Dickinson]
- * Where the Fleet Goes for Its Catch, (ar) Look and Learn #160, February 6 1965
- * Where the Fun Begins, (ms) The Girls’ Favourite #152, December 27 1924
- * Where the Heart Is, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1909
- * Where the Highbrows Browse, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 15 1913
- * Where the Husky Is King, (ms) Wild West Weekly Jul 28 1928, Jan 19 1935
- * Where the “Idler” Is Produced, (ms) The Idler September 1906
- * Where the Law Won, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1928
- * Where the Martyr Fell, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1908
- * Where the Millionaire’s Money Goes, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 10 1935
- * Where the Most Expensive Pottery in the World Is Made, (ar) The Lady’s Realm September 1911
- * Where the Navy Rations, (ia) Chums September 1934
- * Where the Navy’s ‘Bark’ Comes From, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1931, 1930
- * Where the Owl Hoots, (cl) Mavericks Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1934, Feb 1935
- * Where the Pictures Erred, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 1907
- * Where There’s a Way, (pi) Collier’s February 13 1943
- * Where There’s Hope, There’s Life, (pi) Untamed September 1959
- * Where There’s Life, (pi) Ace June 1959
- * Where There’s Smoke, (ar) Rogue May 1963
- * Where There’s Smoke, (ms) Collier’s November 24 1928
- * Where There’s Smoke, (ms) Poughkeepsie Eagle-News May 15 1934
- * Where There’s Smoke—There’s Fire [Smoke Wade], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces September 1939
- * Where the Roads Are Paved with Gold, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 4 1928
- * Where the Speed Kings Battle - Donington, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1941, 1940
- * Where the Speed Kings Battle - Le Mans, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1941, 1940
- * Where the Speed Kings Battle - Monaco, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1941, 1940
- * Where the Speed Kings Battle - Monza, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1941, 1940
- * Where the Speed Kings Battle - Tripoli, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1941, 1940
- * Where the Speed Kings Race, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1936, 1935
- * Where the Trail Ended [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #44, 1917
- * Where the Trappers Live, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1900
- * Where the “Uneasy” Heads of Kings and Queens Have Lain, (ar) The Lady’s Realm November 1907
- * Where the Union Jack Flies: In the Clutch of Jungle Men, (ss) Chums November 13 1907
- * Where the Union Jack Flies (Pluck and Peril in Greater Britain): The Finding of the “Redheart”, (ss) Chums August 28 1907
- * Where the Union Jack Flies: Through the Hole in the Dungeon, (ss) Chums September 25 1907
- * Where the Vegetables Come From, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 24 1929
- * Where the West Begins, (ms) Far West Illustrated August 1928
- * Where the White Man Blazed a Trail, (ar) Look and Learn #101, December 21 1963
- * Where the Wild Dogs Rule, (ss) The Pioneer #20, June 23 1934
- * Where the Word ARGOSY Comes From, (ia) Argosy January 4 1936
- * Where They Beat Us!, (ar) The Magnet Library January 19 1929
- * Where They find Inspiration! [Greyfriars], (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1939, 1938
- * Where They Make Haste Slowly, (ms) The Popular Magazine 1st November 1928
- * Where Thunder Lives, (ms) Far West Stories January 1929
- * Where Time Stands Still!, (ia) The Modern Boy January 13 1934
- * Where to Buy the Cosmopolitan Look, (ms) Cosmopolitan March 1951
- * Where to Camp, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1928
- * Where to Get It, (ms) Banba August 1921
- * Where to Go, (ms) The Happy Mag. July 1936
- * Where to Go, What to See, (ms) Mayfair v2 #10, 1967
- * Where to Hunt the Grizzly Bear, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 30 1933
- * Where Tortoiseshell Comes From, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1910
- * Where to See Betsy McCall’s and Barbara McCall’s New Dresses, (ms) McCall’s January 1954
- * Where to See Betsy McCall’s Dresses, (ms) McCall’s January 1952
- * Where to Sell Manuscripts, (ar) The Writer December 1998
* ___ Drama: TV Scripts, Play Publishers, Literary Magazines, Regional and University Theaters, (cl) The Writer November 1981
* ___ Men’s Magazines; Detective and Mystery; Science Fiction; Confession, Romance Magazines, (cl) The Writer May 1971
* ___ Poetry—General Magazines; College, Literary, and Little Magazines—Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry, (cl) The Writer March 1985
* ___ Religious and Denominational Magazines, (cl) The Writer December 1977
* ___ Trade Journals and Business Magazines, (cl) The Writer February 1976
- * Where to Shop Section, (cl) Harper’s Magazine June 1936
- * Where to Start: Self-Publishing, (iv) Unnerving Magazine #13, 2020 [Ref. J. Thorn]
- * Wherever You Are, Pals, Let’s Hear from You!, (ed) The Triumph Jun 26, Jul 17, Aug 21 1937
- * Wherever You Live You’ll Find Yule, (ms) Collier’s December 23 1950
- * Where Was Grub Street?, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1888
- * Where Water Is Delivered, (ms) Western Story Magazine June 8 1929
- * Where Wellington Lived, (ar) Chums September 14 1892
- * Where Were You?, (hu) Here! Is America’s Humor February 1952
- * Where, Who, When, What, Why?, (cl) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1965
- * Where Will It Stop?, (vi) The WSFA Journal February 1991
- * Where Wind Works for Air Power, (ms) Collier’s July 26 1952
- * Where Witchcraft Still Survives, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1909
- * Where Wolfe Posted Manifesto, (ms) Maclean’s April 15 1940
- * “Wherewolf of London”, (ar) Werewolf Magazine #4, 2006
- * Where Wolves Attack, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 20 1927
- * Where Women Are Scarce, (cl) Modern Story Magazine Mar, Apr 1927
- * Where Women Woo, (ts) The Passing Show April 11 1936
- * Where Words Are Weighed, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 7 1920
- * Where Would You Like to Go?, (cn) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy April 1934
- * Where “Yankee Doodle” Was Born, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 20 1923
- * Where Your Dreams Come From, (ms) Mystery Magazine #24, November 1 1918
- * Where Your Pocket Money Comes From, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * Where Zeppelin Began, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 20 1925
- * W.H. Hudson, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #12, November 22 1970 [Ref. W. H. Hudson]
- * Which, (hu) Short Stories June 1913
- * Which?, (pm) Town Topics
- * Which Are the Most Popular Pictures? II.—In the Tate Gallery, (ar) The Strand Magazine January 1905
- * Which Are the Most Popular Pictures? I.—In the National Gallery, (ar) The Strand Magazine November 1904
- * Which Are the Primary Colors?, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1884
- * Which College Contest, (cn) College Stories May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct 1931
- * “Which College” Contest Winners, (ms) College Stories February 1932
- * Which Countries Do They Come From?, (pz) Premier Book for Children 1960
- * Which Do You Choose?, (pm) St. Nicholas March 1909
- * Whichever Way You Look at It, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 5 1931
- * Which Girls Make the Best Lover?, (ar) Man December 1971
- * Which Girl Would You Pick?, (pi) This Week August 11 1957
- * Which Happened Where?, (qz) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine April 1953
- * Which House Will Most Families Vote For?, (ar) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1932
- * Which Is Britains Rail Speed Champion, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1937, 1936
- * Which Is Caught, (vi) St. Nicholas November 1873
- * Which Is Glamor?, (pi) Collier’s January 3 1953
- * Which Is Rightful Heir?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 2 1921
- * Which Is the Favourite Pantomime?, (ar) The London Magazine December 1906
- * Which Is the Fiercest Animal?, (ar) Chums September 6 1924
- * Which Is the Finest Statue in the World?, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1909
- * Which Is the Guilty Man?, (pz) Pearson’s Magazine April 1933
- * Which Is the Heir [Mrs. Paschal], (ss) (by William Stephens Hayward) Revelations of a Lady Detective, George Vickers, 1864
- * Which Is the Heir?, (vi) The Little Gem, A Christmas, New Year’s and Birth-Day Present, 1844
- * Which Is the Heroine?, (sl) (by Nina Cole) Dublin University Magazine June 1869
- * Which Is the Most Beautiful Place in the World, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1905
- * Which Is the Most Dangerous Animal?, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1919
- * Which Is the Typical American Girl?, (ms) Redbook Magazine July 1938
- * Which Is Your Film Critic?, (pi) The Strand Magazine July 1945
- * Which Is Your Type?, (ms) Mystery January 1935
- * Which Lives in Your House?, (il) St. Nicholas December 1881
- * Which Mr. Brown?, (ss) The Argosy (UK) June 1886
- * Which One Should It Be?, (ts) Smart Set April 1925
- * Which Player Matters Most?, (ar) The Boys’ Realm of Sport and Adventure #340 Oct 3, #345 Nov 7 1925
- * Which Road to Rapture?, (ts) Romantic Story Magazine #58, November 1938
- * Which School Has the Prettiest Coeds?, (ms) Varsity (US) #24, May/June 1950
- * Which School Is Best?, (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1933, 1932
- * Which State Should Hold Inquest?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 17 1920
- * Which Triplet’s Tone Is Tinny?, (pi) The Dude March 1962
- * Which Type Are You?, (ms) Redbook April 1957
- * Which Was His Duty? (A Story of the Tyrolese War), (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal December 13 1890
- * Which Was His Wife?, (ts) True Story February 1924
- * Which Was the Greatest: Jeff, Fitz or Dempsey, (cn) Fight Stories October 1931
- * Which Way Is Fashion Going?, (ms) The London Magazine July 1915
- * Which Way to Turn?, (pi) Ace October 1960
- * Which Way You Like, (pz) Chatterbox Annual 1953
- * Which Weapon?, (ms) Argosy July 1960
- * Which Will Get It?, (il) St. Nicholas January 1880
- * Which Wins?, (ss) (by Louisa May Alcott) Frank Leslie’s Lady’s Magazine March 1869
- * Which Witch?, (vi) Scary Book ed. Stephanie Calmenson & Joanna Cole, Morrow, 1991
- * Which Witch Is Which?, (pz) Cavalier April 1972
- * Which Year?, (pz) John Bull Illustrated Mar 21, Apr 18, May 9, May 23, Jun 13, Jul 4, Dec 19 1959
- * While His Foes Clamored at His Door, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 7 1925
- * While Rookwood Slept!, (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1931, 1930
- * While She Sleeps, (pm) (by Henry Mills Alden) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1872
- * While the City Sleeps, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #534, March 8 1930; adapted from the movie (Lon Chaney).
- * While the Ferry Waited, (hu) The Popular Magazine August 1907
- * While the Iron Is Hot, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine May 1906
- * While the Patient Slept, (cn) Black Mask March 1935
- * While Time Stands Still, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 3 1936
- * While We May, (pm) The Story-teller September 1907
- * While Yet It Was Day, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 13 1881
- * While You Love Me, (pm) Grit Story Section #1746, July 8 1928
- * Whilst London Slept, (ss) Jack’s Paper #17, February 20 1923
- * A Whimsical Intrigue, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal
- * The Whimsicalities of Alick P.F. Ritchie, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1916 [Ref. Alick P. F. Ritchie]
- * Whimsical Trifles, (ar) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1920, 1919
- * Whims of Musicians, (ms) The Scrap Book May 1906
- * Whims of the Faithful, (pm) Colonies Science Fiction Magazine #3, 2000
- * Whining Lovers I Disdain, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1918
- * Whip-Crackin’ Whippersnapper, (ss) Wild West Weekly (UK) #20, July 23 1938
- * The Whip of Hell, (ts) Scarlet Confessions December 1936
- * Whipped—and Deserved It, (ss) New York Lights #3, 1937
- * Whipped at a Boarding School, (ss) Hollywood Revels #4, October 1937
- * The Whippet Race [St. Frank’s], (ss) (by Maurice Nutbrown) The Boys’ Realm #176, August 12 1922
- * Whippets of the Water, (ar) Modern Wonder August 19 1939
- * Whipping: A Modern View, (ar) Pix November 1976
- * Whipping in the Arts, (ar) Pix November 1976
- * Whipping Post as Curb for Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 17 1925
- * Whipplegrove’s Fishing Party, (ss) Chums December 28 1898
- * The Whip-Poor-Will, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1882
- * The Whippoorwill, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 28 1928
- * The Whipsaw, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #856, May 9 1936; adapted from the movie (Spencer Tracy, Myrna Loy).
- * Whip’s Women, (mr) Adam Film Quarterly #3, November 1967
- * Whirled Around the World, (pi) The Passing Show June 10 1933
- * “The Whirligig”, (th) The London Magazine April 1920
- * The Whirligig of Time, (pm) The All-Story Magazine July 1906
- * The Whirligig of Time, (ss) (by Francis Henry Underwood) The Atlantic Monthly October 1858
- * The Whirling, (pm) Washington Star
- * The Whirling Terror, (ar) Look and Learn #26, July 14 1962
- * Whirl of Fun, (hu) Ginger Stories August 1930
- * The Whirl of the World, (ar) (by F. A. M. Webster ,[?]) The Blue Magazine #94, April 1927
- * The Whirl of the World, (ed) Pearson’s Magazine (US) March 1924
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