The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 4667
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Hartley, L(eslie) P(oles) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Hireling by James Michie, (br) The London Magazine October 1957
- * Innocence, Sex and War: Geoff Dyer on Why The Go-Between Is a Novel for Our Time by Geoff Dyer, (ar) The Guardian December 17 2022
- * L P Hartley by Christopher Fowler, (ar) The Independent on Sunday July 7 2013
- * L P Hartley by Tony Medawar, (bg) Bodies from the Library 6 ed. Tony Medawar, Collins, 2023
- * L.P. Hartley by Jack Sullivan, (bg) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1982
- * L.P. Hartley, The Boat (1949) and A Perfect Woman (1955) by John Howard, (br) Wormwood #22, 2014
- * A Perfect Woman by Francis Wyndham, (br) The London Magazine January 1956
- * The White Wand by Michael Swan, (br) The London Magazine November 1954
[]Hartley, Roland English (, Jr.) (1889-1973) (chron.)
- * After All, (ss) Harper’s Magazine June 1930
- * Battleground, (ss) The Midland November 1923
- * Borderland, (ss) Harper’s Magazine November 1930
- * Christmas at Last, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion January 1934
- * Destiny, (ss) The Midland June 1927
- * Exuberant Spring, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion May 1932
- * Greer’s Road, (ss) The Frontier May 1929
- * Growth, (ss) Hesperian Spring 1931
- * In Loving Memory, (ss) Harper’s Magazine January 1931
- * In the Park, (ss) The Frontier March 1930
- * Last Train at Midnight, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion September 1931
- * Last Work of Norman Kane, (ss) The Frontier November 1929
- * The Late Joseph West, (ss) The Midland June/August 1924
- * Made in Heaven, (ss) Prairie Schooner
- * Mountain-Size, (ss) Frontier and Midland
- * Office Hours, (ss) Harper’s Magazine February 1930
- * Once Upon a Time, (ss) The Midland March/April 1930
- * Over the Bridge of Lies, (ss) The Delineator January 1933
- * Postscript to a Career, (ss) Harper’s Magazine June 1931
- * Revolt in Summertime, (ss) The Frontier May 1930
- * Success, (ss) The Midland September/October 1929
- * Surmise, (pm) Harper’s Magazine October 1939
- * The Survivor, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 10 1950
- * Transient Border, (ss) The Frontier January 1930
- * The Two of Them (with Caroline Marguerite Power), (pl) [Ref. James M. Barrie]
- * Victim of Circumstances, (ss) The Century Magazine June 1929
- * Wanted: Man with a Car, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion January 1933
[]Hartley, Susan (fl. 1870s-1900s) (chron.)
- * A Backwoods Wedding, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1880
- * Change, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1878
- * Daffy-Down-Dilly, (pm) St. Nicholas April 1880
- * A Field Tragedy, (pm) The Cosmopolitan February 1887
- * Frog Music, (pm) Wide Awake May 1892
- * The Gentian, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1881
- * A Happening in the Winter Mountains, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine January 1885
- * High and Low Tide, (pm) The Cosmopolitan October 1889
- * Holly, (pm) Wide Awake December 1892
- * In Port, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1879
- * Lobster City, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine November 1880
- * A Lover’s Song, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine February 1881
- * Marigolds, (pm) Wide Awake August 1893
- * Noisy March, (pm) Wide Awake March 1892
- * October, (pm) St. Nicholas October 1886
- * On a Portrait Group by Sandham, (pm) Wide Awake August 1892
- * Pussy Cat’s Doing, (pm) Wide Awake July 1880
- * The River, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1879
- * A Sea-Song, (pm) The Cosmopolitan April 1900
- * Sweet William, (pm) Wide Awake July 1893
- * Today, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine November 1879
- * The True Story of “The Old Woman That Lived in a Shoe”, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine June 1881
- * What They Say, (pm) St. Nicholas May 1876
- * A Winter Song, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1882
- * A Woodland Custom, (pm) Wide Awake June 1892
[]Hartley, William (fl. 1930s-1950s); house pseudonym used by William R. Cox (1901-1988) & William Holder (1911-1966) (chron.)
- * Aces to Ashes, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces April 1939
- * Amateur Dynamite, (ss) Real Sports February 1938
- * The Baron Drinks to Death [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces June 1937
- * The Black Ace Returns (with Robert Sidney Bowen), (ss) Dare-Devil Aces September 1938
- * Blood for Buzzards, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces August 1937
- * Bring Home the Leather!, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine December 1938/January 1939
- * Bullets Be Damned!, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces October 1938
- * Bullets for the Dead, (na) Dare-Devil Aces June 1939
- * Call of the Ring, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine November 1939
- * Champs Is Chumps, (ss) Knockout Magazine March/April 1937
- * Cloud Crazy [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces September 1937
- * The Coffin Patrol, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories January/February 1939
- * Coffins for Aces, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces February 1939
- * Come Out Fighting!, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine June/July 1939
- * Corpses for the Pig-Boat Fleet, (nv) Ace G-Man Stories November/December 1939
- * Death Can Wait, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces May 1939
- * Death Drops a Deuce, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces February 1937
- * Death Laughs Tomorrow, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces July 1939
- * Death Picks a Partner, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces December 1938
- * Death Takes Off at Dawn [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (na) Dare-Devil Aces November 1939
- * Death Wears No Medals, (na) Dare-Devil Aces April 1940
- * The Devil Counts His Dead [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (na) Dare-Devil Aces February 1940
- * The Devil Flies with the Damned [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (nv) Dare-Devil Aces September 1939
- * The Devil’s Sky Express, (na) Dare-Devil Aces December 1939
- * Double Dynamite [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces July 1936
- * Eagles of Death [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (nv) Dare-Devil Aces November 1937
- * Fast Leather Man, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine June 1951
- * F.B.I. Veterans Die Hard, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories March/April 1939
- * Fists for Sale, (ss) Knockout Magazine July/August 1937
- * The Flying Dutchman, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine July 1940
- * Folded Wings, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces November 1938
- * The Four Man Mile, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine April/May 1939
- * General Nuisance [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces April 1937
- * Gentlemen Eagles, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces January 1937
- * Get Up and Fight, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine August/September 1939
- * Get Up, You Bum!, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine May 1940
- * G-Graves to Order, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories July/August 1939
- * The Hawk Patrol [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (nv) Dare-Devil Aces June 1938
- * Hell and Laughter [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (nv) Dare-Devil Aces August 1938
- * The Hell Pit, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces May 1936
- * The Hornets from Hell [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (na) Dare-Devil Aces February 1938
- * The Kid with the Golden Arm, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine June 1940
- * Last Call for Glory, (na) Dare-Devil Aces May 1940
- * The Last Hangar in Hell, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces July 1940
- * Leather Glory, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine June/July 1939
- * Liberty Loons [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces July 1937
- * Manny Cops the Duke, (ss) Knockout Magazine June/July 1938
- * New Blood, (nv) Sports Action June 1938
- * Pass Crazy, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine March 1940
- * Pigeons and Eagles [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces January 1938
- * Punch Proof, (nv) (by William R. Cox) Knockout Magazine April/May 1938, as by Daniel Winters
- * Punt, Pass and Pray, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine February 1940
- * Red Wings for the Valiant, (na) Dare-Devil Aces June 1940
- * Rules for Rookies, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine April/May 1939
- * Salute to Satan [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (nv) Dare-Devil Aces March 1939
- * Satan Carries a Tommy Gun, (nv) Ace G-Man Stories January/February 1940
- * Satan’s Playmates [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces December 1936
- * Say It with Leather, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine October 1939; not the same as the story of the same name in the June 1940 issue.
- * Say It with Leather, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine June 1940; not the same as the story of the same name in the October 1939 issue.
- * The Sky Busters [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces December 1937
- * Sky Grave for the Gallant, (na) Dare-Devil Aces August 1939
- * The Sky Road to Glory [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (nv) Dare-Devil Aces March 1938
- * Smoke Ball, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine June/July 1938
- * Special Agent from the Grave, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories May/June 1939
- * Stretch Runner, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine December 1937/January 1938
- * Sunday Pitcher, (nv) Fifteen Sports Stories June 1951
- * Swing for Your Supper, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine April 1940
- * Ten Bloody Yards, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine January 1940
- * This Side of the Grave, (na) Dare-Devil Aces January 1940
- * Those Bums Can Be Beaten!, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine January/February 1940
- * Three Miles to Doom, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces January 1939
- * Thrill Merchant, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine February 1938
- * Thunder from the Stands, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine October/November 1939
- * Tomorrow You Die, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces July 1938
- * Touchdown Twins, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine October/November 1937
- * Two-Fisted Dynamite, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces May 1937
- * A Warrior’s Wings [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (na) Dare-Devil Aces May 1938
- * We’ll Drink to the Living [Mike Molloy & Tommy McNamara], (ss) Dare-Devil Aces May 1942
- * We’ll Drink to the Man Who Dies, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces March 1940
- * When Sky-Guns Speak, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces October 1939
- * You Gotta Be Tough, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine December 1939
_____, ed.
[]Hartley, William Brown (1913-1980) (about) (chron.)
- * The Black Spot, (ss) Tales of the Frightened v1 #2, 1957
- * The Case of the Sobbing Owl, (ts) Cavalier April 1954
- * The Cruel Tower, (na) Bluebook August 1955
- * The Fighting Chaplain of Gettysburg (with Ellen Hartley), (ar) Argosy November 1960
- * Gentle Giant, (ar) Bluebook for Men February 1961
- * Hawg Hunt, (ar) Saga April 1964
- * History:
* ___ The Wonderland of Lewis Carroll (with Ellen Hartley), (cl) Boys’ Life December 1972 [Ref. Lewis Carroll]
- * How We Pioneered the Tamiami Trail (with Ellen Hartley), (ar) Cavalier #104, February 1962
- * “I Sent Myself to Jail”, (ar) Redbook September 1954
- * Ketchum’s Last Request, (ss) Saga September 1953
- * Laura and the Deep, Deep Woods, (ss) Manhunt October 1954
- * Miami—Abortion Capital of the World? (with Ellen Hartley), (ar) Impact August 1964
- * New Cure for Alcoholics?, (ar) Bluebook November 1955
- * Personality:
* ___ The Fighting Chaplain of Gettysburg (with Ellen Hartley), (ar) Argosy November 1960
- * The Search for a $30,000,000 Treasure (with Ellen Hartley), (ar) Argosy May 1959
- * Stan Brock: Jungle Cowboy, (ar) Argosy August 1972
- * The Tank, (ss) Esquire April 1936
- * 3-Month Masquerade That Dynamited a Racket Empire, (ts) Stag July 1964
- * The Wonderland of Lewis Carroll (with Ellen Hartley), (ar) Boys’ Life December 1972 [Ref. Lewis Carroll]
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