The FictionMags Index
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[]Galt, Hamilton Pope (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * Alone with Nature, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly March 20 1915
- * The Autumnal Spirit, (pm) The Smart Set November 1910
- * The End, (pm) The Cavalier August 10 1912
- * Fresh Air, (pm) The Cavalier July 20 1912
- * Independence, (pm) The Argosy October 1914
- * Love, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly September 26 1914
- * A Modern Raphael, (pm) People’s January 1909
- * Photo Fiends, (pm) The Cavalier February 15 1913
- * The Song My Dad’s Old Buggy Used to Sing, (pm) National Magazine September 1907
- * Stupid, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly April 24 1915
- * To an Apple, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly September 5 1914
[]Galt, John (1779-1839) (chron.)
- * The Black Ferry, (ss) The Club Book ed. Andrew Picken, Cochrane & Pickersgill, 1831, as "The Book of Life"
- The Great Book of Thrillers ed. H. Douglas Thomson, Odhams Press, 1935
- The Great Book of Thrillers (var. 1) ed. H. Douglas Thomson, Odhams, 1937
- Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #8, March 1965
- The Clans of Darkness ed. Peter Haining, Gollancz, 1971
- The Haunted Sea ed. Peter C. Smith, William Kimber, 1975
- Victorian Crime Stories ed. Nigel Morland, Ian Henry, 1978
- Macabre Military Stories ed. Ronald Holmes, Leo Cooper, 1979
- Realms of Darkness ed. Mary Danby, Octopus US, 1985
- Realms of Darkness, Chartwell Books, 1988
- Great Tales of Terror, Chancellor Press, 1991
- * The Book of Life, (ss) The Club Book ed. Andrew Picken, Cochrane & Pickersgill, 1831
- The Romancist and Novelist’s Library (New Series), Vol. IV ed. William Hazlitt, J. Clements, 1842
- The Great Book of Thrillers ed. H. Douglas Thomson, Odhams Press, 1935, as "The Black Ferry"
- The Great Book of Thrillers (var. 1) ed. H. Douglas Thomson, Odhams, 1937, as "The Black Ferry"
- Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #8, March 1965, as "The Black Ferry"
- The Clans of Darkness ed. Peter Haining, Gollancz, 1971, as "The Black Ferry"
- The Haunted Sea ed. Peter C. Smith, William Kimber, 1975, as "The Black Ferry"
- Victorian Crime Stories ed. Nigel Morland, Ian Henry, 1978, as "The Black Ferry"
- Macabre Military Stories ed. Ronald Holmes, Leo Cooper, 1979, as "The Black Ferry"
- Realms of Darkness ed. Mary Danby, Octopus US, 1985, as "The Black Ferry"
- Realms of Darkness, Chartwell Books, 1988, as "The Black Ferry"
- Great Tales of Terror, Chancellor Press, 1991, as "The Black Ferry"
- * The Buried Alive, (ss) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine October 1821, uncredited.
- The Edgar Allan Poe Scrapbook ed. Peter Haining, NEL, 1977, uncredited.
- Tales of Terror from Blackwood’s Magazine ed. Robert Morrison & Chris Baldick, Oxford University Press, 1995
- 100 Twisted Little Tales of Torment ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- Penny Dreadfuls: Sensational Tales of Terror ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Fall River Press, 2014
- * The Dead Alive, (ss) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine October 1821, as "The Buried Alive", uncredited.
- * Discovery of Niagara, (ar) Fraser’s Magazine August 1831, as "The Early Missionaries; or, The Discovery of Niagara Falls"
- * The Early Missionaries; or, The Discovery of Niagara Falls, (ar) Fraser’s Magazine August 1831
- * The Fatal Whisper, (ss) The Club Book ed. Andrew Picken, Cochrane & Pickersgill, 1831
- * Haddad-Ben-Ahab; or, The Traveller, a Tale of Stamboul, (ss) The New Monthly Magazine December 1830
- * Lines by Galt, (pm)
- * The Painter: a Sicilian Tale, (ss) The Club Book ed. Andrew Picken, Cochrane & Pickersgill, 1831
- * The Unguarded Hour; or, The Martyr’s Cross, (ss) The Club Book ed. Andrew Picken, Cochrane & Pickersgill, 1831
[]Galt, Walter; pseudonym of William Lancaster Gribbon (1879-1940) (chron.)
- * Across the Color Line [Billy Blain], (ss) Adventure October 1912
- * Billy Blain Eats Biscuits [Billy Blain], (ss) Adventure January 1916
- * Billy Blain’s Onions and Garlic [Billy Blain], (ss) Adventure February 1916
- * Dorg’s Luck [Billy Blain], (ss) Adventure August 1912
- * Elephant-Hunting for a Living, (ar) Adventure July 1912
- * Francis Bannerman—A Man of Mystery and History, (ar) Adventure May 1912
- * The Goner? [Billy Blain], (ss) Adventure February 1912
- * Love and War [Billy Blain], (ss) Adventure November 1912
- * Nothing Doing [Billy Blain], (vi) Adventure September 1914
- * One Year Later [Billy Blain], (ss) Adventure February 1913
- * The Return of Billy Blain [Billy Blain], (ss) Adventure November 1915
- * The Second Rung [Billy Blain], (ss) Adventure June 1912
- * The Top of the Ladder [Billy Blain], (ss) Adventure December 1912
- * U.S.S. Ho-Haitch-Ten, (ts) Adventure September 1913
[]Galton, Gilbert (chron.)
- * Wandering Willie; or, A Waif in the World, (sl) Young Englishman’s Journal Mar 7, Mar 14, Mar 21, Mar 28, Apr 4, Apr 11, Apr 18, Apr 25, May 2, May 9,
May 16, May 23, May 30, Jun 6, Jun 13 1868
[]Galton, Lawrence N. (1913-1996) (chron.)
- * Against the Chronic Cough, (ar) Cosmopolitan March 1955
- * All About Coughs, (ar) Pageant December 1956
- * Allergy Alleviation, (ar) Cosmopolitan June 1956
- * Answer to a Teenager’s Prayer, (ar) Cosmopolitan April 1958
- * “Bread and Tears” Disease, (ar) Cosmopolitan March 1957
- * Cancer, the Child Killer, (??) Collier’s May 15 1948
- * Communities on the March, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Apr, Jul 1947
- * Does Psychiatry Belong in Our Courtrooms?, (??) Collier’s October 6 1951
- * Emporium of Exhibitionism, (??) Collier’s December 8 1945
- * Fabulous Figures, (cl) The American Magazine May, Jul, Aug 1951
- * “False Pregnancy”, (ar) Cosmopolitan November 1961
- * “For the First Time, I Saw the Sky”, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1961
- * Freak Diets, (ar) Penthouse (US) September 1973
- * Here’s Health, (cl) Chatelaine January 1960
- * Here’s News in Medicine, (cl) Family Circle Feb, Oct 1958
- * How Good Is Your Health Insurance?, (ar) Bluebook September 1954
- * Hypnosis for Alcoholism, (ar) Cosmopolitan May 1960
- * If You Are “Tried All the Time”, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1958
- * It’s Ideas That Sell…, (ms) Bluebook Apr, Jul 1955
- * The Latest Word on Skin Troubles, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1954
- * Latest Word on Ulcers, (ar) Cosmopolitan April 1953
- * Life for Stillborn Babies, (ar) Cosmopolitan September 1959
- * Man’s Personal Disease, (ar) Cosmopolitan July 1959
- * Medical Report, (cl) Bluebook Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1954, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul 1955
- * Medicine:
* ___ “False Pregnancy”, (cl) Cosmopolitan November 1961
* ___ “For the First Time, I Saw the Sky”, (cl) Cosmopolitan January 1961
* ___ Hypnosis for Alcoholism, (cl) Cosmopolitan May 1960
* ___ Man’s Personal Disease, (cl) Cosmopolitan July 1959
* ___ A New Cure for the “Kissing Disease”, (cl) Cosmopolitan December 1960
* ___ Surgery That Saved a “Hopeless” Epileptic, (cl) Cosmopolitan August 1962
* ___ Surgical Cure for Strokes, (cl) Cosmopolitan October 1959
* ___ When an Ulcer Is a Killer, (cl) Cosmopolitan January 1960
* ___ Why VD Is on the Increase, (cl) Cosmopolitan January 1963
- * Motherhood Without Misery, (??) Collier’s November 16 1946
- * New Aids for the Allergic, (ar) Cosmopolitan July 1953
- * A New Cure for the “Kissing Disease”, (ar) Cosmopolitan December 1960
- * A New Drug Brings Relief for the Tense and Anxious, (ar) Cosmopolitan August 1955
- * New Drug Relieves Anxiety and Tension, (ar) Cosmopolitan September 1954
- * New Fight Against Polio, (ar) Cosmopolitan August 1952
- * New Help for Rheumatics, (ar) Cosmopolitan December 1953
- * New Relief for Palsy Victims, (ar) Cosmopolitan April 1955
- * Norma’s Muscular Rehabilitation, (ar) Cosmopolitan June 1959
- * Now They’Ve Done It, (cl) The American Magazine April 1946
- * Now They’ve Done It, (cl) The American Magazine Jan, Feb 1942, May, Jul, Aug 1943, Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jul,
Aug, Sep, Dec 1944
Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1945
Jan, Feb, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Dec 1946, Feb, Jul, Oct, Nov 1947
Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1948, Feb, Apr, Jun, Nov,
Dec 1949
May, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1950, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1952, Jan, Mar, Apr,
Jun, Jul, Aug 1953
Mar, Apr, Dec 1954, May, Jun, Jul, Nov 1955, May 1956
- * Now They’ve Done It, (cl) Collier’s September 28 1956
- * Old Ties for Old, (??) Collier’s January 3 1948
- * On the Medical Frontiers, (cl) Cosmopolitan June 1948
- * Oral Relief for Acute Asthma, (ar) Cosmopolitan December 1957
- * Sinus Irrigation, (ar) Cosmopolitan February 1959
- * Surgery That Saved a “Hopeless” Epileptic, (ar) Cosmopolitan August 1962
- * Surgical Cure for Strokes, (ar) Cosmopolitan October 1959
- * Today’s Fabulous Figures, (cl) The American Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov 1951, Feb, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1952, Jan, Mar, Apr,
May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1953
Mar, Apr, Dec 1954, May, Jun, Jul, Nov 1955, May 1956
- * To Your Good Health, (cl) Cosmopolitan October 1946
- * Victory Business, (cl) The American Magazine March 1942
- * War Birds, (ar) Collier’s March 18 1944
- * What’s New in Medicine, (cl) Cosmopolitan Feb, Jun, Sep 1948, Oct 1951, Feb, Nov 1952, Feb, Aug 1954, Jun 1955, Jan,
Nov 1956, Jan, Apr 1957
Feb, Nov 1958, Jan 1959
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