The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11953
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * When Maclaren Foozled Out, (ms) Best Stories November 1927
- * When Mae Blushed!, (??) 10 Story Book July 1935
- * When “Man Kills the Thing He Loves”, (ts) True Story January 1924
- * When Mary Was a Lassie, (pm) The All-Story Magazine September 1908
- * When Master Reynard Came to School, (ss) Chums March 1 1899
- * When May Day Was Fun Day!, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #277, May 6 1967
- * When Memories Burn, (ts) True Story August 1923
- * When Men Fly, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine June 1898
- * When Men Fly, (ar) The New Penny Magazine #202, September 6 1902
- * When Mind Meets Mind, (ms) The Smart Set May 1915
- * When Minutes Meant So Much, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1930, 1929
- * When Money Began to Come Easy, (ar) The American Magazine November 1917
- * When Mountains Move, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1940, 1939
- * When Muldoon Was Thrown, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 1 1913
- * When My Boy Comes, (ar) The American Magazine March 1918
- * When My Husband Found Out, (ts) True Marriage Stories February 1927
- * When My Ship Comes In, (pm) The Violet Magazine #27, September 7 1923
- * When My Wife Left Me, (ms) The Novel Magazine March 1915
- * When My Workdays Are Over, (sg) Thrilling Ranch Stories June 1940
- * When Nature Goes to War, (ia) Chums October 1933
- * When Nelson Sailed the Seas, (ss) Treasure-Trove Library #33, 1921
- * When Nevada Was Pasture Land, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 16 1929
- * When New York Had Waltzing in the Nude, (ar) Man to Man Yearbook Spring 1965
- * When Niagara Falls Ran Dry, (ar) The Sun
- * When Pa Brought Home the Prize, (pm) Grit Story Section #1625, March 7 1926
- * When Paris Surrendered, (ms) Mystery Magazine #10, April 1 1918
- * When Paris Was Besieged, (ar) The London Magazine January 1916
- * When Paw Was a Boy, (pm) Chicago Times-Herald
- * When Peggy Goes to Market, (pm) The Grand Magazine August 1905
- * When Pence Went to Europe, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 1 1912
- * When Pershing Rode, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 20 1925
- * When Pluto Braved the Stratosphere, (pm) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy March 1934
- * When Poker Alice Broke the Bank, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 9 1932
- * When Prisoners Laugh, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction June 25 1927
- * When Puss Falls Ill, (ar) The Penny Magazine #284, 1904
- * When Rangers and Indians Met, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 18 1937
- * When Rhubarb Is in Season, (ar) The New Magazine (UK) June 1914
- * When Rodeo Gave a Jail Holiday, (ms) Lariat Story Magazine May 1926
- * When Rogues Fall Out [Nelson Lee], (na) (by John William Staniforth) The Nelson Lee Library #48, May 6 1916
- * When Rogues Fall Out, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal May 9 1891
- * When Romances Is Dead, (ms) Amour October 1946
- * When Sail Beat Steam, (ar) Chums December 27 1925
- * When Scottish Justice Slipped Its Cogs!, (ms) Speed Mystery January 1945
- * When Senators Debate, (ms) The Popular Magazine 1st June 1930
- * When Shall It Be?, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1876
- * When She Came, (ss) Chicago Daily News March 10 1914
- * When She Forgot Her Hat, (vi) Chicago Ledger October 12 1918
- * “When Skies O’er Head Are Threatening Gray…”, (pm)
- * When Sky Rays Destroy, (ms) Terence X. O’Leary’s War Birds #84, March 1935
- * When Snake Meets—Snake, (ms) Top-Notch October 15 1911
- * When Spring and Autumn Meet, (ms) Far West Stories March 1929
- * When Spring Comes Back, (ms) My Magazine March 1925
- * When Strangers Marry, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine April 1927
- * When Success Hung in the Balance, (ar) The American Magazine February 1917
- * When Sugar Was Invented, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1884
- * When Suicide Is Funny, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly June 11 1927
- * When Suing, State Full Amount of Damages Sought, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 15 1919
- * When “Tay Pay” Saw Woodrow, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 7 1918
- * When Temptation Comes, (ts) Telling Tales August 1925
- * When the Baby Goes Out, (ia) The Ladies’ Home Journal July 1909
- * When the Band Begins to Play, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2160, December 19 1931
- * When the Birds Fly South, (br) Weird Tales January 1952 [Ref. Stanton A. Coblentz]
- * When the Bishop Preached, (hu) The Popular Magazine November 1907
- * When the Black Flags Were Out, (ss) Chums March 29 1899
- * When the Boat Sank, (ts) The Passing Show August 8 1936
- * When the Boilers Burst, (ms) The Modern Boy September 8 1928
- * When the Box Is Opened!, (ms) Flynn’s November 14 1925
- * When the Broadcaster Listened, (vi) The Radio Times December 21 1928
- * When the Buyer Comes to Town, (ms) Midnight #3, September 2 1922
- * “When the Cat’s Away”, (cs) Jolly Magazine October 1927
- * “When the cat’s away the mice will play.”, (il) Wide Awake April 1878
- * When the Catspaw Ran Away, (ss) The Argosy #505, August 6 1892
- * When the Centre Forward Is Marked, (ar) Jack’s Paper #14, January 30 1923
- * When the Century Was Young, (ss) The Argosy (UK) August 1892
- * When the Clock Strikes Twelve: Told Around the Fire on Halloween, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 29 1898
- * When the Cricket Chirps Over a Phone, (ms) Mystery Magazine #102, February 1 1922
- * When the Crowd Drops In, (ms)
- * When the Day Is Done, (pm) Metropolitan Magazine December 1900
- * When the Dead Prayed for the Living, (ar) True Mystic Science April 1939
- * When the Diplomats Work, (ms) The Popular Magazine 1st November 1928
- * When the Doctors Disagree, (ms) Photoplay July 1927
- * When the Earth Cracked Up, (ar) Look and Learn #93, October 26 1963
- * When the Earth goes Mad, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1936, 1935
- * When the Earth’s Crust Cracks, (ar) Modern World March 30 1940
- * When the Earth Trembles, (ar) Look and Learn #96, November 16 1963
- * When the Ego in Front of One’s Eyes Shuts Out the Universe, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 20 1913
- * When the Film Censor Says “No!”, (pi) Pearson’s Weekly #2525, December 17 1938
- * When the Fire-Bell Rang, (hu) The Popular Magazine February 1907
- * When the Fire Bell Rings, (ss) The Modern Boy April 14 1928
- * When the Fleet Was Young, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1931, 1930
- * When the Floods Came, (sl) Christian Novels #2605, March 14 1955
- * When the Flying Saucers Land, Will You Be Ready?, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #54, February 15 1955
- * When the Gaunt Dog Howled [Dixon Hawke], (n.) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) Dixon Hawke Library #457, 1937
- * When the Ghost Walks!, (ar) The Magnet Library December 24 1927
- * When the Glaciers Go, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction January 1962, as by John W. Campbell, Jr.
- * When the Grave Was Opened, (ms) Modern Man Quarterly v9, 1957
- * When the Great Spirit Speaks, (ms) Western Story Magazine April 20 1929
- * When the Great Were Small, (pi) Lilliput January 1938
- * When the Greeks Ruled in Constantinople, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly October 28 1922
- * When the Heart Is Hungry and the Soul Is Starved, (ar) Radio Stories October 1924
- * When the Hobos Rode, (ss) Railroad Stories February 1932
- * When the Hun Goes Back, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1918
- * When the Indian Needs Meat, (ms) Far West Illustrated Magazine September 1926
- * When the James Boys Were Riding, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 2 1938
- * When the Judge Was Hacked, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 15 1913
- * When the Kiddies Entertain, (ar) Good Housekeeping July 1921
- * When the King Motors, (ar) The Penny Magazine #291, 1904
- * When the King Review His Fleet, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1936, 1935
- * When the Last Curtain Fell, (ms) The Scrap Book May 1906
- * When the Law Came to the Yukon, (ms) Wild West Weekly July 28 1928
- * When the Lightning Strikes Home, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 23 1914
- * When the Lodger Struck, (hu) The Popular Magazine December 1906
- * When the “Lunar Limited” Starts—Buy a Ticket, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine September 1918
- * When the Maple Leaf Is Golding, (pm) The Tryout September 1923
- * When the Mask Drops, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1933
- * When the Mist Fell, (ss) Chums June 24 1916
- * When the Mocking Bird Calls, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 3 1928
- * When the Moon Blew Up [School on the Moon], (ss) The Buzzer #7, November 27 1937
- * When the Motor Struck, (hu) The Popular Magazine August 1907
- * When the North Pole Sizzled [Bud Cleeve], (ss) The Triumph August 8 1936
- * When the Northwest Trail Was Blazed, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 11 1936
- * When the Other Man Came, (ar) The Novel Magazine February 1913
- * When the Other Woman Came, (ar) The Novel Magazine February 1913
- * When the Patriots Wavered, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1906 (abbrev)
- * When the Pay Envelope Arrived, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 7 1915
- * When the Poet Catches Cold, (hu) The Popular Magazine April 1907
- * When the Police Failed, (ss) Startling Detective Adventures #22, March 1930
- * When the Puma Pounces, (ar) Look and Learn #93, October 26 1963
- * When the Rain Comes Down, (pm) Atlanta Constitution
- * When the Red Man Roamed the Far West!, (il) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1927, 1926
- * When the Sea Broke In, (nv) (by Sidney Gowing) The Boys’ Friend #378, September 5 1908
- * When the Sea Gave Up Gold!, (ms) Speed Mystery July 1944
- * When the Sea Grows Angry, (ms)
- * When the Sea Was Young, (ar) (by Richard A. Proctor) The Cornhill Magazine Aug, Oct 1876
- * When the Shades Are Up, (pi) Ace June 1959
- * When the Sheriff Rides the Range, (ar) Cowboy Stories October 1927
- * When the Ship Is in Action, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 21 1898
- * When the Siren Goes, (ar) Modern World September 21 1940
- * When the Skull Men Swooped, (ss) Scoops February 24 1934
- * When the Smoke Dies Away, (ms) Speed Western Stories March 1945
- * When the Snake Men Ruled [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #448, 1937
- * When the Sour Dough Steps Out, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 17 1928
- * When the Speech Balloon Goes Up, (hu) Mayfair v21 #2, 1986
- * When the Spirits Rapped, (vi) London Opinion March 29 1919
- * When the Star Failed to Show Up, (ar) Radio Stories October 1924
- * When the Storm-God Wakes, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1909
- * When the “Sub S-5” Sank, (ar) Science and Invention November 1920
- * When the Summer Comes, (vi) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal September 28 1850
- * When the Sun Was Queer, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1909
- * When the Telephone as a Witness, (ms) Flynn’s February 13 1926
- * When the Tide Is Low, (pm) Heart Throbs Volume Two ed. Joe Michell Chapple, Grosset & Dunlap, 1911
- * When the Tongue Slips, (ms) The Popular Magazine October 1906
- * When the Trick Failed, (ms) The Novel Magazine April 1916
- * When the Trout Are Rising, (pi) The Outing Magazine April 1911
- * When the Tyrant Abdicated, (ss) Chicago Daily News January 18 1916, as "Abdication of the Tyrant"
- * When the up-train passes under, (pm) Jane’s Journal #3, 1946
- * When the Waiters Struck, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 1937
- * When the Watchdog Didn’t Watch, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 12 1930
- * When the Weeping Has to Stop, (ss) Red Letter February 13 1971
- * When the West Went to War, (ar) Triple-X Magazine #58, March 1929
- * When the Whistle Blows, (pm) The Yankee Blade
- * When the Wild West Lives Again, (ms) Western Adventures (UK) February 1936
- * When the Work Is Done This Fall, (pm) Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads ed. John A. Lomax, Macmillan, 1910
- * When the World Speaks One Language, (ar) San Francisco Chronicle
- * When the World Stands Still!, (ar) The Modern Boy November 14 1931
- * When the Wrong Man Was Right, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 18 1932
- * When They Fired Bryan, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 15 1913
- * When They First Met, (ms) The Happy Mag. February 1927
- * When They Married, (ar) The Strand Magazine November 1914
- * When They Were Very Young—and Now, (ar) The New Royal Magazine April 1932
- * When They Were Young! [Greyfriars], (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1938, 1937
- * When Thieves Fall Out, (ts) True Western Stories September 1925
- * When Thinning Hair Is a Problem, (ms) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- * When This Short Life Is Over, (pm) The Argosy (UK) August 1872
- * When Thou Sleepest, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine August 1861, as by Charlotte Brontë
- * When Three of a Kind Beat Four Aces, (ms) Two Gun Western Stories July 1929
- * When Time Went Back [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #415, 1935
- * When Tim Was Free, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1929, 1928
- * When to Fell an Oak, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1887
- * When “Tommy Atkins” Goes to Church, (ar) The Penny Magazine #293, 1904
- * When Tommy Is Sick, and How He Is Cured, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine November 1898
- * When Tommy Murphy Traded Leather, (ar) Fight Stories March 1931
- * When Tommy Took Wings, (ss) The Golden Annual for Girls 1928, 1927
- * When Tools Were Scarce, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1911
- * When to Plant Moth Balls, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd August 1929
- * When Trees Get Wanderlust, (ms) Far West Illustrated November 1928
- * When Trouble Comes, (pm)
- * When Under Water, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1928
- * When Vacation Time Comes ’Round, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1917
- * When Victim Sneezes Crook Steals Violin, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 19 1921
- * When Victor Herbert Went Wrong, (ms) The Popular Magazine 1st April 1930
- * When Violets Bloom, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1887
- * When “Weary Wanderlust” Writes, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1910
- * When We Give to the Poor, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 29 1870
- * When We Go to Sleep, (pi) Men’s Digest April 1969
- * When We Husked the Corn, (pm) (by Fitz-James O’Brien) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1856
- * When We’re at Home, (pi) Woman’s Journal September 1929
- * When We’re “Dug Up” in A.D. 8,000, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2525, December 17 1938
- * When Were You Born?, (cl) The Novel Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1923, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1924
- * When Were You Born?—Cancer, (cl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine Nov 18, Nov 25 1933
- * When Were You Born?—Taurus, (cl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 4 1933
- * When We Run Upstairs, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly May 25 1915
- * When We Talk It Over, (cl) Smith’s Magazine Apr, May 1916
- * When We Talk Things Over, (cl) Smith’s Magazine August 1916
- * When We Understand, (es) How-7 April 1928
- * When Whaling Was Adventure, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine April 1949
- * When, Where—and How!, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 5 1928
- * When Will Britain Have Its Own Fantasy Magazine?, (ms) Scientifiction January 1937
- * When Will Food Rationing End?, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1944
- * When Willie Lewis Panicked the Parisians, (ar) Fight Stories June 1931
- * When Winter Comes, (pi) Railroad Magazine January 1944
- * When Winter Strikes Hard, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1949
- * When Winters Were Winters, (ar) Chums January 3 1926
- * When Women Won’t Talk, (ms) Private Detective Stories May 1946
- * When World Peace Came Before, (ms) Mystery Magazine #9, March 15 1918
- * When Worlds Collide, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #13, September 15 1951 [Ref. Philip Wylie & Edwin Balmer]
- * When You Are an Old-Timer, Tell This One, (ms) West October 15 1927
- * When You Are Lost on Land, (ar) Chums June 14 1925
- * When You Are Your Own Manicurist, (ms) Mystery March 1935
- * When You Came, (pm) The Grand Magazine January 1927
- * When You Can’t Go Out!, (ar) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1930, 1929
- * When You Distribute the Gifts, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal December 1909
- * When You Get Lost, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 1936
- * When You Know a Fellow, (pm) The Half-Century Magazine October 1916
- * When You Lose Your Wallet, (ms) Real March 1958
- * When You Meet Celebrities, (vi) Chicago Ledger March 16 1918
- * When Your Cheap Divorce Is Granted, (pm) (by Robert Henry Newell) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1871
- * When You’re in Love, (pi) Cavalcade (Australia) November 1953 [Ref. Rita Moreno]
- * When Your Hair Goes Up, (ms) McCall’s Magazine October 1918
- * When Your M.P. Says “I Spy”, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2486, March 19 1938
- * When Your Wife Writes a Book, (ar) Esquire May 1934
- * When You Take “Forty Winks”, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1910
- * When Youth Is Sold, (ts) Secrets February 1923
- * When You Write That Letter—, (ms) Variety Love Stories May 1949
- * When Zulus Took the Field, (ar) Chums May 31 1899
- * Where?, (ms) Nova June 1970
- * Where4 H Had Been (etc.), (hu) Yes or No October 26 1907
- * Where Am I Now?, (ts) Smart Set July 1925
- * Where Animals Drop in from the Skies, (ar) Look and Learn #42, November 3 1962
- * Where Apples Are Used as Omens, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1909
- * Where Arab Dhows Are Built, (il) The Trident August 1939
- * Where Are the Fighters of Years Ago, (ar) Fight Stories January 1930
- * Where Are the Twins?, (pz) Premier Book for Children 1961
- * Where Are They Now?, (ms) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #50, 2011
- * Where Are You Going To, My Pretty Maid?, (pm)
- * Where Art Thou, Miss Cornell?, (ms) Redbook Magazine March 1935
- * Where Baths Are Taken Once a Month, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 1908
- * Where Beauty Lies, (ms) Collier’s April 21 1928
- * Where Bees Swarm, (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1907
- * Where Birds Abound, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1921
- * Where Boston Led in Reform, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 3 1919
- * Where Boxwood Comes From, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1877
- * Where Boys Are Droll and Smart, (ar) Chums May 3 1899
- * Where Bryan Wears the Crown of Thorns, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 7 1918
- * Where Californians Come From, (ar) Sunset November 1903
- * Where Chinese Rivers Flow, (ia) Chums September 1933
- * Where Clothes Make the Man, (ms) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 28 1928
- * Where Credit Is Due, (ms) Detective Tales February 1937
- * Where Did He Leave Them?, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 31 1931
- * Where Did Kansas Get Its Name?, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 26 1932
- * Where Did the First Sweet Girl Graduate? (Wesleyan College? Elizabeth Academy? Mary Sharpe College? Elmira College?), (ar) Pictorial Review April 1930
- * Where Did the Money Go?, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 28 1931
- * Where Did These Titles Come From?, (ms) The Golden Book Magazine #88 Apr, #92 Aug 1932
- * Where Did You Come From, Baby Dear?, (pi) Vanity Fair (US) November 1934
- * Where Did You Get That Gamp?, (ss) The Skipper #369, September 25 1937
- * Where Do Gunmen Get Their Guns?, (ed) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories October 1926
- * Where do I come in?—Asks the Human Being, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine June 1918
- * Where Do Saucers Come From?, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine September 1958
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