The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 4767
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Helfer, Harold (chron.) (continued)
- * Give Us Back Our Old Commander, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine September 1949
- * Good Friend, (ts) Black Book Detective Winter 1952
- * The Great Bike Ride, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine December 1949
- * The Great Walking Contest, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine June 1950
- * The Great Wheelbarrow Push, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine December 1950
- * A Half Block from Jail, (ar) Bluebook December 1955
- * Handcuff Lipstick, (ss) Chief Detective Winter 1946
- * Heart of Gold, (vi) The American Magazine August 1950
- * He Did It in a Walk, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine August 1951
- * Heritage of Blood, (vi) Exciting Western July 1952
- * History’s Eeriest Sheriff, (ms) Bluebook October 1954
- * Hogleg Hijinks, (ms) Fifteen Western Tales September 1951
- * Honor Was a Strange Affair, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine June 1947
- * The Horse They Couldn’t Lick, (ar) Max Brand’s Western Magazine March 1954
- * How It Began, (ar) Triple Western February 1952
- * How to Live to Be 100, (ms) Bluebook June 1954
- * Hush! Hush!, (ts) Giant Western October 1953
- * The Incident, (ss) Fight Stories Spring 1950
- * Indian Strip Poker, (ss) 5 Western Novels Magazine August 1952
- * Indian Victory, (ar) Range Riders Western November 1951
- * Inside Stuff, (cl) Popular Detective March 1953
- * It Could Happen Only in Brooklyn, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine November 1947
- * It’s the Law, (cl) Manhunt Oct 1961, Apr 1962
- * Jail Jokers, (hu)
- * Jesting Justice, (ar) F.B.I. Detective Stories May 1951
- * Joanna Southcott’s Mystery Box, (nf) Fate September 1959
- * Kate Cross-Eyes, (ms) Big-Book Western Magazine January 1952, as by H. H.
- * Kill-and-Run!, (ts) Detective Story Magazine May 1953
- * Killer’s Horse, (ss) Thrilling Western January 1952
- * The Killer Who Had Breakfast, (ts) G-Men Detective Winter 1952
- * Kissing Cowboy, (ts) Giant Western June 1952
- * The Lamb Bone, (ss) G-Men Detective Winter 1950
- * Lasso Larrups, (cl) Masked Rider Western Oct, Dec 1951, Feb, Apr 1952
- * The Last Badman, (ar) Mammoth Western May 1950
- * The Last Outburst of Slugfest Sam, (ss) Texas Rangers February 1955
- * Law and Disorder, (cl) The Phantom Detective Fll 1951, Spr, Sum, Fll 1952, Spr, Sum 1953
- * Law and (Some) Order—True Anecdotes, (ms)
- * The Liar’s Club, (ms) Popular Detective May 1951
- * Life-Saving Trousers, (ms) Argosy May 1945
- * The Lion’s Den, (vi) The American Magazine March 1951
- * The Long and Short of It, (vi) Texas Rangers July 1957
- * Long Arm of the Law, (ms) All-Story Detective October 1949
- * The Long Journey, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine June 1950
- * The Long Night, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine November 1949
- * Loopy Lawbreakers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 1953
- * Lore of the West, (ms) Thrilling Western January 1953
- * Love Is Like That, (cl) Popular Love Sum 1952, Sum, Fll, Win 1953, Spr, Sum, Fll 1954, Wtr 1955
- * Love Notes, (cl) Exciting Love Spr 1953, Sum, Fll 1954, Spr 1956
- * Mad Montanans, (vi) Texas Rangers September 1957
- * Mailed Death and the Red Seals, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine March 1950
- * The Man Above the Law, (ms) Bluebook February 1954
- * The Man Behind the Grizzly Bear, (ts) Adventure June 1956
- * The Man on the Barrel, (ms) Bluebook January 1954
- * Man on the White Horse, (ss) Complete Western Book Magazine March 1956
- * The Man with the Hole in His Head, (ss) Esquire January 1953
- * The Marked Bullet, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine July 1951
- * Masterpiece, (vi) The American Magazine November 1950
- * Meet Mrs. Murder, (ts) Triple Detective Fall 1952
- * Merely Pecadillos, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine June 1950, as by H. H.
- * Michael Brennan’s Gold, (nf) Fate October 1951
- * The Mightiest of the Mighty Elevens, (ar) All-American Football Magazine 1st Fall 1950
- * Miscellaneous Mayhem, (ms) Popular Detective Fall 1953
- * More Crime Capers, (cl)
- * Mother Forged Checks, (ms) Popular Detective January 1953
- * Museum Piece, (vi) The American Magazine February 1952
- * Name Your Racehorse, (ar) Mr. November 1952
- * Napoleon and the FBI, (ar) Saga October 1951
- * The Navajo Mystery, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine November 1948
- * Nightmare Pattern, (ss) Thrilling Detective June 1949
- * The Non-Millionaire, (vi) Exciting Western October 1953
- * Now You Know It, (ar) Adventure Dec 1955, Jan 1956
- * The Oddest Race Ever Held, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine January 1951
- * Off Beat, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine April 1951
- * Oh, It Is Going to Rain Some More, (ss) Giant Western April 1953
- * Ye Olde Customs, (ms) Argosy November 1946
- * Old Utah’s Unhitching Machine, (ar) Texas Rangers June 1954
- * One Man’s Pullman, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine December 1952, as by H. H.
- * A One-Man War, (ar) Bluebook July 1955
- * The Other Side of the Story, (ms) Black Book Detective Winter 1951
- * The Other Side of the Story, (ms) Triple Detective Winter 1951
- * Over the Western Grapevine, (ms) West January 1953
- * Page the Weather Man, (ts) Giant Western February 1952
- * The Passing of Chokat Ebin, (ar) West September 1951
- * The Peg-Legged Man, (ar) Mammoth Western April 1950
- * The Perpetual Pitcher, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine December 1950
- * The Peshtigo Fire, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine October 1949
- * Pirate Punchers, (ar) 10 Story Western Magazine November 1950
- * Pix Hat, (ms) All-Story Detective October 1949, as by H. H.
- * Playing Coy, (ms) Popular Football Fall 1951
- * Police Blotter, (ms) Guilty Detective Story Magazine September 1956
- * Poll Vault, (ar) Texas Rangers December 1956
- * Poor Jake!, (ar) Fight Stories Fall 1949
- * Preacher with a Punch, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine July 1950
- * Puncher’s Pirate, (ar) Fifteen Western Tales September 1954
- * The Purse, (ss) Black Book Detective Spring 1951
- * Puttering Around, (ms) Texas Rangers June 1957
- * The Quiet Types, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine December 1952, as by H. H.
- * Range Ramblings, (cl) Top Western Fiction Annual v2 #3 1955, v3 #1 1956
- * Range Tidbits, (ms) Thrilling Ranch Stories Spring 1953
- * The Razor, (ss) Texas Rangers December 1956
- * The Readers’ Jury, (cl) Triple Detective Spring 1954
- * The Real Bluebeard, (ts) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Fall 1952
- * Recent Rulings, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine Aug 1949, Jun 1954
- * The Register, (ts) Triple Detective Summer 1951
- * Rise and Shine, (vi) The American Magazine July 1951
- * Robin Hood of the Danube, (ar) Bluebook December 1952
- * Romantically Speaking—, (ms) Thrilling Love Oct, Dec 1951, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 1952, Jan, Mar, May, Aug,
Nov 1953
Wtr 1954
- * Romantic Ripples, (ar) Romantic West Annual v1 #4, 1953
- * Rustler’s Error, (ms) Dime Western Magazine September 1952
- * Saddle Chatter, (ar) Giant Western October 1951
- * Sad Nose Joe—Rain-Maker!, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales January 1953
- * The Saga of Whiskeytown, (ms) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1956
- * Scotland Yard’s Nemesis, (ar) Detective Story Magazine November 1952
- * The Sea Serpent of Spoonville Beach, (ss) Story #4 ed. Whit & Hallie Burnett, A.A. Wyn, 1953
- * The Secret Punch, (ms) Bluebook April 1954
- * Self Denial, (ar) F.B.I. Detective Stories February 1951
- * Shades of Buffalo Bill, (ar) West March 1952
- * The Ship That Went to the Mountain, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine September 1949
- * Showdown in Spur Gap, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1958
- * Sittin’ Pretty, (ms) Dime Western Magazine September 1952
- * Small-Town Quiz, (qz) The American Magazine October 1951
- * Songs That Have Made History:
* ___ XV. Give Us Back Our Old Commander, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine September 1949
- * So Sorry Now!, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine April 1952
- * Spirit of the West, (ms) The Rio Kid Western November 1951
- * Sporting Around, (ms) Five Sports Classics Magazine Winter 1951
- * Sport Spurts, (cl) The Blue Book Magazine Nov, Dec 1947, Feb, Mar, Apr, Aug, Oct, Dec 1948, Mar, May, Jun,
Jul, Oct, Dec 1949
Feb, May, Sep, Oct 1950, Jun, Aug, Oct 1951, Jan 1952
- * Sports Shorts, (ar) Thrilling Sports Summer 1951
- * Stand-in for a Corpse, (ar) Bluebook February 1952
- * Statistically Speaking, (ms) Argosy September 1947
- * Stay-at-Home Greek, (vi) Pocket Book Weekly Storyteller #340, August 25 1949
- * The Steam Machine Duel, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine November 1949
- * The Strange Notion, (ss) Story #1 ed. Whit & Hallie Burnett, David McKay, 1951
- * Strange Tale, (ar) Triple Western Spring 1956
- * Such Is Crime!, (ar) Mobsters December 1952
- * Take ’Em All On, (ss) G.I. Joe: The Voice of the Veteran January 1946
- * The Tale of the Terrible Turk, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine January 1948
- * A Tall Texas Tale:
* ___ Puttering Around, (ms) Texas Rangers June 1957
- * Tapioca Pudding, (ss) Story #123, January/February 1947
- * Teethprints, (ms) Bluebook August 1953
- * Tell It to the Judge, (ms) The Phantom Detective Winter 1951
- * Texas Tidbits, (cl) Texas Western Jan, Mar 1953
- * That’s How It Happened, (ms) Thrilling Detective June 1951
- * The Thing in the Cage, (ts) Popular Detective September 1951
- * This Could Kill You, (nf) Fate August 1954
- * Those of Contrary Opinions, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine August 1951, as by H. H.
- * The 3-Score Backstop, (ss) Baseball Stories Summer 1947
- * Time for Crime, (ar) Fifteen Detective Stories February 1954
- * Tip-Toe Traipskowitz, (ss) All-American Football Magazine 2nd Fall 1947
- * The Too Good Deal, (ts) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Winter 1952
- * Too Many Suspects, (ss) G-Men Detective Summer 1949
- * Trail Topics, (ms) Exciting Western May 1953
- * The Treasure of Horror, (ms) Bluebook April 1954
- * Triple Play: President to Millionaire to Junkman, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine November 1950
- * Turned Tables, (ms) Black Mask September 1949
- * Turn on the Heat, (ss) Popular Detective January 1949
- * The Twelve Sticks, (ts) Exciting Western May 1952
- * Twice as Good, (ms) Argosy April 1945
- * Two White Beards, (ts) Triple Detective Fall 1953
- * Type-Cast, (ms) Range Riders Western March 1952
- * Uncle Bert’s Dancing Girls, (ss) Caper November 1956
- * Unlawful Logic, (ts) All-Story Detective December 1949
- * Violence in Paradise, (ts) Triple Detective Spring 1952
- * Voice of the Bat-Boy, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine December 1948
- * Wanted: Left-Handed Bricklayers, (ms) Bluebook October 1954
- * The Warden’s Wife, (ts) Trapped Detective Story Magazine December 1956
- * Washington’s Cancer Answer, (ar) Coronet May 1957
- * Weather Wise [Blue Feather], (ss) Popular Western November 1952
- * Westernettes, (cl) Texas Rangers Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1951, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May,
Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1952
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1953
Jan, Apr, May, Sep 1954, Feb, Sep 1955, Jun 1956, Apr 1957
- * Western Inklings, (ms) 5 Western Novels Magazine June 1953
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