The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 5180

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    Great Detective   (about)
    Great Detective was originally launched in 1933 with the self-imposed task of publishing “the best detective-mystery fiction available”, much of it with a distinctly English flavour. After nine issues or so there was a hiatus following which the magazine resurfaced briefly featuring entirely original fiction, but survived for only three issues in this guise.

    • Publishers:
        ue, New York 17, NYL.M. Publishing Co.; 80 Lafayette Street, New York, NY; and later at 545 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY; and later at 151 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, NY: Great Detective.
    • Editors:

    Great Detective [Volume 4 Number 1, 1934] (pulp) []
    Issue not indexed - may be phantom.

    Great Mystery and Suspense Magazine   (about)
    A short-lived magazine which described itself as “a repository of stories for the mystery lover and a distinguished place for authors to publish their best work. What makes us different from most other mystery/suspense publications is the word wholesome.”

    • Publishers:
      • Great Mystery and Suspense Magazine; P.O. Box 8008, St. Joseph, MO 64508: Great Mystery and Suspense Magazine.
    • Editors:
      • Vicki Lipira - Editor: Great Mystery and Suspense Magazine.

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