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Smith, Clark Ashton (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Ghost of Mohammed Din, (ss) Overland Monthly November 1910
- * The Ghoul, (ss) The Fantasy Fan January 1934
- * The Giantess, (pm) Sandalwood by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn Journal, 1925
- * The God of the Asteroid, (ss) Wonder Stories October 1932, as "Master of the Asteroid"
- * A Good Embalmer, (ss) Strange Shadows by Clark Ashton Smith, Greenwood Press, 1989
- * The Gorgon, (ss) Weird Tales April 1932
- * The Great God Awto, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1940
- * Grotesques and Fantastiques, (co) Gerry de la Ree, 1973
- * Grotesques and Fantastiques, (il) Grotesques and Fantastiques, Gerry de la Ree, 1973
- * The Hashish-Eater, (pm) Ebony and Crystal by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn Journal, 1922
- * Hellenic Sequel, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Spring 1948
- * The Holiness of Azédarac [Averoigne], (nv) Weird Tales November 1933
- * The Horologe, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1961
- * Horror, Fantasy, and Science, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * The House of Haon-Dor (with Laurence J. Cornford), (ss) The Sorcerer’s Apprentices ed. James Ambuehl, Sunken Citadel/Tenoka Press, 1998
- * The House of Haon-Dor [Hyperborea], (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * The House of Monoceros (with E. Hoffmann Price), (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories February 1941, as "The Old Gods Eat", by E. Hoffmann Price
- * H.P.L., (pm) The Shuttered Room and Other Pieces by H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1959
- * The Hunters from Beyond, (nv) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror October 1932
- * The Hyperborean City (synopsis), (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * I Am Your Shadow, (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #29, Candlemas 1985; revised from “Strange Shadows,” Crypt of Cthulhu #25 ’84.
- * The Ice-Demon [Hyperborea], (ss) Weird Tales April 1933
- * The Immeasurable Horror, (ss) Weird Tales September 1931
- * The Immortals of Mercury, (nv) Science Fiction Series #16, 1932
- * In a Hashish-Dream, (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * In Appreciation of William Hope Hodgson, (ar) The Phantagraph March/April 1937 [Ref. William Hope Hodgson]
- * In Cocaigne, (pp) Ebony and Crystal by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn Journal, 1922
- * The Incubus of Time, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1961
- * In Memoriam: H. P. Lovecraft, (ob) Tesseract April 1937 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * In November, (pm) Ainslee’s December 1919
- * In Slumber, (pm) Weird Tales August 1934
- * Interim, (pm) Scienti-Snaps February 1940
- * Interrogation, (pm) Sandalwood by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn Journal, 1925
- * In Thessaly, (pm) Weird Tales November 1935
- * In the Ultimate Valleys, (co) Roy A. Squires, August 1970
- * In the Ultimate Valleys, (pm) In the Ultimate Valleys, Roy A. Squires, 1970
- * Introduction to “Beyond the Singing Flame”, (is) Wonder Stories November 1931
- * The Invisible City, (nv) Wonder Stories June 1932
- * The Isle of Circe, (pm) Asmodeus #3, Spring 1952
- * The Isle of Saturn, (pm) The Dark Chateau by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1951
- * The Isle of the Torturers [Zothique], (ss) Weird Tales March 1933
- * Jungle Twilight, (pm) Oriental Stories Summer 1932
- * The Justice of the Elephant, (ss) Oriental Stories Autumn 1931
- * The Kingdom of the Worm, (ss) The Fantasy Fan October 1933
- * The Kiss of Zoraida, (ss) The Magic Carpet Magazine July 1933
- * Lamia, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Winter 1948
- * The Last Hieroglyph [Zothique], (ss) Weird Tales April 1935
- * The Last Incantation [Malygris; Poseidonis], (ss) Weird Tales June 1930
- * Laus Mortis, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine (US) September 1921
- * Lemurienne, (pm) The Auburn Journal December 20 1923
- * Lethe (“I flow beneath”), (pm) The Star-Treader and Other Poems by Clark Ashton Smith, A.M. Robertson, 1912
- * Letter to Duane W. Rimel, 13th September 1934, (ex) [Ref. Duane W. Rimel]
- * The Light from Beyond, (nv) Wonder Stories April 1933
- * The Light from the Pole (with Lin Carter), (ss) Weird Tales #1 ed. Lin Carter, Zebra, 1981
- * Loss, (pm) Sandalwood by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn Journal, 1925
- * The Lotus and the Moon, (pp) The Fantasy Fan September 1934
- * Luna Aeternalis, (pm) Weird Tales May 1950
- * Lunar Mystery, (pm) Sandalwood by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn Journal, 1925
- * The Mahout, (ss) The Black Cat August 1911
- * The Maker of Gargoyles [Averoigne], (ss) Weird Tales August 1932
- * The Malay Krise, (vi) Overland Monthly October 1910
- * Mandor’s Enemy [Zothique], (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * The Mandrakes [Averoigne], (ss) Weird Tales February 1933
- * Marooned in Andromeda [Captain Volmar], (nv) Wonder Stories October 1930
- * The Masque of Forsaken Gods, (pm) The Star-Treader and Other Poems by Clark Ashton Smith, A.M. Robertson, 1912
- * The Master of Destruction (fragment & synopsis), (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * Master of the Asteroid, (ss) Wonder Stories October 1932
- * The Master of the Crabs [Zothique], (ss) Weird Tales March 1948
- * Maya, (pm) The Auburn Journal March 19 1925
- * The Maze of Maal Dweb [Maal Dweb], (nv) The Double Shadow and Other Fantasies by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn CA, 1933, as "The Maze of the Enchanter"
- * The Maze of the Enchanter [Maal Dweb], (nv) The Double Shadow and Other Fantasies by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn CA, 1933
- * Medusa, (pm) The Star-Treader and Other Poems by Clark Ashton Smith, A.M. Robertson, 1912
- * The Melancholy Pool, (pm) Ebony and Crystal by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn Journal, 1922
- * The Memnons of the Night, (pp) Bohemia February 1 1917
- * Memorial, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1961
- * The Metamorphosis of Earth, (nv) Weird Tales September 1951
- * Metaphor, (pm) The Auburn Journal June 7 1923
- * The Mime of Sleep, (pm) The Acolyte Spring 1943
- * The Mirror in the Hall of Ebony, (pp) The Fantasy Fan May 1934
- * The Mithridate, (pp) Acolyte Fall 1943
- * Mnemoka (with Steve Behrends), (ss) Astro-Adventures #1, January 1987
- * The Monster of the Prophecy, (nv) Weird Tales January 1932
- * Monsters in the Night, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1954, as "A Prophecy of Monsters"
- * Moonlight, (pm) The Arkham Collector #7, Summer 1970
- * Morthylla [Zothique], (ss) Weird Tales May 1953
- * The Mortuary, (pp) Roy Squires Press, 1971
- * Mother of Toads [Averoigne], (ss) Weird Tales July 1938
- Worlds of Weird ed. Leo Margulies, Pyramid, 1965
- 100 Creepy Little Creature Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1994
- The Emperor of Dreams, Gollancz, 2002
- The Empire of the Necromancers, Wildside Press, 2009
- The Averoigne Chronicles, Centipede Press, 2016
- * Murder in the Fourth Dimension, (ss) Amazing Detective Tales October 1930
- * The Muse of Hyperborea [Hyperborea], (pp) The Fantasy Fan June 1934
- * The Nameless Offspring, (nv) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror June 1932
- * The Nameless Wraith, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Winter 1948
- * Narcissus, (pp) Acolyte Winter 1945
- * Necromancy, (pm) The Fantasy Fan August 1934
- * Necromancy in Naat [Zothique], (nv) Weird Tales July 1936
- * The Necromantic Tale, (ss) Weird Tales January 1931
- * Nemesis of the Unfinished, (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * Nemesis of the Unfinished (with Don Carter), (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #31, Roodmas 1985; has an alternate ending to the version published in Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984.
- * The Nevermore-to-be, (pm) Selected Poems by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1971
- * Nevertheless, (br) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973 [Ref. Marianne Moore]
- * A Night in Malnéant, (ss) The Double Shadow and Other Fantasies by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn CA, 1933
- * Nightmare, (pm) Ebony and Crystal by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn Journal, 1922
- * The Nightmare Tarn, (pm) Weird Tales November 1929
- * Night (“The fires of sunset”), (pm) In the Ultimate Valleys, Roy A. Squires, 1970
- * The Ninth Skeleton, (ss) Weird Tales September 1928
- * Nocturne, (pm) The International September 1912
- * The Noon of the Seasons, (pm) In the Ultimate Valleys, Roy A. Squires, 1970
- * No Stranger Dream, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Summer 1948
- * “Not Altogether Asleep”, (pm) The Dark Chateau by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1951
- * Nyctalops, (pm) Weird Tales October 1929
- * The Ocean-World of Alioth [Captain Volmar], (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * Ode to Beauty, (pm) Selected Poems by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1971, as "To Beauty"
- * Ode to the Abyss, (pm) The Star-Treader and Other Poems by Clark Ashton Smith, A.M. Robertson, 1912
- * Offering, (pp) Grotesques and Fantastiques, Gerry de la Ree, 1973
- * An Offering to the Moon, (ss) Weird Tales September 1953
- * “O Golden-Tongued Romance”, (pm) The Dark Chateau by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1951
- * The Old Gods Eat (with E. Hoffmann Price), (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories February 1941, as by E. Hoffmann Price; completely rewritten by Price from an original story, “The House of Monoceros”, by Smith.
- * The Old Water-Wheel, (pm) The Dark Chateau by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1951
- * On a Chinese Vase, (pm) Oriental Stories Spring 1932
- * On Fantasy, (ar) The Fantasy Fan November 1934
- * On Garbage-Mongering, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * On Grotesque Carvings, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * On H.P. Lovecraft, (lt) Weird Tales July 1937, as "[letter from Auburn, CA]"
- * On H.P. Lovecraft, (lt) The Science Fiction Critic May 1937, as "[letter]"
- * On H.P. Lovecraft, (lt) Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle ed. John Pelan & Jerad Walters, Centipede Press, 2009
- * On H.P. Lovecraft—II, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * Only to One Returned, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Autumn 1948
- * On Science Fiction History, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * On Tales About the Cthulhu Mythos, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * On the Forbidden Books, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * On the Mount of Stone, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Summer 1948
- * On the Trail of the Weird and Phantastic:
* ___ In Appreciation of William Hope Hodgson, (cl) The Phantagraph March/April 1937 [Ref. William Hope Hodgson]
- * Ougabalys, (pm) Weird Tales January 1930
- * Outlanders, (pm) Weird Tales June 1938
- * Papyrus of the Dark Wisdom (with Lin Carter), (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #54, Eastertide 1988
- * Parnassus, (pm) Asmodeus #1, Summer 1950
- * The Passing of Aphrodite, (pp) The Fantasy Fan December 1934
- * The Peril That Lurks Among Ruins, (pp) Acolyte Winter 1945
- * A Phantasy, (pp) Bohemia November 15 1916
- * The Phantoms of the Fire, (ss) Weird Tales September 1930
- * The Philosophy of the Weird Tale, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * The Phoenix, (pm) Weird Tales May 1940
- * Phoenix, (ss) Time to Come ed. August Derleth, Farrar, Straus & Young, 1954
- * The Planet Entity [Mars] (with E. M. Johnston), (nv) Wonder Stories Quarterly Fall 1931; written by Smith based on a plot by Johnston.
- * The Planet of the Dead, (ss) Weird Tales March 1932
- * Planets and Dimensions, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * Planets and Dimensions, (oc) Mirage Press, 1973 ; edited by Charles K. Wolfe
- * The Plutonian Drug, (ss) Amazing Stories September 1934
- The Outer Reaches ed. August Derleth, Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1951
- The Outer Reaches (var. 1) ed. August Derleth, Berkley, 1958
- The Time of Infinity ed. August Derleth, Consul, 1963
- Amazing Stories February 1966
- Strange Ecstasies ed. Michel Parry, Panther, 1973
- Amazing Science Fiction Stories: The Wonder Years 1926-1935 ed. Martin H. Greenberg, TSR, 1987
- * The Point of the Jest, (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * Poplars, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st November 1922
- * Pour Chercher du Nouveau, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Autumn 1949
- * The Powder of Hyperborea [Satampra Zeiros; Hyperborea], (ss) Saturn, Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy March 1958
- * A Prayer, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st February 1917
- * The Primal City, (ss) The Fantasy Fan November 1934
- * Prince Alcouz and the Magician, (vi) Roy Squires Press, 1977
- * The Princess Almeena, (pp) The Smart Set February 1920
- * A Prophecy of Monsters, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1954
- Hauntings and Horrors ed. Alden H. Norton, Berkley, 1969
- Werewolf! ed. Bill Pronzini, Arbor, 1979
- 100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories ed. Isaac Asimov, Terry Carr & Martin H. Greenberg, Doubleday, 1984
- 100 Creepy Little Creature Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1994, as "Monsters in the Night"
- Tomorrow Bites ed. Greg Cox & T. K. F. Weisskopf, Baen, 1995
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