The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Author: Page 123
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Tidhar, Lavie (1976- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * The Apex Book of World SF (Apex Publications, September 2009, 978-0-9821596-3-7, $18.95, 287pp, tp, an, cover by Randall MacDonald)
- * The Apex Book of World SF 2 (Apex Publications, April 2012, 978-1-937009-04-5, $21.95, 375pp, tp, oa, cover by Raúl Cruz)
- * The Apex Book of World SF 3 (Apex Publications, June 29, 2014, 978-1-937009-24-3, $16.95, 266pp, tp, an, cover by Sophia Tuska)
- * The Best of World SF: Volume 1 (Ad Astra/Head of Zeus, April 1, 2021, 978-1-83893-764-5, £25.00, xviii+588pp, hc, an)
- * The Best of World SF: Volume 2 (Ad Astra/Head of Zeus, October 13, 2022, 978-1-80328-031-8, £25.00, 649pp, hc, an)
- * The Best of World SF: Volume 3 (Head of Zeus, October 12, 2023, 978-1-80454-803-5, £25.00, 656pp, hc, an)
- * Jews vs Aliens (with Rebecca Levene) --- see under Rebecca Levene.
- * Jews vs Zombies (with Rebecca Levene) --- see under Rebecca Levene.
Timperley, Rosemary (Kenyon) (1920-1988) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * The Eighth Ghost Book (Barrie & Jenkins, 1972, £2.00, 268pp, hc, oa)
- * The Fifth Ghost Book (Barrie & Rockliff, 1969, £1.50, 256pp, hc, oa)
- * The Ninth Ghost Book (Barrie & Jenkins, 1973, £2.00, 284pp, hc, oa)
- * The Seventh Ghost Book (Barrie & Jenkins, 1971, £2.00, 303pp, hc, oa)
- * The Sixth Ghost Book (Barrie & Jenkins, 1970, £1.50, 320pp, hc, oa)
- * The Sixth Ghost Book, Book One: The Blood Goes Round, and Other Stories (Pan Books, 1972, 0-330-23332-7, 25p, 128pp, pb, oa)
- * The Sixth Ghost Book, Book Two: The Judas Joke, and Other Stories (Pan Books, 1972, 0-330-23333-5, 25p, 148pp, pb, oa)
Tinsley, Theodore A(drian) (1894-1979); used pseudonym Maxwell Grant (items) (chron.)
- * The Crimes of the Scarlet Ace [Amusement, Inc.; The Scarlet Ace] (Altus Press, October 18, 2011, 978-1-4611-1982-1, $29.95, 392pp, tp, co)
- * Murder Maze [Jerry Tracy] (Black Mask, August 4, 2022, 978-1-61827-659-9, $24.95, 452pp, tp, co, cover by John Drew)
Torgeson, Roy (?-1991) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Chrysalis (Zebra, August 1977, 0-89083-287-0, $1.95, 270pp, pb, oa, cover by Thomas Barber)
- * Chrysalis, Volume 2 (Zebra, August 1978, 0-89083-381-8, $1.95, 284pp, pb, oa, cover by Colin Hay)
- * Chrysalis 3 (Zebra, December 1978, 0-89083-432-6, $1.95, 284pp, pb, oa, cover by Clyde Caldwell)
- * Chrysalis 4 (Zebra, February 1979, 0-89083-449-0, $1.95, 301pp, pb, oa, cover by Clyde Caldwell)
- * Chrysalis 5 (Zebra, September 1979, 0-89083-518-7, $1.95, 288pp, pb, oa, cover by Carl Kochich)
- * Chrysalis 6 (Zebra, January 1980, 0-89083-567-5, $1.95, 285pp, pb, oa, cover by Tom Barber from Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1976)
- * Chrysalis 7 (Zebra, February 1980, 0-89083-575-6, $1.95, 287pp, pb, oa, cover by Tom Barber from Amazing Science Fiction Stories December 1976)
- * Chrysalis 8 (Doubleday, December 1980, 0-385-17040-8, 211pp, hc, oa, cover by Robert Korn)
- * Chrysalis 9 (Doubleday, September 1981, 0-385-17251-6, $10.95, 186pp, hc, oa, cover by Tom Barber)
- * Chrysalis 10 (Doubleday, April 1983, 0-385-17598-1, $11.95, 182pp, hc, oa, cover by Tom Barber)
- * Night Fear by Frank Belknap Long --- see under Frank Belknap Long.
- * Other Worlds 1 (Zebra, December 1979, 0-89083-558-6, $2.25, 282pp, pb, oa)
- * Other Worlds 2 (Zebra, January 1980, 0-89083-584-5, $2.25, 281pp, pb, oa)
Torrey, Roger (Denzel) (1901-1946) (items) (chron.)
- * The Case-Hardened Samaritan [Dal Prentice] (Black Mask, August 1, 2023, 978-1-61827-733-6, $24.95, 260pp, tp, co, cover by Jes Schlaikjer)
- * The Complete Cases of Johnny Cass [Johnny Cass] (Popular Publications, November 26, 2022, 978-1-61827-688-9, $24.95, 214pp, tp, co, cover by John Newton Howitt)
Towles, Amor (1964- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * The Best Short Stories 2024: The O. Henry Prize Winners (Vintage Books, September 10, 2024, 978-0-593-47061-9, $19.00, 432pp, tp, an)
- * The Mysterious Bookshop Presents the Best Mystery Stories of the Year: 2023 (The Mysterious Bookshop, September 19, 2023, 978-1-61316-449-5, $17.95, 500pp, tp, an)
Treat, Lawrence (1903-1998); previously known as Lawrence Arthur Goldstone (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Murder in Mind (Dutton, 1967, LC:67-20544, 220pp, hc, an)
- * A Special Kind of Crime (Doubleday, 1982, 0-385-17993-6, $10.95, 192pp, hc, an)
Treble, H. A. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
_____, ed.
- * Modern Detective Stories (University of London Press, 1929, hc, an)
- * Modern Detective Stories Second Series (University of London Press, 1932, 173pp, hc, an)
- * Modern Short Stories (University of London Press, 1931, 158pp, hc, an)
Treece, Henry (1912-1966) (items) (chron.)
- * The Dark Island (Savoy, April 1980, 0-86130-021-1, £1.25, 236pp, tp, n., cover by Michael Heslop)
- * A Fighting Man (unpublished) (Savoy, n.d., 0-86130-050-5, £1.50, 240pp, tp, n.)
- * The Golden Strangers (Savoy, January 1980, 0-86130-018-1, £1.25, 210pp, tp, n., cover by Michael Heslop)
- * The Great Captains [King Arthur] (Savoy, January 1980, 0-86130-019-X, £1.25, 236pp, tp, n., cover by Michael Heslop)
- * The Rebels (unpublished) (Savoy, n.d., 0-86130-049-1, £1.50, 240pp, tp, n.)
- * Red Queen, White Queen (Savoy, September 16, 1980, 0-86130-020-3, £1.25, 216pp, tp, n., cover by Michael Heslop)
Tremayne, Peter; pseudonym of Peter Berresford Ellis (1943- ) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * The Irish Masters of Fantasy (Wolfhound Press, 1979, 220pp, hc, an)
- * Masters of Terror, Volume One by William Hope Hodgson --- see under William Hope Hodgson.
- * The Wondersmith and Other Macabre Tales (Wolfhound Press, 1988, 0-86327-152-9, £4.95, 220pp, tp, an, cover by Jan De Foun)
Tremblay, Paul G(aetan) (1971- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * City Pier: Above and Below [City Pier] (Wildside Press/Prime Books, May 2007, 978-0-8095-7183-3, $9.95, 94pp, tp, oc)
- * In the Mean Time (ChiZine Publications, October 2010, 978-1-926851-06-8, $15.95, 214pp, tp, co, cover by Erik Mohr)
Trenholm, Hayden (fl. 1990s-2020s) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Blood & Water (Bundoran Press, October 2012, 978-0-9877352-3-2, $17.95, 247pp, tp, oa)
- * Strange Bedfellows: An Anthology of Political Science Fiction (Bundoran Press, March 2014, 978-1-927881-00-2, C$18.95, 296pp, tp, oa, cover by Dan O’Driscoll)
Tudor, C. J. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items) (chron.)
- * The Burning Girls (Subterranean Press, September 2021, $80.00, 408pp, hc, n., cover by Jeffrey Alan Love)
- * The Chalk Man (Subterranean Press, April 2019, $80.00, 328pp, hc, n., cover by David Palumbo)
- * The Drift (Subterranean Press, September 2024, $100.00, 368pp, hc, n., cover by François Vaillancourt)
- * The Hiding Place (Subterranean Press, August 2019, $80.00, 152pp, hc, n., cover by François Vaillancourt)
- * The Other People (Subterranean Press, October 2020, $80.00, hc, n., cover by François Vaillancourt)
- * A Sliver of Darkness (Michael Joseph, September 29, 2022, 978-0-241-58263-3, £16.99, 352pp, hc, oc)
- * A Sliver of Darkness (Subterranean Press, January 2024, $90.00, 286pp, hc, oc, cover by Jeffrey Alan Love)
Tudor, Martin (1959- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Novacon 25 Programme Book (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 1995, no ISBN, 84pp, ph, nf)
- * Novacon 25 Progress Report One (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1994, no ISBN, 9pp, ph, nf)
- * Novacon 25 Progress Report Two (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, March 1995, no ISBN, 6pp, ph, nf)
- * Novacon 25 Progress Report Three (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, June 1995, no ISBN, 6pp, ph, nf)
- * Novacon 25 Progress Report Four (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, September 1995, no ISBN, 9pp, ph, nf)
- * Novacon 26 Programme Book (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 1996, no ISBN, 50pp, ph, nf)
- * Novacon 29 Programme Book (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 1999, no ISBN, 50pp, ph, nf)
- * Novacon 31 Programme Book (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 2001, no ISBN, 39pp, ph, nf)
- * Novacon 31 Progress Report #1 (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, March 2001, no ISBN, 32pp, ph, nf)
- * Novacon 31 Progress Report #2 (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, June 2001, no ISBN, 36pp, ph, nf)
- * Novacon 31 Progress Report #3 (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, September 2001, no ISBN, 32pp, ph, nf)
- * Overload (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 1995, no ISBN, 31pp, ph, oa, cover by David A. Hardy) [Novacon Booklets]
Turner, Alice K(ennedy) (1939-2015) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * The Playboy Book of Science Fiction (HarperPrism, May 1998, 0-06-105288-4, $23.00, 469pp, hc, an)
- * Playboy Stories: The Best of Forty Years of Short Fiction (Dutton, January 1994, 0-525-93735-8, $24.95, 609pp, hc, an)
- * Snake’s-Hands: A Chapbook About the Fiction of John Crowley (with Michael Andre-Driussi) --- see under Michael Andre-Driussi.
Turner, Jim; [i.e., James Allen Turner] (1945-1999) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * The Fourth Ghost Book (Barrie & Rockliff, 1965, 21/-, 303pp, hc, oa)
- * Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos --- see under Anon..
- * Unlikely Ghosts (Cassell, 1967, 25/-, 218pp, hc, oa)
Turtledove, Harry (Norman) (1949- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Best of Harry Turtledove (Subterranean Press, May 2021, 978-1-64524-022-8, $45.00, 584pp, hc, co, cover by Lee Moyer)
- * Down in the Bottomlands (and Other Places) (with L. Sprague de Camp) --- see under Down in the Bottomlands (and Other Places), Baen, 1999.
- * Other People’s Playgrounds (Subterranean Press, October 2024, 978-1-64524-190-4, $50.00, 312pp, hc, co, cover by Lee Moyer)
_____, ed.
- * The Best Alternate History Stories of the 20th Century (with Martin H. Greenberg) (Ballantine Del Rey, October 2001, 0-345-43990-2, $18.00, xiii+416pp, tp, an)
- * The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century (with Martin H. Greenberg) (Ballantine Del Rey, May 2001, 0-345-43989-9, $18.00, 544pp, tp, an)
- * The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century (with Martin H. Greenberg) (Ballantine Del Rey, January 2005, 0-345-46094-4, $17.95, xiii+425pp, tp, an)
Tuska, Jon (1942-2016) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * The American West in Fiction (Mentor, May 1982, 0-451-62086-0, $3.95, 400pp, pb, an)
- * The Big Book of Western Action Stories (Barricade Books, 1995, 1-56980-048-0, $24.00, 559pp, hc, an)
- * The Golden West (Leisure Books, 2003, pb, an)
- * The Lawless West (Leisure Books, 2007, pb, an)
- * The Morrow Anthology of Great Western Short Stories (with Vicki Piekarski) (Morrow, March 1997, 0-688-14783-6, $32.00, 672pp, hc, an)
- * Odyssey to the North (Five Star, 2003, hc, an)
- * Shadow of the Lariat: A Treasury of the Frontier (Carroll & Graf, November 1995, 0786702567, $25.00, 564pp, hc, an)
- * Star Western (Gramercy, 1965, 0-517-14688-6, 435pp, hc, an)
- * Stories of the Far North (University of Nebraska Press, 1998, hc, an)
- * Stories of the Golden West, Book Five: A Western Trio (Five Star, 2004, hc, an)
- * Stories of the Golden West, Book Four: A Western Trio (Five Star, 2003, hc, an)
- * Stories of the Golden West, Book One: A Western Trio (Five Star, 2000, hc, an)
- * Stories of the Golden West, Book Seven: A Western Trio (Five Star, 2006, hc, an)
- * Stories of the Golden West, Book Six: A Western Trio (Five Star, 2005, hc, an)
- * Stories of the Golden West: Book Three (Five Star, May 2002, hc, an)
- * Stories of the Golden West, Book Two: A Western Trio (Five Star, 2001, hc, an)
- * The Untamed West (Leisure, 2004, pb, an)
- * Western Stories: A Chronological Anthology (Gramercy, 1999, 0-517-18659-4, $5.95, 305pp, hc, an)
- * The Western Story: A Chronological Anthology (University of Nebraska Press, September 1995, 0-803-24428-2, $35.00, 404pp, hc, an)
Tuttle, W(ilbur) C(oleman) (1883-1969) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Galloping Gold (Steeger Books, 2020, 978-1-61827-541-7, $19.95, 257pp, tp, oc, cover from Argosy May 8 1937)
- * Henry Plays a Hunch [Henry Harrison Conroy] (Steeger Books, November 26, 2021, 978-1-61827-628-5, $24.95, 228pp, tp, co, cover by Emmett Watson)
- * Henry Rides the Danger Trail (Steeger Books, 2019, 978-1-61827-446-5, $19.95, 219pp, tp, co, cover by V. E. Pyles from Argosy April 25 1936)
- * Postings from Piperock (Brick Pickle Media, LLC, December 9, 2020, $12.95, 203pp, tp, co, cover by Rene Rauschenberger)
- * The Sheriff of Tonto Town [Henry Harrison Conroy] (Altus Press, November 22, 2018, 978-1-61827-369-7, $19.95, 271pp, tp, co)
- * The Sherlock of Sageland [Henry Harrison Conroy] (Altus Press, June 2, 2015, 978-1-61827-344-4, $19.95, 269pp, tp, co)
- * Thirty Days for Henry [Henry Harrison Conroy] (Popular Publications, November 27, 2022, 978-1-61827-694-0, $29.95, 326pp, tp, co)
- * Three Guns for Tonto [Henry Harrison Conroy] (Popular Publications, November 26, 2023, 978-1-61827-761-9, $24.95, 270pp, tp, co, cover by Arthur Mitchell)
Ulibarri, Sarena (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Multispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures (with Rajat Chaudhuri, Deborah Cleland, Christoph Rupprecht & Norie Tamura) --- see under Rajat Chaudhuri.
- * Solarpunk Summers (World Weaver Press, May 2018, 978-0-9987022-7-8, $13.95, 276pp, tp, oa)
- * Solarpunk Winters (World Weaver Press, January 7, 2020, 978-1-73225-468-8, $15.95, 306pp, tp, oa)
Underwood, Erin (fl. 2010s) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Futuredaze: An Anthology of YA Science Fiction (with Hannah Strom-Martin) (Underwords Press, February 12, 2013, 978-0-9858934-0-8, $14.95, v+260pp, tp, oa)
- * The Grimm Future (NESFA Press, February 19, 2016, 978-1-61037-315-9, $35.00, 276pp, hc, oa, cover by Richard Anderson)
Underwood, Peter (1923-2014) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Thirteen Famous Ghost Stories (Dent, 1977, 0-460-00749-1, 203pp, hc, an)
- * The Vampire’s Bedside Companion (Leslie Frewin, 1975, 0-85632-101-X, £3.50, 248pp, hc, an)
Underwood, Tim (Edward) (1948-2023) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * “…and their memory was a bitter tree…”: Queen of the Black Coast and Others by Robert E. Howard, Brom & Frank Frazetta --- see under Robert E. Howard.
- * Bare Bones: Conversations with Stephen King (with Chuck Miller) (NEL, March 1989, 0-450-49992-8, £10.95, 217pp, hc, nf)
- * The Book of the Sixth World Fantasy Convention (with Chuck Miller) (Underwood-Miller, October 1980, 96pp, hc, oa)
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