The FictionMags Index

Book Contents Lists: Page 24

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    Conversations with Ray Bradbury ed. Steven L. Aggelis (University Press of Mississippi, July 2004, 1-57806-641-7, $20.00, 208 + xxxvipp, tp, an) [Ref. Ray Bradbury]
        Non-fiction collection of interviews with Bradbury. There is an index. A hardcover edition ($48.00, -640-9) was announced but not seen.

    Leviathan 4: Cities ed. Forrest Aguirre (Night Shade Books/Ministry of Whimsy Press, December 2004, 1-892389-82-7, $27.00, 247pp, hc, oa, cover by Myrtle Von Damitz, III)
        Original anthology of ten stories, one a reprint, one expanded, by authors including Michael Cisco, Jay Lake, and K.J. Bishop. A limited edition (-79-7, $45.00) is also available.
    • 7 · The City of God · Michael Cisco · ss
    • 25 · The Dreaming City · Ben Peek · nv
    • 59 · The Soul Bottles · Jay Lake · ss
    • 79 · Encyclopedia of Ubar · Catherine Kasper · nv
      portions prevoiusly appeared in Mid-American Review, McSweeney’s, and Senica Review.
    • 103 · Mimosa in Heligoland · Allan Kausch · ss
      originally published in chapbook form by the author.
    • 123 · We the Enclosed · K. J. Bishop · nv
    • 149 · The Revenge of the Calico Cat · Stepan Chapman · nv
    • 185 · The City of Lost Languages · Darla Beasley · ss
    • 199 · The Wizard of Wardenclyffe · Ursula Pflug · nv
    • 223 · The Imaginary Anatomy of a Horse · Tim Jarvis · ss

    The Nine Muses ed. Forrest Aguirre & Deborah Layne (Wheatland Press, October 2005, 0-9755903-6-7, $19.95, 252pp, tp, oa, cover by Giorgio de Chirico)
        Original anthology of 13 stories by women writers. Authors include Kit Reed, Heather Shaw, and Ursula Pflug. Introductory essay by Elizabeth Hand. This is a print-on-demand book.
    • 3 · The Beckoning Fair Ones: Some Thoughts About Muses · Elizabeth Hand · in
    • · Calliope, The Muse of Epic Poetry
    • 31 · Scraps of Eutopia · Ruth Nestvold · ss
    • · Clio, The Muse of History
    • 41 · She Who Remembers · Dianna Rodgers · ss
    • · Euterpe, The Muse of Music
    • 61 · Melody · Catherine Kasper · ss
    • · Melpomeme, The Muse of Tragedy
    • 69 · Cue the Violins · Toiya Kristen Finley · ss
    • 89 · The Day After Tomorrow · Tamar Yellin · ss
    • · Terpsichore, The Muse of Dance
    • 101 · The Eyes of Horus · Ursula Pflug · ss
    • · Polyhymnia, The Muse of Sacred Poetry
    • 135 · Ask for Her Hand · Victoria Elisabeth Garcia · ss
    • · Urania, The Muse of Astronomy
    • 151 · Skatebirding · Heather Shaw · ss
    • · Thalia, The Muse of Comedy and Idyllic Poetry
    • 167 · Spies · Kit Reed · ss
    • 183 · The Colors of Tomorrow · Beth Bernobich · ss
    • · Erato, The Muse of Love Poetry and Mimicry
    • 207 · Without the Dreaming · Jai Clare · ss
    • 221 · The Teasewater Fire · Sarah Totton · ss
    • 243 · Meeting M. · Jessica Treat · ss
    • 249 · About the Authors · [uncredited] · bg
    • 253 · About the Editors · [uncredited] · bg

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