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    The Giant Book of Myths and Legends ed. Mike Ashley (Parragon, October 1995, 0-7525-1010-X, £2.99, 564pp, tp, an, cover by Alan Baker)
        Massive anthology of 51 stories from myth and legend, some retold by classic authors like Nathaniel Hawthorne and William Morris, and others newly adapted by modern authors like Peter Tremayne and Jessica Amanda Salmonson. This is an “Instant Remainder” edition.
    • ix · Introduction · Mike Ashley · in
    • 1 · Part I: The Dawn of Time
    • 3 · The Ever-Living Ones · Peter Tremayne · ss
    • 13 · The Star Maids · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · gp
    • _13 · The Starmaids and the Flea Man · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · vi
    • _14 · The Star Maidens’ Laughter · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · vi
    • 17 · Bearskin Woman and Grizzly Woman · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · vi Daughters of Nyx #2, 1994
    • 19 · Part II: Youth and Self-Discovery
    • 21 · The Quest for Discovery · Andrew Lang · nv Tales of Troy and Greece by Andrew Lang, Longmans, Green, 1907
    • 43 · The Strange Tale of Caribou and Moose · Cyrus Macmillan · ss Canadian Wonder Tales by Cyrus Macmillan, John Lane, 1918
    • 47 · The Hero Makóma · Kingsley Fairbridge · ss (r)
    • 55 · Prince Yamato Take · Theodora Ozaki · ss Japanese Fairy Tales ed. Theodora Ozaki, 1903
    • 69 · Part III: Quests of Fortune
    • 71 · The Lad with One Sandal · Winifred Hutchinson · nv The Golden Porch by Winifred Hutchinson, 1907
    • 95 · The Sons of Tuirenn · Peter Tremayne · ss
    • 109 · My Lord Bag of Rice · Theodora Ozaki · ss Japanese Fairy Tales ed. Theodora Ozaki, 1903
    • 115 · Prince Seyf el Mulouk · François Pétis de la Croix; translated by Justin Huntly McCarthy · ss The Thousand and One Days by Francois Petis de la Croix, Chatto & Windus, 1892
    • 129 · The Journey to Constantinople · Hans Schück; translated by William F. Harvey · ss Medieval Stories by Professor H. Schück, Sands & Co., 1902
    • 145 · Huon’s Quest · A. R. Hope-Moncrieff · nv Romance and Legend of Chivalry by A. R. Hope Moncrieff, 1913
    • 167 · Part IV: Heroes and Monsters
    • 169 · Perseus and the Gorgon · Charles Kingsley · nv The Heroes by Charles Kingsley, 1856
    • 193 · The Chimaera · Nathaniel Hawthorne · ss A Wonder Book by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1851
    • 213 · Hercules in Hell · Mike Ashley · ss
    • 223 · Siegfried and the Dragon Fafnir · James Baldwin · ss The Story of Siegfried by James Baldwin, Charles Scribner's, 1882
    • 233 · The Slaying of Grendel · Alfred J. Church · nv Heroes of Chivalry and Romance by Alfred J. Church, 1898
    • 257 · The Lambton Worm · Jessie Adelaide Middleton · ss The Grey Ghost Book by Jessie Adelaide Middleton, 1912
    • 263 · Part V: Battles and Conquests
    • 265 · The Shadowy One · Peter Tremayne · ss
    • 273 · Bran and Branwen · Peter Tremayne · ss
    • 281 · King Laurin’s Rose-Garden · Wilhelm Wägner · ss Epics and Romances of the Middle Ages by Wilhelm Wagner, J.B. Lippincott, 1883
    • 295 · The Children of Loki · Annie & Eliza Keary · ss The Heroes of Asgard by Annie & Eliza Keary, 1857
    • 313 · When the Woman Chief Was Young · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · ss Pirate Writings #4, Summer 1994
    • 321 · Tewdrig, Tyrant of Treheyl · Peter Tremayne · ss
    • 335 · Red Wolf’s Daughter and Bloody Chief’s Son · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · ss Phantom Waters by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Sasquatch Press, 1995
    • 349 · Part VI: Love, Revenge and Self-Sacrifice
    • 351 · East of the Sun and West of the Moon · William Morris; adapted by Madalen Edgar · ss Stories from the Earthly Paradise by William Morris & adapted by Madalen Edgar, 1919
    • 371 · The Barnacle Maid · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · ss The Mysterious Doom by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Sasquatch Books, 1992
    • 377 · Battle on the Bridge of the Gods · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · ss
    • 383 · Story of the Three Strong Men · Charles G. Leland · ss Algonquin Legends of New England by Charles G. Leland, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1884
    • 389 · The Lay Nun Who Gave of Herself · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · ss Mystic Women: Their Ancient Tales and Legends by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Street of Crocodiles, 1991
    • 393 · The One-Handed Girl · Edward Steere · ss Swahili Tales by Edward Steere, SPCK, 1870
    • 407 · Rayamati, the Savioress · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · ss Mystic Women: Their Ancient Tales and Legends by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Street of Crocodiles, 1991
    • 413 · Echo and Narcissus · A. R. Hope-Moncrieff · ss Classical Mythology by A. R. Hope-Moncrieff, 1913
    • 417 · Vasavadatta the Courtesan · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · ss Mystic Women: Their Ancient Tales and Legends by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Street of Crocodiles, 1991
    • 421 · Part VII: Wonders and Mysteries
    • 423 · The Courtesan Who Worked a Miracle · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · vi Mystic Women: Their Ancient Tales and Legends by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Street of Crocodiles, 1991
    • 425 · The King’s Son and the White-Bearded Scolog · Jeremiah Curtin · ss Hero-Tales of Ireland by Jeremiah Curtin, 1894
    • 437 · The Adventure of the Holy Grail · Alfred J. Church · ss Heroes of Chivalry and Romance by Alfred J. Church, 1898
    • 447 · The Prince Who Sought Immortality · Leonora Lang · ss (r)
    • 457 · The Changelings · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · ss Phantom Waters by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Sasquatch Press, 1995
    • 463 · The Story of a Gazelle · Edward Steere · ss Swahili Tales by Edward Steere, SPCK, 1870
    • 477 · Yuki-Onna · Lafcadio Hearn · ss Kwaidan by Lafcadio Hearn, Houghton Mifflin, 1904
    • 481 · Part VII: Fulfilment and Fate
    • 483 · Bhadra and the Mendicant · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · ss Mystic Women: Their Ancient Tales and Legends by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Street of Crocodiles, 1991
    • 491 · The Reborn Divinities · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · ss Mystic Women: Their Ancient Tales and Legends by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Street of Crocodiles, 1991
    • 495 · Island of the Ocean God · Peter Tremayne · ss
    • 505 · The Rover of the Plain · Henri Junod; translated by Leonora Lang · ss The Orange Fairy Book ed. Andrew Lang, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1906
    • 513 · Uraschimataro and the Turtle · David Brauns; translated by Leonora Lang · ss The Pink Fairy Book by Leonora Lang, 1897
    • 517 · How the Serpent-Gods Were Propitiated · Rachel Harriette Busk · ss Sagas from the Far East by Rachel Harriette Busk, 1873
    • 523 · Koshchei the Deathless · Alexander Afanasief; translated by William S. Ralston · ss Russian Folktales ed. W. R. S. Ralston, 1873
    • 531 · The Circumvention of Fate · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · ss Mystic Women: Their Ancient Tales and Legends by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Street of Crocodiles, 1991
    • 535 · The Destruction of Ker-Ys · Peter Tremayne · ss
    • 545 · Story Notes and Acknowledgements · Mike Ashley · ms

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