The FictionMags Index

Book Contents Lists: Page 1963

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    Asimov. Tomorrow’s Voices (Dial, April 1984, 0-385-27998-1, $12.95, 287pp, hc, oa)
        An original anthology whose contents were drawn from the inventory of Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine. The stories were selected by Shawna McCarthy from material purchased by Kathleen Moloney. It was never so plainly stated, but it is presumed that this book was McCarthy’s way of dumping that portion of her predecessor’s inventory that she didn’t care to use in the magazine.
    No editor is listed, the title page just says “Collected by the Editors of Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine”.

    Astra Militarum (Black Library, December 1, 2016, 978-1-78496-288-3, £8.99, 432pp, tp, an, cover by Raymond Swanland) [Warhammer 40,000]
        Reprint (Black Library 2015) SF novelization. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $16.00.
    Details taken from online listing.

    An Aura of Familiarity: Visions from the Coming Age of Networked Matter (Institute for the Future, 2013, 119pp, ebook, oa)
        Details taken from online listing.

    Autumn Kittens (Zebra Books, September 2001, 0-8217-7036-5, $4.99, 223pp, pb, oa)
        Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson. A Regency romance anthology

    Autumn Loves (Crest, October 1993, 0-449-22224-1, $3.99, 249pp, pb, oa)
        Anthology of Regency romances.
    Details supplied by Kenneth R. Johnson.

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