The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 84
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- Phantoms of the Night ed. Richard Gilliam (DAW, June 1996, oa)
- The Phantom World by Gary William Crawford (Sam's Dot Publishing, January 2008, co)
- Pharaoh Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, December 2002, oa)
- Pharaoh’s Daughter and Other Stories by William Waldorf Astor (Macmillan UK, 1900, co)
- Pharos by Guy Haley (Black Library, February 2016, n.)
- Phase IV by Barry N. Malzberg (Pan, October 1973, n.)
- Phase IV by Barry N. Malzberg (Pocket Books, November 1973, n.)
- Phases by Elizabeth N. Moon (Baen, December 1997, co)
- Phases in Chaos ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Avon, July 1991, oa)
- Phases of Gravity by Dan Simmons (Subterranean Press, November 2011, n.)
- Phases of the Moon by Robert Silverberg (Subterranean Press, August 2004, co)
- Phenomenal Future Stories ed. Tony Bradman (Corgi, December 1999, oa)
- Philadelphia Blowup by Mike Barry (Berkley, October 1975, n.)
- Philadelphia Noir ed. Carlin Romano (Akashic Books, 2010, oa)
- The Philip José Farmer Centennial Collection by Philip José Farmer (Meteor House, July 2018, co)
- Philip José Farmer’s The Dungeon (ibooks, March 2003, om)
- Philip José Farmer’s The Dungeon 2 (iBooks, May 2003, om)
- Philip José Farmer’s The Dungeon 3 (ibooks, July 2003, om)
- Philip K. Dick ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Taplinger, 1983, an)
- A Philip K. Dick Omnibus by Philip K. Dick (Sidgwick & Jackson, October 1970, co)
- The Philip K. Dick Reader by Philip K. Dick (Citadel Twilight, February 1997, co)
- Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams: Volume 1 by Philip K. Dick (Gollancz, September 2017, co)
- Philip K. Dick: The Dream Connection ed. D. Scott Apel (Permanent Press, March 1987, nf)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 1 ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Kestrel, 2005, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 2 ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Kestrel, 2006, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction III ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Kestrel, 2007, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 4 ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Kestrel, 2009, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 6 ed. Nikki Alfar (Kestrel, 2011, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 8 ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Kestrel & Flipside, July 2013, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction 10 ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Flipside, April 2016, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 11 ed. Nikki Alfar (Kestrel & Flipside, September 2018, an)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction 5 ed. Nikki Alfar (Kestrel, 2010, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction 9 ed. Andrew Drilon (Kestrel & Flipside, October 2014, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 7 ed. Alex Osias (Kestrel & Flipside, July 2012, oa)
- The Philosophical Corps by Everett B. Cole (Gnome Press, 1962, n.)
- Phobias ed. Richard Gilliam (Pocket, January 1994, oa)
- Phobophobia ed. Dean M. Drinkel (Dark Continents Publishing, November 2011, oa)
- Phobophobias ed. Dean M. Drinkel (Western Legends Publishing, October 2014, oa)
- Phoenix Feathers ed. Barbara Silverberg (Dutton, 1973, an)
- Phoenix Inferno by Mike Barry (Berkley, June 1975, n.)
- Phoenix Man by Garry D. Kilworth (infinity plus, April 2011, co)
- Phoenix Noir ed. Patrick Millikin (Akashic Books, November 2009, oa)
- The Phoenix Tree ed. Robert H. Boyer (Avon, September 1980, an)
- Phoenix Without Ashes by Edward Bryant (Fawcett Gold Medal, February 1975, n.)
- Phoenix Without Ashes by Edward Bryant (Savoy Books Ltd., April 1979, n.)
- Phoenix Without Ashes by Harlan Ellison (IDW, February 2011, gn)
- Phoresis by Greg Egan (Subterranean Press, April 2018, na)
- Photocopies of Heaven by Maurice Suckling (Elastic Press, October 2006, co)
- Photo-Strip Girls by Richard Harrington (New English Library, October 1973, n.)
- The Physicians of Vilnoc by Lois McMaster Bujold (Subterranean Press, July 2021, na)
- Physician to the Universe by Clifford D. Simak (Darkside Press, November 2006, co)
- The Picador Book of Crime Writing ed. Michael Dibdin (Picador, 1993, an)
- Picasso’s Cat & Other Stories by Ron Collins (Merry Blacksmith Press, June 2010, co)
- Piccadilly Novels by Stephen Holland (R. Williams, February 1986, nf)
- Picking the Bones by Mike Lee (Black Library, January 2012, nv)
- The Pickled Punks by Fredric Brown (Dennis McMillan, April 1991, co)
- Pickman’s Gallery ed. Matthew Carpenter (Ulthar Press, 2018, oa)
- The Pick of the Roundup ed. Stephen Payne (Avon, 1963, oa)
- Pictures at an Exhibition ed. Ian Watson (Greystoke Mobray Ltd., November 1981, oa)
- Pictures from an Expedition by Alexander C. Irvine (Night Shade Books, September 2006, co)
- Pictures in the Fire by John Collier (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1958, co)
- Pictures in the Fire by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, June 2018, co)
- Pieces of Hate by Ray Garton (CD Publications, March 1996, oc)
- Pieces of Midnight by Gary McMahon (Ash-Tree Press, January 2010, co)
- Pieces of Six (Eyeball Books, 1998, oa)
- Piercing the Darkness ed. Craig Cook (Necro Publications, February 2014, oa)
- P.I. Files ed. Loren D. Estleman (Ivy, November 1990, an)
- Pigeons from Hell by Robert E. Howard (Zebra, June 1976, co)
- Piggs by Neal Barrett, Jr. (Subterranean Press, January 2002, n.)
- Pig Iron: Science Fiction ed. Rose Sayre (Pig Iron Press, 1982, oa)
- Pile: Petals from St. Klaed’s Computer by Brian W. Aldiss (Jonathan Cape, August 1979, pm)
- Pilgrimage by Zenna Henderson (Doubleday, 1961, co)
- A Pilgrimage of Swords by Anthony Ryan (Subterranean Press, September 2019, na)
- Pilgrim Solomon and John Solomon, Retired by H. Bedford-Jones (Steeger Books, May 2022, co)
- Pillar of Fire and Other Plays by Ray Bradbury (Bantam, November 1975, oc)
- Pillars of Fire: 21 Classic Lighthouse Tales ed. Jon A. Schlenker (Sam Teddy Publishing, 2015, an)
- Pillar to Post ed. Harley Matthews (Frank Johnson, 1944, oa)
- Pilot Light by William Ashbless (Subterranean Press, December 2007, ss)
- Pilot’s Choice by Sharon Lee (Meisha Merlin, February 2001, oc)
- Pine Tree Pioneers ed. Charles G. Waugh (Sam Teddy Publishing, 2012, an)
- A Pint of Bloody Fiction ed. S. E. Cox (House of Horror, 2010, oa)
- The Pioneers by Jack Schaefer (Houghton Mifflin, 1954, co)
- Pioneers West: 14 Stories of the Old Frontier ed. Don Ward (Dell, 1966, an)
- Pioneer Trails West ed. Don Worcester (Caxton Printers, 1985, nf)
- Pipe Dreams and Twilight Tales by Birdsall Jackson (Paumanok Press, 1936, co)
- Pirate Adventures by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, February 2013, co)
- Pirate Adventures (var. 1) by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, August 2024, co)
- Pirate Ghosts of the American Coast ed. Martin H. Greenberg (August House, November 1988, an)
- The Pirate of the Round Pond ed. Hugh Greene (The Bodley Head, 1977, an)
- Pirates Ain’t All Dead Yet by H. Bedford-Jones (Steeger Books, 2020, co)
- The Pirates of Venus and Lost on Venus by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Dover, November 1963, om)
- Piratica by Tanith Lee (Hodder Children's Books, February 2004, n.)
- Piratica II: Return to Parrot Island by Tanith Lee (Hodder Children's Books, February 2006, n.)
- Piratica III: The Family Sea by Tanith Lee (Hodder Children's Books, September 2007, n.)
- The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe (Ivor Nicholson, 1948, co)
- The Pit and the Pendulum and Other Stories by Edgar Allan Poe (Penguin, July 1995, co)
- The Pit and the Pendulum and Other Stories (var. 1) by Edgar Allan Poe (Phoenix, September 1999, co)
- The Pit and the Pendulum (var. 1) by Edgar Allan Poe (Digit, 1962, co)
- PITFCS: Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies ed. Theodore R. Cogswell (Advent, December 1992, an)
- Pittsburgh Noir ed. Kathleen George (Akashic Books, May 2011, oa)
- Pity About Earth by Ernest Hill (Ace Double, April 1968, n.)
- Pixel Juice by Jeff Noon (Doubleday UK, October 1998, co)
- Place of Hawks by August Derleth (Loring & Mussey, 1935, oc)
- A Place So Foreign and Eight More by Cory Doctorow (Four Walls Eight Windows, October 2003, co)
- Places to Be, People to Kill ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, June 2007, oa)
- Plague Daemon by Brian Craig (GW Books, April 1990, n.)
- Plague Garden by Joshua M. Reynolds (Black Library, June 2017, n.)
- Plague Harvest by Cavan Scott (Black Library, July 2015, na)
- A Plague of Demons & Other Stories by Keith Laumer (Baen, February 2003, co)
- The Plague of the Living Dead ed. Kurt Singer (Sphere, 1970, an)
- The Plagues of Orath (Black Library, June 2016, an)
- The Plagues of Orath (Black Library US, July 2016, an)
- Plain Tales from the Hills by Rudyard Kipling (Thacker, Spink and Co., 1888, co)
- Planet Bastard, Volume 1 ed. Brandon Young (Migrator Entertainment Pty Ltd., May 2018, oa)
- The Planetbreaker’s Son Plus… by Nick Mamatas (PM Press, January 2021, co)
- The Planeteers by John W. Campbell, Jr. (Ace Double, 1966, co)
- Planet Explorer by Murray Leinster (Avon, 1957, n.)
- Planetfall ed. Douglas Hill (Oxford University Press, June 1986, oa)
- Planet in Peril by John Christopher (Avon, November 1959, n.)
- Planetkill ed. Nick Kyme (Black Library, July 2008, oa)
- Planet of Doom and Other Stories (Jubilee, 1958, an)
- Planet of the Apes: Omnibus 1 (Titan, February 2017, om)
- Planet of the Apes: Omnibus 2 (Titan, April 2017, om)
- Planet of the Apes: Omnibus 3 (Titan, September 2017, om)
- Planet of the Apes: Tales from the Forbidden Zone ed. Jim Beard (Titan, January 2017, oa)
- Planet of the Double Sun by Neil R. Jones (Ace, 1967, co)
- Planet Run by Gordon R. Dickson (Doubleday, July 1967, n.)
- Planet Run by Gordon R. Dickson (Tor, May 1982, co)
- Planets and Dimensions by Clark Ashton Smith (Mirage Press, 1973, oc)
- The Planet Savers by Marion Zimmer Bradley (Ace, November 1976, co)
- The Planet Savers/The Sword of Aldones by Marion Zimmer Bradley (Ace, March 1980, om)
- Planet Scumm Everything Volume 1 (Spark & Fizz Books, January 2019, an)
- Planet Scumm Everything Volume 2 ed. Anna Catalano (Spark & Fizz Books, December 2023, an)
- Planets for Sale by E. Mayne Hull (Fredrick Fell, 1954, n.)
- Planets of Adventure by Murray Leinster (Baen, October 2003, co)
- Planets of Peril by Michael Butterworth (Star, January 1977, n.)
- Planets of Wonder ed. Terry Carr (Thomas Nelson US, 1976, an)
- Planets Three by Frederik Pohl (Berkley, January 1982, co)
- Planned Departures ed. Elizabeth Ferrars (Hodder & Stoughton, 1958, an)
- Plastic by Christopher Fowler (Solaris US, August 2013, n.)
- Plastic by Christopher Fowler (Solaris, August 2013, n.)
- Plastic Jesus by Poppy Z. Brite (Subterranean Press, October 2000, na)
- Platen Stories by David Langford (Conspiracy '87, 1987, co)
- Platinum Pohl by Frederik Pohl (Tor, December 2005, co)
- The Platypus of Doom and Other Nihilists by Arthur Byron Cover (Warner, June 1976, oc)
- The Playboy Book of Crime and Suspense (Playboy, 1966, an)
- The Playboy Book of Horror and the Supernatural (Playboy, 1967, an)
- The Playboy Book of Science Fiction ed. Alice K. Turner (HarperPrism, May 1998, an)
- The Playboy Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy (Playboy, 1966, an)
- Playboy’s Short-Shorts (Playboy Press, 1970, an)
- Playboy’s Short-Shorts 2 (Playboy Press, 1972, an)
- Playboy’s Stories of the Sinister & Strange (Playboy, 1969, an)
- Playboy Stories ed. Alice K. Turner (Dutton, January 1994, an)
- Playground of Lost Toys ed. Colleen Anderson (Exile Editions, December 2015, oa)
- Playgrounds of the Mind by Larry Niven (Tor, October 1991, co)
- Playing a Hunch by Dean Wesley Smith (WMG Publishing, July 2020, co)
- Playing Dead ed. Martin Edwards (Severn House, March 2025, oa)
- Playing Easy to Get (Pocket, February 2006, oa)
- Playing Easy to Get (Pocket, July 2010, oa)
- Playing Games ed. Lawrence Block (Subterranean Press, June 2023, oa)
- Playing with Fire by Arthur Conan Doyle (The British Library, September 2021, co)
- Play It Again, Sam ed. Tina L. Jens (11th Hour Productions, August 1999, oa)
- Playlist of the Damned ed. Willow Dawn Becker (Weird Little Worlds, October 2023, oa)
- Playmates’ Story Book (Dean & Son, 193?, oa)
- Plays for Earth and Air by Lord Dunsany (Heinemann, 1937, co)
- Plays of Gods and Men by Lord Dunsany (Talbot Press, 1917, co)
- Plays of Near and Far by Lord Dunsany (G.P. Putnam's Sons, December 1922, oc)
- Playtime Stories (Dean & Son, 1937, oa)
- Playtime Stories (Dean & Son, 1970, oa)
- The Pleasant Assassin and Other Cases of Dr. Basil Willing by Helen McCloy (Crippen & Landru, September 2003, co)
- Pleasant Dreams by Robert Bloch (Arkham House, 1960, co)
- Pleasant Dreams (var. 1) by Robert Bloch (Jove, June 1979, co)
- Pleasantries of Old Quong by Thomas Burke (Constable, 1931, co)
- Please Do Not Touch by Judith Gorog (Scholastic, September 1993, oc)
- A Pleasing Terror by M. R. James (Ash-Tree Press, August 2001, co)
- Pleasure and Purpose by Megan Hart (Berkley Sensation, September 2009, oc)
- Pleasure Planet by Evangeline Anderson (Kensington/Aphrodisia, March 2007, oc)
- A Pleasure to Burn by Ray Bradbury (Subterranean Press, March 2010, co)
- The Plenty Principle by Colin Greenland (Voyager, March 1997, co)
- A Plot in Private Life and Other Tales by Wilkie Collins (Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1859, co)
- Plots by Bernard Capes (Methuen, 1902, co)
- Plots and Misadventures by Stephen Gallagher (Subterranean Press, October 2007, co)
- Plots with Guns: A Noir Anthology ed. Anthony Neil Smith (Dennis McMillan, September 2005, an)
- The Plot Thickens ed. Mary Higgins Clark (Pocket/Mystery Guild, November 1997, oa)
- Plugged In (Aqueduct Press, May 2008, an)
- The Plumed Serpent by Richard Barry (Popular Publications, November 2023, n.)
- Pluto in Furs ed. Scott Dwyer (Plutonian Press, July 2019, oa)
- A Plutonian Monologue on His Wife’s Death by Brian W. Aldiss (The Frogmore Press, 2000, co)
- Plutonian Parodies by Rhys H. Hughes (The Penny Dreadful Company, November 2009, oc)
- The Pocket Atlantic ed. Edward Weeks (Pocket Books, December 1946, an)
- The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories ed. Philip Van Doren Stern (Pocket, February 1945, an)
- The Pocket Book of Dog Stories ed. Harold Berman (Pocket Books, December 1942, an)
- The Pocket Book of Famous French Short Stories ed. Eric Swenson (Pocket Books, 1947, an)
- The Pocket Book of Father Brown by G. K. Chesterton (Pocket Books, October 1943, co)
- The Pocket Book of Ghost Stories ed. Philip Van Doren Stern (Pocket Books, November 1947, an)
- The Pocket Book of Great Detectives ed. Lee Wright (Pocket, May 1941, an)
- The Pocket Book of Modern American Short Stories ed. Philip Van Doren Stern (Pocket Books, November 1943, an)
- The Pocket Book of Mystery Stories ed. Lee Wright (Pocket, August 1941, an)
- The Pocket Book of O. Henry Prize Stories ed. Herschel Brickell (Pocket Books, October 1947, an)
- The Pocket Book of Science-Fiction ed. Donald A. Wollheim (Pocket, March 1943, an)
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