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Magazine Title Issues Indexed In Notes
Lovell's Illustrated Library Aug-1891 - 1893 DimeNvl incomplete
Lovell's International Ser. 3-Jan-1889 - 1-Dec-1891 DimeNvl  
Lovell's Laughter Literature Dec-1882 DimeNvl  
Lovell's Library 1882 - 1889    
Lovell's Literature Series 1888 - 1891   ?
Lovell's Modern Novelists' Series 15-Apr-1893 - ? DimeNvl incomplete
Lovell's Political and Scientific Series 1889 - 1891    
Lovell's Series of Foreign Literature Dec-1889 - Jul-1890 DimeNvl  
Lovell's Westminster Series 1890 - 1892 DimeNvl incomplete
Love Magazine in 1930s    
Love Mates Stories 1929    
Love Mirror in 1930s    
Love Nest Stories c. 1936 FicMags Issue Checklist
Love Novelettes - see under New Love Magazine
Love Novel of the Month - see under Love Novels Magazine
Love Novels - see under New Love Magazine
Love Novel of the Month
» Love Novels Magazine
Feb-1940 - Feb-1941
Mar-1943 - Sep-1954
sample issues only
sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Love Novels Magazine [1934] - see also under Three Love Novels Magazine
Love Revelations - see under Red Star Love Revelations
Love Revels Magazine Dec-1933 - Apr-1934 FicMags Issue Checklist
Love Romances
» Love Romances
Jan-1926 - Apr-1932
Spring 1936 - Winter 1938
sample issues only
Missing: Winter 1937; Winter 1938
Issue Checklist
Love Romantic Magazine - see under New Love Magazine
Love Romantic Magazine (UK) - British reprint edition of {Love Romantic Magazine}. Issues and Index Sources: c. 1941
Lovers: The Magazine of Enchantment Mar-1946 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Lovers Confessions Nov-1933 - Feb-1934    
Lover's Lane [1923] 1-Jan-1923 - 15-Jul-1923 FicMags Issue Checklist
Lovers Magazine Oct-1933 - Feb-1934 FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Love Secrets Apr-1929 FicMags Issue Checklist
Love Short Stories Feb-1940 - Jul-1955 FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Love Short Stories (Canada) in 1940s FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Love Short Stories (UK) [1940] in 1940s FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Love Short Stories (UK) [1949] c. 1949    
Love Stories (1898) in 1890s    
Love Stories [1929]
» Nan's Novels
2-Nov-1929 - 10-Oct-1931
17-Oct-1931 - 7-Jan-1933
Love Story Annual - see under Street & Smith's Love Story Annual
Love Story Library Jul-1926 - Dec-1932 DimeNvl  
Love Story Magazine
» Street & Smith's Love Story Magazine
» Love Story Magazine
May-1921 - 14-Mar-1931
21-Mar-1931 - Feb-1947
Jun-1952 - Sep-1954
sample issues only
sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Love Story Magazine (Canada) - see under Street & Smith's Love Story Magazine (Canada)
Love Western Stories May-1950 - ? WFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Loving Hearts May-1929 - Sep/Oct-1929 FicMags Missing: Jun-1929, Aug-1929, Sep/Oct-1929
Issue Checklist
Loving You! Apr-1973 - ?    
The Lowell Offering 1840 - 1845    
Low Orbit in 1990s FicMags sample issue only
The Lucile Series 1893 - 1896 DimeNvl  
Lucky for Men Mar-1961 - Jun-1961   Issue Checklist
Lucky Series 5-Sep-1898 - 1905 DimeNvl  
Lucky Star
» Lucky Star and Peg's Paper
» merges with Silver Star
19-Sep-1935 - 7-Aug-1950
21-Aug-1950 - 9-Jan-1960
sample issue only
sample issue only
Lucky Star Library Jun-1950 - 1961?    
Lucky Stories - see under Thrills of the Jungle
Ludd's Mill in 1970s    
The Ludgate Monthly
» The Ludgate Illustrated Magazine
» The Ludgate
» merges with The Universal Magazine
May-1891 - Oct-1893
Nov-1893 - Oct-1895
Nov-1895 - Feb-1901
Issue Checklist
The Ludgate Weekly Magazine 5-Mar-1892 - ?    
Luke Short's Western Apr/Jun-1954 - Oct/Dec-1954 WFI Issue Checklist
Lullaby Hearse Spring 2003 - 2005 SFI Issue Checklist
Lulu 1937 - ?    
Lulu Magazine (Canada) in 1930s FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Lunar Castles Sep-1999 - ?    
Luna Station Quarterly Mar-2010 - present SFI Missing: any after #57, Mar-2024
Issue Checklist
Lunatic Chameleon Oct-2002 - Sep-2005 SFI Issue Checklist
Lungfish - see under The Periodical Lungfish
Lurid Confessions Jun-1986 FicMags Issue Checklist
Luscious Bedtime Stories c. 1950 FicMags  
Lush Bedtime Stories c. 1950 FicMags  
Lyceum Series 1-Mar-1889 - 1903 DimeNvl sample issues only
Lynx Eye 1994? - 2006?    
The Lyons Mail ? - ? FicMags sample issue only
The Lyre #1, 1991 - #2, 1993 SFI Issue Checklist
Lyric Love Stories Jan-1936 - Jul-1936? FicMag sample issue only
Issue Checklist
M May-2014 - Jun-2016 CFI Issue Checklist
Mab Sêr - see under Beyond the Boundaries
Mabs Weekly
» Mabs Home Weekly
» Home Weekly
3-Oct-1931 - 16-Feb-1935
23-Feb-1935 - 29-Feb-1936
7-Mar-1936 - 16-Jul-1938
sample issue only
Macabre [1948] Mar-1948 - Jun-1948 SFI Missing: Jun-1948
Issue Checklist
Macabre [1957] #1, 1957 - #23, 1976 SFI Issue Checklist
Macabre [1972] - see also under The Argonaut
Macabre [2002] 2002 - 2004 SFI Issue Checklist
Macabre Tales 1960    
Macfadden's Fiction Lover's Magazine - see under Metropolitan Magazine
Macho Mar-1983 - Sep-1983?   Issue Checklist
MacKill's Mystery Magazine Sep-1952 - Jun-1954 CFI Issue Checklist
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (US) Dec-1952? - Aug-1954 CFI Issue Checklist
Mack's Pocket Detective Stories Magazine Nov-1930 CFI Issue Checklist
» The Business Magazine
» The Busy Man's Magazine
» MacLean's Magazine
» MacLean's
» Maclean's
1896 - Sep-1905?
Oct-1905 - Nov-1905
Dec-1905 - Feb-1911
Mar-1911 - Apr-1918
May-1918 - 15-Oct-1931
1-Nov-1931 - present
Missing: Dec-1905; Aug-1908 - Feb-1911
sample issues only
sample issues only
sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Macmillan's Magazine Nov-1859 - Oct-1907 Poole; FicMags Poole to 1906 only, FicMags sample issue only
Macmillan's Novelists' Library Apr-1895 - Apr-1896 DimeNvl incomplete
Macrocosm Dec-1971 - Summer 1972 SFI Issue Checklist
Macy's Popular "Star" Novels in 1890s    
» 38-26-34
1962 - 1966
1966 - 1982?
sample issues only
sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Mademoiselle Feb-1935 - Nov-2001 FicMags sample issues only
Madge's Prize MSS. Oct-1938 FicMags  
Madison Magazine ? - present    
The Madison Review early 1970s - present    
Madison Square Series 1888 - Sep-1902 DimeNvl incomplete
Maelstrom #1, 1987 - Summer 2001 SFI Issue Checklist
Maelstrom Speculative Fiction Summer 1998 - Oct-2001 SFI Missing: #1, #2
Issue Checklist
The Mag! 1995 - ?    
Magabook [1963] #1, 1963 - #3, 1965 SFI Issue Checklist
Mag-a-Book [1982] #1, 1982 - #32, 1982 FicMags  
Magazine for Boys - Listed by Lofts as a title that ran 1862-1889, but a subsequent note (p19) explains that this is a combination by Lofts of the run of {Every Boys' Magazine} and its subsequent title changes. see under Every Boy's Magazine (UK)
Magazine for the Young 1842 - 1875    
The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #1, 2007 - Winter 2013 SFI Issue Checklist
The Magazine of Edgar Rice Burroughs 2007 - 2009 SFI Issue Checklist
The Magazine of Fantasy
» The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Fall 1949
Winter 1950 - present
Missing: any after Winter 2024
Issue Checklist
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK)
» The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK)
Oct-1953 - Sep-1954
Dec-1959 - Jun-1964
Issue Checklist
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (Australia) #1, 1954 - #14, 1958 SFI Issue Checklist
Magazine of Fiction - see under Monthly Magazine of Fiction
Magazine of Horror Aug-1963 - Apr-1971 SFI Issue Checklist
Magazine of Short Stories
» Short Stories
» Smith's Weekly
12-Jan-1889 - 8-Jul-1893
15-Jul-1893 - 18-Jun-1904
25-Jun-1904 - 10-Aug-1907
first volume only
sample issues only
sample issues only
The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Winter 1984 - Fall 2013 SFI Missing: #2; #24; #26; #33
Issue Checklist
The Magazine of the Year Mar-1947 - 1948 FicMags sample issue only
Magazine World 1925 - 1931 FicMags sample issue only
The Mage
» The Best of the Mage
» The Mage
#1, 198? - #7, 1987
#8, 1987
#9, 1988 - #13, 1990
Missing: #13, Fall 1990
Issue Checklist
The Magi 1979 SFI Issue Checklist
Magical Blend 1980 - 2007    
The Magic Carpet Magazine - see under Oriental Stories
Magic Love Sep-1945 - Jan-1947 FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Magic Realism #1, 1990 - #10, 1995 SFI Missing: #1, #2, #3
Issue Checklist
The Magic Wand Sep-1910 - Dec-1957    
The Magnet Library
» The Magnet
15-Feb-1908 - 3-Aug-1929
10-Aug-1929 - 18-May-1940
StyIdx; IdxMgn
StyIdx; IdxMgn
StyIdx: incomplete; IdxMgn: lead stories only
StyIdx: incomplete; IdxMgn: lead stories only
Magnet Library (US) 1897 - 1934    
Magnet Series 9-Apr-1892 - 16-Jul-1892 DimeNvl Missing: #5-#8
The Magnificat Nov-1907 - Jun-1968 FicMags partial issues only
Magnitude Winter 1955 - ?    
The Southern Ladies' Book
» The Magnolia or Southern Monthly
» The Magnolia, or Southern Apalachian
Jan-1840 - Dec-1840
Jan-1841 - Jun-1842
Jul-1842 - Jun-1843
The Magpie [1911] Aug-1912 - Dec-1914   Issue Checklist
The Magpie [1923] Summer 1923 - Winter 1924 FicMags sample issues only
Magpie [1951] Apr-1951 - May-1953 FicMags  
Mainstream in 1980s    
Main Street Mar-1929 - Jul-1929 FicMags Missing: Mar-1929
Majestic Series 1896 DimeNvl  
The Malahat Review Jan-1967 - present    
Malayan Police Magazine 1928 - ?    
Malcolm's Jan-1954 - May-1954 CFI Missing: Possible 4th issue
Issue Checklist
Male Jun-1950 - Mar-1981? FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Male & Femail c. 1988    
Male Giant Mystery Magazine in 1950s CFI Missing: all issues
The Male Home Companion Oct-1942 FicMags Issue Checklist
Male Mag Dec-1947/Jan-1948 - Aug-1949 FicMags  
Malevolence #1, 199? - #4, 1997 SFI Missing: #1, #2
Issue Checklist
Mammoth Adventure Jul-1946 - Sep-1947 AFI; PMI1 Issue Checklist
Mammoth Book for Boys in 1930s FicMags sample issues only
Mammoth Book for Girls in 1930s FicMags sample issues only
Mammoth Detective May-1942 - Sep-1947 CFI; PMI1 Issue Checklist
Mammoth Mystery Feb-1945 - Aug-1947 CFI; PMI1 Issue Checklist
Mammoth Sky Birds Nov-1935 AFI Issue Checklist
Mammoth Western Sep-1945 - Jan-1951 WFI Missing: Aug-1946
Issue Checklist
Mammoth Western Quarterly Summer 1948 - Spring 1951? WFI Missing: Fall 1949, Spring 1950, Summer 1950
Issue Checklist
Man: Australian Magazine for Men Dec-1936 - May-1974 FicMags sample issues only
The Man (UK) Oct-1938 - ? FicMags sample issues only
Man (US) c. 1951    
Man About Town (UK)
» About Town
» Town (for Men)
Spring 1953 - Feb-1961
Mar-1961 - Jun-1962
Jul-1962 - c. 1967
sample issue only
sample issue only
sample issue only

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