2014 |
 #1 May |
 #2 Nov |
2015 |
2016 |
 #3 Jun |
Virtually nothing is known about this magazine, which is believed to have lasted for only a single issue.
1930 |
 v1 #1 Nov |
A well-designed and printed detective and crime-adventure, published by mystery fan Malcolm Koch.
The magazine was discontinued after three issues due to poor circulation - a fourth issue was prepared
but apparently never published.
1954 |
 v1 #1 Jan |
 v1 #2 Mar |
 v1 #3 May |
Mammoth Mystery was the second mystery-detective pulp magazine published by Ziff-Davis, appearing three years after
Mammoth Detective. It weighed in initially with a massive 274 pages per issue but was hit by the paper shortages during the war
and shrank to 178 pages.
1945 |
 v1 #1 Feb |
1946 |
 v2 #1 Jan |
 v2 #2 Mar |
 v2 #3 Jun |
 v2 #4 Aug |
 v2 #5 Oct |
 v2 #6 Dec |
1947 |
 v3 #1 Feb |
 v3 #2 Apr |
 v3 #3 Jun |
 v3 #4 Aug |
Mantrap was published by the same publisher as Manhunt and featured
the same type of hard-boiled crime-adventure stories, with many of the same
authors, but never caught on and lasted only two issues.
1956 |
 v1 #1 Jul |
 v1 #2 Oct |
Published by Family Circle, Mary Higgins Clark Mystery Magazine was
very mainstream, very slick, and very glossy. It was filled with trivia,
lists, reviews, short interviews and even found room for some good
stories. Its publishing schedule was sporadic at best, because it was
published to fill the same slots as the traditional baking, knitting,
etc., magazines which made up Family Circle "special projects" - this
also explained the unusual volume numbering. However, it never really
found a niche and died after seven issues.
1996 |
 v22 #3 #1 Premier Issue |
1997 |
 v24 #2 Spring |
 v23 #3 Summer/Fall |
1998 |
 v24 #6 Summer |
 v24 #7 Fall |
1999 |
 v25 #7 Summer |
2000 |
 v26 #6 Summer |
1933 |
 Mar |
Launched as a companion magazine to Fantasy and Fear
and Peculiar Adventures. After the first issue, all three
were gathered under the umbrella title of Pro Se Presents...,
with each of the titles, using their original numbering,
published once every three months in a rotating schedule.
2010 |
 v1 #1 Aug |
 v1 #2 Nov |
A short-lived magazine which published a series of stories by Arthur
Hoerl, seemingly syndicated to various newspapers previously as "Master
Mysteries", although the sources have not yet been traced. The fifth
issue appears to be, at least in the main, a reprint of stories
published in earlier issues.
1933 |
 v1 #1 Summer |
v1 #2 Fall |
v1 #3 Winter |
1934 |
v1 #4 Spring |
 v2 #1 Summer |
Menace, like Murder, was a short-lived attempt to please the reading public with contemporary
crime-adventure stories that were but one step removed from the pulp magazines. Although not lacking
better-known writers, the competition was too fierce and the magazine folded after only two issues.
1954 |
 v1 #1 Nov |
1955 |
 v2 #1 Jan |
One of several gangster pulps published by Harold B. Hersey. However, by the time it was
published, in 1930, public interest in gangsters was fading and it only lasted for 2 issues.
1930 |
 v1 #2 Jun/Jul |
 v1 #3 Aug |
Although published for only three issues, Mobsters was an important
traditional pulp magazine with "stories of the fight against the Underworld".
The covers were similar to the paperback books that began in this period to
crowd out the magazines.
A cover was produced for the fourth issue identifying two of the stories
that would have appeared therein.
1952 |
 v1 #1 Dec |
1953 |
 v1 #2 Feb |
 v1 #3 Apr |
 v1 #4 Jun |
A sample, ashcan, issue was filed with the Library of Congress to register the
title, but was never turned into an actual newsstand pulp.
1934 |
 Aug |
Mouth Full of Bullets published 4 online issues from Autumn 2006 to
Summer 2007, then three print issues before reverting to an online
magazine from the Summer 2008 issue.
2007 |
 #5, Autumn |
 #6, Winter |
2008 |
 #7, Spring |
Movie Detective capitalised on the popularity of the Hollywood screen magazines
and mainly contained story adaptations of recent films. It only lasted for two issues,
though sources differ on the dates of those issues.
1942 |
 v1 #1 Jan |
 v1 #2 Feb |
Movie Mystery Magazine was a digest magazine, printed on the rough
paper of the paperbacks of the day, and featuring one novelization of a
movie in each issue. It stood little chance when competing with the
slick, large, movie magazines of the time and folded after three issues.
1946 |
 #1 Jul/Aug |
 #2 Sep/Oct |
 #3 Dec/Jan |
Subtitled "Crime Fiction for the 21st Century", Murdaland is "a
literary magazine dedicated to fiction that evokes the spirit and motifs
of classic crime novels and film noir: dread, lust, violence, greed,
nasty habits, bad feelings and worse decisions".
2007 |
 #1 |
 #2 |
Launched after the success of Manhunt, Murder featured the same mix
of contemporary murder and crime-adventure stories, but was discontinued
in the face of fierce competition before establishing its identity with
the reading public.
1956 |
 v1 #1 Sep |
 v1 #2 Dec |
1957 |
 v1 #3 Mar |
 v1 #4 Jul |
 v1 #5 Sep/Oct |
Short-lived pulp magazine published by Harold Hersey about little is
known. The third issue was registered for copyright but no copies have
been located
1931 |
 v1 #1 Jul/Aug |
 v1 #2 Sep/Oct |
 v2 #3 Nov/Dec |
2016 |
 #1 Sep |
 #2 Oct |
2017 |
 #3 Jun |
2018 |
 #4 Apr |
2019 |
2020 |
 #5 Feb |
 #6 Oct |
Short-lived magazine featuring fiction, non-fiction, contests, news, gossip.
Published in the late 1990s, but number and dates of issues not known.
2020 |
 #1 Jul |
 #2 Aug |
 #3 Sep |
 #4 (Nov) |
2021 |
 #5 (Feb) |
 #6 (May) |
 #7 (Aug) |
 #8 (Nov) |
2022 |
 #9 (Feb) |
 #10 (May) |
 #11 (Aug) |
 #12 (Nov) |
2023 |
 #13 (Feb) |
 #14 (May) |
 #15 (Aug) |
 #16 (Nov) |
2024 |
 #17 (Feb) |
 #18 (May) |
 #19 (Aug) |
 #20 (Nov) |
Original Canadian magazine that seems to have run for at least six issues in the 1940s,
possibly in a variety of formats. The title also seems to drift between Mystery Detective,
Mystery Detective Magazine, and Mystery Detective Stories.
194x |
 v1 #1 |
v1 #2 |
 v1 #3 |
v1 #4 |
v1 #5 |
 v1 #6 |
Created by "Ellery Queen" (Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee) just
three years after their first successful book , Mystery League
was an attempt to produce a magazine that would publish only quality
fiction. While the quality was indeed high, so was the price and with
the state of the economy at the time it was doomed from the start and
folded after only four issues.
A fifth issue was assembled, but not printed.
1933 |
 v1 #1 Oct |
 v1 #2 Nov |
 v1 #3 Dec |
1934 |
 v1 #4 Jan |
Seemingly a one-shot that reprinted a single story from Dime Mystery Magazine.
1946? |

Short-lived digest which attempted to cover, in a comprehensive manner, all mystery-related entertainment -
fiction, book reviews, film reviews, puzzles, articles and interviews with prominent personalities in the field.
1976 |
 v1 #1 Jun |
 v1 #2 Jul |
 v1 #3 Aug |
 v1 #4 Sep |
 v1 #5 Oct |
 v1 #6 Nov |
 v1 #7 Dec |
1977 |
 v1 #8 Jan |
 v1 #9 Feb |
One of the better weird-menace magazines, stressing the luscious female in most
distressing situations. The first issue was Vol.1 No.4 - it is not known
whether any magazine preceded this for the first three issues.
1939 |
 v1 #4 Sep |
 v1 #5 Dec |
1940 |
 v1 #6 Jul |
 v2 #1 Nov |
1941 |
 v2 #2 Mar |
 v2 #3 Sep |
Mystery Puzzle of the Month was a series of jigsaws published by Pearl Publishing Co., each of which was
accompanied by an original short story in a well-known series. The idea was that both story and jigsaw
contained clues that would allow the reader to solve the mystery. The actual solution was given on the
final page of the story in mirror text.
One of Martin Goodman's "Red Circle" weird menace magazines, seemingly
published as a companion to Star Detective. Began with Vol.2 No.3,
possibly to match the current issue of Star Detective.
1938 |
 v2 #3 Mar |
 v2 #4 Jun |
 v2 #5 Nov |
1939 |
 v2 #6 Feb |
 v3 #1 May |
 v3 #2 Sep |
 v3 #3 Dec |
1940 |
 v3 #4 Mar |
 v3 #5 May |
A short-lived magazine with an assortment of well-known and lesser-known authors
writing crime-adventure stories, oriented more to fast action and swinging locales
than to mystery.
1958 |
 v1 #1 Dec |
1959 |
 v1 #2 Feb |
 v1 #3 Apr |
 v1 #4 Jun |
 v1 #5 Aug |
 v1 #6 Oct |
2017 |
 #1, Spring |
 #2, Summer |
 #3, Fall |
2018 |
 #4, Winter |
 #5, Spring |
 #6, Summer |
 #7, Fall |
2019 |
 #8, Winter |
 #9, Spring |
 #10, Summer |
 #11, Fall |
2020 |
 #12, Winter |
 #13, July/August |
 #14, October/November |
2021 |
 #15, April |
 #16, August/September |
2022 |
 #17, January/February |
 #18, August/September |
2023 |
 #19, January/February |
 #20, July/August |
2024 |
 #21, Winter |
2025 |
 #22/23, Winter |