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Magazine Title Issues Indexed In Notes
The Time Centre Times 1985 - Nov-2011 SFI Issue Checklist
Timely Detective Cases 1943 - ?    
Time Out London 1968 - present    
Time Out New York ? - present    
The Daily Universal Register
» The Times
1-Jan-1785 - 31-Dec-1787
1-Jan-1788 - present
sample issues only
The Times Literary Supplement 17-Jan-1902 - present ShStIdx; FicMags ShStIdx missing all before 1974 at least; FicMags sample issues only
Time Travel Tales Jun-1947 - Nov-1947?    
Timewarp #1, 1985 - #3, 1985 SFI Missing: #1, 1985
Issue Checklist
Tin House Summer 1999 - Summer 2019 FicMags sample issues only
Tinkle in 1950s    
Tinsley's Magazine
» Tinsley's Magazine
» The Novel Review
Aug-1867 - May-1887
Feb-1888 - Jan-1892
Feb-1892 - Dec-1892
Tiny Library 7-Mar-1846 - Feb-1847    
Tiny Tots 1899 - 1926    
Tiny Tower Jan-1934 - Jun-1935?    
Tiofart Mar-1978 - 1979?    
Tip Top 1960 - 1991? FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Tip-Top Detective Tales Oct-1910 - 1914 FicMags sample issues only
Tip Top International (UK) 1976 - 1979 FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Tip Top Stories of Adventure and Mystery
» The Regent Magazine
» merges with The Sovereign Magazine
Dec-1923 - May-1924
Jun-1924 - Mar/Apr-1925
Issue Checklist
Tip-Top Tales 1910 - 1914 FicMags sample issues only
Tip-Top Thriller (Australia) in 1940s?   Issue Checklist
Tip Top Weekly
» Tip Top Weekly
» New Tip Top Weekly
» Tip Top Semi-Monthly
» Wide-Awake Magazine
18-Apr-1896 - 20-Feb-1897
27-Feb-1897 - 27-Jul-1912
3-Aug-1912 - 6-Mar-1915
10-Mar-1915 - 25-Nov-1915
10-Dec-1915 - 10-Jun-1916
DimeNvl; FicMags
DimeNvl; FicMags
DimeNvl; FicMags
FicMags sample issue only
FicMags sample issues only
FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Tip-Top Western (Australia) in 1940s? WFI Missing: all except two undated issues
Issue Checklist
Tipyn o' Bob in 1900s FicMags sample issue only
Tirra Lirra Spring 1990 - 2006 FicMags sample issues only
Titanic Tales Jul-1998 SFI Issue Checklist
Tit-Bits 22-Oct-1881 - 1984 FicMags sample issues only
Titbits for Little Folks 17-Nov-1900    
Tit-Bits Novels Jul-1911 - ? FicMags sample issues only
Titter Aug-1943 - Apr-1955   Issue Checklist
TLMA Jun-1951 - Oct-1952    
T-Negative Jun-1969 - Mar-1979    
Toadstool Wine #1, 1975 SFI Issue Checklist
Toast of Tangiers c. 1950    
Toby Sep-1921 - Apr-1931 StyIdx sample issue only
Toby Press Review 1999 - ?    
To-Day [1893] 11-Nov-1893 - 19-Jul-1905    
To-Day [1916]
» To-Day [1916]
» merges with Life and Letters
6-May-1916 - 6-Jan-1917
Mar-1917 - Dec-1923
sample issues only
Today [1950] 1940s - 1970s FicMags partial issues only
Today [1960]
» merges with Weekend (Magazine)
27-Feb-1960 - 15-Aug-1964
Today's Family Feb-1953 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Today's Housewife - see under Today's Magazine
Today's Love Stories - see under Romantic Love
Today's Magazine
» Today's Housewife
» Today's Housewife and Woman and Home
» Today's Woman and Home
May-1905 - Jan-1917
Feb-1917 - May-1927
May-1927 - Dec-1927
Jan-1928 - Sep-1928
sample issue only
sample issues only
Real Life Story
» Life Story Magazine
» Today's Woman
Nov-1939 - May-1940
Jun-1940 - Oct-1945
Nov-1945 - Jun-1954
sample issue only
sample issues only
Today's Woman and Home - see under Today's Magazine
Tom Ball Magazine For Boys Jun-1920 - Mar-1921    
Tomcat Aug-1969 - ? FicMags Missing: any after Aug-1969
Issue Checklist
The Tome 1989 - Winter 1992/1993 SFI Issue Checklist
Tomkat 1962 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
To-Morrow [1924] Aug-1924 - Sep-1924 FicMags sample issue only
Tomorrow [1941]
» Tomorrow [1941]
Sep-1941 - Aug-1951
Autumn 1952 - Autumn 1966
Tomorrow Magazine [1970] Dec-1970 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Tomorrow: Speculative Fiction [1993]
» Tomorrow
Jan-1993 - Feb-1997
Mar-1997 - Aug-1998?
Issue Checklist
Tomorrow: A Journal for the World Citizen of the New Age 28-Oct-1939 - May-1949    
Tomorrow And... 1968 - 1973    
Tom Watson's Magazine - see under Watson's Jeffersonian Magazine
» Night People
» Tonight
1959 - Nov/Dec-1969/Jan-1970
Feb/Mar/Apr-1970 - Feb/Mar/Apr-1972
Sep/Oct/Nov-1971 - Jun/Jul/Aug-1974
sample issues only
sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Top Detective Annual 1951 - 1953 CFI; PMI2 Issue Checklist
Top Hole 1932    
Topical Times 18-Oct-1919 - 25-May-1940 FicMags sample issues only
Top-Notch Detective Sep-1938 - Mar-1939 CFI Issue Checklist
Top-Notch Magazine
» Top-Notch
» Top-Notch Magazine
» Street & Smith's Top-Notch Magazine
» Street & Smith's Top-Notch
» Top-Notch
1-Mar-1910 - 15-Dec-1910
1-Jan-1911 - 15-Sep-1912
1-Oct-1912 - 1-Apr-1931
15-Apr-1931 - 1-Aug-1932
15-Aug-1932 - Mar-1933
Apr-1933 - Sep/Oct-1937
Issue Checklist
Top-Notch Magazine (Canada) in 1930s AFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Top-Notch Western Aug-1938? - Dec-1939? WFI Issue Checklist
Topper Jul-1961 - Jun-1980? FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Topping Book for Boys 1935 FicMags  
Topping Book for Girls in 1930s FicMags sample issues only
Tops in 1950s    
Tops in Science Fiction Spring 1953 - Fall 1953 SFI Issue Checklist
Tops in Science Fiction (UK) 1954 - 1956 SFI Issue Checklist
Tops in Westerns 1940 - 1946? WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Tops in Western Stories Spring 1953 - Fall 1953 WFI Issue Checklist
Top Stories 1979 - 1991    
Top Western - Incorrect listing in DinWest for Top Western Fiction Annual
Top Western Fiction Annual 1950 - 1958 WFI Issue Checklist
Top Western Stories 1964 WFI Issue Checklist
Top Western Magazine (UK) c. 1955 WFI Issue Checklist
Torchwood Feb-2008 - Jan/Feb-2011 SFI Issue Checklist
Toronto Life 1966 - present FicMags sample issue only
The Toronto Star Weekly - see under Man About Town (UK)
Torquasian Times Winter 1950/51 - Sep-1953 SFI Missing: Sep-1953
Issue Checklist
To the Stars Aug-1983 - 1984 FicMags sample issue only
» The New Touch
1958 - Jul-1969
Nov-1969 - 1974?
sample issues only
sample issue only
Issue Checklist
The Touchstone [1917] May-1917 - 1921? FicMags partial issues only
Touchstone [1947] Fall 1947 - ? FicMags partial issue only
Tough Stories Magazine Jan-1956 - Mar-1956? CFI Issue Checklist
Tourist's Delight 1889 DimeNvl sample issue only
Toward Tomorrow Spring 1944 - Jun-1945    
Tower of Light Winter 2009 - Winter 2010    
Town & Country 1846 - present    
Town (for Men) - see under Man About Town (UK)
Town Talk 1858 - 1930?    
Town Topics ?    
T.P.'s and Cassell's Weekly - see under T.P.'s Weekly
T.P.'s Magazine Oct-1910 - Jul-1912 FicMags  
T.P.'s Weekly
» superseded by To-Day
» T.P.'s and Cassell's Weekly
» T.P.'s Weekly
14-Nov-1902 - 29-Apr-1916
27-Oct-1923 - 17-Sep-1927
24-Sep-1927 - 29-Nov-1929
sample issues only
sample issue only
Tragedy-of-the-Month 1949 - ?    
Trailer Topics Magazine May-1937 - 1969? FicMags sample issues only
Trailer Travel Magazine - see under Automobile and Trailer Travel Magazine
Trail of Indiscretion Spring 2006 - Winter 2010 FicMags sample issue only
Trails 1997 - 2005 WFI Missing: all except v2 #2
Issue Checklist
The Tramp Mar-1910 - Mar-1911    
Transatlantic Novels 1880 - 1882 DimeNvl  
The Transatlantic Review [1924] Jan-1924 - Dec-1924 Sader1; FicMags FicMags partial issues only
Transatlantic Review [1959] Summer 1959 - Jun-1977 Sader1; FicMags Sader1 to 1970 only, FicMags has sample issues only
Transatlantic Tales - see under Tales from Town Topics
Transition [1927] Apr-1927 - Apr/May-1938 Sader1; FicMags FicMags sample issues only
Transition [1960]
» Transition [1960]
1961 - 1976
1991 - present
Translations in 1970s    
Translunar Travelers Lounge Aug-2019 - present SFI Missing: any after #10, Feb-2024
Issue Checklist
Transmission Summer 1980    
TransVersions Autumn 1994 - 1999 SFI Issue Checklist
Trap Door Oct-1983 - present FicMags sample issue only
Trapped Detective Story Magazine Jun-1956 - Feb-1963 CFI Issue Checklist
Travel by Road Apr-1924 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Traveller's Pack Mar-1934 - Sep-1934 AFI Missing: Sep-1934
Issue Checklist
Traymore Series 5-May-1895 - 25-Nov-1895 DimeNvl  
Treaders of Starlight Oct-1974 - Aug-1976 SFI Issue Checklist
» incorporated into World of Wonder
19-Jan-1963 - 1971
The Treasure Chest Jun-1926 - ?    
Treasure-Trove Library 19-Mar-1919 - Nov-1922? StyIdx incomplete
Treasury of Great Science Fiction Stories
» Great Science Fiction Stories
#1, 1964 - #2, 1965
#3, 1966
Issue Checklist
Treasury of Great Western Stories #1, 1965 - #9, 1973 WFI possibly further issues
Issue Checklist
Treat 'Em Rough 5-May-1918 - Jul-1919 FicMags sample issues only
Tree and Stone Mar-2022 - Feb-2024 SFI Issue Checklist
Trek in 1940s    
The Trend [1911] Apr-1911 - 1915?    
Trend [1930] 1932? - 1935? FicMags partial issues only
Trend [1940] in 1940s    
Triangle Quarterly in 1940s CFI; WFI Missing: all except Fall 1945
Issue Checklist
Triangle Romances in 1950s FicMags Missing: #1, #2, #5
Tribe 1989 - 1991    
Tricky c. 1950    
The Trident [1924] 27-Oct-1924 - ? FicMags partial issue only
The Trident [1939] Apr-1939 - 1956 FicMags sample issues only
Trigger Westerns in 1950s WFI Issue Checklist
The Trimmed Lamp - see under Art
Trio 1962 - ?    
Triple Action Detective Tales - see under New All-Action Stories
Triple Detective
» Triple Detective
Spring 1947 - Fall 1955
Jan-2008 - Feb-2010
Issue Checklist
Triple Detective (Canada) in 1940s CFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Triple Detective Novels 195? CFI Missing: #5, #8, any after #9
Issue Checklist
Triple-Length Adventure Apr-1961   Issue Checklist
Triple Western Spring 1947 - Winter 1958 WFI; PMI4 Issue Checklist
Triple Western (Canada) in 1950s WFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Fawcett's Triple-X Magazine
» Triple-X Magazine
» Triple-X Western
Jun-1924 - Jul-1928
Jul-1928 - Oct-1930
Nov-1930 - 1936
Missing: Feb-1927; Jun-1927
Missing: Nov-1929
Missing: #102, 1935
Issue Checklist
Triple-X Western Magazine - see under Triple-X Magazine
Triptych Tales in 2010s    
Tri-Quarterly Fall 1964 - present Sader1; ShStIdx Missing: 1971-1974 at least

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