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[]Gaddis, Vincent H(ayes) (1913-1997) (about) (chron.)
- * The Admiralty’s Strangest Mystery, (ar) Fantastic Adventures February 1946
- * Amazing Facts, (cl) Amazing Stories; Apr 47.
- * Arizona’s Lost Death Trap, (ar) Anubis v1 #2, 1967
- * Career of a Cursed Car, (ar) Fantastic Adventures March 1947
- * Cavern of Horrors, (ar) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #3, April 1955
- * Cops and Robbers, (cl) Ed McBain’s Mystery Book #1, #2 1960, #3 1961
- * Crime Cavalcade, (cl) Manhunt May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1953, Jan, Feb, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Dec 25 1954
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1955
Mar 1956
- Giant Manhunt #2 (var.1), #2 (var.2) 1953, #3 1954, #5 (var.1), #5 (var.2), #6 (var.1), #6 (var.2) 1955, #7 (var.1), #7 (var.2), #8 (var.1),
#8 (var.2), #8 (var.3), #8 (var.4) 195?
- Manhunt (UK) Jan, May, Aug, Sep 1954
- Manhunt Detective Story Magazine (Australia) Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1954
- Verdict Detective Story Magazine #5, #6, #7, #8 1955
- The Phantom Suspense-Mystery Magazine v1 #5, 195?
- * The Deadly Bermuda Triangle, (ar) Argosy February 1964
- * Energy from Beyond, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1946
- * Fourth Dimensional Homicide, (nf) Fate May 1958
- * The Ghost That Rode No. 1706, (ar) Argosy May 1965
- * Giants on the Earth, (ar) Amazing Stories December 1945
- * The Hole to Hell, (ar) Adventure August 1965
- * Indiana’s Schoolyard Slaying, (ts) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #8, March 1955
- * Kisses That Changed Men’s Lives, (ar) Action August 1953 [Ref. Silvana Pampanini & Rossano Brazzi]
- * Lincoln’s Pseudo-Assassin, (ar) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #7, January 1955
- * Medicine Man Magic, (ar) Fantastic Adventures February 1946
- * Mind-Reading Detectives, (ts) Man to Man December 1949/January 1950
- * The Mystery of Inspiration, (ar) True Mystic Science June 1939
- * The Mystery of Magic Drugs, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1949
- * New Evidence for Atlantis, (ar) Amazing Stories August 1946
- * The New Science of Space Speech, (ar) Worlds of Tomorrow August 1963
- * The Night the Stars Fell, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1949
- * Notes on Subterranean Shafts, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1947
- * Oddities of Osculation, (ar) Topper August 1963
- * Puzzles from Earth’s Past, (ar) Amazing Stories August 1946
- * Radio’s Strangest Mystery, (ar) Amazing Stories February 1946
- * Shadows Over the White House, (ar) Fantastic October 1958
- * Shaverian Sidelights, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1949
- * Snowman’s Land, (ar) Adventure November 1947
- * Special News Bulletin, (vi) Weird Tales April 1939
- * The Story of Spectral Ships, (ar) Mammoth Adventure September 1947
- * Strange Secrets of the Sea, (ar) Amazing Stories February 1947
- * Tales from Tibet, (ar) Amazing Stories February 1946
- * Tippecanoe and Terror Too!, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine November 1949
- * Tomorrow’s Chemical Geniuses, (ar) Amazing Stories March 1947
- * Tragic Trail to the West, (ts) Real Western Romances March 1950
- * The Truth About Tibet, (ar) Amazing Stories July 1946
- * Tunnels of the Titans, (ar) Amazing Stories August 1947
- * Vanishing Islands, (ar) Adventure August 1946
- * Visitors from the Void, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1947
- * Weird Wonders of the War, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1949
- * Wheels in the Sea, (ar) Adventure September 1946
- * When Flesh Defies Fire, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1946
- * The World’s Most Famous Illusion, (ar) Fantastic Adventures June 1948
- * Wyoming’s Ship of Death, (ar) Fate Spring 1948
- * [letter from Olivet, IL], (lt) Astounding Stories September 1934
[]Gaddis, William (Thomas) (1922- ) (chron.)
- * The Artist’s Life, (ss) Nugget May 1957
- * In Dreams I Kiss Your Hand, Madam, (ss) Ninth Letter Fall/Winter 2007
- * JR or the Boy Inside, (ss) The Dutton Review #1, 1970
- * Nobody Grew but the Business, (ex)
- * Szryk v. Village of Tatamount et al., U.S. District Court, Southern District of Virginia no. 105-87, (ss)
- * Szyrk V. Village of Tatamount Et Al, (ss) The New Yorker October 12 1987
- * Szyrk v. Village of Tatamount et al., in the United States District Court, Southern District of Virginia, No. 105-87, (ss) 1987
- * Untitled —, (ss) Antæus #13/14, Spring/Summer 1974
_____, [ref.]
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