The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7417
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[]Needham, Eric S. (1921-1983) (chron.)
- * The Amazing Case of the Man and the Mirror, (ss) Gargoyle #2, April 1941
- * Brainstorms, (ar) Gargoyle #2, April 1941
- * In Search of a Sage, (ar) The Fantast July 1942 [Ref. D. R. Smith]
- * Krazy Krack, (hu) Gargoyle #3, June 1940, as by E. S. N.
- * Live with Monsters, (ms) Now and Then
- * Strange Tale, (ss) Gargoyle #3, December 1940
- * Variation on an Ancient Theme, (pm) The Satellite August 1939
- * Variation on an Ancient Theme No 2, (pm) The Satellite November 1939
- * Woofwoofwoofwoof [and so on] woof!, (pm) Gargoyle #3, June 1940, as by E. S. N.
- * [untitled], (pm) Gargoyle #2, April 1941, as by E. S. N.
[]Needham, Henry Beach (1871-1915) (about) (chron.)
- * The ABCs of Unscrambling Eggs; and interview with Sen. Albert E. Cummins, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 17 1912
- * Baseball and the Briton, (ar) Collier’s April 4 1914
- * Birds of Return Passage, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 20 1912
- * The College Athlete, (ar) McClure’s Magazine Jun, Jul 1905
- * Congress in the Twilight Zone- A Great Ado About Trusts- And Little Doing, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 10 1912
- * The Double Squeeze, (sl) Collier’s May 16 1914 (+2), as "Double-Squeeze at Villa Borhese"
- * Double-Squeeze at Villa Borhese, (sl) Collier’s May 16, May 23, May 30 1914
- * La Follette’s Ideas-An Interview with the Leader of the Progressives, (iv) The Saturday Evening Post July 8 1911
- * The High Cost of Living Abroad, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 21 1913
- * High Cost of Living in Washington, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 30 1913
- * An Intimate View of the Supreme Court, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 16 1913
- * The Jinx, (sl) Collier’s Jan 31, Feb 7 1914
- * Joffre on His Men, (bg) Pearson’s Magazine June 1915 [Ref. Joseph Joffre]
- * The Man in Him, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) November 1915
- * The Man Roosevelt, (bg) Pearson’s Magazine May 1910 [Ref. Theodore Roosevelt]
- * Mr. Lloyd George on the War, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine March 1915 [Ref. David Lloyd George]
- * Murdock, M.C., (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 10 1913
- * The New Roosevelt Cabinet, (ar) Collier’s November 3 1906
- * The Polite Horse, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 23 1915
- * The Power of the Presidency, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine April 1908
- * Presidential Possibilities: A Double-Barreled Interview, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 12 1912
- * Really at the Front, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #35, February 1915
- * Roosevelt on the Progressive Fight - an Interview, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 25 1913
- * Theodore Roosevelt: An Outdoor Man, (ar) McClure’s Magazine January 1906
- * Thief in Khaki, (ss) Collier’s August 14 1915
- * A Treeful of Owls, (ss) Collier’s February 14 1914
- * Trust Fallacies Dispelled, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 30 1912
- * Where Roosevelt Stands Today, (iv) The Saturday Evening Post April 22 1911
- * Why Roosevelt Opposes Taft: An Interview with the Colonel, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 4 1912
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