The FictionMags Index
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Fullerton, Hugh S(tuart, III) (chron.) (continued)
- * Hit by Pitched Ball, (ss) Adventure April 1914
- * The Hit That Broke the Browns, (ar) Liberty August 4 1928
- * “Hitting the Dirt”, (ar) The American Magazine May 1911
- * The Honor of the Game, (ss) The Red Book Magazine August 1912
- * A Hoopensploffer by Any Other Name, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 7 1917
- * How a Town Advertised Itself, (ar) The American Magazine January 1914
- * How Baseball Players’ Wives Lose Pennants, (ar) Liberty May 31 1924
- * How Bill and I Won the Pennant, (ss) Adventure June 1914
- * How I Lost Eighty-one Jobs, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine September 1920
- * How Should I Lave My Money?, (ar) Liberty May 28 1927
- * How the Big Baseball Teams Shape Up This Year, (ar) Liberty April 21 1934
- * How the Old Game Has Changed, (ar) Liberty September 13 1930
- * How the “Rabbit” Ball Changed the Game, (ar) Liberty October 3 1925
- * How to Pitch Baseball (with Clark Griffith), (ar) Liberty July 10 1926
- * How to Win Games, (ar) The American Magazine July 1912
- * How Women Voted in Chicago, (ar) The American Magazine June 1915
- * If I Managed That Team, (ar) Liberty July 17 1926
- * Inside Baseball, (ar) Esquire May 1946
- * The Inside Dope on the Baseball Pennant Races, (ar) Liberty April 15 1933
- * The Inside Game, (ar) The American Magazine May 1910
- * The Insignificant “Dub”, (ss) The American Magazine October 1918
- * Is a Man’s Past His Own?, (ar) Liberty February 28 1925
- * Jaundice’s Last Race, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine November 1919
- * The Jest, (ar) Liberty February 11 1928
- * The Jitneys Are Coming, (ar) The American Magazine May 1915
- * John L. 2nd, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1928
- * Judgment Crow, (ss) The American Magazine September 1928
- * Let the Eagle Scream, Not Squawk, (ar) Liberty July 3 1926
- * Liberty’s All-American Football Team, (ar) Liberty December 26 1925
- * Li’l Ol’ Dove of Peace, (ss) The American Magazine April 1918
- * A Little Close Harmony, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 7 1918
- * A Little Wider Please, (ar) Liberty September 27 1924
- * The Long Memory, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine November 1920
- * Louis Sing—Detective, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine December 1920
- * The Lure of the Bleachers, (ss) The American Magazine May 1914
- * Make Your Will Now and Make It Right, (ar) Liberty May 21 1927
- * The Making of a Big Leaguer, (ms) The American Magazine August 1913
- * The Man Who Made His Bluff Come True, (ss) The American Magazine July 1919
- * The M.D. Marathon, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 20 1916
- * The Mighty Casey Has Struck—What?, (ar) This Week May 29 1938
- * Mike Cupid and the Green-Eyed Monster, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 7 1916
- * Monopolizing Football, (ar) Liberty January 2 1926
- * The Most Interesting Woman in America, (ar) Liberty November 28 1925
- * The Mother of the League, (ss) The Red Book Magazine July 1911
- * The Mystery Stakes, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 17 1925
- * Nine Lengths Ahead of Father Time, (ar) Liberty June 26 1926
- * No. 601 of the Light Brigade, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 20 1917
- * The Nut from Pecan University, (ss) The American Magazine August 1916
- * Old Alex the Great, (ar) Liberty December 11 1926
- * The Old Ambish, (ss) The American Magazine July 1917
- * Ole Lekker’s Ride, (ss) Adventure April 1916
- * Only Good Men Are Heroes to Their Caddies, (ar) Liberty September 25 1926
- * On One Wave, (ss) Adventure 1st June 1919
- * On the Bench, (ar) The American Magazine August 1909
- * Orders Is Orders, (ss) Liberty June 14 1924
- * Out of the Dope Book, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 20 1924
- * Over the Hills to the Poorhouse, (ar) The American Magazine April 1920
- * Own Your Home, (cl) Liberty June 12 1926
- * “Pay to T. Hartley, Good Sport, $10,000”, (ss) The American Magazine November 1920
- * The Peacemaker, (ss) Adventure January 1946
- * Peckinpaugh’s Greatest Thrill, (ar) Liberty May 4 1929
- * Peterson and Forseille (Not Inc.), (ss) Adventure June 1916
- * The Physics of Baseball, (ar) The American Magazine October 1912
- * Picking 1925 Football Champions, (ar) Liberty September 26 1925
- * Picking the 1927 Pennant Winners, (ar) Liberty April 16 1927
- * Picking the Pennant Winners, (ar) Liberty April 26 1930
- * Pig Tale, (vi) Liberty December 23 1933
- * Pinch Hitting for Opportunity, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 20 1918
- * The Pivot Dog, (ss) Zest October 1926
- * The Play Jiggs Made, (ar) Liberty May 26 1928
- * Plolytics, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine October 1920
- * Pollyannizing American History, (ar) Liberty July 5 1924
- * Positively the Last Appearance of Old John Barleycorn, (ar) The American Magazine July 1918
- * Professor Pringle’s Pennant, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 7 1914
- * Proxies, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 15 1914
- * Pyramided Gold, (ar) Liberty November 5 1927
- * Quick Thinking, (ar) Liberty June 9 1928
- * The Rabbit Climbs a Tree, (ss) Liberty May 8 1926
- * Reaping the Whirlwind, (ar) Liberty April 17 1926
- * Reminiscences of a Dopester, (ar) Liberty November 17 1928
- * The Revenge, (ss) The American Magazine March 1919
- * The Right and Wrong of Baseball, (ar) The American Magazine October 1911
- * The Rose and the Humming Bird, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1923
- * A Roughneck Sissy, (ss) Liberty November 7 1925
- * The Runarounds, (ss) Collier’s April 14 1917
- * Safe or Out?, (ss) Adventure October 1914
- * The Salary Wing, (ss) The Red Book Magazine June 1912
- * Sam Harris: From Newsboy to Millionaire, (ar) Liberty July 11 1925
- * Sam Leever’s Sad Plight, (ar) Liberty July 28 1928
- * Satin Slippers, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine May 1920
- * Secrets Are His Daily Diet, (ar) Liberty May 9 1925
- * Seeking the .300 Hitter, (ar) The American Magazine November 1910
- * A Severe Attack of the Gerties, (ss) The American Magazine October 1917
- * Sharp Tricks in Sports, (ar) Liberty February 13 1926
- * She Raised Her Son to Be a Fighter, (ar) Liberty June 7 1924
- * Should Doctors Tell?, (ar) Liberty August 7 1926
- * Should Your Son Go Into Your Business?, (ar) Liberty October 18 1924
- * “Signal—Five—Nine—Here She Blows!”, (ar) Liberty December 1 1928
- * The Slacker, (ss) Liberty November 29 1924
- * The Slip That Cost a Pennant, (ar) Liberty July 21 1928
- * The Smartest Second Baseman, (ar) Liberty April 25 1925
- * Soft-Hearted Gene, (ar) Liberty July 16 1927
- * The Soo Mook Trust, Ltd., (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine February 1921
- * The Spirit of Contest, (cl) Liberty March 29 1930
- * The Spring Training, (ar) The American Magazine April 1910
- * Stiffening the Nation’s Backbone, (ar) Liberty June 19 1926
- * Stolen Signals, (ss) Adventure September 1914
- * The Strange Case of Pietro Giotti, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories February 1929
- * “Success” Is Not Enough, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine January 1921
- * The Success Sextette, (sl) Liberty Jan 24, Feb 7, Feb 21 1925
- * Take a Chance vs. Play It Safe, (ar) The American Magazine September 1913
- * Taking a Reef in Tadpole, (ss) The American Magazine April 1917
- * Temptations of Champions, (ar) Liberty September 5 1925
- * Test o’ Nerve, (ss) The American Magazine December 1913
- * That Guy McGuffey, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 26 1927
- * Their Brothers’ Keepers, (ar) Liberty June 4 1927
- * 1,000 Miles a Week for 25 Years, (ar) The American Magazine October 1920
- * Three Aces Back to Back, (ar) Liberty January 15 1927
- * Throw It Over on John Lund, (ss) Adventure 1st August 1918
- * To Succeed, Be Enthusiastic, (ar) Liberty May 22 1926
- * A Touchdown Beats a Home Run, (ar) Liberty October 2 1926
- * Toutin’ Mistah Fox, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1922
- * Triple Cross, (ss) Collier’s November 27 1920
- * The Truth About Racing, (ms) Complete Novel Magazine #15, July 1926
- * Turning Points in the Business Game, (ar) The American Magazine February 1916
- * Twisted Trails, (na) The Popular Magazine August 7 1919
- * The $200 Catch, (ar) Liberty May 12 1928
- * Two Jolly Old Pedagogues, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 14 1941
- * Ty Cobb Says, “If Going Stale, Drink!”, (iv) Liberty September 20 1924 [Ref. Ty Cobb]
- * Ty Cobb’s Greatest Thrill, (ar) Liberty May 25 1929
- * Uncle Sam’s Greatest Christmas Gift, (ar) Liberty December 25 1926
- * Wagner: The Greatest Baseball Player in the World, (bg) The American Magazine January 1910 [Ref. Honus Wagner]
- * Wanted—Ball Players! No Stars Need Apply, (ar) Liberty March 13 1926
- * Washington’s Gethsemane, 150 Years Ago, (ar) Liberty December 24 1927
- * “Watch His Arm”, (ar) The American Magazine August 1911
- * What Ball Players Really Say to Umps, (ar) Liberty August 23 1924
- * What Football Players Say on the Field, (ar) Liberty November 22 1924
- * When the Gamblers Were Routed, (ar) Liberty August 11 1928
- * When We Went Home to Bury Joe, (ar) The American Magazine September 1918
- * Who Wouldn’t Raise His Boy to Be This Kind of a Soldier?, (ar) Liberty April 9 1927
- * Why Dempsey Does Not Fight Wills, (ar) Liberty March 20 1926
- * Why Hagen Is the World’s Greatest Golfer, (ar) Liberty June 27 1925
- * Why Not Use Your Bank?, (ar) Liberty December 10 1927
- * Why the Fitzaldens Are Web-Toed, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1940
- * Will Baseball Be “Clean” This Year?, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine April 1921
- * Will Greyhound Racing Last?, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine April 1928
- * Winning a World Championship, (ar) Liberty January 3 1925 [Ref. “Bucky” Harris]
- * With the Joker Wild, (ss) Liberty September 13 1924
- * Woman’s Right to Change Her Mind, (iv) Liberty July 30 1927
- * A Wonderful Guide, (bg) The American Magazine June 1918
- * The Wonders of Pitching, (ar) The American Magazine June 1910
- * The Woodpile, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 6 1924
- * A World Series—Mex., (ss) Collier’s October 13 1917
- * Wrecker and Builder of Men, (ar) Liberty November 20 1926
- * Yells That Win Games, (ar) Liberty October 11 1924
- * Yoking the Black Oxen, (ar) Liberty October 30 1926
- * The Youngest Big League Manager, (ar) Liberty December 20 1924 [Ref. “Bucky” Harris]
_____, as told to
_____, [ref.]
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