The FictionMags Index
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Spehner, Norbert (chron.) (continued)
- * Magazines, fanzines et autres zines…, (cl) Requiem #4 Apr, #5 Jun 1975
- * Montréal en ’77, (ar) Requiem #1, 1974
- * Notes sur le fantastique, (ms) Requiem #23, October 1978
- * Perspectives 1981, (ed) Solaris #36, December 1980
- * Politique éditoriale, (ar) Requiem #1, 1974
- * Prix Solaris, (ms) Solaris #42, December 1981
- * Le Retour des Vampires (with Luc Pomerleau), (br) Solaris #30, December 1979
- * Le Retour du fondateur, (ed) Solaris #87, October 1989
- * Revue du fantastique, (ar) Requiem #17, September 1977
- * Revue du fantastique, (br) Requiem #23 Oct 1978, #25 Feb 1979
- * Rocket Books et Papervrac!, (br) Requiem #16, June 1977
- * La Science-fiction au Québec, (cl) Requiem #3, February 1975
- * La Science-fiction au Québec - 2: Fanorama!, (cl) Requiem #7, November 1975
- * La Science-fiction au Québec - 4, (cl) Requiem #8, January 1976
- * La Science-fiction au Québec - 5, (cl) Requiem #9, March 1976
- * Science-fiction et Fantastique au Québec, (cl) Solaris #29, October 1979
- * Science-fiction et Fantastique au Québec (with Claude Janelle), (cl) Solaris #37, February 1981
- * La Science-fiction et Fantastique au Québec, (cl) Requiem #25 Feb, #26 Apr 1979
- * La S.F. au Québec - La fin de la Terre, (cl) Requiem #18, December 1977
- * SF in Québec, (ar) Borealis Summer 1978
- * Tribune libre, (lc) Solaris #79, May 1988
- * Tribune libre: La SF Québécoise: un “spécialiste” nommé Nicot, (lt) Solaris #61, May 1985
- * Verne: publications autour d’un centenaire, (ar) Solaris #156, September 2005
- * Vient de paraître, (ms) Solaris #40, September 1981
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Requiem #7 Nov 1975, #24 Dec 1978
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[]Spehr, Janis (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Dead Woman in the Water, (ss) Crime Factory #1, February 2001
- * Little Sheilas, (ss) Australian Short Stories #62, 1998
- * Lust, (ss) Australian Short Stories #57, 1997
- * Mushrooming, (ss) Australian Short Stories #58, 1997
- * The Terrible Girls, (ss) Australian Short Stories #60, 1997
[]Speight, T(homas) W(ilkinson) (1830-1915) (about) (chron.)
- * The Bank Porter’s Daughter, (ss) The Argosy (UK) December 1868, as by The Author of “Foolish Margaret”
- * The Belt of Diamonds [Tales of Other Cities], (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1897
- * “Beware”: An Episode, (ss) The Argosy (UK) January 1897
- * The Brahmin’s Gift, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1890
- * A Brilliant Adventure, (ss) The Graphic Christmas 1876
- * The Case of Mr. Van Klugen, (ss) Belgravia November 1884
- * Country Life in the Last Century, (ar) The Argosy (UK) March 1896
- * The Disappearance of Lord Melmont, (ss) The Argosy (UK) Summer 1890
- * “The End Crowns All”, (ss) The Argosy (UK) November 1898
- * Experiences of Farthing Lodge, (ss) Chambers’s Journal Christmas 1864, uncredited.
- * The Fate of the Hara Diamond, (n.) The Argosy (UK) Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1891
, uncredited.
- * A Flight in the Dark, (ss) , uncredited.
- * The Green Phial, (nv) Belgravia February 1884
- * The Grey Monk, (n.) The Argosy (UK) Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1894
- * In the Dead of Night, (n.) The Argosy (UK) Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1874
, uncredited.
- * Lame Lizbeth, (ss) The Argosy (UK) March 1898
- * A Legacy of Gratitude, (nv) The Argosy (UK) May, Jun 1879, as by The Author of “In the Dead of Night”
- * The Man with the Ivory Pass, (ss) The Argosy (UK) December 1895
- * Margery Fennell, (ss) The Argosy (UK) April 1878, as by The Author of “In the Dead of Night”
- * The Miller’s Revenge, (sl) The Argosy (UK) Dec 1867, Jan 1868, as by The Author of “Foolish Margaret”
- * Mrs. Fanshaw’s Strategem, (ss) The Argosy (UK) Summer 1889
- * Mrs. Penleath’s Stratagem, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine July 1905
- * The Mysteries of Heron Dyke, (n.) The Argosy (UK) Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1880
, uncredited.
- * A Mysterious Message, (ss) The Argosy (UK) December 1881
- * The New Tenants of Linden Lodge: A Country Doctor’s Story, (ss) The Argosy (UK) December 1896
- * On the Road to Gretna Green, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine April 1901
- * The Secret of Beryl Mansions, (nv) The Argosy (UK) December 1883, as by The Author of “In the Dead of Night”
- * A Secret of the Sea, (sl) The Argosy (UK) Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1875, as by The Author of “In the Dead of Night”
- * A Secret of the Sea, (sl) The Argosy (UK) Nov, Dec 1875
- * The Secret of Wyvern Towers, (na) The Argosy December 1897
- * Shadowed Forth, (ss) The Argosy (UK) November 1878, as by The Author of “In the Dead of Night”
- * A Simple Maiden, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1888
- * The Three-Armed Buddha, (sl) Chambers’s Journal Aug 1, Aug 8, Aug 15, Aug 22, Aug 29 1908
- * Tonelli’s Gold, (sl) Chambers’s Journal Feb 1, Feb 8, Feb 15, Feb 22 1908
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