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    T.P.’s Magazine [v1, #1, October 1910] ed. T. P. O’Connor (The Magazine and Publications Syndicate, 6d, 128pp, standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details supplied by Mike Ashley.
    • 2 · T. P. O’Connor · John H. Bacon · fp; from an engraving.
    • 3 · A Foreword and Some Reminiscences · T. P. O’Connor · ed
    • 8 · The Second Best · Matthew Arnold · pm Empedocles on Etna, and Other Poems by Matthew Arnold, B. Fellowes, 1852
    • 9 · Germany’s Amazing Young Men · Haldane Macfall · ar; about Germany’s new satirists with various illustrations reproduced from the magazine Jugend and Simplicissimus.
    • 18 · The Holy Isle · Fiona Macleod · ex
      brief extract from The Divine Adventure.
    • 19 · A Garland of Friendship · Edward Clodd · ar; reminiscences of friendships with Grant Allen, George Gissing, Thomas Henry Huxley, Herbert Spencer, George Meredith and others.
    • 26 · Europe’s New Baby: The Kingdom of Montenegro · Hope Mackenzie · ar
    • 33 · How Electricity Does Our Errands · Charles R. Gibson · ar
    • 39 · The Art of Wilkie Bard · Eureka · ar; about a music-hall comic of the day.
    • 42 · Character of a Happy Life · Sir Henry Wotton · pm 1614
    • 43 · The Biggest Job in the World · Frank Savile · ar; about the construction of the Panama Canal.
    • 51 · Are You a Bromide? · [uncredited] · ar
    • 53 · Mimi · Arnold Bennett · ss
    • 62 · Dream Too Bright to Last · Edgar Allan Poe · pm (r)
    • 63 · The World’s Great Pictures—and Why [Part 1 of 2] · [uncredited] · ar
    • 71 · The Post of the Old Woman · Luigi Barzini · ss
    • 74 · My Financial Career · Stephen Leacock · ar Literary Lapses by Stephen Leacock, Gazette, 1910
    • 76 · British Costume During Nineteen Centuries · N. H. W. · ar
    • 78 · The Hen of Destiny · F. R. · pm
    • 79 · What I Believe Today · Robert Blatchford · ar
    • 85 · Two Kinds of Courage · Maurice Maeterlinck · ex from Wisdom and Destiny (r)
    • 87 · The House Beautiful · M. · ar; about beautifying the home with pictures.
    • 91 · The Inquest · Francis B. T. Money Coutts · pm
    • 92 · The Man Who Would Transform the Theatre · Redeagle · ar; about Gordon Craig.
    • 96 · Enduring to the End · C. Lewis Hind · ss
    • 97 · The Modern Head: Has Our Age Produced a Dominant Type? · Holbrook Jackson · ar
    • 103 · How I Learned Twelve Languages · Paul Fairweather · ar; in department ‘The World of Study’.
    • 113 · According to Maria [Maria] · Mrs. John Lane · ss
    • 116 · Our Lessening Fear of Death · C. · ar
    • 117 · At the Sign of the Lamp · John o’ London · cl

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