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    Great Irish Tales of the Unimaginable: Stories of Fantasy and Myth ed. Peter Haining (Souvenir Press, September 22, 1994, 0-285-63206-X, £14.99, 309pp, hc, an, cover by Charles Bentley)
        Anthology of 24 fantasy stories based on Irish myths and legends.
    • 9 · Introduction · Peter Haining · in (r)
    • 15 · I: Gods and Heroes
    • 17 · The Hound of Ulster · Standish James O’Grady · ex from Finn and His Companions, 1892
    • 22 · The Wisdom of the King · W. B. Yeats · ss The Celtic Twilight by W. B. Yeats, Lawrence & Bullen, 1893
    • 29 · The Call of Oisin · Lady Gregory · ex from Gods and Fighting Men, John Murray, 1904
    • 37 · Laughing Stranger · James Stephens · ss Irish Fairy Tales by James Stephens, Macmillan, 1920
    • 44 · Balor and the Wonder-Smith · Ella Young · ss The Dublin Magazine August 1923
    • 61 · The Death of Macha Gold-Hair · Dermot O’Byrne · ss The Irish Review 1917
    • 72 · The Outlaw · Joseph O’Neill · ss The Dublin Magazine 1934
    • 80 · Earth-Bound · Dorothy Macardle · ss The Dublin Magazine December 1923
    • 89 · II: The Romantic Sagas
    • 91 · Flight of Angels · Austin Clarke · ex from The Sun Dances at Easter, 1952
    • 109 · Midir and Etain · Shane Leslie · ss Masquerades by Shane Leslie, John Long, 1924
    • 116 · A Prince in Disguise · Sinead de Valera · ss (r)
    • 122 · Legend for a Painting · Julia O’Faolain · ss (r)
    • 126 · The Kiss · Michael Scott · ss (r)
    • 135 · The Woman Without Mercy · Maurice Walsh · ss The Dublin Magazine 1923
    • 145 · The Bewitching of Fursey · Mervyn Wall · ex from The Unfortunate Fursey, 1946
    • 159 · A Fable · Mary Lavin · ss Tales from Bective Bridge by Mary Lavin, Little, Brown, 1942
    • 171 · III: The Wonder-Quests
    • 173 · The Voyage of Maeldun · translated by P. W. Joyce · nv 1894
      adapted from Ancient Book of the Dun Cow (c.1100).
    • 207 · The Hero of Michan · James Joyce · ex from Ulysses, Sylvia Beach, 1922
    • 212 · The Return of Cuchulain · Eimar O’Duffy · ex from King Goshawk and the Birds, 1926
    • 231 · The End of the Rainbow · Lord Dunsany · ex from The Curse of the Wise Woman, Heinemann, 1933; chapters 22-24.
    • 247 · Crotty Shinkwin · A. E. Coppard · ss Golden Cockerel Press, 1932
    • 257 · The Ark of Cashelmore · T. H. White · ex from The Elephant and the Kangaroo, Putnam, 1947
    • 266 · The Devil and Democracy [The Devil] · Brian Cleeve · ss Argosy (UK) October 1966
    • 281 · The Last Warrior Quest · Peter Tremayne · nv

    Great Tales of Terror from Europe and America: Gothic Stories of Horror and Romance, 1765-1840, Volume II ed. Peter Haining (Gollancz, November 1972, 0-575-01376-1, £2.50, 489-928pp, hc, an)

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