Details taken from online listing. |
Two sf short stories, with illustrations by Timothy Standish. This is a signed and numbered limited edition of 200 copies. |
Anthology of six stories and two novel extracts, all from recent or forthcoming Gollancz volumes. Distributed free with the October 1995 issue of Focus, but only just seen. |
Free sampler of excerpts from The One Kingdom (Russell), Knight’s Dawn (Hunter), and Transformation (Berg). Issued in 2000, but not seen until now. |
Anthology of of two sf short novels together for the first time. Divide and Rule appeared from Fantasy Press (1951), with The Stolen Dormouse. Sword of Rhiannon appeared as an early Ace double (1953) with Conan the Conqueror. Tor SF Double #17. |
SF omnibus, collecting 11 ebooks originally published monthly from January 2013. Published to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the first episode. Details supplied by Denny Lien. |
Omnibus of 2 original novels based on the TV series: The Underwater War (Dinnick) and Rain of Terror (Tucker). |
Omnibus of 2 original novels based on the TV series: Terminal of Despair (Lyons) and The Web in Space (Bailey). |
Anthology of two original young-adult tie-in novels based on the TV series, bound Ace Double style. |
Anthology of 4 original stories set in the “Doctor Who” universe. |
Anthology of twelve original stories by Craig Donaghy, Richard Dungworth, Scott Handcock, Paul Magrs, Jacqueline Rayner, and Mike Tucker. Illustrated by Rohan Eason. Issued without a dustjacket in illustrated boards. |
Collection of 4 original novellas featuring the 12th Doctor. Originally published as an ebook (March 2014). |
Anthology of 5 original stories about the Doctor Who character. Authors include Guy Adams, Jenny Colgan, Andrew Lane, Steve Lyons, and Jacqueline Rayner. |
Humorous associational item of quotes suggesting the Bard knew a lot about the Doctor. Text by James Goss, Jonathan Morris, Julian Richards, Justin Richards, William Shakespeare & Matthew Sweet. |
Reprint (BBC 2014) tie-in “non-fiction” book based on the TV show, a look at works by Shakespeare supposedly influenced by the Doctor. Authors include James Goss, Jonathan Morris, and Justin Richards. Illustrated by Mike Collins. First US edition. |
Anthology of 15 original Doctor Who stories. |
Collection of 8 original long stories based on the series. Authors include Cecelia Ahern, Jake Arnott, Trudi Canavan, Jenny T. Colgan, Stella Duffy, Nick Harkaway, Joanne Harris, and A. L. Kennedy. |