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Moorcock, Michael (John) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Bug Jack Barron, (aw) Toxic, 1999
- * Building the New Jerusalem, (ar) Time Out October 12 1988, as "Future Shock"
- * The Bull and the Spear [Corum], (n.) Allison & Busby, April 1973
- * Bury St. Edmunds, (ar) The Bible Story #28, September 12 1964
- * Button-Holed by Erudition, (ar) The Daily Telegraph January 22 1994 [Ref. Aldous Huxley]
- * By Spaceship to the Psyche, (ar) Les Spinge January 1964
- * The Cabin Boy Genius, (ar) Look and Learn #17, May 12 1962, uncredited.
- * The Cairene Purse [von Bek family], (na) Zenith 2 ed. David S. Garnett, Orbit, 1990
- The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Eighth Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois, St. Martin's Press, 1991
- Lunching With the Anti-Christ, Mark V. Ziesing, 1995
- London Bone, Scribner UK, 2001
- The Best of Michael Moorcock, Tachyon Publications, 2009
- My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories, Gollancz, 2014
- * Cake, (ss) Prospect June 2005
- * The Camus Referendum [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) The Time Centre Times v4 #4, 2000; originally published in France in Gare du Nord, 1997.
- * Candyfloss Cowboy, (pm) The New World’s Fair, United Artists UAG 29732, 1975
- * The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams [Elric], (nv) Science Fantasy #55, 1962, as "The Flame Bringers"
- * Casablanca, (co) Gollancz, December 1989
- * Casablanca, (ss) Casablanca, Gollancz, 1989
- * Cascadia!! [Corsairs of the Second Ether], (sl) The Time Centre Times v5 #3, 2009
- * The Case Against Pornography, (ar) Casablanca, Gollancz, 1989
- * The Case of the Nazi Canary [Sir Sexton Begg (The Metatemporal Detective)], (na) McSweeney’s Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales ed. Michael Chabon, Vintage Books, 2003
- * A Catalogue of Memories, (ms) Tales from the Texas Woods, Mojo Press, 1997
- * Caught Up in Reality, (in) Bird of Prey by Steve Tasane & Carly Dreyfuss, Clubman, 1989
- * Celebrating Romance, (br) The Daily Telegraph 1988
- * Changes Coming, (ed) New Worlds SF #171, 1967
- * Cheering for the Rockets [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) Interzone #137, November 1998
- * A Child of Her Times, (br) Waterstone’s Guide to London Writing ed. Nick Rennison, Waterstone's, 1999
- * A Child of Her Times: W Pett Ridge’s “Mord Em’ly”, (ar) Waterstone’s Guide to London Writing ed. Nick Rennison, Waterstone's, 1999
- * A Child’s Christmas in the Blitz, (ar) Dodgem Logic #8, Spring 2011
- * Choose Your Masks, (pm)
- * The Chronicle of the Black Sword, (pm) Live Chronicles by Hawkwind, Griffin GCDHA-0136-2, 1994
- * The Chronicles of Corum [Corum], (om) Berkley, August 1978
- * Chronology [Jerry Cornelius] (with Langdon Jones), (bi) The Nature of the Catastrophe ed. Michael Moorcock & Langdon Jones, Hutchinson, 1971
- * Cities of the Red Night: A Review, (br) Savoy Dreams ed. Michael Butterworth & David Britton, Savoy, 1984
- * The City in the Autumn Stars [von Bek family], (ex) The Time Centre Times v1 #1, 1985
- * City of Dreadful Light, (br) The Spectator May 6 2000 [Ref. China Miéville]
- * City of Wonderful Night, (br) The Daily Telegraph September 22 2007
- * The Clapham Antichrist [von Bek family], (nv) Smoke Signals September 1993, as "Lunching with the Antichrist"
- * Clashes of Symbols, (rv) The Sunday Times September 13 1970
- * Club Together: A Review of Science Fiction at Large, (br) The New Statesman April 15 1977 [Ref. Peter Nicholls]
- * Cockney in Translation, (br) The Guardian March 18 2006, as "The East Goes West"
- * Coded Languages, (pm) Sonic Attack by Hawkwind, RCA Active RCALP 6004, 1981
- * Codes, (nv) Blood: A Southern Fantasy, Millennium, 1995
- * Colour, (nv) New Worlds 1 ed. David S. Garnett, Gollancz, 1991
- * Columbine Confused, (pm) The Entropy Tango, NEL, 1981
- * Columbine’s Carol, (pm) The Entropy Tango, NEL, 1981
- * The Comic Spirit, (ar) Dark Horizons #17, Summer 1977
- * Conan: American Phenomenon, (fw) 2007 [Ref. Paul Sammon]
- * Conclusion, (ar) Science Fantasy #64, April 1964
- * The Condition of Muzak [Jerry Cornelius], (n.) Allison & Busby, March 1977
- * A Constant Curiosity, (ar) London Peculiar and Other Nonfiction, PM UK, 2012 [Ref. Barrington J. Bayley]; from a Barrington Bayley website; first time in print.
- * Constant Fire [End of Time], (na) New Worlds 10 ed. Hilary Bailey, Corgi, 1976
- * Constant Fire [End of Time], (n.) W.H. Allen, February 1977, as The Transformation of Miss Mavis Ming
- * Constant Fire [End of Time], (ex) W.H. Allen, February 1977, as "The Transformation of Miss Mavis Ming"
- * A Construction Site of the Mine, (br) The Daily Telegraph March 18 2007
- * Consuming Passion, (ss) New Worlds SF #161, April 1966
- * Conventions and Conventions, (ed) New Worlds SF #157, December 1965
- * Copycat Crimes of a Transsexual Killer, (br) The Daily Telegraph August 27 1994 [Ref. John Irving]
- * A Cornelius Calendar, (om) Phoenix House, December 1993
- * A Cornelius Calendar (var. 1), (co) Gollancz, November 2014
- * The Cornelius Chronicles [Jerry Cornelius], (co) Avon, August 1977
- * The Cornelius Chronicles: Book One, (om) Fontana, October 1988
- * The Cornelius Chronicles: Book Two, (om) Fontana, October 1988
- * The Cornelius Chronicles, Vol. II, (om) Avon, August 1986
- * The Cornelius Chronicles, Vol. III, (om) Avon, February 1987
- * The Cornelius Quartet, (om) Avon, August 1977, as The Cornelius Chronicles
- Phoenix House, September 1993
- * Corsairs of the Second Ether, (nv) New Worlds 2 ed. David S. Garnett, Gollancz, 1992, as by Warwick Colvin, Jr.
- * The Cosmic Satirist, (br) New Worlds SF #147, February 1965 [Ref. William Burroughs], as by James Colvin
- * Count Brass [Dorian Hawkmoon], (n.) Mayflower, 1973
- * The Counterfeit Man, (br) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964 [Ref. Alan E. Nourse], as by James Colvin
- * Cowboy Lights Out, (pm) Back Brain Recluse #6, 1986
- * The Crack, (vi) The Edge #2, 1999
- * Crazy Like a Fox, (br) The Guardian June 4 2005 [Ref. Emmanuel Carrère & Philip K. Dick]
- * Cricket by Moonlight, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #205, September 2005 [Ref. R. C. Sherriff], as "The Hopkins Manuscript by R.C. Sherriff"
- * Crimson Eyes [Sir Sexton Begg (The Metatemporal Detective)], (ss) New Statesman and Society December 16/December 30 1994
- * Crossing Into Cambodia, (ss) Twenty Houses of the Zodiac ed. Maxim Jakubowski, NEL, 1979
- My Experiences in the Third World War, Savoy, 1980
- The Opium General and Other Stories, Harrap, 1984
- Light Years and Dark ed. Michael Bishop, Berkley, 1984
- Earl Aubec and Other Stories, Millennium, 1993
- Lunching With the Anti-Christ, Mark V. Ziesing, 1995
- The Best of Michael Moorcock, Tachyon Publications, 2009
- My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories, Gollancz, 2014
- * The Crystal and the Amulet, (pi) Savoy Books, August 1986 ; adapted by James Cawthorn
- * The Crystal World, by J. G. Ballard, (br) Delap’s F & SF Review #26, 1977 [Ref. J. G. Ballard], as "Untitled Review"
- * Curaré [Monsieur Zenith the Albino; Sir Sexton Begg (The Metatemporal Detective)], (na) Zenith Lives! ed. Stuart Douglas, Obverse Books, 2012
- * A Cure for Cancer [Jerry Cornelius], (n.) New Worlds #188 Mar, #189 Apr, #190 May, #191 Jun 1969
- * A Cure for Cancer [Jerry Cornelius], (n.) Allison & Busby, February 1971
- * A Cure for Cancer [Jerry Cornelius], (ex) Allison & Busby, February 1971
- * The Curse of Man, (pm) Back Brain Recluse #1, June 1984
- * The Daily Telegraph, April 20, 1948, (fa) New Worlds #213, Summer 1978, uncredited.; a spoof newspaper front page.
- * The Dancers at the End of Time, (in) Millennium, 1993
- * Dark Continents, Dying Planets, (in) 2005
- * The Dark Rider, (ss) Eldritch Dreamquest #1, November 1960
- * Daughter of a Warrior King [Sojan], (ss) Tarzan Adventures August 31 1957, as "Sojan the Swordsman"
- * Dead God’s Homecoming [Elric], (na) Science Fantasy #59, 1963
- * Dead God’s Homecoming, (pm) Live Chronicles by Hawkwind, Griffin GCDHA-0136-2, 1994
- * A Dead Singer, (nv) Factions ed. Giles Gordon & Alex Hamilton, Michael Joseph, 1974
- The Year’s Best Science Fiction No. 9 ed. Harry Harrison & Brian Aldiss, Orbit, 1976
- Moorcock’s Book of Martyrs, Orbit, 1976
- Earl Aubec and Other Stories, Millennium, 1993
- Lunching With the Anti-Christ, Mark V. Ziesing, 1995, as "Dead Singers"
- The Best of Michael Moorcock, Tachyon Publications, 2009
- Breakfast in the Ruins and Other Stories, Gollancz, 2014
- * Dead Singers [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) Ink October 5 1971, as "All the Dead Singers"
- * Dead Singers [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) Ink October 5 1971, as "All the Dead Singers"
- * Dead Singers, (nv) Factions ed. Giles Gordon & Alex Hamilton, Michael Joseph, 1974, as "A Dead Singer"
- * Dear Nomads, (cl) The Time Centre Times v2 #1, v2 #2, v2 #3 1993, v2 #4, v3 #1, v3 #2, v3 #3 1994, v5 #2 2005, v5 #3 2009, v5 #4 2010,
v6 #1 2011
- * Dear Nomads,… 1, (cl) The Time Centre Times v4 #2, 1996, as "Howdy Pards"
- * Dear Nomads,… 2, (cl) The Time Centre Times v5 #1, 2003, as "Howdy Pards"
- * Death by Hero-Worship, (br) The Irish Press January 26 1978
- * Death of Cordwainer Smith (with Langdon Jones), (ed) New Worlds SF #169, 1966
- * The Deepest Hole in the World, (ar) Boys’ World June 22 1963, uncredited.
- * The Deep Fix, (co) Compact, 1966 , as by James Colvin
- * The Deep Fix, (na) Science Fantasy #64, April 1964, as by James Colvin
- The Deep Fix by James Colvin, Compact, 1966, as by James Colvin
- The Time Dweller, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1969
- Spaced Out ed. Michel Parry, Panther, 1977
- Weird Heroes Volume Eight ed. Byron Preiss, Jove, 1977
- Earl Aubec and Other Stories, Millennium, 1993
- The Best of Michael Moorcock, Tachyon Publications, 2009
- My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories, Gollancz, 2014
- * The Deep Fix, (ar) 1994
- * Dek of Noothar, (gp)
- * Dek of Noothar [Dek of Noothar] (with John Wisdom), (ss) Tarzan Adventures October 5 1957 (+1), as "The Sword of Life", by John Wisdom
- * The Delhi Division [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) New Worlds #185, December 1968
- Best SF Stories from New Worlds 6 ed. Michael Moorcock, Panther, 1970
- Best SF Stories from New Worlds 6 (var. 1) ed. Michael Moorcock, Berkley Medallion, 1971
- The Nature of the Catastrophe ed. Michael Moorcock & Langdon Jones, Hutchinson, 1971
- The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius, Allison & Busby, 1976
- The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius (var. 1), Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003
- Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times, Gollancz, 2014
- * The Devil Hunters of Norj [Sojan], (ss) Tarzan Adventures July 12 1958 (+1), as "Sojan and the Hunters of Norj"
- * Diary 1, (bg) The Spectator October 13 2001
- * Diary: 12th April 2008, (bg) Financial Times April 12 2008
- * Diary: 13th October 2001, (bg) The Spectator October 13 2001, as "Diary 1"
- * Diary: 15th May 2010, (bg) Financial Times May 15 2010
- * Diary 2, (bg) The Spectator August 30 2003
- * Diary: 26th October 2007, (bg) Financial Times October 26 2007
- * Diary: 28th March 2009, (bg) Financial Times March 28 2009
- * Diary 3, (bg) The Spectator January 7 2006
- * Diary: 30th August 2003, (bg) The Spectator August 30 2003, as "Diary 2"
- * Diary: 31st October, (bg) Financial Times October 31 2009
- * Diary: 4th October 2008, (bg) Financial Times October 4 2008
- * Diary: 7th January 2006, (bg) Financial Times January 7 2006
- * Disarming Evil, (br) The New Statesman 1994
- * Disarming Evil, (br) New Statesman and Society May 6 1994
- * Discourse with a Beast Who Mourns the Golden Age, (ex) from The City in the Autumn Stars, Pocket, 1984
- * A Dish of Dobsons, (rc) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964, as by James Colvin
- * The Dodgem Arrangement [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) Speculation #23, July 1969
- * The Dodgem Decision [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) Speculation #23, July 1969, as "The Dodgem Arrangement"
- * The Dodgem Division [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) Speculation #23, July 1969, as "The Dodgem Arrangement"
- * Dodgem Dude, (pm) Dodgem Dude/Starcruiser by Michael Moorcock & The Deep Fix, Flicknife FLS 200, 1980
- * Does Space Still Come Naturally?, (ed) New Worlds SF #152, July 1965
- * Doomed Lord’s Passing [Elric], (na) Science Fantasy #64, April 1964
- * Doves in the Circle, (nv) The Time Out Book of New York Short Stories ed. Nicholas Royle, Penguin, 1997
- * Do You Know Your Name?:
* ___ Is Your Name…Bailey?, (cs) Boys’ World April 27 1963, uncredited.
* ___ Is Your Name…Naylor?, (cs) Boys’ World April 20 1963, uncredited.
- * Dragon Song, (pm) Live Chronicles by Hawkwind, Griffin GCDHA-0136-2, 1994
- * The Dreamers, (br) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964 [Ref. Roger Manvell], as by James Colvin
- * The Dreaming City [Elric], (nv) Science Fantasy #47, 1961
- The Stealer of Souls and Other Stories, Neville Spearman, 1963
- The Weird of the White Wolf, DAW, 1977
- Unearth Winter 1979
- Elric, Gollancz, 2001
- Elric: The Stealer of Souls, Del Rey, 2008
- Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate, Gollancz, 2013
- * The Dreaming City [Elric], (ex) Science Fantasy #47, 1961
- * The Dream of Earl Aubec [Earl Aubec], (ss) Fantastic Stories of Imagination May 1964, as "Master of Chaos"
- * The Dreamthief’s Daughter, Book One, (ex) Black Gate Spring 2001
- * The Drought, (br) New Worlds SF #154, September 1965 [Ref. J. G. Ballard], as by James Colvin
- * The Drowned World, (br) New Worlds SF #151, June 1965 [Ref. J. G. Ballard], as by James Colvin
- * Dude’s Dream, (pm) The New World’s Fair, United Artists UAG 29732, 1975
- * Dude’s Dreams (with Brian Tawn), (nf) Hawkfan, October 1997
- * Durham, (ar) The Bible Story #11, May 16 1964, uncredited.
- * The Dying Castles: I, (vi) New Worlds #200, April 1970
- * Dying for Tomorrow, (co) Quartet, June 1976, as Moorcock’s Book of Martyrs
- * Earl Aubec [Earl Aubec], (ss) Fantastic Stories of Imagination May 1964, as "Master of Chaos"
- * Earl Aubec and Other Stories, (co) Millennium, November 1993
- * Earl Aubec and the Iron Galleon (with Mike Brunton), (gm) Imagine #22, January 1985
- * Earl Aubec of Malador, (uw) Elric in the Dream Realms, Del Rey, 2009; outline for a series of four fantasy novels, written in 1966.
- * The Earth Ritual, (pm) Hawkfan September 1984
- * The East Goes West, (br) The Guardian March 18 2006
- * Echoes of Peake, (br) Los Angeles Times August 28 2011 [Ref. Maeve Gilmore], as "Titus Awakes"
- * Editorial, (ed) New Worlds #224, September 2024
- * Editorial, (ed) Frendz #4, 1971, uncredited.
- * An Effective Use of Space, (ed) New Worlds SF #153, August 1965
- * The Egg of the Glak • Little Dog’s Day, (br) Books and Bookmen September 1971 [Ref. Harvey Jacobs & Jack Trevor Story]
- * The Ego Endures, (bg) The Guardian March 22 2008
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