The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Author: Page 56
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Greenberg, Martin H(arry) (1941-2011) (about) (items) (chron.) (continued)
- * A Newbery Halloween (with Charles G. Waugh) (Delacorte, September 1993, 0-385-31028-5, $16.95, 189pp, hc, an, cover by Norman Rockwell)
- * A Newbery Zoo (with Charles G. Waugh) (Delacorte Press, April 1995, 0-385-32263-1, $16.95, 181pp, hc, an, cover by Jacqueline Rogers)
- * The New Edgar Winners (Wynwood Press, 1990, 0-922066-35-3, $17.95, 255pp, hc, an)
- * New England Ghosts (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Frank D. McSherry, Jr..
- * New Frontiers, Volume I (with Bill Pronzini) (Tor, January 1990, 0-812-58329-9, $4.50, pb, oa)
- * New Frontiers, Volume II (with Bill Pronzini) (Tor, August 1990, 0-812-58331-0, $4.50, 309pp, pb, oa)
- * The New Hugo Winners (with Isaac Asimov) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The New Hugo Winners: Award-Winning Science Fiction Stories (with Isaac Asimov) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The New Hugo Winners: Award Winning Science Fiction Stories (with Isaac Asimov) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The New Hugo Winners Volume II (with Isaac Asimov) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The New Hugo Winners: Volume III (with Connie Willis) --- see under Connie Willis.
- * The New Hugo Winners Volume IV (with Gregory Benford) --- see under Gregory Benford.
- * New Legends (with Greg Bear) --- see under Greg Bear.
- * New Stories from the Twilight Zone (Avon, December 1991, 0-380-75926-8, $10.00, 295pp, tp, an)
- * New Trails: Twenty-Three Original Stories of the West from Western Writers of America (with John W. Jakes) --- see under John Jakes.
- * Night Lives by Phyllis Eisenstein (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Phyllis Eisenstein.
- * Nightmares in Dixie: Thirteen Horror Tales From the American South (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Frank D. McSherry, Jr..
- * Nightmares on Elm Street Freddy Krueger’s Seven Sweetest Dreams [Freddy Krueger] (Futura, June 27, 1991, 0-7088-5227-0, £3.99, 292pp, pb, oa)
- * Night Screams (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * No Room for Man (with Ralph S. Clem & Joseph D. Olander) --- see under Ralph S. Clem.
- * The Northerners (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * The Northwesterners (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * Nuclear War (with Gregory Benford) --- see under Gregory Benford.
- * Nursery Crimes (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg) --- see under Stefan R. Dziemianowicz.
- * Olympus (with Bruce D. Arthurs) (DAW, March 1998, 0-88677-775-5, $5.99, 317pp, pb, oa, cover by Jean Francois Podevin)
- * Once Upon a Crime (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * 100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories (with Isaac Asimov & Terry Carr) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * 100 Great Fantasy Short Stories (with Isaac Asimov & Terry Carr) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories (with Isaac Asimov & Joseph D. Olander) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The One That Got Away (with Charles G. Waugh) (Bonanza, 1989, 0-517-67675-3, 566pp, hc, an, cover by Jean Krulis)
- * On the Diamond (Bonanza, 1987, 0-517-62542-3, 576pp, hc, an, cover by Jim Campbell)
- * The Outlaws (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * Past Imperfect (with Larry Segriff) (DAW, October 2001, 0-7564-0012-0, $6.99, 314pp, pb, oa, cover by Bob Warner)
- * Paying the Piper at the Gates of Dawn by Rosemary Edghill (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Rosemary Edghill.
- * Peter S. Beagle’s Immortal Unicorn (with Peter S. Beagle & Janet Berliner) --- see under Peter S. Beagle.
- * Peter S. Beagle’s Immortal Unicorn Vol. 1 (with Peter S. Beagle & Janet Berliner) --- see under Peter S. Beagle.
- * Phantom Regiments (with Pamela Crippen & Robert Adams) --- see under Robert Adams.
- * Phantoms (with Rosalind M. Greenberg) (DAW, April 1989, 0-88677-348-2, $3.95, 270pp, pb, oa)
- * Phantoms of the Night (with Richard Gilliam) --- see under Richard Gilliam.
- * Pharaoh Fantastic (with Brittiany A. Koren) (DAW, December 2002, 0-7564-0109-7, $6.99, 320pp, pb, oa)
- * Phases in Chaos (Avon, July 1991, 0-380-75752-4, $3.95, 273pp, pb, oa, cover by Martin Andrews)
- * Philip K. Dick (with Joseph D. Olander) (Taplinger, 1983, 978-0-8008-6291-6, $5.95, 256pp, tp, an)
- * Phobias (with Richard Gilliam, Edward E. Kramer & Wendy Webb) --- see under Wendy Webb.
- * P.I. Files (with Loren D. Estleman) --- see under Loren D. Estleman.
- * Pirate Ghosts of the American Coast: Stories of Hauntings at Sea (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Frank D. McSherry, Jr..
- * Places to Be, People to Kill (with Brittiany A. Koren) (DAW, June 2007, 978-0-7564-0417-8, $7.99, 309pp, pb, oa)
- * Police Procedurals (with Bill Pronzini) (Academy Chicago, 1985, 0-89733-158-3, $4.95, 224pp, pb, an)
- * Political Science Fiction (with Patricia S. Warrick) (Prentice-Hall, 1974, 0-13-685396-X, $5.95, x+415pp, tp, an)
- * Predators (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * Prime Suspects (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * A Prisoner of Memory and 24 of the Year’s Finest Crime and Mystery Stories (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * Psycho-Paths (with Robert Bloch) --- see under Robert Bloch.
- * Purr-Fect Crime (with Isaac Asimov & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh) --- see under Carol-Lynn R^o"ssel Waugh.
- * The Railroaders (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * Red Jack (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh) (DAW, December 1988, 0-88677-315-6, $3.95, 333pp, pb, an)
- * The Reel West (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * Return of the Dinosaurs (with Mike Resnick) --- see under Mike Resnick.
- * Return to the Twilight Zone (with Carol Serling) --- see under Carol Serling.
- * Rivals of Dracula (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg) --- see under Robert Weinberg.
- * Rivals of Weird Tales (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg) --- see under Robert E. Weinberg.
- * Robert Adams’ Book of Alternate Worlds (with Pamela Crippen & Robert Adams) --- see under Robert Adams.
- * Robert Adams’ Book of Soldiers (with Pamela Crippen & Robert Adams) --- see under Robert Adams.
- * Robots (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Robot Warriors (with Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Charles G. Waugh.
- * Rod Serling’s Night Gallery Reader (with Carol Serling & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Carol Serling.
- * Royal Crimes (with Maxim Jakubowski) --- see under Maxim Jakubowski.
- * Run to Starlight, Sports Through Science Fiction (with Joseph D. Olander & Patricia S. Warrick) (Delacorte, 1976, 0-440-07401-0, $8.95, 383pp, hc, an, cover by Ed Soyka)
- * Santa Clues (with Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh) (Signet, November 1993, 0-451-17708-8, $4.99, 272pp, pb, an)
- * School and Society Through Science Fiction (with Joseph D. Olander & Patricia S. Warrick) --- see under Joseph D. Olander.
- * Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The Science Fictional Dinosaur (with Robert Silverberg & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Robert Silverberg.
- * The Science Fictional Olympics (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The Science Fictional Solar System (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Science Fiction and Fantasy Story-A-Month 1989 Calendar (with Isaac Asimov) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Science Fiction A to Z (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Science Fiction: Classic Stories from the Golden Age of Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Science Fiction: Contemporary Mythology (with Joseph D. Olander & Patricia S. Warrick) --- see under Patricia S. Warrick.
- * Science Fiction of the Fifties (with Joseph D. Olander) (Avon, September 1979, 0-380-46409-8, $4.95, xxiii+438pp, tp, an, cover by Stanislaw Fernandes)
- * Science Fiction of the Forties (with Joseph D. Olander & Frederik Pohl) --- see under Frederik Pohl.
- * Science Fiction Origins (with William F. Nolan) --- see under William F. Nolan.
- * Science Fiction: The Science Fiction Research Association Anthology (with Patricia S. Warrick & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Patricia S. Warrick.
- * The Science Fiction Weight-Loss Book (with Isaac Asimov & George R. R. Martin) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Sci-Fi Private Eye (with Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Charles G. Waugh.
- * Screamplays (with Richard T. Chizmar) --- see under Richard Chizmar.
- * Sea-Cursed: Thirty Terrifying Tales of the Deep (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Thomas Liam McDonald) --- see under T. Liam McDonald.
- * The Second Reel West (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * Senior Sleuths: A Large Print Anthology of Mysteries and Puzzlers (with Isaac Asimov & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The 7 Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The Seven Deadly Sins and Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The 7 Deadly Sins of Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Sherlock Holmes in America (with Jon L. Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower) (Skyhorse Publishing, 2009, 978-1-60239-352-3, $24.95, 378pp, hc, oa)
- * Sherlock Holmes in Orbit [Sherlock Holmes] (with Mike Resnick) --- see under Mike Resnick.
- * Sherlock Holmes Through Time and Space (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Show Business Is Murder (with Isaac Asimov & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh) --- see under Carol-Lynn R^o"ssel Waugh.
- * Silicon Dreams (with Larry Segriff) (DAW, December 2001, 0-7564-0018-X, $6.99, 319pp, pb, oa)
- * Single White Vampire Seeks Same (with Brittiany A. Koren) (DAW, January 2001, 0-88677-922-7, $6.99, 317pp, pb, oa)
- * Sirius: The Dog Star (with Alexander B. Potter) (DAW, June 2004, 0-7564-0186-0, $6.99, 310pp, pb, oa)
- * Sisters in Fantasy (with Susan M. Shwartz) --- see under Susan Shwartz.
- * Sisters in Fantasy 2 (with Susan M. Shwartz) --- see under Susan Shwartz.
- * Sisters of the Night (with Barbara Hambly) --- see under Barbara Hambly.
- * Slipstreams (with John Helfers) (DAW, May 2006, 0-7564-0357-X, $7.50, 307pp, pb, oa)
- * Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves (with Alan Dean Foster) --- see under Alan Dean Foster.
- * Social Problems Through Science Fiction (with John W. Milstead, Joseph D. Olander & Patricia S. Warrick) (St. Martin’s, 1975, LC:74-24713, $4.95, xv+356pp, tp, an)
- * Sociology Through Science Fiction (with John W. Milstead, Joseph D. Olander & Patricia S. Warrick) --- see under John W. Milstead.
- * Solved (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * Something Magic This Way Comes (with Sarah A. Hoyt) (DAW, March 2008, 978-0-7564-0472-7, $7.99, 311pp, pb, oa)
- * South from Midnight (with Richard Gilliam & Thomas R. Hanlon) --- see under Richard Gilliam.
- * Space Dogfights (with Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Charles G. Waugh.
- * Space Dreadnoughts (with David A. Drake & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under David Drake.
- * Space-Fighters (with Joe W. Haldeman & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Joe W. Haldeman.
- * Space Gladiators (with David A. Drake & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under David Drake.
- * Space Inc. (with Julie E. Czerneda) --- see under Julie E. Czerneda.
- * Space Infantry (with David A. Drake & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under David Drake.
- * Space Mail (with Isaac Asimov & Joseph D. Olander) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Space Mail Volume II (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Spaceships and Spells (with Charles G. Waugh & Jane Yolen) --- see under Jane Yolen.
- * Space Shuttles (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Space Stations (with John Helfers) (DAW, March 2004, 0-7564-0176-3, $6.99, 320pp, pb, oa)
- * Space Wars (with Poul Anderson & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Poul Anderson.
- * Spell Fantastic (with Larry Segriff) (DAW, March 2000, 0-88677-878-6, $6.99, 306pp, pb, oa, cover by John Sullivan)
- * Spells (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The Sport of Crime (with Isaac Asimov & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh) --- see under Carol-Lynn R^o"ssel Waugh.
- * Stagecoach (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * Stalkers (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * Stalkers (var. 1) (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * Star Colonies (with John Helfers) (DAW, June 2000, 0-88677-894-8, $6.99, 304pp, pb, oa, cover by Vincent Di Fate)
- * Star*Drive: Starfall (TSR, April 1999, 0-7869-1355-X, $5.99, 338pp, tp, oa, cover by Gerald Brom)
- * Starships (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Stars: Original Stories Based on the Songs of Janis Ian (with Janis Ian & Mike Resnick) --- see under Janis Ian.
- * The Steamboaters (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * Strange Maine (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Charles G. Waugh.
- * Sunshine Crime (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Frank D. McSherry, Jr..
- * The Super Hugos (Baen, September 1992, 0-671-72135-6, $4.99, 424pp, pb, an, cover by Frank Kelly-Freas)
- * Supermen (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Supernatural Sleuths (with Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Charles G. Waugh.
- * Supertanks (with Joe W. Haldeman & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Joe W. Haldeman.
- * Suspicious Characters (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * Tales of the Batman [Batman] (MJF Books, 1995, 1-56731-076-1, $9.98, 555pp, hc, an, cover by Steve Stanley)
- * Tales of the Occult (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Tarot Fantastic (with Lawrence Schimel) (DAW, February 1997, 0-88677-729-1, $5.99, 312pp, pb, oa, cover by Jean-François Podevin)
- * A Taste for Blood (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg) (Dorset, August 1992, 0-88029-770-0, $9.95, 589pp, hc, an)
- * Terrorists of Tomorrow (with Poul Anderson & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Poul Anderson.
- * The Texans (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * Texas Rangers (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * Things That Go Bump in the Night (with Jane Yolen) --- see under Jane Yolen.
- * Thinking Machines (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The Third Reel West (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * 13 Horrors of Halloween (with Isaac Asimov & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh) --- see under Carol-Lynn R^o"ssel Waugh.
- * 13 Short Horror Novels (with Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Charles G. Waugh.
- * Those Amazing Electronic Thinking Machines! (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Till Death Do Us Part (with J. M. Morgan) --- see under Jill M. Morgan.
- * Time of Passage (with Joseph D. Olander) --- see under Joseph D. Olander.
- * The Time of the Vampires (with P. N. Elrod) --- see under P. N. Elrod.
- * The Time Travelers: A Science Fiction Quartet (with Robert Silverberg) --- see under Robert Silverberg.
- * Time Warps (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Time Wars (with Poul Anderson & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Poul Anderson.
- * Tin Stars (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Tomorrow, Inc.: SF Stories About Big Business (with Joseph D. Olander) (Taplinger, 1976, 0-8008-7746-2, $9.95, 256pp, hc, an)
- * Tomorrow’s TV (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The Tony Hillerman Companion (Harper, May 1995, 0-06-109215-0, $6.99, 479pp, pb, nf, cover by Peter Thorpe)
- * To Sleep, Perchance to Dream…Nightmare (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg) --- see under Stefan R. Dziemianowicz.
- * Tough Guys & Dangerous Dames (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg) --- see under Robert E. Weinberg.
- * Travels Through Time (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * A Treasury of American Horror Stories (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Frank D. McSherry, Jr..
- * Treasury of American Mystery Stories (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Frank D. McSherry, Jr..
- * A Treasury of Civil War Stories (with Bill Pronzini) (Bonanza, 1985, 0-517-46781-X, 523pp, hc, an)
- * A Treasury of Modern Fantasy (with Terry Carr) --- see under Terry Carr.
- * A Treasury of World War II Stories (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * TV:2000 (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The Twelve Crimes of Christmas (with Isaac Asimov & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh) --- see under Carol-Lynn R^o"ssel Waugh.
- * The Twelve Frights of Christmas (with Isaac Asimov & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The Twilight Zone: The Original Stories (with Richard Matheson & Charles G. Waugh) (Avon, July 1985, 0-380-89601-X, $8.95, 550pp, pb, an)
- * The UFO Files (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * UFOs: The Greatest Stories (MJF Books, June 1996, 1-56731-086-9, $8.98, 310pp, hc, an)
- * Uncollected Crimes (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * Uncollected Stars (with Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob, Barry N. Malzberg & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Piers Anthony.
- * Under the Gun: Mystery Scene Presents the Best Suspense and Mystery (with Ed Gorman & Robert J. Randisi) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * Unknown Worlds: Tales from Beyond (with Stanley Schmidt) --- see under Stanley Schmidt.
- * Unnatural Diplomacy (AvoNova, July 1992, 0-380-75753-2, $4.99, 258pp, pb, oa, cover by Martin Andrews)
- * Urban Horrors (with William F. Nolan) --- see under William F. Nolan.
- * Ursula K. Le Guin (with Joseph D. Olander) --- see under Joseph D. Olander.
- * Vampire Detectives (DAW, April 1995, 0-88677-626-0, $4.99, 316pp, pb, oa, cover by Jim Warren)
- * Vampires (with Jane Yolen) --- see under Jane Yolen.
- * Vampires in Love (with Rosalind M. Greenberg) --- see under Rosalind M. Greenberg.
- * Vampire Slayers: Stories of Those Who Dare to Take Back the Night (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough) (Cumberland House, September 1999, 1-58182-036-4, $12.95, 239pp, tp, an)
- * Vampires: The Greatest Stories (MJF Books, 1997, 1-56731-167-9, $8.98, 308pp, hc, an, cover by J. K. Potter)
- * Vamps (with Charles G. Waugh) (DAW, March 1987, 0-88677-190-0, $3.50, 365pp, pb, an)
- * Vengeance Is Hers (with Max Allan Collins & Mickey Spillane) --- see under Mickey Spillane.
- * Villains Victorious (with John Helfers) (DAW, April 2001, 0-88677-980-4, $6.99, 314pp, pb, oa, cover by Les Edwards)
- * Virtuous Vampires (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg) --- see under Stefan R. Dziemianowicz.
- * Visions of Fantasy (with Isaac Asimov) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Warrior Fantastic (with John Helfers) (DAW, December 2000, 0-88677-950-2, $6.99, 310pp, pb, oa, cover by John Sullivan)
- * The Warriors (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * The Way It Wasn’t (Carol Publishing Group/Citadel Twilight, April 1996, 0-8065-1769-7, $14.95, 365pp, tp, an, cover by Kevin Kelly)
- * Weird Tales: 32 Unearthed Terrors (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg) --- see under Stefan R. Dziemianowicz.
- * Weird Tales from Shakespeare (with Katharine Kerr) --- see under Katharine Kerr.
- * Weird Vampire Tales (with Stefan Dziemianowicz & Robert E. Weinberg) --- see under Robert Weinberg.
- * Werewolves (with Jane Yolen) --- see under Jane Yolen.
- * Werewolves (DAW, June 1995, 0-88677-654-6, $5.50, 320pp, pb, oa, cover by Les Edwards)
- * Western Ghosts: Haunting, Spine-Chilling Stories from the American West (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Frank D. McSherry, Jr..
- * The Western Hall of Fame (with Bill Pronzini) --- see under Bill Pronzini.
- * Westward Weird (with Kerrie Hughes) --- see under Kerrie Hughes.
- * Wheel of Fortune (with Roger Zelazny) --- see under Roger Zelazny.
- * White House Horrors (DAW, September 1996, 0-88677-659-7, $5.99, 316pp, pb, oa, cover by Jim Warren)
- * The Widow of Slane: Six More of the Best Crime and Mystery Novellas of the Year! (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * Wild Inventions (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * The Wise Soldier of Sellebak and Other Selections by Newbery Authors (with Charles G. Waugh) (Gareth Stevens Publishing, September 2001, 0-8368-2951-4, 160pp, hc, an, cover by Joel Bucaro)
- * Witches (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Witches & Wizards (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Witch Fantastic (with Mike Resnick) --- see under Mike Resnick.
- * Wizard Fantastic (DAW, November 1997, 0-88677-756-9, $5.99, 346pp, pb, oa, cover by John Howe)
- * Wizards (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Wizards, Inc. (with Loren L. Coleman) (DAW, November 2007, 978-0-7564-0439-0, $7.99, 311pp, pb, oa)
- * Wolf Woman Bay and 9 More of the Finest Crime and Mystery Novellas of the Year! (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * Women on the Edge (Donald I. Fine, October 1992, 1-55611-337-4, $20.00, 272pp, hc, an)
- * Women Sleuths (with Bill Pronzini) (Academy Chicago, November 1985, 0-89733-157-5, $4.95, 224pp, pb, an)
- * Women Write Murder (with Edward D. Hoch) (Academy Chicago, December 1987, 0-89733-267-9, $4.95, 227pp, pb, an)
- * Wondrous Beginnings (with Steven H Silver) --- see under Steven H Silver.
- * The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: Second Annual Collection (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: Third Annual Collection (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: Fourth Annual Collection (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: Fifth Annual Collection (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * Worlds Imagined (with Robert Silverberg) --- see under Robert Silverberg.
- * Worlds of If: A Retrospective Anthology (with Joseph D. Olander & Frederik Pohl) --- see under Frederik Pohl.
- * Xanadu (with Jane Yolen) --- see under Jane Yolen.
- * Yankee Witches (with Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Charles G. Waugh.
- * Year’s 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories: Sixth Annual Edition (with Ed Gorman & Joan Hess) --- see under Joan Hess.
- * Year’s 25 Finest Crime & Mystery Stories: Seventh Annual Edition (with Ed Gorman) --- see under Ed Gorman.
- * You Bet Your Planet (with Brittiany A. Koren) (DAW, March 2005, 0-7564-0222-0, $6.99, 304pp, pb, oa)
- * Young Extraterrestrials (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Young Ghosts (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Young Monsters (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Young Mutants (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Young Star Travelers (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Young Witches & Warlocks (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) --- see under Isaac Asimov.
- * Zodiac Fantastic (with A. R. Morlan) (DAW, September 1997, 0-88677-751-8, $5.99, 345pp, pb, oa, cover by Jean-François Podevin)
- * Zombie Raccoons & Killer Bunnies (with Kerrie Hughes) (DAW, October 2009, 978-0-7564-0582-3, $7.99, 306pp, pb, oa)
- * Zombiesque (with Steve Antczak & James C. Bassett) --- see under Stephen L. Antczak.
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