The FictionMags Index
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[]Swigart, Leslie Kay (1948- ) (chron.)
- * Bibliography, (bi) GRRM: A RRetrospective by George R. R. Martin, Subterranean Press, 2003 [Ref. George R. R. Martin]
- * Harlan Ellison: An F&SF Checklist, (bi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1977 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- * Harlan Ellison: A Nonfiction Checklist, (bi) The Book of Ellison by Harlan Ellison, Algol Press, 1978
- * Harlan’s World, (ar) Fantasy Crossroads #6, November 1975
- * Ten Tuesdays Down a Rabbit Hole, (ar) Fantasy Crossroads #4/5, August 1975
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[]Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909) (about) (chron.)
- * The Altar of Righteousness, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1904
- * Astrophel, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1893
- * Atalanta in Calydon, (pm) Edward Moxon, 1865
- * Atalanta in Calydon, (ex) Edward Moxon, 1865
- * An Autumn Vision, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1890
- * A Baby’s Feet, (pm)
- * A Ballad of Bath, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1887
- * The Ballad of Dead Men’s Bay, (pm) 1889
- * A Ballad of Dreamland, (pm) Belgravia September 1876
- * A Ballad of Sark, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1884
- * Beatrice, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1890
- * Les Casquettes, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1883
- * The Centenary of the Battle of the Nile, August 1898, (pm) The Anglo-Saxon Review June 1899
- * A Christmas Carol, (pm) Poems and Ballads by Algernon Charles Swinburne, Edward Moxon, 1866
- * Cleopatra, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine September 1866
- * The Day Before the Trial, (pm) 1858
- * Dead Love, (ss)
- * The Death of Darnley, (ex) from Bothwell: A Tragedy, Chatto & Windus, 1874
- * Dolores, (pm) Poems and Ballads by Algernon Charles Swinburne, Edward Moxon, 1866
- * East and West, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1893
- * The End of a Month, (pm) The Dark Blue #2, April 1871
- * Faustine, (pm)
- * From the Atalanta Chorus, (ex) from Atalanta in Calydon, Edward Moxon, 1865
- * The Garden of Cymodoce, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1880
- * The Garden of Proserpine, (pm) Poems and Ballads by Algernon Charles Swinburne, Edward Moxon, 1866
- * The Higher Pantheism in a Nutshell, (pm)
- * In a Garden, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1886
- * The Interpreters, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1885
- * A Jacobite’s Exile. 1746, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1889
- * King Lear, (cr) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1902
- * “King Richard II”, (cr) Harper’s Monthly Magazine March 1903
- * Lancelot, (pm) 1860
- * The Last Oracle (A.D. 361), (pm) Belgravia May 1876
- * The Laugh of a Child, (pm)
- * Libitina Verticordia, (pm) Black & White #1, February 6 1891
- * Life, (pm) The Weekly Tale-Teller #39, January 29 1910
- * Love and the Sea, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1892
- * Love at Sea, (pm)
- * The Marriage of Mona Lisa, (ss)
- * Mary, the Queen, (pm) The Weekly Tale-Teller #112, June 24 1911
- * A Match, (pm)
- * “My Soul’s Desire”, (pm)
- * November, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1893
- * A Nympholept, (pm) Black & White #16, May 23 1891
- * The Oblation, (pm) Songs Before Sunrise by Algernon Charles Swinburne, F.S. Ellis, 1871
- * Olive, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1888
- * On a Country Road, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1884
- * On the South Coast, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1889
- * “Othello”, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine October 1904
- * The Portrait, (ss)
- * Proserpine, (pm)
- * Recollections, (pm) To-Day May 1917
- * Rondel, (pm) Poems and Ballads by Algernon Charles Swinburne, Edward Moxon, 1866
- * Satia Te Sanguine, (pm)
- * Siena, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education June 1868
- * Silence, (ex) Edward Moxon, 1865, as "Atalanta in Calydon"
- * Simeon Solomon: Notes on His ’Vision of Love’ and Other Studies, (ar) The Dark Blue #5, July 1871
- * A Swimmer’s Dream, (pm) The New Review #8, January 1890
- * To a Seamew, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1887
- * Verses on the Death of Richard Burton, (pm) The New Review #21, February 1891
- * A Watch in the Night, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly December 1868, uncredited.
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- * Algernon Charles Swinburne by W. H. S., (ar) The Bohemian November 1893
- * Algernon Charles Swinburne by F. York Powell, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine Apr, May 1903
- * Algernon Charles Swinburne. The Story of a Literary Friendship by William Sharp, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1901
- * The Garden of Euterpe, (pm)
- * The Genius and His Nymphets by Peter French, (ar) Mayfair v5 #1, 1970
- * A Literary Friendship by William Sharp, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1901
- * La Menken, (cr) The Double Dealer April 1921
- * Portraits of Celebrities at Different Times of Their Lives by The Editor(s), (cl) The Strand Magazine January 1891
- * Review: The Age of Shakespeare, by Algernon Charles Swinburne by L. Levin Schücking, (br) The English Review December 1908
- * Swinburne at Étretat by Edmund Gosse, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1912
- * Wheldrakean Lineages: Michael Moorcock and Algernon Charles Swinburne by Mark Scroggins, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #355, 2021
[]Swinburne, Laurence J. (1924-2000) (chron.)
- * Out at First Space, (ss) Reader’s Digest Science Fiction Top-Picks ed. Judith Hatch, Reader's Digest Services, 1977
- * Passion’s Pawn!, (ss) Keyhole Detective Story Magazine April 1962
- * The Sports, (ss) Decade of Short Stories v10 #2, 1950
- * They Got There First (with Irene Swinburne), (ar) Reader’s Digest Science Fiction Top-Picks ed. Judith Hatch, Reader's Digest Services, 1977
- * The Toy, (ss) Decade of Short Stories v9 #5, 1949
[]Swindells, Robert (Edward) (1939- ) (chron.)
- * Cloud Cover, (nv) Mysterious Christmas Tales, Scholastic UK, 1993
- * In the Bleak Midwinter, (nv) Chilling Christmas Tales, Scholastic UK, 1992
- * Mister Mushrooms, (ss) The Methuen Book of Sinister Stories ed. Jean Russell, Methuen, 1982
- * Moths, (ss) The Methuen Book of Strange Tales ed. Jean Russell, Methuen, 1980
- * The Weeping Maid, (nv) Haunting Christmas Tales, Scholastic UK, 1991
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[]Swindon, René (fl. 1910s) (chron.)
- * Coincidence, (ss) The Story-teller January 1912
- * The Emissary, (nv) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #31, October 1914
- * False Gods, (ss) The Story-teller March 1912
- * The Fulness of Time, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #36, March 1915
- * Glass House, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #1, April 1912
- * Honours Even, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) January 1912
- * The Law Breakers, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) June 1912
- * “Not for Publication”, (ss) The Story-teller December 1911
- * The Philanthropist, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) May 1914
- * The Red Cloak, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #3, June 1912
- * The Romance of the “Cobra” Pendant, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #42, September 1915
- * The Secret of the Iron Brothers, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) December 1915
- * The Serpent’s Tooth, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #37, April 1915
- * Sheba, (ss) The Story-teller April 1914
- * A “Soul” for Sale, (ss) The Story-teller June 1913
- * The Wise Fools, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #48, March 1916
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