The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 19
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- Caged Ocean Dub by Dare Segun Falowo (Tartarus Press, May 2023, co)
- Cage of Bones & Other Deadly Obsessions by John Everson (Delirium Books, October 2000, co)
- Cages by Ed Gorman (Deadline Press, April 1995, co)
- Cain’s Last Stand by Sandy Mitchell (Black Library, October 2008, n.)
- Cal by Isaac Asimov (Doubleday, October 1991, nv)
- Calabash by Christopher Fowler (Warner UK, May 2000, n.)
- Calamity in Kent by John Rowland (Herbert Jenkins, 1950, n.)
- Calamity in Kent by John Rowland (The British Library, April 2016, n.)
- Caledonia Dreamin’ ed. Hal Duncan (Eibonvale Press, November 2013, oa)
- Caledor by Gav Thorpe (Black Library, May 2011, n.)
- Calgar’s Fury by Paul Kearney (Black Library, October 2017, n.)
- Calgar’s Siege by Paul Kearney (Black Library, November 2016, n.)
- Caliban and Other Tales by Robert Devereaux (Leisure, March 2002, co)
- Caliban’s War by James S. A. Corey (Subterranean Press, November 2016, n.)
- The Californians ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Fawcett Gold Medal, March 1989, an)
- The Caller of the Black by Brian Lumley (Arkham House, 1971, co)
- The Calling of the Sea by William Hope Hodgson (Selwyn & Blount, 1920, co)
- Calling the Wind ed. Clarence Major (HarperPerennial, 1993, an)
- Callis and Toll: The Old Ways by Nick Horth (Black Library, 13 2017, nv)
- Call Me Joe by Poul Anderson (NESFA Press, March 2009, co)
- Call of Archaon (Black Library, December 2016, oa)
- Call of Archaon (Black Library US, January 2017, oa)
- The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories by H. P. Lovecraft (Penguin US, October 1999, co)
- Call of the Savage by Otis Adelbert Kline (Edward J. Clode, 1937, n.)
- Call of the Wild and Other Stories by Jack London (Phoenix, September 1998, co)
- [1961*CallOut]Call Out the Malicia by John Anthony West (Heinemann, 1961, co)
- Call to Arms by Mitchel Scanlon (Black Library, March 2010, n.)
- Call to the Edge by Sean McMullen (Aphelion, March 1992, co)
- The Caltraps of Time by David I. Masson (Faber and Faber, 1968, co)
- The Caltraps of Time (var. 1) by David I. Masson (Cosmos Books, July 2003, co)
- The Caltraps of Time (var. 1) by David I. Masson (Gollancz, December 2012, co)
- The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians by Bradley Denton (Wildside Press, October 1994, co)
- Cambrian Tales by Caitlín R. Kiernan (Subterranean Press, December 2021, oc)
- The Camelot Chronicles ed. Mike Ashley (Robinson, August 1992, an)
- The Camelot Chronicles ed. Mike Ashley (Carroll & Graf, July 1994, an)
- The Camelot Chronicles ed. Mike Ashley (Random House/Wings, 1995, an)
- The Camelot Chronicles ed. Mike Ashley (Carroll & Graf, September 1992, an)
- The Camp-Fire ed. Arthur Sullivant Hoffman (Steeger Books, April 2023, an)
- Campfire Chillers ed. E. M. Freeman (East Woods Press, 1980, an)
- The Campfire Collection ed. Eric B. Martin (Chronicle, May 2000, an)
- The Campfire Collection: Thrilling, Chilling Tales of Alien Encounters ed. Gina Hyams (Chronicle Books, June 2005, an)
- Campfire Ghost Stories About Haunted Forests and Cursed Campers ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer (Oldstyle Tales Press, December 2020, an)
- Campfire Legends ed. John Long (ICS Books, 1993, an)
- Campfire Stories ed. William W. Forgey (ICS Books, 1985, an)
- Campfire Tales ed. William W. Forgey (ICS Books, 1989, an)
- Campus Chills ed. Mark Leslie (Stark Publishing, 2009, oa)
- Campus Hellcat by David Challon (Valiant Publications, 1960, co)
- Can & Can’tankerous by Harlan Ellison (Subterranean Press, December 2015, co)
- The Candle and the Tower ed. Robert Donald Spector (Warner, September 1974, an)
- Candles by Robert E. Howard (The Curmudgeon Press, January 1975, pm)
- Candles for Elizabeth by Caitlín R. Kiernan (Meisha Merlin, May 1998, co)
- Candy Cane Murder (Kensington, October 2007, oa)
- Canine Crimes ed. Cynthia Manson (Jove, December 1993, an)
- Cannibal Killers by Peter Haining (Magpie, 2008, nf)
- The Canopy of Time by Brian W. Aldiss (Faber and Faber, 1959, co)
- Can Such Things Be? & By the Night Express by Keith Fleming (Sarob Press, November 2001, co)
- Cantata-140 by Philip K. Dick (Gollancz, March 2003, n.)
- Can’t Catch Me and Other Twice-Told Tales by Michael Cadnum (Tachyon Publications, April 2006, co)
- A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller, Jr. (J.B. Lippincott, October 1959, n.)
- Canto Bight (Century, December 2017, oa)
- Cape Cod Noir ed. David L. Ulin (Akashic Books, May 2011, oa)
- Caped Fear ed. Steve Proposch (IFWG Publishing Incorporated, February 2022, oa)
- A Capillary Crime and Other Stories by F. D. Millet (Harper & Bros., 1892, co)
- Capital Crimes ed. Kathleen L. Asay (Umbach Consulting, January 2008, oa)
- Capital Crimes ed. Martin Edwards (The British Library, March 2015, an)
- Capitol by Orson Scott Card (Ace, January 1979, co)
- Captain Flandry: Defender of the Terran Empire by Poul Anderson (Baen, February 2010, co)
- Captain Future, Man of Tomorrow by Edmond Hamilton (Pulpville Press, 2005, co)
- Captain Gault by William Hope Hodgson (Eveleigh Nash, 1917, co)
- The Captain Magazine: 1899-1924: A History, Index and Bibliography by Chris Harte (Sports History Publishing, February 2021, nf)
- The Captain of the Onion Boat by William Hope Hodgson (R.H. Paget, January 1911, co)
- The Captain of the “Pole-Star” by Arthur Conan Doyle (Ash-Tree Press, May 2004, co)
- The Captain of the Polestar and Other Tales by Arthur Conan Doyle (Longmans, Green, and Co., 1890, co)
- The Captain of the Polestar, Lot No. 249, and Other Horrors by Arthur Conan Doyle (Oldstyle Tales Press, June 2019, co)
- Captains Outrageous by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, April 2001, n.)
- The Captain’s Table (Pocket, March 2000, om)
- The Captive Brides Collection (Barbour, 2017, oa)
- Captives of the Flame by Samuel R. Delany (Ace Double, May 1963, n.)
- Caravan by John Galsworthy (Heinemann, March 1925, co)
- Caravan Tales and Some Others by Wilhelm Hauff (Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1912, co)
- Carbide Tipped Pens ed. Ben Bova (Tor, December 2014, oa)
- Carcharodons: Outer Dark by Robbie MacNiven (Black Library, March 2018, ss)
- Carcharodons: Red Tithe by Robbie MacNiven (Black Library, July 2017, n.)
- Cardinal Black by Robert R. McCammon (Cemetery Dance Publications, April 2019, n.)
- Cardinal Crimson by Will McDermott (Black Library, May 2006, n.)
- Cardography by Orson Scott Card (Hypatia Press, March 1987, co)
- Care ed. John M. Benson (John Benson, January 2017, oa)
- Cargunka, and Poems and Anecdotes by William Hope Hodgson (R.H. Paget, June 1914, oc)
- Caribbean Blues by Mary Higgins Clark (Paperjacks, June 1988, n.)
- Carmen Miranda’s Ghost Is Haunting Space Station Three ed. Don Sakers (Baen, March 1990, oa)
- Carmilla and Other Classic Tales of Mystery by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (Signet Classic, October 1996, co)
- Carmilla, Green Tea & Other Horrors by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (Oldstyle Tales Press, September 2016, co)
- Carmody’s Run by Bill Pronzini (Dark Harvest, 1993, co)
- Carnacki: Heaven and Hell by William Meikle (Ghost House/Dark Regions Press, December 2011, oc)
- Carnacki: The Edinburgh Townhouse and Other Stories by William Meikle (Lovecraft eZine Press, September 2017, oc)
- Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder by William Hope Hodgson (Eveleigh Nash, March 1913, co)
- Carnacki, the Ghost Finder; and, a Poem by William Hope Hodgson (Paul R. Reynolds, January 1910, oc)
- The Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, The Voice in the Night, and Other Horrors by William Hope Hodgson (Oldstyle Tales Press, March 2017, co)
- Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder (var. 1) by William Hope Hodgson (Mycroft & Moran, 1947, co)
- Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder (var. 1) by William Hope Hodgson (Sphere, May 1974, co)
- Carnacki: The Lost Cases ed. Sam Gafford (Ulthar Press, June 2016, oa)
- The Carnacki: The Watcher at the Gate by William Meikle (Ghost House, August 2015, oc)
- Carniepunk (Gallery Books, July 2013, oa)
- The Carnival and Other Stories by Charles Beaumont (Subterranean Press, February 2023, co)
- Carnival of Crime by Fredric Brown (Southern Illinois University Press, May 1985, co)
- Carols and Crimes, Gifts and Grifters ed. Tony Burton (Wolfmont Publishing, September 2007, oa)
- Carrington’s Cases by J. Storer Clouston (Blackwood, 1920, co)
- The Carrion Throne by Chris Wraight (Black Library, May 2017, n.)
- Car Sinister ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Avon, July 1979, an)
- Cartomancy by Mary R. Gentle (Gollancz, March 2004, co)
- Casablanca by Michael Moorcock (Gollancz, December 1989, co)
- The Case Book of Jimmie Lavender by Vincent Starrett (Gold Label, 1944, co)
- The Casebook of Jonas P. Jonas and Other Mysteries by Elizabeth Ferrars (Crippen & Landru, 2012, co)
- The Casebook of Miles Pennoyer: Volume One by Margery H. Lawrence (Ash-Tree Press, November 2003, co)
- The Casebook of Newbury & Hobbes by George Mann (Titan, September 2013, co)
- The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle (John Murray, June 1927, co)
- The Casebook of Sidney Zoom by Erle Stanley Gardner (Crippen & Landru, June 2006, co)
- The Casebook of Solar Pons by August Derleth (Mycroft & Moran, 1965, co)
- Casebook of the Black Widowers by Isaac Asimov (Doubleday, January 1980, co)
- A Case for Aliens by Dean Wesley Smith (WMG Publishing, October 2021, co)
- The Case-Hardened Samaritan by Roger Torrey (Black Mask, August 2023, co)
- The Case of Mr. Lucraft and Other Tales by Walter Besant (Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1876, co)
- The Case of the Bleeding Wall by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, August 2015, na)
- The Case of the Dancing Sandwiches by Fredric Brown (Dell, 1951, na)
- The Case of the Dancing Sandwiches by Fredric Brown (Dennis McMillan, June 1985, co)
- The Case of the Murderer’s Bride and Other Stories by Erle Stanley Gardner (Davis, October 1969, co)
- The Case of the Perplexing Pen-Names by Stephen Holland (CADS, October 1994, nf)
- The Case of the Six Coffins by Robert J. Hogan (Robert Weinberg, February 1975, n.)
- The Case of the Six Coffins by Robert J. Hogan (Altus Press, June 2016, n.)
- Case of the Vanishing Spinster ed. Susan Dickinson (Collins, 1972, an)
- Case Reopened ed. Stuart Coupe (Allen & Unwin Australia, 1993, oa)
- The Cases of Dana Roberts by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, April 2011, oc)
- Casey Agonistes and Other Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories by Richard M. McKenna (Harper & Row, July 1973, co)
- Cassandra Rising ed. Alice Laurance (Doubleday, 1978, oa)
- Casserole Diplomacy and Other Stories ed. Robin S. Carson (Tyche Books, August 2014, an)
- Cassilda’s Song ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. (Chaosium, February 2015, an)
- Cassius by Ben Counter (Black Library, May 2016, n.)
- Cast a Bright Shadow by Tanith Lee (Tor UK, May 2004, n.)
- Casting Fortune by John M. Ford (Tor, June 1989, co)
- Casting the Runes and Other Ghost Stories by M. R. James (World's Classics, April 1987, co)
- Castle Fantastic ed. John DeChancie (DAW, March 1996, oa)
- Castle Magic (Zebra/Kensington, August 1999, oa)
- Castle Malindine by Hilary Ford (Harper & Row, July 1975, n.)
- Castle Malindine by Hilary Ford (Hamish Hamilton, December 1975, n.)
- Castle Malindine by Hilary Ford (Ballantine, 1977, n.)
- Castle Malindine by Hilary Ford (Pan, January 1977, n.)
- The Castle of Dark by Tanith Lee (Macmillan UK, 1978, n.)
- Castle of Days by Gene Wolfe (Tor, December 1992, co)
- The Castle of Indolence: Poetry and Its Pretenders by Thomas M. Disch (Picador USA, September 1995, co)
- The Castle of Otranto, The Mysteries of Udolpho ed. Andrew Wright (Rinehart Press, 1963, an)
- The Castle of Perseverance: Job Opportunities in Contemporary Poetry by Thomas M. Disch (University of Michigan Press, 2002, co)
- Castle Skull by John Dickson Carr (Harper & Brothers, 1931, n.)
- Castle Skull by John Dickson Carr (The British Library, January 2020, co)
- Castle Storm by Garry D. Kilworth (Corgi, August 1998, n.)
- Castro’s Last Sacrament by Albert Dorrington (Bulletin Newspaper Co., 1900, co)
- Catacomb Years by Michael Bishop (Berkley/Putnam, 1979, n.)
- The Cat and the Cherub and Other Stories by Chester B. Fernald (Century, 1896, co)
- Catastrophe by Dino Buzzati (Calder & Boyars, 1965, co)
- Catastrophes! ed. Isaac Asimov (Fawcett Crest, July 1981, an)
- Catastrophes, Chaos and Convolutions by James P. Hogan (Baen, December 2005, co)
- Catastrophia ed. Allen Ashley (PS Publishing, September 2010, oa)
- Catch and Release by Lawrence Block (Subterranean Press, September 2013, co)
- Catch a Spy ed. Marvin Allen Karp (Popular Library, 1965, an)
- A Cat Compendium: The Worlds of Louis Wain by Louis Wain (Peter Owen, October 2004, pi)
- Cat Crimes ed. Ed Gorman (Donald I. Fine, July 1991, oa)
- Cat Crimes II ed. Ed Gorman (Donald I. Fine, June 1992, oa)
- Cat Crimes III ed. Ed Gorman (Donald I. Fine, December 1992, oa)
- Cat Crimes Takes a Vacation ed. Ed Gorman (Ivy, November 1996, oa)
- Cat Crimes Through Time ed. Ed Gorman (Carroll & Graf, January 1999, oa)
- The Cat-Dogs ed. Anne Finnis (Scholastic, 1995, an)
- Catechism of Hate by Gav Thorpe (Black Library, January 2012, na)
- Category Phoenix ed. Everett F. Bleiler (The Bodley Head, 1955, an)
- Catfantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, July 1989, oa)
- Catfantastic II ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, January 1991, oa)
- Catfantastic III ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, February 1994, oa)
- Catfantastic IV ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, August 1996, oa)
- Catfantastic V ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, August 1999, oa)
- The Cathay Stories and Other Fictions by MacDonald Harris (Story Line Press, 1988, oc)
- Cathouse by Dean C. Ing (Baen, May 1990, co)
- Cat in Glass and Other Tales of the Unnatural by Nancy Etchemendy (Front Street/Cricket Books, September 2002, co)
- The Cat Jumps and Other Stories by Elizabeth Bowen (Gollancz, July 1934, co)
- Cat o’ Nine Tales and Other Stories by Jeffrey Archer (St. Martin's Press, 2007, oc)
- Catopolis ed. Janet Deaver-Pack (DAW, December 2008, oa)
- Cato Sicarius: Master of the Watch by Nick Kyme (Black Library, December 2013, ss)
- C.A. Tourney, Attorney-at-Law by John A. Broussard (PublishAmerica, December 2003, co)
- Cat Pictures Please and Other Stories by Naomi Kritzer (Fairwood Press, July 2017, co)
- Cats in Space ed. Bill Fawcett (Baen, May 1992, an)
- The Cat’s Job by Sharon Lee (SRM Publisher, November 2002, co)
- Cat’s Meow (Love Spell, October 1998, oa)
- Cats of Shadow, Claws of Darkness ed. Chad Arment (Coachwhip Publications, October 2012, an)
- The Cat’s Pajamas by Ray Bradbury (HarperCollins/Morrow, July 2004, oc)
- The Cat’s Pajamas and Other Stories by James Morrow (Tachyon Publications, July 2004, co)
- The Cat That Loved Shakespeare by Jack Williamson (Haffner Press, April 2008, ss)
- Cattitude ed. Dean Wesley Smith (WMG Publishing, June 2021, an)
- Cattle, Guns & Men ed. Luke Short (Bantam, 1955, an)
- The Cattlemen ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Fawcett Gold Medal, January 1987, an)
- The Cat With the Tulip Face by A. R. Morlan (Pulphouse, July 1991, nv)
- Caught at Last! by Dick Donovan (Chatto & Windus, 1889, co)
- Caught in a Story ed. Caroline Heaton (Vintage UK, May 1992, an)
- Caught in the Crossfire by David A. Drake (Baen, July 1998, co)
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