The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 109
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- Terror in the House by Henry Kuttner (Haffner Press, October 2010, co)
- Terror in the Modern Vein ed. Donald A. Wollheim (Hanover House, April 1955, an)
- Terror in the Modern Vein (var. 1) ed. Donald A. Wollheim (Digit, 1961, an)
- Terror in the Night and Other Stories by Robert Bloch (Ace, 1958, co)
- Terror Is Our Business by Joe R. Lansdale (Cutting Block Books, May 2018, co)
- Terror Is Our Business (var. 1) by Joe R. Lansdale (SST Publications, August 2023, co)
- Terrorists of Tomorrow ed. Poul Anderson (Critic's Choice, January 1986, an)
- Terrors ed. Charles L. Grant (Playboy, July 1982, oa)
- Terrors by Richard A. Lupoff (Elder Signs Press, September 2005, co)
- Terrors (Philip Allan, 1933, oa)
- Terrors of the Sea by William Hope Hodgson (Donald M. Grant, August 1996, oc)
- Terrors, Terrors, Terrors ed. Helen Hoke (Franklin Watts, 1979, an)
- Terrors, Torments and Traumas ed. Helen Hoke (Thomas Nelson US, 1978, an)
- Terror Tales (Number One) ed. John B. Ford (Rainfall Books, September 2003, oa)
- Terror Tales (Number Two) ed. John B. Ford (Rainfall Books, June 2004, oa)
- Terror Tales of Cornwall ed. Paul Finch (Telos Publishing, 2017, oa)
- Terror Tales of East Anglia ed. Paul Finch (Gray Friar Press, September 2012, oa)
- Terror Tales of London ed. Paul Finch (Gray Friar Press, May 2013, oa)
- Terror Tales of Northwest England ed. Paul Finch (Telos Publishing, October 2019, oa)
- Terror Tales of the Cotswolds ed. Paul Finch (Gray Friar Press, February 2012, oa)
- Terror Tales of the Home Counties ed. Paul Finch (Telos Publishing, October 2020, oa)
- Terror Tales of the Lake District ed. Paul Finch (Gray Friar Press, September 2011, oa)
- Terror Tales of the Ocean ed. Paul Finch (Gray Friar Press, December 2015, oa)
- Terror Tales of the Scottish Highlands ed. Paul Finch (Gray Friar Press, June 2015, oa)
- Terror Tales of the Scottish Lowlands ed. Paul Finch (Telos Publishing, October 2021, oa)
- Terror Tales of the Seaside ed. Paul Finch (Gray Friar Press, October 2013, oa)
- Terror Tales of the West Country ed. Paul Finch (Telos Publishing, October 2022, oa)
- Terror Tales of Wales ed. Paul Finch (Gray Friar Press, June 2014, oa)
- Terror Tales of Yorkshire ed. Paul Finch (Gray Friar Press, September 2014, oa)
- Terror Time ed. Alfred Hitchcock (Dell Books, February 1972, an)
- Terry Carr’s Best Science Fiction of the Year #14 ed. Terry Carr (Tor, July 1985, an)
- Terry Carr’s Best Science Fiction of the Year #15 ed. Terry Carr (Tor, August 1986, an)
- Terry Carr’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year #16 ed. Terry Carr (Tor, September 1987, an)
- Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Collector’s Edition 2005 Calendar (Gollancz, September 2004, pi)
- Tessellations ed. Jason R. Bleckly (Altair Publishing, April 2000, oa)
- Tesseracts ed. Judith Merril (Press Porcepic, November 1985, oa)
- Tesseracts Thirteen ed. Nancy Kilpatrick (EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2009, oa)
- Tesseracts2 ed. Douglas Barbour (Porcepic, November 1987, an)
- Tesseracts3 ed. Candas Jane Dorsey (Porc^e'pic Press, October 1990, oa)
- Tesseracts7 ed. Paula Johanson (Tesseract, November 1998, an)
- Tesseracts8 ed. John Clute (Tesseract, October 1999, oa)
- Tesseracts Eleven ed. Cory Doctorow (Hades/EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy, November 2007, oa)
- Tesseracts Fifteen ed. Julie E. Czerneda (Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, September 2011, oa)
- Tesseracts Fourteen ed. John Robert Colombo (Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, October 2010, oa)
- Tesseracts Nine ed. Nalo Hopkinson (Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, June 2005, oa)
- Tesseracts Nineteen: Superhero Universe ed. Claude Lalumière (Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, April 2016, oa)
- Tesseracts Seventeen: Speculating Canada from Coast to Coast to Coast ed. Colleen Anderson (Hades/EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy, October 2013, oa)
- Tesseracts Sixteen ed. Mark Leslie (Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, September 2012, oa)
- The Testament of Andros by James Blish (Arrow Books, August 1977, co)
- Testament: The Unpublished Prologues by David Morrell (Subterranean Press, 1998, uw)
- Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 by Howard V. Hendrix, Ph.D. (Eotu Group, September 1990, co)
- The Test of Time ed. Andrew Holgate (W Magazine, January 1999, oa)
- The Texans ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Fawcett Gold Medal, August 1988, an)
- Texas Bound Book III ed. Kay Cattarulla (Southern Methodist University Press, April 2001, an)
- Texas Night Riders by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, April 1997, n.)
- Texas Night Riders by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, April 1997, n.)
- Texas Night Riders by Ray Slater (Leisure Books, 1983, n.)
- Texas & Other Planets by Lou Antonelli (CreateSpace, November 2010, co)
- Texas Rangers ed. Ed Gorman (Berkley, September 2004, oa)
- Texas Roundup ed. Herman F. Benthul (Noble and Noble, 1965, an)
- Texas Shall Be Free! by H. Bedford-Jones (Altus Press, November 2014, n.)
- Text: UR, The New Book of Masks ed. Forrest Aguirre (Raw Dog Screaming Press, March 2007, oa)
- The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities ed. Ann VanderMeer (Harper Voyager US, July 2011, oa)
- Thady Shea’s Saga by H. Bedford-Jones (Altus Press, September 2016, n.)
- Thank You for the Flowers by Scott Nicholson (Parkway Publishers, September 2000, co)
- Thanquol and Boneripper: Thanquol’s Doom by C. L. Werner (Black Library, October 2011, n.)
- Thanquol & Boneripper: Grey Seer by C. L. Werner (Black Library, August 2009, n.)
- Thanquol & Boneripper: Temple of the Serpent by C. L. Werner (Black Library, September 2010, n.)
- Thanquol’s Doom by C. L. Werner (Black Library, October 2011, n.)
- Thanquol Triumphant by C. L. Werner (Black Library, December 2012, ss)
- That First Affair by J. A. Mitchell (Scribner's, 1896, co)
- That Holiday Feeling (Mira, 2009, oa)
- That Hoodoo, Voodoo That You Do ed. Lincoln Crisler (Angelic Knight Press, January 2015, oa)
- That Is Not Dead by August Derleth (The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, February 2009, co)
- That Is Not Dead ed. Darrell Schweitzer (Drugstore Indian Press, February 2015, oa)
- That’s Ghosts for You ed. Marianne Carus (Front Street/Cricket Books, 2000, an)
- That’s Hollywood by W. T. Ballard (Black Mask, August 2022, co)
- That’s Really Messed Up ed. Dean Wesley Smith (WMG Publishing, July 2021, oa)
- Theater of Timesmiths by Garry D. Kilworth (Questar, April 1986, n.)
- A Theatre of Timesmiths by Garry D. Kilworth (Gollancz, May 1984, n.)
- Theatre of Timesmiths by Garry D. Kilworth (Unwin, October 1987, n.)
- The Theft of the Iron Dogs by E. C. R. Lorac (Collins Crime Club, 1946, n.)
- The Theft of the Iron Dogs by E. C. R. Lorac (The British Library, September 2023, n.)
- Their Immortal Hearts (West Coast Poetry Review, 1980, oa)
- The Theme Is Murder by Miriam Allen deFord (Abelard Schuman, 1967, co)
- Themes in Science Fiction ed. Leo P. Kelley (McGraw-Hill, 1972, an)
- Them That Lives by Their Guns by Carroll John Daly (Altus Press, October 2015, co)
- Then He Kissed Her (Zebra, May 2003, oa)
- There Is No Darkness by Jack C. Haldeman, II (Ace, February 1983, n.)
- There Is Only War ed. Christian Dunn (Black Library, December 2013, an)
- There’ll Be Blue Popcorn Without You ed. Dean Wesley Smith (WMG Publishing, October 2021, an)
- There Will Be War ed. John F. Carr (Tor, January 1983, an)
- There Won’t Be War ed. Harry Harrison (Tor, November 1991, oa)
- These Are Strange Tales by Anthony Abbot (John Winston Company, 1948, co)
- These Boots Were Made for Stomping (Dorchester/Love Spell, April 2008, oa)
- These Charming People by Michael Arlen (W. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1923, co)
- These Guns for Hire ed. J. A. Konrath (Bleak House Books, October 2006, oa)
- These Haunted Seas (Pocket, June 2008, om)
- These Names Make Clues by E. C. R. Lorac (Collins, 1937, n.)
- These Names Make Clues by E. C. R. Lorac (The British Library, September 2021, n.)
- These Old Tales by Kenneth W. Cain (Distressed Press, April 2012, oc)
- These Will Chill You ed. Richard G. Sheehan (Bantam, February 1967, an)
- They ed. Douglas Menville (Arno Press, 1978, an)
- They Are Possessed ed. Kurt Singer (W.H. Allen, November 1976, an)
- They Came from Outer Space ed. Jim Wynorski (Doubleday, March 1981, an)
- They Fly at Çiron by Samuel R. Delany (Incunabula, July 1993, oc)
- They Have Not Seen the Stars: The Collected Poems of Ray Bradbury by Ray Bradbury (Stealth Press, July 2002, co)
- They Lived by Their Guns (Signet, 1953, an)
- They Lived by the Sword by H. Bedford-Jones (Altus Press, January 2017, n.)
- They Never Found the Head by Darrell Schweitzer (Zadok Allen, 2001, co)
- They Opened the West ed. Tom W. Blackburn (Doubleday, 1967, an)
- They Return at Evening by H. Russell Wakefield (Ash-Tree Press, October 1995, co)
- They Shall Have Stars by James Blish (Faber and Faber, September 1956, n.)
- They Thirst by Robert R. McCammon (Subterranean Press, October 2014, n.)
- They Wait, and Other Spine Chillers ed. Lance Salway (Pepper Press, 1983, oa)
- They Walk Again ed. Colin de la Mare (Faber and Faber, April 1931, an)
- They Won Their Spurs ed. Nelson C. Nye (Avon, 1962, an)
- The Thicket by Joe R. Lansdale (Mulholland Books, September 2013, n.)
- The Thief of Forthe and Other Stories by Clifford Ball (DMR Books, April 2018, co)
- Thief of Lives by Lucy Sussex (Twelfth Planet Press, July 2011, oc)
- Thief of the World (unpublished) by Mike Harding (Savoy Books, n.d., oc)
- The Thief of Thoth/…And Others Shall Be Born by Lin Carter (Belmont Double, January 1968, oc)
- Thieves’ Carnival/The Jewel of Bas (Tor, June 1990, an)
- Thieves’ Dozen by Donald E. Westlake (The Mysterious Press, April 2004, co)
- Thieves’ House by Fritz Leiber (White Wolf, January 2001, co)
- Thieves’ World ed. Robert Lynn Asprin (Ace, October 1979, oa)
- Thieves’ World ed. Robert Lynn Asprin (Ace, July 1985, oa)
- Thieves’ World ed. Robert Lynn Asprin (Ace, December 1985, oa)
- Thieves’ World ed. Robert Lynn Asprin (Penguin, May 1989, oa)
- Thin Air ed. Alan C. Jenkins (Blackie, October 1966, an)
- Thin Air (var. 1) ed. Alan C. Jenkins (Blackie, January 1972, an)
- The Thing by John W. Campbell, Jr. (Tandem, 1966, co)
- The Thing About Second Chances Is… ed. Robert N. Georgalas (Polyphony Press, December 2000, an)
- The Thing and Other Stories by John W. Campbell, Jr. (Cherry Tree, 1952, co)
- A Thin Ghost and Others by M. R. James (Edward Arnold, 1919, co)
- The Thing in the Mist: Selected Stories by John S. Glasby (Redrum Horror, September 2012, co)
- The Thing in the Stone and Other Stories by Clifford D. Simak (Open Road Integrated Media, July 2017, co)
- Thing of Darkness by G. G. Pendarves (Midnight House, 2005, co)
- A Thing of Else Five Heads or Three by R. A. Lafferty (Chris Drumm, April 1987, pm)
- The Thing on the Doorstep and Other Weird Stories by H. P. Lovecraft (Penguin US, October 2001, co)
- Things ed. Ivan Howard (Belmont, February 1964, an)
- Things a Map Won’t Show You ed. Susan LaMarca (Penguin Australia, February 2012, oa)
- Things Beyond Midnight by William F. Nolan (Scream/Press, December 1984, co)
- Things from Outer Space ed. Hank Davis (Baen, October 2016, an)
- Things Get Ugly by Joe R. Lansdale (Tachyon Publications, August 2023, co)
- Things Hunting Men ed. David A. Drake (Baen, June 1988, an)
- Things Left Behind by Gary A. Braunbeck (CD Publications, October 1997, co)
- Things That Fall from the Sky by Kevin Brockmeier (Pantheon Books, March 2002, oc)
- Things That Go Bump in the Night ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Harper & Row, September 1989, oa)
- Things That Go Bump in the Night (Ellora's Cave, 2001, oa)
- Things That Go Bump in the Night II (Ellora's Cave, 2002, oa)
- Things That Go Bump in the Night III (Ellora's Cave, 2003, oa)
- Things That Go Bump in the Night IV (Ellora's Cave, 2004, oa)
- Things That Go Bump in the Night V (Ellora's Cave, 2005, oa)
- Things That Go Bump in the Night VI (Ellora's Cave, 2006, oa)
- Things That Never Happen by M. John Harrison (Night Shade Books, December 2002, co)
- Things That Wait in the Dark ed. Hugh Lamb (Kingsbrook Publishing, October 2022, an)
- Things to Do When You’re Goth in the Country and Other Stories by Chavisa Woods (Seven Stories Press, May 2017, oc)
- Things We Leave Behind by Mark West (Dark Minds Press, June 2017, co)
- Things with Claws ed. Hallie Burnett (Ballantine, February 1961, an)
- Thin Ice ed. Mark Ammons (Level Best Books, November 2010, oa)
- The Thinking Machine by Jacques Futrelle (Dodd, Mead & Company, March 1907, co)
- The Thinking Machine on the Case by Jacques Futrelle (D. Appleton and Company, March 1908, co)
- Thinking Machines ed. Isaac Asimov (Raintree, 1981, an)
- The Thinking Machine (var. 1) by Jacques Futrelle (Four Winds Press, 1959, co)
- Think Like a Dinosaur and Other Stories by James Patrick Kelly (Golden Gryphon Press, August 1997, co)
- The Third Armada Monster Book ed. R. Chetwynd-Hayes (Armada, 1977, an)
- The Third Bedside Book of Great Detective Stories ed. Herbert van Thal (Arthur Barker Ltd., 1978, an)
- The Third Book of Crime-Craft by Mystery Writers of America (Corgi, 1959, an)
- The Third Book of Crime-Craft (Corgi, 1959, an)
- The Third Book of Unknown Tales of Horror ed. Peter Haining (Sidgwick & Jackson, January 1980, an)
- The Third Corner Seat Omnibus (Grafton Publications, April 1946, oa)
- 3rd Culprit ed. Liza Cody (Chatto & Windus, 1994, oa)
- The Third Dragon by Garry D. Kilworth (Hippo, February 1991, n.)
- The Third Eye by Theodore R. Cogswell (Belmont, September 1968, co)
- Third from the Sun by Richard Matheson (Bantam, February 1955, co)
- The Third Ghost Book ed. Cynthia Asquith (James Barrie, 1955, oa)
- The Third Level by Jack Finney (Rinehart, 1957, co)
- The Third Millennium by David Langford (Sidgwick & Jackson, July 1985, nf)
- The Third Mystery Book (Farrar & Rinehart, 1941, an)
- Third Mystery Companion ed. Abraham L. Furman (Gold Label Books, 1945, an)
- The Third Omni Book of Science Fiction ed. Ellen Datlow (Zebra, April 1985, an)
- The Third Omnibus of Crime ed. Dorothy L. Sayers (Coward-McCann, 1942, an)
- The Third Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal (Pan, 1962, an)
- The Third Reel West ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Doubleday & Co., 1986, an)
- The 3rd Spectral Book of Horror Stories ed. Joseph Rubas (Tickety Boo Press, 2016, oa)
- The Third Target Book of Horror ed. Kurt Singer (Target, 1985, an)
- The Third Wise Man by Nik Vincent (Black Library, December 2012, ss)
- The Third WomanSleuth Anthology ed. Irene Zahava (The Crossing Press, September 1990, oa)
- Thirteen by F. Britten Austin (Doubleday Page, 1925, co)
- Thirteen ed. Tonya Pines (Scholastic, October 1991, oa)
- 13 Above the Night ed. Groff Conklin (Dell, October 1965, an)
- 13: A Collection of Ghost Stories by Rick Kennett (Jackobyte Books, 2001, co)
- 13 Again ed. Anne Finnis (Scholastic UK, July 1995, oa)
- The 13 Best Horror Stories of All Time ed. Leslie Pockell (Warner, September 2002, an)
- Thirteen Classic Detective Stories ed. Arthur Liebman (Richards Rosen, 1974, an)
- 13 Clues for Miss Marple by Agatha Christie (Dodd, Mead & Company, 1966, co)
- The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction ed. Isaac Asimov (Doubleday, 1979, an)
- Thirteen Detectives by G. K. Chesterton (Xanadu, October 1987, co)
- Thirteen Famous Ghost Stories ed. Peter Underwood (Dent, 1977, an)
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