The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 42
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- First Cases ed. Robert J. Randisi (Dutton, February 1996, an)
- First Cases, Volume 2 ed. Robert J. Randisi (Signet, August 1997, an)
- The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend by David A. Gemmell (Legend, October 1993, oc)
- First Contact ed. Ben Bova (Headline, April 1991, an)
- First Contact ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, July 1997, oa)
- First Contact ed. Damon Knight (Pinnacle, November 1971, an)
- First Contacts by Murray Leinster (NESFA Press, August 1998, co)
- 1st Culprit ed. Liza Cody (St. Martin's, July 1993, oa)
- First Fiction ed. Kathy Kiernan (Little, Brown, 1994, an)
- First Fictions: Introduction 10 (Faber and Faber, 1989, oa)
- The First Five Star Western Series Corral ed. Vicki Piekarski (Five Star US, May 2000, an)
- First Flight ed. Damon Knight (Lancer, 1963, an)
- First Flights to the Moon ed. Hal Clement (Doubleday, May 1970, an)
- The First Heretic by Aaron Dembski-Bowden (Black Library, November 2010, n.)
- The First Humdrumming Book of Horror Stories ed. Ian Alexander Martin (Humdrumming, September 2007, oa)
- The First Lady Murders ed. Nancy Pickard (Pocket Books, February 1999, oa)
- First Love ed. Elizabeth Abell (Bantam Books, August 1948, an)
- First Love Forever Romance Collection (Barbour, 2018, oa)
- First Meetings by Orson Scott Card (Subterranean Press, September 2002, co)
- First Meetings (var. 1) by Orson Scott Card (Tor Teen, September 2003, co)
- The First Omni Book of Science Fiction ed. Ellen Datlow (Zebra, December 1983, an)
- First & Only by Dan Abnett (Black Library, September 1999, n.)
- The First Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal (Pan, 1969, an)
- The First Panther Book of Horror ed. Anthony Rampton (Panther, December 1965, an)
- First-Person Singularities by Robert Silverberg (Three Rooms Press, October 2017, co)
- First-Prize Stories (Doubleday & Company, Inc., November 1966, an)
- The First Puffin’s Pleasure ed. Treld Bicknell (Puffin Books, 1976, oa)
- The First Saint Omnibus by Leslie Charteris (Hodder & Stoughton, 1939, co)
- First Step Outward ed. Robert Hoskins (Dell, August 1969, an)
- First Stories: An Anthology of Debut Fiction (from the New Yorker) ed. Bill Buford (The New Yorker, February 2001, an)
- The First Target Book of Horror ed. Kurt Singer (Target, 1984, an)
- First Thrills ed. Lee Child (Forge, June 2010, oa)
- First to Fight ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Jove, July 1999, oa)
- First to Fight II ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Berkley, June 2001, oa)
- The 1st UK Paperback and Pulp Bookfair Official Souvenir Booklet ed. Stephen Holland (Zeon Publications, September 1991, oa)
- First Voyages ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Avon, May 1981, an)
- First World Fantasy Awards ed. Gahan Wilson (Doubleday, October 1977, an)
- The First World Fantasy Convention: Three Authors Remember ed. Marc A. Michaud (Necronomicon Press, October 1980, nf)
- The First World of If ed. James L. Quinn (Quinn, 1957, an)
- F Is for Fairy ed. Rhonda Parrish (Poise and Pen Publishing, May 2019, oa)
- Fish ed. Carrie Cuinn (Dagan Books, January 2013, oa)
- Fish Eats Lion ed. Jason Erik Lundberg (Math Paper Press, 2012, oa)
- A Fisherman of the Inland Sea by Ursula K. Le Guin (HarperPrism, May 1994, co)
- Fishing for Dinosaurs and Other Stories by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, November 2020, co)
- Fishing’s Best Short Stories ed. Paul D. Staudohar (Chicago Review Press, June 2000, an)
- Fishmonger’s Fiddle by A. E. Coppard (Alfred A. Knopf, 1925, co)
- Fission #1 ed. Allen Stroud (HWS Press, 2021, oa)
- Fission #2 ed. Eugen Bacon (HWS Press, June 2022, oa)
- A Fist Full of Stories (and Articles) by Joe R. Lansdale (CD Publications, December 1996, co)
- A Fistful o’ Dead Guys ed. Shane Lacy Hensley (Pinnacle, 1999, oa)
- Fist of Demetrius by William King (Black Library, May 2013, n.)
- Fists of Fury by Lester Dent (Black Dog Books, July 2011, co)
- Fists of Iron, Round One by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, June 2013, co)
- Fists of Iron, Round Two by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, February 2014, co)
- Fists of Iron, Round Three by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, November 2014, co)
- Fists of Iron, Round Four by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, April 2015, co)
- A Fit of Shivers by Joan Aiken (Gollancz, August 1990, oc)
- Fit to Die ed. Joan Boswell (Napoleon Pub., October 2001, oa)
- The Five by Robert R. McCammon (Subterranean Press, May 2011, n.)
- Five Adventure Novels by H. Rider Haggard (Dover, 1951, co)
- Five Against the Law by Kent Thorn (Popular Publications, December 2017, n.)
- Five Autobiographies and a Fiction by Lucius Shepard (Subterranean Press, April 2013, co)
- Five Classic Stories (Davis, 1986, an)
- Five Complete Western Stories (Fitchett Brothers Pty. Ltd., 194?, an)
- The Five-Day Nightmare by Fredric Brown (E.P. Dutton, April 1962, n.)
- Five Fates (Doubleday, 1970, an)
- Five Feathered Tales by Alison Littlewood (Short, Scary Tales Publications, August 2016, oc)
- Five Forbidden Things by Dora Knez (Small Beer Press, October 2000, oc)
- Five from the Jukebox by Dean Wesley Smith (WMG Publishing, January 2011, co)
- Five Galaxy Short Novels ed. H. L. Gold (Doubleday, 1958, an)
- Five Golden Rings (Zebra Books, October 2000, an)
- Five Good Things from Everybody’s Magazine (The Ridgway-Thayer Company, 1904, an)
- Five Great Ghost Stories ed. E. Haldeman-Julius (Haldeman-Julius, 1922, an)
- 500 Essential Cult Books by Stephen Holland (Ilex, June 2010, nf)
- 500 Essential Cult Books by Stephen Holland (Sterling Publishing Co., August 2010, nf)
- The Five Jars by M. R. James (Ash-Tree Press, March 1995, n.)
- Five Murderers by Raymond Chandler (Avon Murder Mystery Monthly, 1944, co)
- Five-Odd ed. Groff Conklin (Pyramid, August 1964, an)
- The Five of Cups by Caitlín R. Kiernan (Subterranean Press, July 2003, n.)
- Five Plays by Lord Dunsany (Grant Richards, April 1914, co)
- The Five Quarters by Steve Duffy (Ash-Tree Press, November 2001, oc)
- Five Science Fiction Novels ed. Martin Greenberg (Gnome Press, April 1952, an)
- Five Sinister Characters by Raymond Chandler (Avon Murder Mystery Monthly, 1945, co)
- Five Strokes to Midnight ed. Gary A. Braunbeck (Haunted Pelican Press, December 2007, oa)
- 5 Tales from Tomorrow ed. T. E. Dikty (Crest, December 1957, an)
- 5 Unearthly Visions ed. Groff Conklin (Fawcett Gold Medal, 1965, an)
- Five Victorian Ghost Novels ed. Everett F. Bleiler (Dover, 1971, an)
- Five Western Stories (Editions for the Armed Services, Inc., 1942, an)
- Fixed by Robbie MacNiven (Black Library, December 2016, ss)
- The Flag ed. H. F. Trippel (Daily Mail, 1908, oa)
- The Flame by L. Patrick Greene (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1930, n.)
- Flamehair by H. Bedford-Jones (Black Dog Books, February 2009, n.)
- Flamehair the Skald by H. Bedford-Jones (A.C. McClurg & Co., October 1913, n.)
- The Flame Is Green by R. A. Lafferty (Walker US, March 1971, n.)
- Flame Island by Frederick Nebel (Black Dog Books, April 2014, co)
- The Flame Master by Grant Stockbridge (Popular Publications, November 2019, n.)
- The Flame of Iridar/Peril of the Starmen (Belmont, May 1967, an)
- Flame Tree Planet ed. Roger Elwood (Concordia, 1973, oa)
- Flaming London by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, December 2005, n.)
- The Flaming Man by M. E. Chaber (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, February 1969, n.)
- The Flaming Man by Kendell Foster Crossen (Steeger Books, April 2021, n.)
- Flaming Zeppelins by Joe R. Lansdale (Tachyon Publications, November 2010, om)
- Flandry of Terra by Poul Anderson (Chilton, 1965, co)
- Flandry’s Legacy by Poul Anderson (Baen, April 2011, co)
- Flashback by Dan Simmons (Subterranean Press, September 2011, n.)
- Flash Fiction ed. Tom Hazuka (W.W. Norton, July 1992, an)
- Flashing Swords! #1 ed. Lin Carter (SFBC, April 1973, oa)
- Flashing Swords! #2 ed. Lin Carter (SFBC, September 1973, oa)
- Flashing Swords! #3 ed. Lin Carter (Dell, August 1976, oa)
- Flashing Swords! #4 ed. Lin Carter (SFBC, May 1977, oa)
- Flashing Swords! #5 ed. Lin Carter (Dell, December 1981, oa)
- Flashing Swords #7 ed. Robert M. Price (Ramble House, 2023, oa)
- Flashing Swords #8 ed. Robert M. Price (Cushing Publishing, 2023, oa)
- Flash in the Pantheon by Rhys H. Hughes (Gloomy Seahorse Press, October 2011, oc)
- Flash in the Pantheon (var. 1) by Rhys H. Hughes (Gloomy Seahorse Press, February 2014, oc)
- FlashSpec: Volume Two ed. Neil Cladingboel (Equilibrium Books (Australia), July 2007, oa)
- Flatlander by Larry Niven (Del Rey, June 1995, co)
- The Flaw in the Crystal and Other Uncanny Stories by May Sinclair (The British Library, February 2023, co)
- The Fleet ed. David A. Drake (Ace, May 1988, oa)
- The Fleeting and Other Poems by Walter de la Mare (Constable, May 1933, co)
- The Fleetway Companion by Stephen Holland (A. & B. Whitworth, February 1992, nf)
- The Fleetway Picture Libraries Vol. 1: The War Libraries by Stephen Holland (Book Palace Books, August 2007, nf)
- The Fleetway Picture Libraries Vol. 2: The Thriller Libraries by David Ashford (Book Palace Books, April 2011, nf)
- Flesh and Bone: Rise of the Necromancers ed. Jessy Marie Roberts (Pill Hill Press, August 2010, oa)
- Flesh and Iron by Henry Zou (Black Library, April 2010, n.)
- Flesh & Blood ed. Max Allan Collins (Warner/Mysterious Press, April 2001, oa)
- Flesh & Blood: Dark Desires ed. Max Allan Collins (Warner/Mysterious Press, May 2002, oa)
- Flesh & Blood: Guilty as Sin ed. Max Allan Collins (Warner/Mysterious Press, April 2003, oa)
- The Flesh Eaters by Peter Haining (Boxtree, 1994, nf)
- Fleshmarket Close by Ian Rankin (Orion, 2004, n.)
- Flesh of Cretacia by Andy Smillie (Black Library, November 2012, na)
- Flesh-Ripping Ghouls of London (Creation Oneiros, 2012, an)
- Flesh Tearers by Andy Smillie (Black Library, January 2016, om)
- Fleshworks by Lucien Soulban (Black Library, March 2006, n.)
- Flesh Wounds by Christopher Fowler (Warner UK, December 1995, oc)
- Les Fleurs du Mal/The Undead by Brian M. Stableford (Borgo Press, August 2010, co)
- Flight from Nevèrÿon by Samuel R. Delany (Bantam, May 1985, oc)
- Flight from Nevèrÿon (var. 1) by Samuel R. Delany (Grafton, April 1989, co)
- Flight from Nevèrÿon (var. 2) by Samuel R. Delany (Wesleyan University Press, April 1994, n.)
- Flight from Yesterday by Robert Moore Williams (Ace Double, August 1963, n.)
- Flight Into Space ed. Donald A. Wollheim (Frederick Fell, May 1950, an)
- The Flight of the Eisenstein by James Swallow (Black Library, March 2007, n.)
- The Flight of the Horse by Larry Niven (Ballantine, September 1973, co)
- Flight of Vengeance by Pauline M. Griffin (Tor, December 1992, oa)
- Flight of Vengeance (Tor, December 1992, oa)
- Flight of Vengeance (Tor, June 1994, oa)
- Flights of Fear by Graham Masterton (Severn House, February 1995, co)
- Flight to Canada (unpublished) by Ishmael Reed (Savoy Books, n.d., n.)
- Flintlock by Harlan Ellison (Charnel House, December 2013, pl)
- The Floating Admiral (Hodder & Stoughton, December 1931, oa)
- The Floating Admiral (Collins Crime Club, February 2017, oa)
- The Floating Café and Other Stories by Margery H. Lawrence (Jarrolds, 1936, co)
- The Floating Café and Other Weird Tales by Margery H. Lawrence (Ash-Tree Press, September 2001, co)
- Floating Fancies Among the Weird and Occult by Clara H. Holmes (F. Tennyson Neely, 1898, co)
- Floating Worlds ed. Gary Bowen (Obelesk Books/Triangle, September 1996, oa)
- The Flood by Ian Rankin (Polygon, 1986, n.)
- Flood Tide ed. C. J. Cherryh (DAW, November 1990, oa)
- Flora: A Book of Drawings by Pamela Bianco (William Heinemann, December 1919, co)
- Flora Curiosa ed. Chad Arment (Coachwhip Publications, August 2008, an)
- Florida Heat Wave ed. Michael Lister (Tyrus Books, 2010, oa)
- Flotsam Fantastique ed. Stephen Jones (PS Publishing, October 2013, an)
- Flower and Thorn by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (James R. Osgood and Company, 1877, co)
- A Flowering Wound by John Howard (Swan River Press, July 2019, co)
- Flower of Goronwy by Michael G. Coney (Drugstore Indian Press, December 2014, n.)
- Flowers by Scott Nicholson (Haunted Computer Books, October 2010, co)
- Flowers for Mama (Zebra Books, April 2002, oa)
- Flowers for the Bride (Zebra, May 1995, oa)
- Flowers from the Moon and Other Lunacies by Robert Bloch (Arkham House, May 1998, co)
- Flowers of Nithon by Michael J. Fantina (Rainfall Books, April 2009, oc)
- The Flowers of Vashnoi by Lois McMaster Bujold (Subterranean Press, July 2019, na)
- Flowers of War by Mark Howard Jones (Black Shuck Books, August 2019, oc)
- Fluid Mosaic by Michael A. Arnzen (Wildside Press, 2001, co)
- Flush Fiction (Bathroom Readers' Institute, April 2012, oa)
- A Flutter of Wings by Mervyn Wall (Swan River Press, August 2017, co)
- Flux by Orson Scott Card (Tor, September 1992, co)
- The Fly-by-Nights by Brian Lumley (Subterranean Press, July 2011, n.)
- The Flying Bomb War ed. Peter Haining (Robson Books, November 2002, an)
- Flying Freebooters by Frederick Nebel (Black Dog Books, December 2013, co)
- The Flying Inn by G. K. Chesterton (Methuen, January 1914, n.)
- The Flying Legion by George Allan England (A.C. McClurg, July 1920, n.)
- The Flying Legion by George Allan England (Altus Press, December 2018, n.)
- Flying Saucers ed. Isaac Asimov (Fawcett Crest, May 1982, an)
- Flying Saucers ed. Isaac Asimov (Ballantine Fawcett, August 1987, an)
- Flying Saucers in Fact and Fiction ed. Hans Stefan Santesson (Lancer, 1968, an)
- The Flying Sorcerers ed. Peter Haining (Souvenir Press, August 1997, an)
- The Flying Spy: A History of G-8 by Wooda Nick Carr (Robert Weinberg, 1978, nf)
- The Flying Teuton and Other Stories by Alice Brown (Macmillan, 1918, co)
- Flying Wildcats ed. Leo Margulies (The Hampton Publishing Company, 1943, an)
- Fly, Spring, You Eagle by Edmund Cooper (privately published, 2006, oc)
- Flytrap by Piers Anthony (Open Road Integrated Media, July 2014, na)
- Foam of the Sea and Other Tales by Gertrude Hall (Roberts Brothers, 1895, co)
- Focus One ed. Andrew Pearse (Dennis Dobson, 1945, oa)
- FOE: Friends of Ellison by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey, February 2019, co)
- Fogbound from 5 ed. Peter Mark May (Hersham Horror Books, February 2011, oa)
- Fog City Nocturne ed. B. J. West (Apocryphile Press, May 2006, oa)
- Foggerty’s Fairy and Other Tales by W. S. Gilbert (George Routledge and Sons, 1890, co)
- Foggy Mountain Breakdown and Other Stories by Sharyn McCrumb (Ballantine, September 1997, co)
- The Fog Horn and Other Stories by Ray Bradbury (Kinseido, 1981, co)
- The Fog Horn & Other Stories by Ray Bradbury (Taiyosha, 1979, co)
- The Foghorn: Stories by Gertrude Atherton (Houghton Mifflin, 1934, co)
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