The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 3090
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Griffin, Shane (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- Reality of Retirement, (vi) Masque Noir #3, September 1999
- Generation Next, the Real Thing, (ss) Potato Monkey: Australian Fantasy and Science Fiction #1, Autumn 2001
- Cure Overdose, (ss) Masque Noir #6, October 2001
- Cancer Stick Addiction, (ss) Potato Monkey: Australian Fantasy and Science Fiction #3, Winter 2003
- Accident Man, (ss) Potato Monkey: Australian Fantasy and Science Fiction Autumn 2006
- Manjac and the Nose Bleed Section, (ss) Ripples #8, April 2007
- Deathday, (ss) Potato Monkey: Australian Fantasy and Science Fiction #5, 2007
- Shady Hazy…, (ss) Ripples #13, July 2008
- Long Odds, (ss) Eclecticism E-zine #14, October 2010
- Soylent 7, (ss) AntipodeanSF #250, May/June/July 2019
Griffin, Thomas J. (fl. 2020s) (items)
- Naughty List 4 Lyfe, (vi) Daily Science Fiction December 23 2020
- Getaway, (vi) Speculative North #5, 2021
- Earth, Burning, (vi) Martian #4, Summer 2022
- Miser, (ss) Wyldblood Magazine #12, Spring 2023
- Spoiler Alert, (vi) Martian #8, Spring 2023
Griffin, Vincent (items)
- Dead but Not Dumb [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble #7, October/November 1947
- The Invisible Death [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble April 1948
- ’D’ Stood for Death [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble July 1948
- The Kleiner Parchment [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble September 1948
- Forger’s Paradise [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble #20, November 1948
- The Crook in the Mirror [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble #21, December 1948
- Robbery by Rail [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble #22, January 1949
- Death Is a Flower [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble #23, February 1949
- The Rowledge Diamond [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble #33, December 1949
- Robbery Under Arms [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble #40, March 17 1950
- The Police Dog Mystery [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble #41, March 24 1950
- More Deadly Than Dynamite [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble #44, April 14 1950
- The Case of the Panther Kitten [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble #46, April 28 1950
- “Anything Unusual, Constable?” [Martin Speed], (ss) Scramble #50, June 17 1950
- The Devil’s Net [Martin Speed], (ss) Boys’ Fun #14, December 1953
Griffis, William Elliot (1843-1928) (about) (items)
- Inside Japan, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science August 1873
- Japanese Fox-Myths, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science January 1874
- A Call on a Bonze, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science June 1874
- The Feast of Dolls, (vi) St. Nicholas March 1875
- The Feast of Flags, (vi) St. Nicholas May 1875
- A Daimio’s Life, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science August 1875
- The Golden Fish of Owari Castle, (vi) St. Nicholas March 1877
- A Bit of Old Satsuma, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science April 1879
- Blossom Boy of Tokio, (ss) St. Nicholas July 1879
- The Japanese Artisan at Home, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1879
- A Japanese Military Noble in Court Dress, (ar) St. Nicholas July 1880
- The Games and Toys of Corean Children, (ar) St. Nicholas December 1880
- Taking a Walk in Japan, (vi) St. Nicholas April 1882
- The Corean Origin of Japanese Art, (??) The Century Magazine December 1882
- The Whale Hunters of Japan, (ar) St. Nicholas December 1882
- A Japanese Funny Artist, (ar) St. Nicholas March 1883
- A Stroll in Old Yeddo. Business, Pleasure and Religion in Japan, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1886
- Japanese Art, Artists, Artisans, (??) Scribner’s Magazine January 1888
- Japanese Ivory Carvings, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1888
- Japanese Art Symbols, (??) Scribner’s Magazine January 1889
- Nature and People in Japan, (??) The Century Magazine December 1889
- Southern Womanhood as Affected by the War, (??) The Century Magazine November 1891
- The “Wyoming” in the Straits of Shimonoseki, (??) The Century Magazine April 1892
- Townsend Harris, First American Minister in Japan, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1892
- The “Wyoming” in Japan, (??) The Century Magazine August 1892
- The Dutch Influence in New England, (??) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1894
- The Women of the House of Orange, (ar) Harper’s Bazar January 7 1899, etc.
- Queen Wilhelmina and Her Future Husband, (ar) Harper’s Bazar February 4 1899
- Markets with a Past, (ar) Harper’s Bazar April 8 1899
Griffith, A. Kinney (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
- “Wrecks” [“Wrecks” Norcrosse; “Hazard” Hassett], (ss) War Birds #5, July 1928
- Snap Out of It [“Wrecks” Norcrosse; “Hazard” Hassett], (ss) War Birds #6, August 1928
- False Orders [“Wrecks” Norcrosse; “Hazard” Hassett], (ss) War Birds #7, September 1928
- Hidden Signals, (ss) War Birds #8, October 1928
- Enemy Lights, (ss) War Stories #43, November 8 1928
- Demons of the Air, (nv) Sky Riders #1, November 1928
- The Black Shadow, (ss) War Stories #48, January 17 1929
- Into the Spy Nest [“Wrecks” Norcrosse; “Hazard” Hassett], (ss) Sky Riders #7, May 1929
- Stingaree Salz, (ss) Navy Stories #5, June 1929
- Monsters of the Air, (ss) Zeppelin Stories July 1929
- Swooping for Fortune, (ss) Airplane Stories July 1929
- Under Enemy Gunsights [“Wrecks” Norcrosse; “Hazard” Hassett], (ss) Sky Riders #10, August 1929
- Anybody’s Pill-Box, (ss) War Stories #68, October 24 1929
- Chambers of Treachery, (ss) Sky Riders #13, November 1929
- Savage Trickery, (ss) Far East Adventure Stories April 1931
- Ten Bucks to Tim Buc Tu, (ss) Far East Adventure Stories July 1931
- The Bomb Barricade, (ss) Flying Aces August 1931
- Marked for Death, (ss) Amazing Detective Stories August 1931
- On the Road from Mandalay, (ss) Far East Adventure Stories December 1931
- Lawless Land, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories September 1 1932
Griffith, Clem (fl. 1980s) (books) (items)
- Four Thaumastic Tales, (Excalibur Press, December 1989, oc)
- Grimwick, (nv) Four Thaumastic Tales, Excalibur Press, 1989
- Mermoth, (nv) Four Thaumastic Tales, Excalibur Press, 1989
- Mortefact, (nv) Four Thaumastic Tales, Excalibur Press, 1989
- Weirdagast, (nv) Four Thaumastic Tales, Excalibur Press, 1989
Griffith, E. V. (fl. 1940s-1960s) (items)
- Homing, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 26 1947
- Nightfall, (vi) Minnesota Quarterly Fall 1949
- High Summer, (pm) Minnesota Quarterly Winter 1950
- The Most Fabulous Brothel in History, (ar) Knight May 1966
- Tangled Tongues of TV, (hu) Knight September 1966
- The Dreadful Werewolf, (ar) Knight November 1966
- The Marvelous Bedside Manner of “Dr.” John St. John Long, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #26, December 1966
- The Harlots of Satan, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #27, February 1967
- Lust, (ss) Knight March 1967
- America’s Play-for-Pay Couples and the “New Voyeurs”, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #28, April 1967
- Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch…, (ar) Adam Yearbook 1967
Griffith(-Jones), George (Chetwynd) (1857-1906); used pseudonym Levin Carnac (about) (books) (items)
- The Fall of Berlin, (ss) Pearson’s Weekly 1893
- Up a Gum Tree, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1894
- The True Fate of the Flying Dutchman, (ss) Pearson’s Weekly July 21 1894
- The Gold Plant, (ss) Pearson’s Weekly May 11 1895
- The Knights of the White Rose: A Romance of a Lost Cause, (sl) Pearson’s Storyteller #1, October 12 1895
- A Dream of the Golden Age, (ex) Pearson, 1895
- Idolatry, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1896, as by Levin Carnac
- War on the Water, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1896
- The Grave of a Nation’s Honour, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine March 1896
- The Moment After, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine March 1896, as by Levin Carnac
- How the Frontiers of Europe Are Kept, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine April 1896, as by Levin Carnac
- A Photograph of the Invisible, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine April 1896
- A Peep Into Penal Servitude, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine May 1896
- A Genius for a Year, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1896, as by Levin Carnac
- A Railway Beyond the Clouds, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine June 1896
- The Christopher Columbus of Mars, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine July 1896 [Ref. Camille Flammarion]
- A Paradise of To-Morrow, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine July 1896
- The Most Magestic of Mountains, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine March 1897
- Photography as a Fine Art, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine March 1897, as by Levin Carnac
- Diamond Digging at De Beers, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine May 1897
- The King of Contortionists, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine May 1897, as by Levin Carnac
- The Diamond Dog [Inspector Lipinski], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1897
- The House of the Doomed, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine July 1897
- A Run to Freetown [Inspector Lipinski], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1897
- The Training of a Dancer, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine August 1897, as by Levin Carnac
- The King’s Rose Diamond [Inspector Lipinski], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1897
- The Finding of Diamond Pan [Inspector Lipinski], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1897
- To Someone on Her Birthday, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine October 1897, as by Levin Carnac
- A Colony of One, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine November 1897, as by Levin Carnac
- Five Hundred Carats [Inspector Lipinski], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1897
- The Border Gang [Inspector Lipinski], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1897
- The Great Crellin Comet, (nv) Pearson’s Weekly Christmas 1897
- The Gold Magnet, (sl) Short Stories January 1 1898, etc.
- A Vision of the Flood, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine January 1898
- The Light-Weights of Naval Warfare, and a Trial Run on One of Them, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine February 1898
- A Corner in Lightning, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1898
- To France by Air, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine April 1898
- At the Sign of the “Golden Star” [Inspector Lipinski], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1898
- Hellville U.S.A., (ss) Pearson’s Weekly August 8 1898
- The Rose of Eden, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine August 1898
- Beauty in Camp [Inspector Lipinski], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1898
- Our Fights with France, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1898, as by Levin Carnac
- A Ride to the City of the Sun, (te) Pearson’s Magazine December 1898
- The Veil of Tanit, (ss) Pearson’s Weekly Christmas 1898
- Horse and Man as a Fighting Unit, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine April 1899, as by Levin Carnac
- The Conversion of the Professor, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) May 1899
- The Conversion of the Professor: A Tale of the Fourth Dimension, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1899
- The Battle of the Tongues, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine June 1899, as by Levin Carnac
- A Convict Convalescent Home, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine June 1899
- A Convict Convalescent Home in England, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) June 1899
- The Plague-Ship “Tupisa”, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1899
- The Strongest Ship Afloat, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine July 1899, as by Levin Carnac
- “Los Medanos”, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine August 1899
- The Snake-Dancers of Arizona, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine September 1899, as by Levin Carnac
- Two Year’s Hard Labour, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine September 1899
- The Last Champion of Granada, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine November 1899
- Gambles with Destiny, (F.V. White, 1899, co)
- A Visit to the Moon [Honeymoon in Space], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1900
- A Visit to the Moon [Honeymoon in Space], (ex) Pearson’s Magazine January 1900
- The World of the War God [Honeymoon in Space], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1900
- A Glimpse of the Sinless Star [Honeymoon in Space], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1900
- The World of the Crystal Cities [Honeymoon in Space], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine April 1900
- In Saturn’s Realm [Honeymoon in Space], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1900
- Homeward Bound [Honeymoon in Space], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1900
- The Criminal Lunatic Asylum, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine July 1900
- Where Will the 20th Century Commence?, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1900
- The Raid of “Le Vengeur”, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1901
- Sidelights on Convict Life: Prison as Home and Shelter, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine January 1902
- The General’s Glove, (ss) Short Stories March 22 1902, as by Levin Carnac
- The Dragnet of Justice, (ar) The Royal Magazine March 1902
- The Hampstead Mystery. A Story of a Woman’s Justice, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1902, as by Levin Carnac
- A Railway Round the World, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine November 1902, as by Levin Carnac
- Sidelights on Convict Life: A Visit to the French Convict Prison of New Caledonia, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine November 1902
- The Lake of Gold, (sl) The Argosy December 1902, etc.
- The Lost Elixir, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1903
- Things You Can’t Do, (ar) The Royal Magazine January 1904
- By Mutual Consent, (ss) The Tatler June 22 1904
- From Pole to Pole, (nv) The Windsor Magazine October 1904
- The Raid of “Le Vengeur” and Other Stories, (Ferret Fantasy, 1974, co); edited by Sam Moskowitz
- To the Rescue, (ss)
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