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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 4189

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    Esquire [v72 #6, No. 433, December 1969] ($1.50, 338pp, 10½″ x 13½″) [] (Full Text)
    Volume given as “LXXIII”. Special boxed issue: Shaping the Seventies.

    Esquire [v73 #5, No. 438, May 1970] (10½″ x 13½″) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from
    • · The Memory Expert · Stanley Elkin · ss
    • · Avant-Propos: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel · Gore Vidal · ms
    • · Right from the Garden: A Little Treasury of Nonnegotiable Verse · Karl Shapiro · pm

    Esquire [v75 #1, No. 446, January 1971] ($1.00, 180pp, 10½″ x 13½″) [] (Full Text)
    • 128 · The Interrogation of the Prisoner Bung by Mister Hawkins and Sergeant Tree · David Huddle · ss

    Esquire [v76 #6, No. 457, December 1971] (quarto) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from
    • · In the Men’s Room of the Sixteenth Century · Don DeLillo · ss
    • · I Am Elijah Thrush · James Purdy · ss

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