The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 8478
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[]Randolph, Ann (chron.)
- * An Active Summer in Stageland, (ar) National Magazine August 1913
- * Alias Jimmy Valentine, (ar) National Magazine June 1912
- * Along the Great White Way, (ar) National Magazine March 1914
- * An Arabian Night in the Theater, (ar) National Magazine May 1913
- * The Author of “The High Road”, (ar) National Magazine February 1913
- * Back-Stage While “Bunty Pulls the Strings”, (ar) National Magazine March 1913
- * Chances for Real Boys, (ar) National Magazine November 1914
- * Comedienne and Cook. May Irwin, (ar) National Magazine September 1913
- * Forbes-Robertson’s Farewell, (ar) National Magazine April 1914
- * Home Department, (cl) National Magazine Oct 1911, Jan, Feb 1912
- * In Broadway Playhouses, (ar) National Magazine November 1913
- * Intermission with Christie Macdonald, (ar) National Magazine July 1913
- * In the Star’s Dressing-Room, (ar) National Magazine December 1912
- * John Craig and His Institution, (ar) National Magazine July 1912
- * Olive Wyndham—Her Art and Herself, (ar) National Magazine October 1913
- * A Paradoxical Person, (ar) National Magazine December 1914
- * Personality on the Stage. A Discussion with Leading Actresses, (ar) National Magazine April 1913
- * “The Rainbow”: A Great Human Comedy, (ar) National Magazine January 1913
- * The Renaissance of Oliver Twist, (ar) National Magazine November 1912
- * The Road to the House of Gold. A Play of Subtle Suggestions, (ar) National Magazine February 1913
- * Shaw Makes Us Laugh Again, (ar) National Magazine May 1914
- * Upstairs in the Theater, (ar) National Magazine January 1914
- * A Wizard in the Wings, (ar) National Magazine December 1913
[]Randolph, Boris (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Are You an X-Pert?, (qz) The American Magazine March 1953
- * Can You Fill in the O’s?, (qz) The American Magazine June 1953
- * Found in Treasure Chest, (pz) Woman’s Day October 1947
- * How’s Your Appetite, (pz) The American Magazine August 1952
- * Name-o-Grams, (pz) The American Magazine December 1952
- * Quizzes, (qz) Here! Is America’s Humor February 1952
- * Rainy Day Quiz, (qz) The American Magazine May 1950
- * Tasty Words, (ar) Redbook February 1958
- * Turkey Quiz, (qz) The American Magazine November 1949
- * Word Dominoes, (pz) The American Magazine September 1950
[]Randolph, Joe F. (fl. 1970s-1990s) (chron.)
_____, ed.
_____, trans.
- * Aruna by Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff, (ss) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the Danish (Proxima #19, 1979).
- * Back to Earth, Finally by Philip Goy, (nv) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the French (“Retour à la Terre, définitif”, Retour à la Terre 2 ed. Jean-Pierre Andrevon, Présence du Futur, 1976).
- * Black Venus: Death and Rebirth by Bruno Vitiello, (na) Different Realities #3 Aug, #4 Dec 1998
- * The Building Manager by Françoise Urban-Menninger, (ss) Different Realities #1, August 1997; translated from the French (“La Concierge”).
- * A Case of Hydrophobia by Alain le Bussy, (ss) Different Realities #2, December 1997; translated from the French (“La Fille qui avait peur de l’eau”).
- * Drugs’ll Do You by Kathinka Lannoy, (ss) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the Dutch (“Drugs”, Orbit #1, Spring 1978).
- * The Emerald-Studded Scepter by Carlos Saiz Cidoncha, (nv) Terra SF II ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1983; translated from the Spanish (“El cetro de esmeraldas”, Space Opera #2, 1980).
- * End of an Era by Jürgen Andreas & Ronald M. Hahn, (nv) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the German (“Zusammenbruch”, Zukunftsgeschichten ed. Anon., Weltkreis-Verlag, 1976).
- * The Erotonostic by Pierre-Jean Brouillaud, (ss) Different Realities #2, December 1997; translated from the French (“Le robonostic”, Creatio ex Nihilo, v1 #1, Jan ’97).
- * The Fifth Time Out by Bertil Mårtensson, (ss) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the Swedish (“Den femte resan”, Häpna! #2, 1964).
- * Fill in the Blank(s) by Michel Jeury, (nv) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the French (“Les colmateurs”, Futurs #1, June 1978).
- * Haike the Heretic’s Writings by Wolfgang Jeschke, (nv) Terra SF II ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1983; translated from the German (“Dokumente über den Zustand des Landes vor der Verheerung”, Science Fiction Story Reader 15 ed. Wolfgang Jeschke, Heyne, 1981).
- * Home Invasion by André Carneiro, (ss) Different Realities #4, December 1998
- * The Hospital, a Cynical Fable by Daniel Walther, (ss) Terra SF II ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1983; translated from the French (“L’hôpital, une fable cynique”, L’ Hopital et Autres Fables Cliniques, Néo, 1982).
- * In Search of Aurade by Gianluigi Zuddas, (nv) Terra SF II ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1983; translated from the Italian (“Per cercare Aurade”, Le Ali Della Fantasia ed. Marino Solfanelli, Collana di Letteratura Fantastica, 1981).
- * Karma by Jean-Marie Planque, (ss) Different Realities #1, August 1997; translated from the French.
- * Kombinat by Bruno Vitiello, (ss) Different Realities #1, August 1997; translated from the Italian (“Combinat”).
- * The Last Atlantean by Francis Carsac, (ss) Terra SF II ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1983; translated from the French (“Celui qui vint de la Grande Eau”, Antares #5, 1982).
- * The Many Miniworlds of Matuschek by Thomas Ziegler, (nv) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the German (“Matuscheks Welten”, Science Fiction Story Reader 9 ed. Wolfgang Jeschke, Heyne, 1978).
- * Martian Invasion by Josep Albanell, (ss) Different Realities #4, December 1998
- * Memories by Guillaume Thiberge, (ss) Different Realities #1, August 1997; translated from the French (“Memoires”).
- * Mikey Turns Three by Merete Kruuse, (ss) Terra SF II ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1983; translated from the Danish (“Mugger Blive Tre”).
- * Night of the Id by Renato Pestriniero, (ss) Different Realities #4, December 1998
- * The Ogre’s Head by Richard D. Nolane, (ss) Terra SF II ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1983; translated from the French (“La tête de l’ogre”).
- * On the Inside Track by Karl-Michaël Armer, (nv) Tales from the Planet Earth ed. Frederik Pohl & Elizabeth Anne Hull, St. Martin's, 1986; translated from the German (“Umkreisungen”, Entropie ed. Wolfgang Jeschke, 1986).
- * Opportunities Galore by Gabriel Bermúdez Castillo, (nv) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the Spanish (“Cuestión de oportunidades”, Piel del Infinito, 1978).
- * Parallel Worlds by Paul van Herck, (ss) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the Flemish (“Parallel”, Tweede Land van de Griezel ed. Albert van Hageland, D.A.P. Reinaert, 1978).
- * Play Your Luck Out by Gilles Dumay, (vi) Different Realities #1, August 1997; translated from the French (“Jouer sa chance jusqu’au bout”).
- * Red Rhombuses by Lino Aldani, (nv) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the Italian (“Screziato di Rosso”, Robot Speciale #4, 1977).
- * The Ring of Set by Serge Rollet, (ss) Different Realities #1, August 1997; translated from the French (“L’Anneau de Set”).
- * Shoobeedoowah Across the Universe by Karl-Michaël Armer, (ss) Terra SF II ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1983; translated from the German (“Durch das Weltall, schubiduwah”).
- * The Social Worker by Jean-Michel Blatrier, (ss) Different Realities #2, December 1997; translated from the French (“L’assistante sociale”, Creatio ex Nihilo, v1 #2, Feb ’97).
- * Survey by Gerben Hellinga, Jr., (vi) Different Realities #1, August 1997; translated from the Dutch (“Enquête”).
- * Test Flesh by Gianni Montanari, (ss) Universo e Dintorni ed. Inisero Cremaschi, I Garzanti, 1978
- * The Thing in the Boob Tube by André Carneiro, (vi) Different Realities #2, December 1997; translated from the Portuguese (“Do outro lado da janela”).
- * Traveling Companion by Renato Pestriniero, (ss) Different Realities #3, August 1998
- * Turnabout by Ingar Knudtsen, Jr., (ss) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the Norwegian (Laser Sesongen).
- * Where Neuroses Thrive by Richard D. Nolane, (ss) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981; translated from the French (“Où fleurissent les névroses”, Spinnenmusik ed. Wolfgang Jeschke, Heyne, 1979).
- * Xiphopaguses by Daniel Walther, (ss) Different Realities #2, December 1997; translated from the French (“Xiphopages”).
[]Randolph, John (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * When Can the ROKs Take Over in Korea?, (ar) Collier’s March 7 1953
- * [front cover], (cv) Liberty Nov 30 1940, Nov 30 1946
- * [front cover], (cv) This Week Dec 8 1940, Nov 9 1941, Aug 16 1942, Dec 12 1943
- * [front cover], (cv) Sir! September 1943
- * [front cover], (cv) The American Magazine March 1947
- * [front cover], (cv) Varsity (US) #24, May/June 1950
- * [front cover] (with Paul G. Guillumette), (cv) Liberty August 1949
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Adventure February 1956
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