The FictionMags Index
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Allen, Anita (chron.) (continued)
- * Portrait of Love, (ss) All-Story Love Stories February 16 1935, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Princess Mike and the Saddle Tramp, (nv) Rangeland Romances May 1941, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Princess of Heartbreak Prairie, (nv) Rangeland Romances September 1952, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Problem Girl of the Cimarron, (na) Rangeland Romances July 1951, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Prodigal Sweethearts, (nv) Western Romances #80, January 1938, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Queen of Lost Rancho, (ss) Rangeland Romances August 1945
- * Queen of Spades, (nv) Western Romances #73, June 1937, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Queen of the Renegades, (na) Rangeland Love Stories January 1951, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Queen of Witches’s Range, (ss) Rangeland Romances March 1951, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Queens of Rodeo, (cl) Rangeland Romances Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1939
- * Raider’s Lady, (nv) Rangeland Romances June 1948, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Raider’s Romance, (nv) Western Romances #86, July 1938, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Raider Without Guns, (nv) Real Western Romances October 1952, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Rancho Del Rio’s Forgotten Princess, (ss) Rangeland Romances December 1947
- * Range Queens Like Kissing Too!, (nv) Rangeland Romances October 1943, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Renegades Bedevil Easy, (ss) Rangeland Romances March 1949, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Renegade’s Caressin’ Rendezvous, (ss) Rangeland Romances April 1949, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Rider of the Dawn, (nv) Western Romances #55, December 1935, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * The River Queen and the Outlaw, (na) Rangeland Romances April 1950, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * The Road Goes North, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range September 1940, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Romance Raids the Twisted T, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories February 1941, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Running Horse Valley, (na) Romantic Range September 1938, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Rustler’s Girl, (ss) Rangeland Love Stories October 1936, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Salty Little Rebel, (nv) Rangeland Romances October 1946, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Savage in the Sun, (na) Thrilling Ranch Stories June 1942, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Scarlet Flower, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine March 16 1935, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Secret of the Rolling S, (nv) Western Romances #89, June 1939, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Señor Cupid’s Auction Block, (na) Rangeland Romances November 1948, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Senorita Death, (nv) Western Romances #56, January 1936, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * The Señorita Ropes a Yankee, (ss) Rangeland Romances January 1949
- * Señorita Wolf!, (nv) Rangeland Romances February 1946, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Shadow of the Big Horns, (na) Romantic Range August 1937, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Shadows on Sundown, (nv) Romantic Range October 1937, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Shameless Hearts on Renegade Trail, (nv) Rangeland Romances February 1950, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Shoot, Cowboy!, (nv) Western Romances #49, June 1935, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * The Silver Brand, (nv) Western Romances #45, February 1935, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * The Sin of San Keu (with Lemuel L. de Bra), (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1922, as by Marian O’Hearn & Lemuel L. de Bra
- * Siren in the Saddle, (ss) Rangeland Love Stories June 1952, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Siren of the Freighter Gals, (na) Rangeland Romances May 1947, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Siren of the Wilderness, (ss) Rangeland Romances September 1947, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * A Slight Case of Ecstasy, (ss) Rangeland Romances September 1946
- * Smoke Against the Sun, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories March 1950, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Soldiers of the Black Goat, (na) Unknown January 1940, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Some Darlings Are Dangerous, (na) Rangeland Romances November 1950, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Songbird of Hell, (nv) Western Romances #43, December 1934, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * The Song Is Ended, (nv) Romantic Range September 1936, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Song of Songs, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range April 1940, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * The Spark of Allah, (na) Unknown Jul, Aug, Sep 1940, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Spent Bullets, (ss) Western Romances #45, February 1935
- * Spitfire of Rebel Range, (na) Western Love Romances April 1950, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Spring Fires, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories October 1945, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * The Stage Station, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories October 1943, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Stake Your Claim with Kisses, (nv) Rangeland Romances July 1953, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Starlight Madness, (na) Rangeland Love Stories June 1951, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Suncloud Gold, (ss) Romance Round-Up May 1938, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Sunset Trail, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1939, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Susan Breaks a Wild One, (nv) Rangeland Romances December 1940, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Susan Goes West, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range December 1938, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Susan McSween, (ar) Romantic Range January 1938
- * Swansong for an Ugly Duckling, (nv) Black Mask January 1950, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Sweetheart of Gunsmoke Trail, (na) Rangeland Romances May 1949, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Sweetheart of the Gun Trail, (nv) Rangeland Romances May 1950, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Temptress of Dream Valley, (na) Rangeland Romances February 1945, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Temptress of the Double R, (ss) Rangeland Romances May 1946
- * This Belle Means Business, (na) Rangeland Romances December 1949, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * This Land Is Ours, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories March 1947, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Thoroughfare for Love, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1939
- * Three Hearts in Trigger Time, (na) Rangeland Romances July 1943, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Tina Pioneers with Kisses, (na) Rangeland Romances April 1946, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Too Eligible, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #205, October 31 1933, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Trail to Broken Buttes, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories June 1937, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Trail to Paradise, (na) Western Romances #63, August 1936, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Trail to the Stars, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1942, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Troubles for Two, (ss) Western Romances #77, October 1937, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Tumbleweed Trail, (nv) Western Romances #46, March 1935, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Two Queens for Boomtown, (nv) Rangeland Love Stories August 1950, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Under the Heartbreak Brand, (ss) Rangeland Romances February 1946
- * Vixen of the Flying F, (nv) Rangeland Romances December 1947, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Wagon Wheels Onward, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range July 1940, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Waif of the Wilderness, (nv) Rangeland Romances June 1949, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Warrior’s Daughter, (ss) Thrilling Love May 1934, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * When a Renegade Loves, (nv) Western Romances #48, May 1935, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * When the Devil Won’t Buy, (ss) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories September 1933, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * When Wilding Lips Surrender, (na) Rangeland Romances November 1951, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Who’s Afraid of Wilderness Love?, (nv) Rangeland Sweethearts April 1941, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * The Wilderness Bride, (na) Western Romances #90, September 1939, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Wilderness Love, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1940, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Wild, Free—and Lovable!, (nv) Rangeland Romances July 1942, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Wind on the Road, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1939, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Yankee Kisses Are Dangerous, (nv) Rangeland Romances November 1943, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Yankee Spitfire of the Rebel Camp, (na) Rangeland Romances April 1948, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * Yesterday’s Dreams, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #227, March 1935, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * You’ll Wear My Brand!, (nv) Rangeland Romances August 1947
- * [letter], (lt) Unknown September 1940, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * [unknown story], (ss) Western Romances #83, April 1938, as by Marian O’Hearn
- * [unknown story], (ss) Rangeland Romances May 1945, as by Marian O’Hearn
_____, [ref.]
[]Allen, Anita (fl. 1990s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Bloodspell: A Sestina (with Mike Allen), (pm) Petting the Time Shark and Other Poems by Mike Allen, DNA Publications, 2003
- * Unland, Unlife (with Mike Allen), (pm) inkscrawl June 2011
- * Wise Counsel, (pm) New Dominions ed. Mike & Anita Allen, Allen & Allen Productions, 1995
- * [front cover], (cv) Mythic Delirium (online) Jan/Mar 2014, Jan/Mar 2015
- * [front cover] (with Anne Sampson), (cv) Mythic Delirium (online) January/March 2016
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Event Horizon Spr, Fll 1997
- * [illustration(s)] (with Mike Allen), (il) Event Horizon Spring 1998
- * [illustration(s)] (with Charles S. Fallis), (il) Event Horizon Fall 1997
- * [untitled haiku], (pm) Dreams of Decadence #6, Spring 1998
_____, ed.
[]Allen, Anne Story (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * Alec, Jr., (ss) The Red Book Magazine October 1906
- * Answered, (ss) The Cavalier January 1910
- * The Awakening of Carrie Stevens, (ss) The Scrap Book January 1908
- * Betty’s Mother and Richard’s Father, (ss) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine June 1917
- * By Favor of the Gods, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine July 1903
- * Doll Mildred, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine February 1906
- * Face to Face, (vi) Munsey’s Magazine June 1909
- * For Love of a Star, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1907
- * His Majesty, John the Janitor (sketch), (ar) National Magazine May 1900
- * Hope Foster’s Mother, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine September 1911
- * In Suite Two, (vi) Munsey’s Magazine June 1900
- * Links in a Chain, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1903
- * Mignon, (ss) The Black Cat January 1907
- * Mildred, the Misanthrope, (ss) The Cavalier November 1909
- * Moira, (ss) The Delineator January 1907
- * My Hero, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1902
- * Neighbors, (ss) The Delineator January 1908
- * Old Granny Lee, (ss) The Scrap Book February 1908
- * “An Old Lady Named Rose”, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine November 1906
- * On Owning a Donkey, (ss) Holland’s June 1913
- * The Paper Lady’s Lodger, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine May 1906
- * A Present from Peter, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1907
- * The Reformation of Michael Doolan, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine January 1904
- * Saint Rosamond, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1902
- * The Shortcomings of Rose, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1902
- * Springtime and Honora, (ss) The Ladies’ World April 1911
- * Thinking It Over, (ss) The Idler October 1902
- * The Wedding-Journey of Mrs. Hastings, (vi) Cosmopolitan Magazine September 1907
- * When a Woman Will, (sl) The Scrap Book Oct, Nov, Dec 1907
- * When Youth’s Awake, (vi) Hampton’s Magazine March 1909
- * With the Assistance of Polly, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine July 1907
[]Allen, Arthur W. (fl. 1880s) (chron.)
- * Birds at Home, No. 1, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 27 1889
- * Birds at Home, No. 2, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper May 25 1889
- * Birds at Home, No. 3, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1 1889
- * Birds at Home, No. 4, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper June 15 1889
- * Birds at Home, No. 5, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper June 22 1889
- * Birds at Home, No. 6, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper June 29 1889
- * A Page frm History!, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper January 31 1885
[]Allen, B. Morris (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Adaptations to Coastal Erosion, (ss) Metaphorosis June 2016
- * Adjectives of Annihilation, (ss) Cossmass Infinities #9, July 2022
- * Blackthorn, (ss) Genius Loci ed. Jaym Gates, Ragnarok Publications, 2016
- * Blush, (ss) Capricious #7, May 2017
- * Building on Sand, (ss) Kaleidotrope Summer 2019
- * Chambers of the Heart, (ss) Metaphorosis February 2017
- * A Conversion of Crows, (ss) Metaphorosis September 2017
- * Crying in the Salt House, (nv) Cirsova Winter 2018
- * Dragons I Have Slain, (ss) Metaphorosis September 2016
- * Fetch, (ss) Metaphorosis September 2020
- * Foreword, (fw) Best Vegan Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016 ed. B. Morris Allen, Plant Based Press, 2017
- * For This Rich Earth, (ss) ParSec #12, Autumn 2024
- * Fountainhead, (ss) Score: An SFF Symphony ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Books, 2019
- * From the Editor, (ed) Metaphorosis: Best of 2020 ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing, 2021
- * From the Editor, (in) Metaphorosis: Best of 2017 ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Books, 2018
- * From the Editor, (in) Metaphorosis 2016: Nearly Complete Stories ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Books, 2018
- * From the Editor, (in) Best Vegan Science Fiction & Fantasy 2017 ed. B. Morris Allen, Plant Based Press, 2018
- * From the Editor, (in) Metaphorosis 2017: The Complete Stories ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Books, 2018
- * From the Editor, (in) Metaphorosis: Best of 2018 ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Books, 2019
- * From the Editor, (in) Metaphorosis 2018: The Complete Stories ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Books, 2019
- * From the Editor, (in) Score: An SFF Symphony ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Books, 2019
- * From the Editor, (in) Best Vegan Science Fiction & Fantasy 2018 ed. B. Morris Allen, Plant Based Press, 2019
- * From the Editor, (in) Metaphorosis: Best of 2019 ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing, 2019
- * From the Editor, (in) Metaphorosis 2019: The Complete Stories ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing, 2020
- * From the Editor, (in) Best Vegan Science Fiction & Fantasy 2019 ed. B. Morris Allen, Plant Based Press, 2020
- * From the Editor, (in) Best Vegan Science Fiction & Fantasy 2020 ed. B. Morris Allen, Plant Based Press, 2021
- * From the Editor, (in) Metaphorosis: Best of 2021 ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing, 2022
- * From the Editor, (in) Metaphorosis 2021: The Complete Stories ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing, 2022
- * From the Editor, (in) Metaphorosis 2022: The Complete Stories ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Publishing, 2023
- * Full of Stars, (vi) AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review December 17 2020
- * Graven Image, (nv) Metaphorosis September 2018
- * The Humblebract Expedition, (ss) Score: An SFF Symphony ed. B. Morris Allen, Metaphorosis Books, 2019
- * I Don’t Care About Clifon Clowers, (ss) On Spec #110, 2019
- * Memory and Faded Ink, (ss) AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review July 10 2019
- * Metaphorosis, (ss) Metaphorosis September 2015
- * Minstrel Boy Howling at the Moon, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2021
- * …97, 98, 99, 100!, (ed) Metaphorosis January/March 2024
- * O!, (ss) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #13, June 2016
- * Outburst, (ss) Event Horizon 2018 ed. Jake Kerr, Quanta, 2018; previously available as an audio download from Cast of Wonders, December 23, 2017.
- * Payback, (ss) Curiosities #8, Winter 2020
- * Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, (ss) Kaleidotrope Winter 2024
- * Some Sun and Delilah, (ss) Metaphorosis September 2019
- * That Lonesome, Restless Feeling, (ss) Metaphorosis September 2023
- * Tocsin, (ss) Penumbra (online) May 2013
- * To the Wild Sea, (ss) Metaphorosis September 2022
- * Tumbler, (ss) Metaphorosis September 2021
- * Waning, (ss) The Common Tongue Magazine #4, August 2021
- * When Dooryards First in the Lilac Bloomed, (ss) Lackington’s #14, Spring 2017
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Metaphorosis Sep 2015, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov,
Dec 2016
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2017
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2018
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2019
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2020
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2021
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2022
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2023
Jan/Mar, Apr/Jun, Jul/Sep, Fll 2024
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