The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 4075
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[]Glover, Jenna (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * The Dream Thief, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #24, June 2023
- * Go Gentle, (vi) Martian #8, Spring 2023
- * A Good AI, (vi) Martian #9, Summer 2023
- * Kimi’s Fruit Stand for Dead Pirates and Privateers, (ss) Haven Speculative #8, March 2023
- * Peanut Butter Elegy, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #51, September 2022
- * They Stopped the Rain, (vi) Wyldblood Magazine #14, Autumn 2023
[]Glowacki, Aleksander (1847-1912); used pseudonym Boleslaw Prus (about) (chron.)
- * Dominion: A Tale of Ancient Egypt, (ss) Putnam’s Monthly & The Reader March 1908; translated by Jeremiah Curtin
- * The Human Telegraph, (vi) Great Short Stories of the World ed. Barrett H. Clark & Maxim Lieber, The World Publishing Company, 1925, as by Boleslaw Prus; translated by Sarka B. Hrbkova
- * Mold of the Earth, (vi) The Polish Review v40 #1, 1995, as by Boleslaw Prus
- * The Street Organ, (ss) The Novel Magazine October 1910, as by Boleslaw Prus; translated from the Polish by Amy Skovgaard-Pedersen.
- * The Waistcoat, (ss) , as by Boleslaw Prus
[]Gluck, Harold (1906-1993) (chron.)
- * Amateurs or Professionals, (cl) Ten Story Sports October 1953
- * Annals of Crime, (cl) Famous Detective Stories Apr, Aug 1955
- * Annals of Crime, (cl) Smashing Detective Stories Nov 1955, Jan 1956
- * Archie Goes West, (ts) Famous Western October 1951
- * The Battle of the Buffaloes, (ar) Real Western Stories October 1956
- * Be an Ambidextrous Handball Player, (ar) Sports Winners January 1952
- * Bear Buscoe, Strong Man, (ar) Western Action January 1956
- * Bend the Bow, (ar) Real Western Stories June 1954
- * Beware the Summer Rodeo, (ar) Today’s Love Stories October 1955
- * The Big, Bad Mr. Sweeney, (ar) Double Action Western January 1949
- * Bill of Sale, (ar) Romantic West Annual v1 #4, 1953
- * Biscuit Bargain, (ms)
- * B Is for Bullet, (ss) Western Action January 1957
- * Black Bart, (ss) Real Western Stories October 1955
- * Blackfeet, to You!, (ar) Famous Western August 1956
- * Black Sheep and the Texas Rangers, (ar) Western Action May 1952
- * Bogus Money Blues, (ar) Ten Detective Aces September 1949
- * The Bold Cheyenne Braves, (ts) Thrilling Western January 1953
- * Buffaloless Shaw, (ar) Double Action Western July 1953
- * “The Buntline Special”, (ar) Mammoth Western September 1950
- * Butterfly of Death, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories September 1951
- * California or Bust!, (ar) Western Action April 1955
- * Camp Clue, (qz) Action-Packed Western March 1955
- * Can You Invent a Sport?, (ar) Ten Story Sports October 1954
- * Can You Spare a Coin—Sucker?, (ar) Famous Detective Stories June 1954
- * Carl, the Creaser, (vi) Double Action Western February 1959
- * The Case of the One-Eyed Chief, (ss) Western Action July 1956
- * Case of the Shoemaker’s Twine, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories June 1951
- * The Case of the Window Shooting, (vi) Black Cat Mystery Magazine #2, 1981
- * Charlie Dalton Will Ride No More!, (ar) Complete Cowboy Novel Magazine June 1949
- * The Check-Kiting Swindle, (ar) Double-Action Detective Stories #4, 1956
- * Cheyenne to You, (ar) Real Western Stories April 1954
- * Chief Bone-Necklace Complains, (ar) Real Western Stories April 1956
- * Chief Inshta Theamba Tells a Story of Bravery, (ar) Real Western Stories October 1953
- * Choctaw, to You, (ar) Double Action Western April 1956
- * The Cigaret Clue, (ms) Smashing Detective Stories July 1956
- * A Clue Is Born, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine August 1948
- * The Coffin They Carry You Off In, (ar) Double Action Western September 1953
- * Colter’s Hell, (ar) Real Western Stories April 1955
- * Comanche to You, (ar) Real Western Stories December 1953
- * The Corpse Wasn’t Dead, (ar) Famous Detective Stories August 1952
- * Corpus Delicti, (ar) Famous Detective Stories February 1951
- * Cowboy Swindler from Abilene, (ts) Famous Western August 1950
- * Crime Without Intent, (ar)
- * Crooked Western Miners, (ar) Double Action Western January 1953
- * Custer’s Courage, (ar) Double Action Western June 1956
- * The Dame Turns Miner, (ar) Thrilling Ranch Stories Winter 1952
- * Dark Destination, (ts) 10-Story Detective Magazine December 1948
- * A Date with Destiny, (ts) Double Action Western December 1955 [Ref. Davy Crockett]
- * The Dead Heat Payoff, (ar) Ten Story Sports July 1955
- * Detective Facts and Foibles, (ar) Famous Detective Stories August 1953
- * Dial 601 for Vigilantes, (ar) Western Action April 1953
- * Dr. Gatling, To You, (ar) Real Western Stories February 1953
- * Don’t Be a Bossing Barbara, (ar) Gay Love Stories September 1958
- * Draw, Damn You, Draw!, (ar) Real Western Stories August 1955
- * Dying Declarations, (ss) Crack Detective Stories July 1948
- * Eastern Terrier vs. Western Bloodhounds, (ar) Real Western February 1949
- * The Eternal Champ?, (ar) Ten Story Sports April 1954
- * An Expert Talks About a Sport, (ar) Ten Story Sports January 1956
- * The Extra Corpse, (ar) Smashing Detective Stories March 1951
- * The Extra Passenger, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories March 1954
- * The Extra Round, (ar) Ten Story Sports July 1953
- * The Fabulous Ben Thompson, (ar) Western Action November 1959
- * The Faint Clue, (ss) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #10, May 1958
- * The Fandango, (ts) Ranch Romances 3rd April 1954
- * Follow the Crowd?, (ar) Ideal Love Stories September 1958
- * Freighters of the Western Plains, (ar) Double Action Western January 1951
- * The Gal Saw the West, (ar) Real Western Romances March 1954
- * General Cook—Rocky Mountain Detective, (bg) Real Western Stories December 1959
- * Gift of Death, (ar) Famous Western April 1951
- * The Gimmick Was a Dimick, (ar) Real Western Stories October 1958
- * Glint of Gold, (ss) Double Action Western February 1956
- * Gold and Cold, (vi) Double Action Western May 1950
- * Gold Con Men, (ar) Western Action December 1952
- * The Golden Newspapers, (ar) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1955
- * Gulch City Loses a Citizen, (ss) Western Action May 1951
- * Gun Gossip, (cl) Real Western Stories February 1954
* ___ Bend the Bow, (cl) Real Western Stories June 1954
* ___ Draw, Damn You, Draw!, (cl) Real Western Stories August 1955
* ___ Guns That Won the West, (cl) Real Western Stories December 1954
- * Guns That Won the West, (ar) Real Western Stories December 1954
- * He Cured His Friend with Poison!, (ar) Famous Detective Stories December 1954
- * He Knew Billy-the-Kid, (ar) Famous Western February 1952
- * He Stole a Crown, (ts) 10-Story Detective Magazine February 1949
- * His Calling Card Had Claws on It, (ss) Action-Packed Western May 1957
- * His Honor Becomes a Fight Promoter, (ar) Ten Story Sports July 1954
- * Holding Up the Deadwood Coach, (ts) Mammoth Western July 1950
- * How Bad Were the Badlands?, (ar) Western Action January 1959
- * How “Daniel Boone Escapes”, (ar) Action-Packed Western September 1954
- * An Indian Chief Speaks, (ar) Double Action Western July 1952
- * Indian Deserters, (ar) Ranch Romances 2nd November 1951
- * Indian Staff of Life, (ar) Triple Western Fall 1955
- * The Inefficient Pirates, (ar) Famous Detective Stories November 1953
- * Injun Sigh, (ar) Action-Packed Western May 1956
- * Inspector Byrnes Gets His Man!, (ar) Famous Detective Stories February 1956
- * The Invisible Error, (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1949
- * Is College Football a Sport?, (ar) All Sports June 1951
- * Ista Uwatse, (ms) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1951
- * Is That the Gun?, (ar) Famous Western April 1957
- * Jayhawkers of 1849, (ar) Famous Western February 1951
- * Jesse James: Female Impersonator, (ts) Popular Western July 1952
- * The Joaquin Murieta Hoax, (ar) Famous Western February 1956
- * Just Dumb, (ar) Famous Detective Stories June 1956
- * Kid Novocaine, (ss) Sports Winners October 1951
- * Kit Carson Remembers, (ar) Action-Packed Western January 1955
- * Know Sports?, (qz) Ten Story Sports October 1952
- * Know Your West, (cl) Famous Western Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1952, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1953, Feb,
Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1954
Feb, Apr, Jun, Oct, Dec 1955, Apr 1956
- * Lances Up!, (ar) Real Western Stories August 1956
- * The Law Wagon:
* ___ The Big, Bad Mr. Sweeney, (cl) Double Action Western January 1949
- * Lessons in Spy Catching, (ss) Black Cat Mystery Magazine #2, 1981
- * Let Live, (ts) Action-Packed Western March 1956
- * Let the Guy Speak, (ar) Today’s Love Stories April 1958
- * Lingo, (ar) Real Western Stories June 1957
- * A Little Pawnee, (ar) Real Western Romances January 1953
- * The Lone Survivor, (ar) Texas Rangers August 1953
- * Mad Scientist, (ar) Ranch Romances 1st October 1951
- * The Mails Go Through, (ar) Complete Cowboy Novel Magazine December 1949
- * The Making of a Private Eye, (ar) Smashing Detective Stories September 1956
- * Marriage and Your Husband’s Friends, (ms) Ideal Love Stories June 1959
- * Medicine Fight, (ar) Real Western Stories August 1951
- * Meet Bear Bruscoe, (ar) Western Action June 1955
- * Meet Big Boy Blackbird, (ar) Western Action June 1953
- * Meet the Great Western Lover, (ar) Real Western Romances July 1956
- * Meet the Real Tom Horn, (ts) Real Western Stories December 1951
- * Meet Tom Higgins: A Real Westerner, (ar) Real Western Stories August 1953
- * The Mistresses of Kit Carson, (ar) Western Romances May 1959
- * Moccasin Markings, (ss) Real Western Stories August 1957
- * The Modern Science of Thief-Taking-A Century Ago, (ar) Smashing Detective Stories March 1955
- * Modoc, to You, (ar) Western Action January 1958
- * Mrs. Holliday, Meet Mrs. Slade, (ar) Mammoth Western August 1950
- * Not Worth While Talking About, (ss) Real Western Stories February 1956
- * Oddities in the Law, (ms) World Wide Detective March 1945
- * Only One Man of the West, (ar) Western Action November 1957
- * Outwitting an Indian, (ar) Mammoth Western April 1950
- * The Overland Emigration of 1849, (ar) Real Western Stories October 1959
- * Pima, to You, (ar) Double Action Western July 1955
- * Play the Horses, Eh?, (ar) Ten Story Sports January 1957
- * The Plot to Steal the West, (ar) Famous Western October 1959
- * The Police Chief Talks About Boxing, (ar) All Sports February 1951
- * The Prince of Dodge City, (ar) Real Western Stories February 1960
- * The Prince of Robbers, (ts) Ten Detective Aces January 1949
- * Private Eye Pioneer, (ts) 10-Story Detective Magazine June 1948
- * Purely Poison, (ar) Famous Detective Stories August 1954
- * Rainy-Weather Death, (pz) Smashing Detective Stories March 1952
- * A Ranger and His Guns, (ar) Action-Packed Western November 1956
- * Range War, (ar) Western Action August 1954
- * The Real West, (cl) Double Action Western May, Nov 1952
- * The Real West, (cl) Real Western Stories Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1952, Apr, Jun 1953, Jun 1955
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