The FictionMags Index
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[]Richardson, Gladwell (1903-1980); used pseudonyms George Blacksnake, Sinclair Bower, Ormand Clarkson, John S. Haines, Calico Jones, Maurice Kildare, Grant Maxwell, Warren O’Riley, Frank Warner & John R. Winslowe (about) (chron.)
- * Above the Rainbow, (sl) Flying Stories May, Jun 1929
- * Al Jennings, Counterfeit Outlaw, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine October 1971, as by Calico Jones
- * Another Man for Boothill, (ss) Texas Rangers March 1937
- * Any Man’s Gold, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine February 1972, as by Maurice Kildare
- * The Apache Who Ravaged the West, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine January 1973
- * The Appaloosa Horses of the Indians, (ar) Popular Western June 1949
- * Arizona’s Second “Superstition” Mine, (ar) New Western Magazine January 1936
- * The Battle at Wounded Knee, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine August 1972, as by John R. Winslowe
- * Beyond Hell’s Gate, (ss) Thrilling Western November 1950
- * Bill Anderson’s Pal, (ss) Under Fire Magazine March 1929
- * Bill Tilghman, Mr. Lawman, (ar) Zane Grey Western Magazine August 1971, as by Maurice Kildare
- * The Bitter Trail to Nowhere, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine October 1972, as by George Blacksnake
- * Blackfeet on the War Trail, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine April 1972, as by Ormand Clarkson
- * Black Mesa’s Padre Mine, (ar) Zane Grey Western Magazine August 1971, as by George Blacksnake
- * The Black Vulture, (nv) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #84, May 1932
- * Blood on the Ute-Mormon Trail, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine April 1973, as by John R. Winslowe
- * Boothill Blacksmith, (ss) Thrilling Western January 1948
- * The Boothill Kid, (na) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #65, October 1930
- * Boots Make the Rider, (ss) Giant Western Fall 1947
- * Brush Country, (ss) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #75, August 1931
- * Buckshot Roberts’ Final Shootout, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine February 1972, as by John S. Haines
- * Bugle in the Dawn, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories July 1948
- * Bugles Before Dawn, (na) Giant Western April 1951
- * Bulldog Kitty’s Bawdy House, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine April 1972, as by Warren O’Riley
- * Buried Hoard of Slender Canyon, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine September 1974
- * Calling Drums, (ss) Sea Stories June 1927
- * The Canyon of Hunted Men, (na) West September 1948
- * Captive Woman, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine June 1974, as by Sinclair Bower
- * Cat on a Cold Lead Balloon, (ss) The Gent April 1963, as by Grant Maxwell
- * The Cattle King, (n.)
- * Cattle Trade, (ss) Triple Western Winter 1948
- * Cave of the Dead, (ar) Ranch Romances 1st March 1949
- * “Chalk ’Em Up!”, (ss) War Novels #14, March 1929
- * Cheyenne Bill, (ss) Double Action Western January 1942, as by John R. Winslowe
- * Chihuahua Brand, (ss) Western Round-Up June 1935
- * Cotton Pickin’ Marshal, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine October 1971
- * The Cowboy’s Boots, (ar) The Rio Kid Western February 1949
- * The Daguerreotyped the West, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine October 1972, as by Frank Warner
- * The Dancing Monkeys’ Gold, (ar) Texas Rangers June 1954
- * Dark Comes the Night, (ss) The Rio Kid Western February 1948
- * Death at Sundown, (ar) Western Digest July 1969, as by Calico Jones
- * The Death Courier, (ss) Golden West Romances October 1949
- * Desert Man, (n.) Ward Lock, 1938
- * Desperado Slade, (ts) Triple Western April 1953
- * The Devil’s Canyon, (ts) Thrilling Western July 1950
- * Devious Roads, (ss) Masked Rider Western October 1948
- * The Dust of the Golden Death, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine April 1973, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Dust on the Sage, (n.) Ward Lock, 1938, as by Ormand Clarkson
- * Every Inch a Champion, (nv) Rodeo Romances February 1947
- * The Fancy Girl Wagon, Traveling Bordello, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine December 1971, as by Warren O’Riley
- * The Fiddler, (ss) Masked Rider Western April 1949
- * Flagstaff Vigilantes, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine June 1974
- * The Flying Kid, (ss) Flight November 1929
- * For the Cause, (ss) Flying Stories March 1929
- * The Frenchtown Loot, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine October 1972, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Frontier Hellion, (ar) Western Digest March 1969, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Gal with a Gun, (ts) Texas Rangers November 1953
- * The Gate to Hell, (ss) Western Round-Up August 1935
- * The Ghost Ship, (ss) Man Stories February 1931
- * Ghost Town Past, (ss) Exciting Western May 1950
- * A Girl of the Roaring West, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine February 1972, as by John R. Winslowe
- * The Goldfields River Boats, (ar) Western Digest March 1969, as by Calico Jones
- * Gold on Music Mountain, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine June 1974, as by Maurice Kildare
- * The Gun Hand, (na) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #77, October 1931
- * Gun Kin, (ss) Texas Rangers December 1949
- * The Gunpuncher, (sl) Lariat Story Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1931
- * Gunsmoke, (ss) Thrilling Western November/December 1949, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Gunsmoke in the Valley, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine April 1973
- * Guns of the Pioneers, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine December 1973, as by John S. Haines
- * Gun Tornado, (na) Western Action January 1950
- * The Hallelujah Spread, (na) Conflict Summer 1933
- * The Haunted Stage, (ss) Thrilling Western July 1948
- * Homicide Trail, (ss) Western Trails June 1948
- * Horses the Cowboys Ride, (ar) Popular Western February 1949
- * The Horses They Rode, (ss) Thrilling Western July 1950, as by John R. Winslowe
- * Hungry River Guns, (na) West January 1948
- * In Spanish Waters, (ss) Navy Stories April 1929
- * The Jerry Picker, (ss) War Stories #47, January 3 1929
- * Judgement Day, (ss) Thrilling Western June 1948
- * The Keg of Gold, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine October 1971, as by Calico Jones
- * The Killer of Kamerun, (n.) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #57, February 1930
- * The King of Hells Gap, (n.) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #82, March 1932
- * King of the Raging Main, (ar) Male August 1951
- * The Lair of the Crying Cougar, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine April 1973, as by Ormand Clarkson
- * Land of Men Unhung, (n.) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #119, May 1935
- * The Laramie City Petticoat Auctions, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine August 1972, as by Warren O’Riley
- * Last of the Navajo Traders, (ar) Western Digest May 1969, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Lead Evens the Score, (ss) Exciting Western May 1948
- * Lone Wolf Sheriff, (ss) Thrilling Western August 1949
- * Lost Gold of the Jumper Mine, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine September 1974, as by Maurice Kildare
- * The Lotus, (ss) Conflict September/October 1934, as by John R. Winslowe
- * The Mad Gunner, (ss) Battle Stories January 1928
- * Major Savage’s Barrels of Gold, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine December 1973, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Marysvale’s Lost Gold, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine January 1973, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Massacre at Cutthroat Gap, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine December 1973, as by Warren O’Riley
- * The Mate of the “Rover”, (ss) Sea Stories December 1927
- * Midnight Bob Rides Again, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine April 1973, as by George Blacksnake
- * Montana’s First Angry Editor, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine October 1972, as by Sinclair Bower
- * Mules Are Always Mules, (ar) Masked Rider Western November 1950
- * The Murdering Fiend, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine December 1973, as by Calico Jones
- * Murder of the Sheepmen, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine June 1972
- * Murder on Christmas Eve, (ar) Zane Grey Western Magazine August 1971, as by John R. Winslowe
- * The Murderous Jim Miller, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine December 1971
- * New Mexico’s Diamond Swindle, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine September 1974, as by John R. Winslowe
- * Night Riders, (n.) Ward Lock, 1939
- * North of Hell Pass, (ss) Complete Cowboy February 1942, as by John R. Winslowe
- * The Notorious Oklahoma Bank Robbers, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine June 1974, as by Frank Warner
- * The Odd Bullet, (ss) Zane Grey Western Magazine August 1970
- * Oklahoma Charley, (ar) Western Digest July 1969, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Old Tascosa’s Outlaw Loot, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine August 1972, as by Maurice Kildare
- * One Came Through, (ss) Thrilling Western June 1949
- * One Head for Five Joaquins, (ar) Zane Grey Western Magazine August 1971, as by Calico Jones
- * The Outlaw of Shadow Mountain, (na) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #61, June 1930
- * The Outlaw of Smoky River, (ss) West July 9 1930
- * Pegleg, Mysterious Outlaw, (ts) Big-Book Western Magazine April/May 1936
- * Pintos and Paint Horses, (ia) Popular Western August 1949
- * Powder Burned to Glory, (ss) Texas Rangers October 1949
- * The Proud Button, (ss) Range Riders Western November 1949
- * Quicksand, (ss) Thrilling Western December 1946
- * Raiders of Moondance River, (n.) Partridge Publications, 1951
- * The Rain God’s Gold, (ss) Popular Western June 1947
- * Range Trail to Romance, (nv) Golden West Romances July 1950
- * The Rep, (ss) Texas Rangers October 1948
- * Ride Alone, (ss) Real Western December 1941, as by John R. Winslowe
- * Rider of the Big Paw, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine January 1973, as by Frank Warner
- * Riders of the Range, (n.) Partridge Publications, 1951
- * Ridin’ Through, (ss) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #70, March 1931
- * Rio Guns, (n.) Ward Lock, 1939, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Robbery at Poker Bend, (na) Thrilling Western January 1952
- * Robbery of the California Express, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine December 1973
- * Rope ’Em Sailor, (ss) World War Stories May 1929
- * The Rowdy of Sunrise Ranch, (nv) Conflict Fall 1933, as by John R. Winslowe
- * Rustlers’ Wrinkle, (ts) Triple Western August 1949
- * Sago Lily, (ss) Western Romances #20, November 1931, as by John R. Winslowe
- * Saguaro Wildcat, (ss) Real Western February 1938
- * Sheriff’s Deputy, (ss) Range Riders Western August 1950
- * Shooting Scrape, (ss) Thrilling Western May 1950
- * Shoot the Man Dead, (ss) Thrilling Western February 1949
- * The Silver Handled Gold Cache, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine April 1972, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Sixes on the Prowl, (ss) Western Yarns January 1938
- * The Smokehouse Quartet, (ss) War Stories #51, February 28 1929
- * Smokepole Road, (nv) Thrilling Western November 1946
- * Sorcerers of the Sands, (ar) Adventure October 1947
- * Spurs, (na) West November 1945
- * Straight Poker Man, (ss) Texas Rangers November 1947
- * The Stumblebum Kid, (ss) Masked Rider Western July 1945
- * A Tar in the Trenches, (ss) Battle Stories #11, July 1928
- * Tears from Hell, (ss) All-Fiction November 1930
- * Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine August 1972, as by Calico Jones
- * The Terror of the Sky, (ss) Flying Stories February 1929
- * Texas Jack, the Notorious Liar, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine December 1971, as by John R. Winslowe
- * Thief River, (n.) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #95, April 1933
- * The Three Mavericks, (na) West February 1947
- * Tonto Basin—The Place That Hell Forgot, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine February 1972
- * El Torreon, (ss) Masked Rider Western December 1947
- * The Treasure at Chavez Pass, (ts) Zane Grey Western Magazine June 1972, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Trouble in Aguila, (ss) Thrilling Western April 1947
- * The Truth About Lost Mines and Treasures, (ar) Zane Grey Western Magazine December 1971, as by Maurice Kildare
- * Two Guns at Sundown, (ss) Thrilling Western March 1947
- * Two Guns for Arizona, (na) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #73, June 1931
- * Utah, (na) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #102, December 1933
- * Wagons West of the Pecos, (ss) The Rio Kid Western October 1947
- * War Horse Range, (n.) Ward Lock, 1937, as by John R. Winslowe
- * Waterhole Law, (nv) Masked Rider Western April 1947
- * West of the Town, (ss) Texas Rangers April 1948
- * Wet Blanket Branding, (ts) Thrilling Western November/December 1949
- * White Horse Mesa, (n.) Ward Lock, 1941, as by Ormand Clarkson
- * The Winner, (ss) Rodeo Romances Summer 1950
- * Yesterday’s Champion, (ss) Western Rodeo Romances Winter 1951
- * The Ysabella Horses, (ar) Popular Western April 1949
- * Zane Grey in Arizona, (ar) Zane Grey Western Magazine April 1972
- * Zane Grey’s Arizona Adventures, (ar) Zane Grey Western Magazine August 1972
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