The FictionMags Index
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[]Ester, R(otimi) T. (fl. 2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * After Stasis, (ss) IZ Digital October 1 2024
- * Anais Gets a Turn, (nv) Clarkesworld #196, January 2023
- * The Building Across the Street, (ss) Interzone #294, January 2023
- * Meddling Fields, (ss) Clarkesworld #186, March 2022
- * The Moon Eel Bennett in Conversation with the Astronaut Who Came Back for It, (ss) IZ Digital March 13 2023
- * Rake the Leaves, (ss) Clarkesworld #199, April 2023
- * Sleeping Arrangements, (ss) IZ Digital April 18 2024
- * Slight Forms, (ss) Clarkesworld #191, August 2022
[]Estes, Eleanor (Ruth Rosenfeld) (1906-1988) (chron.)
- * The Ghost in the Attic, (ss) from The Moffats, Harcourt Brace, 1941
- * The Hundred Dresses, (ex) Harcourt Brace, 1944
- * A Letter from Santa Claus [The Moffats], (ex) from The Middle Moffat, Harcourt Brace & World, 1942
- * Rufus M. [The Moffats], (ex) Harcourt Brace & World, 1943
[]Estes, Harlow (Wilson) (1900-1987) (chron.)
- * Alone Too Long, (ss) Redbook Magazine March 1942
- * Hildreth—Her Story, (sl) Redbook Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1940
- * I’m Going to Start Looking for Someone, (ss) Redbook August 1944
- * In Less Than Three Days, (na) Redbook Magazine September 1941
- * Love Is to Be Shared, (ss) Redbook May 1947
- * Never Bargain with Fate, (na) Redbook November 1948
- * No Matter What Happens, (ss) Redbook August 1943
- * Remember Me, (nv) Redbook Magazine July 1941
- * Second Fiddle to Sicily, (ss) Love Story Magazine August 23 1930
- * So Joined, (na) Redbook July 1946
- * To Give Back Her Illusions, (nv) Redbook Magazine May 1942
- * We Accept with Pleasure, (ss) Redbook March 1945
- * Yes Is a Little Word, (na) Redbook April 1943
- * You’ll Never Be Lonely, (ss) Redbook July 1944
[]Estes, Irving (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * The Busher Has His Fling, (ss) Chicago Ledger July 6 1918
- * Camouflage on Ice, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1917
- * Eyes Right!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1918
- * In the Know, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1918
- * The “Nearest Friend”, (ss) Chicago Ledger September 14 1918
- * The Pinch Hitter, (ss) Chicago Ledger August 17 1918
- * The Thirteenth Opal, (sl) Chicago Ledger Sep 21, Sep 28, Oct 5 1918
- * Uncle Ezra’s Promise, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1919
- * When Hank Hit Home, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 1/February 15 1920
[]Estes, O(scar) G., Jr. (1920-1986) (chron.)
- * Classics of Fantasy: A Martian Odyssey, (ar) The Fanscient Fall 1949
- * Classics of Fantasy: The Worm Ouroboros, (ar) The Fanscient Spring 1949 [Ref. E. R. Eddison]
- * Illustration for Proxima Centauri, (il) The Fanscient Spring 1949
- * Little Johnny, (vi) Fantasy Book #2, February 1948
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Fanscient Fll 1948, Fll 1949
- * [letter from Richmond, KY], (lt) Astounding Stories January 1932
- * [letter from Texas], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries Apr, Oct 1947
[]Esteven, John; pseudonym of Samuel Shellabarger (1888-1954) (chron.)
- * Blind Man’s Night, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1937
- * Death Rides This Road, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1937
- * Devil of Dunbar, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 1937
- * The Door of Death, (n.) Century, 1928
- * The Five Sisters, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1936
- * Graveyard Watch, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1936
- * Murder Madness, (na) Mystery February 1935
- * Voodoo, (ss) Star Novels Quarterly #1, Fall 1931
[]Estleman, Loren D. (1952- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * “30”, (ar) Mystery Writers Annual #37, 1983
- * Admit One [Valentino], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 2014
- * The Adventure of the Arabian Knight [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Murder in Baker Street ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jon L. Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower, Carroll & Graf, 2001
- * The Adventure of the Coughing Dentist [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) Sherlock Holmes in America ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jon L. Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower, Skyhorse Publishing, 2009
- * The Adventure of the Greatest Gift [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) More Holmes for the Holidays ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jon L. Lellenberg & Carol-Lynn Waugh, Berkley, 1999
- * The Adventure of the Plated Spoon [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) The Adventure of the Plated Spoon and Other Tales of Sherlock Holmes ed. Loren D. Estleman, Tyrus Books, 2014
- * The Adventure of the Three Ghosts [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) Holmes for the Holidays ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jon L. Lellenberg & Carol-Lynn Waugh, Berkley, 1996
- * The Alchemist, (ss) How the West Was Read, Vol. 1 ed. Robert Randisi, Durkin-Hayes Audio, 1996
- * Always Holmes, (in) The Adventure of the Plated Spoon and Other Tales of Sherlock Holmes ed. Loren D. Estleman, Tyrus Books, 2014
- * Amos and Me, (in) Amos Walker: The Complete Story Collection, Tyrus Books, 2010
- * Amos Walker: The Complete Story Collection [Amos Walker], (co) Tyrus Books, 2010
- * The Angel of Santa Sofia, (ss) The Best Western Stories of Loren D. Estleman, Swallow Press, 1989
- * The Anniversary Waltz [Amos Walker], (ss) The Mysterious Press Anniversary Anthology, Mysterious Press, 2001
- * Bad Blood, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July 1986
- * The Bandit, (ss) The Best of the West ed. Joe R. Lansdale, Doubleday, 1986
- The Best Western Stories of Loren D. Estleman, Swallow Press, 1989
- The Mammoth Book of the Western ed. Jon E. Lewis, Carroll & Graf, 1991
- The Golden Spurs ed. Dale L. Walker, Tor, 1991
- Great Stories of the American West ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jove, 1996
- The Mammoth Book of Westerns ed. Jon E. Lewis, Robinson, 2013
- * Beds and Bullets: Sex and Violence in the Western Novel, (ar) The Roundup Quarterly 1988
- * The Best Western Stories of Loren D. Estleman, (co) Swallow Press, 1989 ; edited by Martin H. Greenberg & Bill Pronzini
- * Big Band [The Four Horsemen], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2012
- * The Black Spot [Peter Macklin], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2015
- * Blond and Blue [Amos Walker], (nv) The New Black Mask No.4 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, HBJ, 1986
- * Bloody July [Amos Walker], (nv) The New Black Mask Quarterly No.1 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, HBJ, 1985
- * Bodyguards Shoot Second [Amos Walker], (nv) A Matter of Crime, Vol. 1 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, Harvest, 1987
- * The Bog, (ss) Wild Crimes ed. Dana Stabenow, Signet, 2004
- * Bombshell [Valentino], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2003
- * The Boy Who Cried Wolfe [Claudius Lyon & Arnie Woodbine], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2008
- * Cabana, (ss) The Armchair Detective Spring 1990
- * The Cat King of Cochise County, (nv) Louis L’Amour Western Magazine January 1995
- * Channeling Holmes [Sherlock Holmes], (ar) Ghosts in Baker Street ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jon Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower, Carroll & Graf, 2006
- * Chicago Lightning [The Four Horsemen], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2021
- * Cigarette Shop [Amos Walker], (ss) Justice for Hire ed. Robert J. Randisi, Mysterious Press, 1990
- * The Crooked Way [Amos Walker], (nv) A Matter of Crime, Vol. 3 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, Harvest, 1988
- The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1989 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1989
- P.I. Files ed. Loren D. Estleman & Martin H. Greenberg, Ivy, 1990
- Dark Crimes ed. Ed Gorman, Carroll & Graf, 1991
- The Eyes Still Have It ed. Robert J. Randisi, Dutton, 1995
- Amos Walker: The Complete Story Collection, Tyrus Books, 2010
- * Curve, (nv) More Stories from the Twilight Zone ed. Carol Serling, Tor, 2010
- * Dark Lady Down [Valentino], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1998
- * The Day Hollywood Stood Still [Valentino], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 2001
- * Deadly Force [Amos Walker], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1992
- * Dead Soldier [Amos Walker], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine mid September 1982
- * Death in a Blue Steel Case: The Gun in Detective Fiction, (ar) Mystery Magazine July 1982
- * The Death of Dutch Creel, (ss)
- * Death Without Parole [The Four Horsemen], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine October 2010
- * The Devil and Sherlock Holmes [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Ghosts in Baker Street ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jon Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower, Carroll & Graf, 2006
- * Diminished Capacity, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1982
- * Director’s Cut [Valentino], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1998
- * Dr. and Mrs. Watson at Home [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) 1984
- * Dogs [Amos Walker], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1987
- * Double Whammy [Amos Walker], (ss) Mary Higgins Clark Mystery Magazine Fall 1998
- * Eight Mile and Dequindre [Amos Walker], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1985
- * The Elevator Man [The Four Horsemen], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 2012
- * Evil Grows, (nv) Flesh & Blood ed. Max Allan Collins & Jeff Gelb, Mysterious Press, 2001
- * Fast Burn [Amos Walker], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1983
- * Fedoras and Flourishes: The State of the Private-Eye Art, (in) P.I. Files ed. Loren D. Estleman & Martin H. Greenberg, Ivy, 1990
- * Flora Obscura, (iv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 2009 [Ref. Fletcher Flora]
- * The Frankenstein Footage [Valentino], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1998
- * Garbo Writes [Valentino], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 2007
- * General Murders [Amos Walker], (co) Houghton Mifflin, 1988
- * Get Sinatra [The Four Horsemen], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 2010
- * GI Jack, (ss) The Big Book of Jack the Ripper ed. Otto Penzler, Black Lizard, 2016
- * Greed [Valentino], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 2002
- * Greektown [Amos Walker], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1983
- General Murders, Houghton Mifflin, 1988
- The Mammoth Book of Private Eye Stories ed. Bill Pronzini & Martin H. Greenberg, Robinson, 1988
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Anthology #25, Summer 1988
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Home Sweet Homicide ed. Cathleen Jordan, Walker US, 1991
- A Century of Mystery 1980-1989: The Greatest Stories of the Decade ed. Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini, MJF Books, 1996
- Amos Walker: The Complete Story Collection, Tyrus Books, 2010
- * Gun Music [Philip Marlowe], (ss) Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe ed. Byron Preiss, Knopf, 1988
- * The Hack, (ss) Deals with the Devil ed. Mike Resnick, Martin H. Greenberg & Loren D. Estleman, DAW, 1994
- * Hangman’s Choice, (nv) Stagecoach ed. Ed Gorman & Martin Harry Greenberg, Berkley, 2003
- * A Hatful of Ralph, (ss) Flesh & Blood: Guilty as Sin ed. Max Allan Collins & Jeff Gelb, Mysterious Press, 2003
- * Hell on the Draw, (ss) The New Frontier ed. Joe R. Lansdale, Doubleday, 1989
- * Hostage to Hollywood, (pr) Valentino: Film Detective, Crippen & Landru, 2011
- * How’s My Driving?, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2008
- * I’m in the Book [Amos Walker], (ss) Mean Streets ed. Robert J. Randisi, Mysterious Press, 1986
- * I, Monster, (ss) The Ultimate Frankenstein ed. Byron Preiss, David Keller, Megan Miller & John Gregory Betancourt, Dell, 1991
- * Introduction, (in) People Who Kill, Mystery Scene Press, 1993
- * Introduction: The New Westward Expansion, (in) American West ed. Loren D. Estleman, Forge, 2001
- * Iron Dollar, (ss) Tin Star ed. Robert J. Randisi, Berkley, 2000
- * Iron Heart’s Story, (ss) New Trails ed. John Jakes & Martin H. Greenberg, Doubleday, 1994
- * John D. MacDonald, (bg) Mystery Scene Reader ed. Edward Gorman, Fedora, 1987 [Ref. John D. MacDonald]
- * Kate, (ex) from Bloody Season, Bantam, 1988
- * Kill the Cat [Amos Walker], (nv) Detroit Noir ed. E. J. Olsen & John C. Hocking, Akashic Books, 2007
- * Lady on Ice [Amos Walker], (ss) A Hot and Sultry Night for Crime ed. Jeffery Deaver, Berkley, 2003
- * The Latin Beat [The Four Horsemen], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 2008
- * The List [Valentino], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 2010
- * Lock, Stock, and Casket, (ss) Pulpsmith Summer 1982
- * Mago’s Bride, (ss) Westeryear ed. Ed Gorman, M. Evans, 1988
- * Major Crimes [Amos Walker], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1986
- * The Man in the White Hat [Valentino], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1999
- * The Man Who Loved Noir [Amos Walker], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine February 1991
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