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Book Contents Lists: Page 775

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    The Involuntary Human by David Gerrold (NESFA Press, February 2007, 978-1-886778-68-9, $27.00, 477pp, hc, co, cover by Gary A. Lippincott)
        Collection of 14 stories, one original; three novel excerpts, one from the unfinished sixth book in The War Against the Chtorr series; an unproduced and previously unpublished script for Star Trek: The Next Generation; limericks; quotes from “Solomon Short”; and discussions of the writing of each piece by Gerrold. Introduction by Spider Robinson. Published for Gerrold’s appearance as GoH at Boskone 44. This is a signed edition; a signed, slipcased edition (-69-6, $45.00) is also available.

    Wine of Battle by Phil Geusz (Legion Publishing, August 2011, 978-0-9829866-2-2, $9.99, 288pp, tp, oc)
        Original collection of nine stories, some previously published online.
    Details taken from online listing.

    The Book of Dreams ed. Nick Gevers (Subterranean Press, January 2010, 978-1-59606-284-9, $20.00, 125pp, hc, oa, cover by J. K. Potter)
        Original anthology of five stories involving dreams. Illustrated by J.K. Potter. Authors are Robert Silverberg, Jay Lake, Lucius Shepard, Kage Baker, and Jeffrey Ford. A limited edition of 200 signed by all contributors except Baker ($45.00) is also available.
    Details taken from online listing.

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